//------------------------------// // Hey you! READ THIS FIRST! (Old and expired update) // Story: Unforgiven Winter // by Rambo //------------------------------// #PJSalt I have decided to do this because i'm a choch. I will only be publishing the GOOD side of the story (Redemption) because I don't want to start off season 3 with a moody ending if you decide to choose the bad ending which by the way... is pretty.... :'( I just now finished writing the epilogue to it which means 2 chapters right there on the spot! I will most likely just accompany Retribuiton with the epilogue already written in because of how much shorter it is than Redemption. November 10th, season 3 comes in and I got my M60 ready to blast some holes in the roof! Here's a fun fact! The story was completed on October 21st (Good and Bad) but I had some pretty horrible events happen to me in late September, so that delayed my writing AND also Resident Evil 6. I'll be sure to get the bad ending up and running ONCE all the fics about "King Somber" and all that are out of the way. Everyone else remember how fast the Chrysalis fics poured in? Publishing bad endings once the things have died down, don't know about you but I PERSONALLY can't wait for the Somber fics! (Not) November 30th Everything above the line was written 2 or 3 days before Season 3 aired, so if you're reading this thing and you're confused as to what all that means, it was just an update I made before I released "Redemption".