To The Last Breath

by Thunderbird Resurrection

Chapter 2:.....Five Year's Later....

The throne room of Canterlot was in ruin's, there standing next to the vault where the element's were stood the queen and her Changelings. "What are you waiting for! Open it!" She barked the order, making the Changeling's work harder.

"Queen, we have somepony here that could, aid us." Another Changeling said, throwing A badly injured soldier on the ground.

"Well now, what A wonderful present." Chrysalis said coldly. She made the guard look up with her hoof. "Now, open it."

"You, idiot." The guard began to laugh. "Only the princess could open it! If your not royal blood, don't even bother."

"Oh, really." The queen said, making the guard gulp. The queen turned into Celestia and placed the horn into the socket. In no time a powerful surge of electricity passed through her body. She let out a high pitch yelp before falling to the ground.

"Told ya, Queenie." The guard laughed some more. The queen had has enough of the guard, she give's the signal. With no hesitation the large Changeling steps on the guards back and rams the jagged arm into the guards throat before retracting it. The guard died there.

"Give me, Celestia's horn." She turns to the many Changelings. "Now." She said flatly. The others didn't need to be told twice they flew to where Celestia's body was. The queen looked at the door and smirked. "Nothing is going to stop me from ruling this kingdom with an iron hoof." With that, she laughed evily.

Five Years Later...

Dear journel,

I have no idea how it became five year's that quickly, but we are under the leadership of Luna. Further more, Spike's growth spirt happened right on que, like the dragon said. Three years ago he grew as tall as Princess Luna. It was amazing. The dragons helped us build the huts and homes that we live in now.
I just hope we all make it through this. We lost allot, I still can't stop thinking about that surge that happened the day after the dragons took us in. Look at me I'm starting to go crazy, nothing happened, it was nothing. Well I better see how the others are doing, till next time I write in the booklet.

~Twilight Sparkle, assisstant of Luna

Twilight placed the small book under her pillow, she had made it with scrap. Twilight was older, her coat changed from lavender to a lighter purpler. She sighed and trotted out of the hut. "Morning AJ, how are you?" She asked her friend who was leaning on a wood pillar. There was a sign on it that said 'Welcome to New Ponyville'.

"Nothing much, you?" Said the cowmare.

"You know same stuff every day." She closed her eye's and looked at the small camp. "Can't believe its been five years."

"Ah' know, it feels like such A short while." Applejack stopped leaning against the pillar and said. "Well, ah' gotta get me some of that grub they brought in." AJ said licking her lips.

"Hold one, have you seen Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Ya mean, the magic finger's? Ya' he's up there with Prometheus." She said pointing at the hill.

"Thank you." Said Twilight as she continued up the hill.

Up the hill Prometheus was teaching Spike how to use his powers. "Okay, concentrate on the boulder." She said, Spike looked different. His scales gotten darker and were now completely black, his spines were red, his eyes took the form of an adult dragon, and he had white spots on the tip of his fingers, also to top it off he lost the baby fat and was packing muscle's that will make even Big Mac jealous.

Spike took a deep breath and held his hand out in front of the boulder. He positioned his hand as if he were grabbing something and with one quick collide with his fingers the boulder started to crush. He closed his fingers with hase and the boulder blew up into chuncks. "Is that better?" He asked, his voice was deeper now.

"Yes allot." Prometheus said with A smile. "You'd make a great leader someday."

"Thanks, I don't leave my dragon brothers hanging." He chuckled, he was still the old Spike, but only allot bigger.

"Spike!" Twilight called out. Spike turned and seen his friend.

"Hey Twilight!" The purple unicorn rushed up. Spike picked her up and gave her A hug. "I'm happy you made it."

"I think we are done for today, go hang out with your friends Spike." The big dragon said chuckling, before he took off for the Spire.

"Well it's great to see you like to visit." Spike said with a sigh. "Where's Rarity?"

"Inside her hut, you want to meet her?"

"Sure, I could use a break." Spike concetrated and not long after, two long dragon wings appeared on his back. "Need a ride?"

"I don't think so... WOAH!" She screamed as Spike picked her up and started to fly. "That was A cheap move!" She shouted while the dragon landed down. He let go of her, Twilight turned and smacked the dragon. "Don't you ever do that to me Spike!"

"Jeez, sorry Twilight." Spike said with a smirk. His two wings retracted back into him as he yawned. She looked at the tent that Rarity was in, then smiled.

Rarity was inside taling with her sister Sweetie Belle. "Now listen Sweetie, I taught you all you need to know abou magic, now practice on some of the boulders outside the camp." Sweetie Belle nodded and trotted out.

"Hey." Spike said who was leaning against the wood pillar holding the tent in place.

"Hello, darling." Rarity replied.

"How's it been?" Spike asked. He walked up to Rarity and gave her A hug, she broke the hug and pecked him on the lips. Spike couldn't help but hold back A smile. "I missed you." Spike cooed.

"I'm doing fine, I missed you to." She said going in for another kiss. They broke the kiss and Spike looked back outside.

"Have you told her yet?" Spike said.

"Who, Sweetie Bell? No I havn't talked to her yet." Rarity replied. "You think she's ready to know about us? We have been together for three years now."

"You can tell her, when your ready." Spike looked at Rarity with a smile and hugged her. They were cut sort by somepony saying 'Someponies coming this way!' Spike looked outside. "I have to go, honey. Be back soon." With that he flew out and onto the hill.

Spike looked out and seen A Pegasus coming this way. It was wearing full golden Lunar army armor and he looked badly injured. He had cut slashes across his armor, and blood was dripping out of it. The Pegasus collapsed. "Shit." He muttered to himself as he flew at the pony. He picked it up and looked at it. He started to walk back. "Lay down your arms! He isn't a Changeling!" Shouted the dragon.

The ponies allowed the dragon and the injured ony to pass through, Fluttershy opened up her medical station and allowed them to pass as well. He placed the pony on a bed and heard him breath slightly. The dragon took off the helmet hiding his face and revealed the pony to have a light grey coat, with A blue and red mane.

"Fluttershy! Try to tend to his wounds! Somepony get Twilight in here with the healing herbs! We need to work fast now!" The dragon shouted orders. Everypony nodded and went off to do these tasks.

No time later, Twilight comes in and see's the pony. "Oh my." She said quickly, she rushes up with the herbs. "How long has he been out?"

" A couple minute's, why?" Asked Spike.

"We can still save him, he isn't gone just yet." Fluttershy helped by putting alcahol on the cuts on the Pegasus, Twilight places bandages on the wings where most of the damage took place.

"Is, he going to be alright?" Fluttershy asked looking at the Pegasus.

"He'll be alright, Spike you saved his life." Twilight smiled at the dragon.

"How?" Asked Spike.

"If you didn't acted fast, he probably wouldn't had made it." Twilight hugged Spike. "I'm still mad at you for earlier." Twilight whispered breaking the hug.

Spike smirked and replied. "Stop being serious for once Twi." With that he gave a friendly punch to her shoulder.

Before he said anything else the ponies eye's slowly opened. "What's going on?" He said weakly. He gave everypony A glare before continueing. "Where are my men?"

"This Pegasus must be from fort Alicorn, it's not to far from here." Spike chipped in.

"No, I'm from the frozen north. I took A underground tunnel to the fort. We lost communication's with them over four months ago." The Pegasus said through pained gasps.

"What brance are you?" Twilight asked.

"Commander, I am part of the Lunar Army." The Pegasus said. "My name is Rezurection by the way, and thanks for treating me. Can't tell you what kind of snobs I had to deal with in my guard years." He got up, he let out A grunt.

"You should rest." Fluttershy said to Rez. The Pegasus looked at her hoof and looked back at the pink maned Pegasus.

"What's your name?" He said.

"Fluttershy." She replied.

"Well, thank you for your help Fluttershy." Fluttershy smiled and nodded. "I don't think I'm in no shape to fight. Those bastards did a number on me." He said to everypony else.

"You asked 'bout yer' men, what do ya mean by that?" Applejack spoke up.

"I.." Rez tried to hold back tears. "I managed to go there, with ten other soldiers. We needed to get something from the fort. An artifact that we stole from the Changelings, five years ago. A soldier of ours, Iron Will, managed to throw it out the window of the castle before the Changelings finished him off. We waited for the rest of those day's, we placed it somewhere that we thought the Changelings would never look, inside the bubble. The fort was the first choice, and best. Nopony has ever been there, because it is A screaming death trap."

"Then, why put it there?" Applejack said.

"You think any sane pony or Changeling would ever go there?" He glared at Twilight. "I know you, your one of the Elements." The purple unicorn nodded. "That's good! In legend the only one that could use the artifact against evil is an Element of Harmony."

"So what are you saying?" Asked Spike.

"As long as your alive we can get the artifact and use it against the Changelings!" Shouted Rez, he sighed in relief.

"What artifact is it?" Said A confused Spike.

"I probably may know." The others turned and seen A light pink alicron.

"Cadance?" Said Twilight.

"I know what you may be talking about." She continued. "The artifact that you described, is the heart of forever love. It gives the Changelings an unlimited supply of there food. That's why they killed your friend Twilight. They don't need it if what they seek is in the door where the elements are stored. But they can't just activate it, they had to sacrifice allot of ponies to power it. Which they did when they ramsacked the other towns."

"So if they have something that powerful then that means.."

"Armeggedon will rise up. They will be unstoppible." The Pegasus said cutting the lavender pony off.

"We're doomed." Twilight muttered.

"Not at all, havn't ye forggoten." The ponies in the room looked back and seen Princess Luna. " You have Alicorns, and A whole dragon army by our side." Luna said looking at Rez. "Ah! Commander Rez. It is so great to see you again. My son."

"Wait! Son!?" The ponies in the room gasped.

Five years ago

"Celestia's horn, your highness." The Changeling bowed giving Celestias horn to the queen.

"Excellent!" She said smiling. She turned and stuck the horn in the socket. Colors of all kinds formed as the door opened and revealed the inside of the chamber. There were two boxes, one A small one, and the other A big one. She levitated it and opened it. The box opened and revealed an artifact, it was brightly colored and was flat. On it displayed two ponies Mare and Stallion. It had some old scripture on it, revealing it to be more then A century ago.

She grabbed it and licked her lips with A sadistic smile creeping on her face. "Finally, the heart is mine!" The Changelings bowed. The Changeling queen flew out of the castle with it and seen the cowering ponies, she shot glances at each one. "I don't need these fools anymore, kill them." The Changelins started to sink there bladed arms into the backs of the ponies, one by one were executed. She chuckled abit enjoying thier pain.

"What now, your highness?" Said one Changeling.

"Despose of the bodies, I don't want them to make the place smell. And don't get blood everywhere." With that command the Changelings saluted and were off. She looked at the artifact and smiled. She went to the top of the castle and took out a staff. Placeing the artifact on it A strong surge of energy flowed through the staff and the Changeling queen. Whe the surge stopped, the artifact was glowing on top. "Yes, phase two of my plan is complete. Nothing can stop me now." With that she laughed.

Continues from Chapter 3....