Blaze Keeper, Adventurer Extraordinaire

by TTTedi


Greetings, I am Blaze Keeper, the protector of my family’s eternal flame that has been passed down through my family for generations. It is important for me to protect, but I guess I don't really need to watch it to much, I mean it can't be put out... ever. I mean I guess you could if you really tired, I mean take away all the air or something drastic like that but who cares that much. So I am writing this part down because, thought I trust him, I do want to part of this to be written by the actual and amazing Blaze Keeper. I have ventured from the one end of Equestria to the other. I have seen what few ponies could come near imagining. I have always had two goals when I go out. One is the most important part of my adventuring, finding strange artifacts that do strange things. The second is something I have yearned for. I have come so close, so many times... I want to live forever. Never age and be strong for the rest of my life. The only thing that could top that is if I become a regenerating super pony or something along the lines of being indestructible at the same time living forever and being young.
As for description I am a devilishly handsome stallion in the prime of his life, and if its up to me I will stay like this. I have a blood red, kinda scarlet coat. I also have two curved horns that end points toward the sky. I wasn't born like this, it is just a constant of the choices I have made through life, a good example is that I have no cutie mark and will never receive one. That is for another time though, this is just a quick type of intro. Continuing with my description, I will never be seen without my suit. I never worry about its condition because I can always fix it. I wear a black bowler hat, to match the suit. My horns poke through the rim, can be a small inconvenience but I have gotten used to it. I occasionally carry what amounts to be a spotty gray bag with a closed eye in the middle of it. It only opens when it is highly stressed out. My mane used be a light orange, but is now a an even darker red than my coat. I am a proper stallion and wear gold rimmed, round, glasses. Not because my vision is bad but, yet again, don't want to ruin the surprise. I like to keep everything I write or live interesting. My mane looks like a solid red flame. It used to look like real fire when the wind blew it about but that was before... my life changed forever. Blaze put down his fountain pen and looked over what he wrote. He folded it and put it in his breast pocket. He stood up and made his way from his office to his work room and began to tinker about all throughout the morning. Today was different, today he told his story.
“Jenkins, did I ever tell you about the time I scaled the royal castle?” Blaze asked while he worked on a pile scrap metal. The metal on the table was varied in size, shape, and material.
Clacking of dishes were heard as a pony dressed in a overly fancy red suit trotted into the room. He carried a tray holding two cups with his horn and fixed his bow tie with his hoofs. “Yes sir, you have.” He said with his raspy voice. The butler was an older pony, at least by looks. Not even Blaze new how old this butler actually was. He found Jenkins in a collapsing castle in the middle of the desert. He was wearing ancient garb that, at the time, was probably as expensive as the current suit he is wearing at this very moment. But that is a story for a different time.
Blaze looked up from his pile of metal. “Jenkins, can you try and figure out how to rebuild Sprocket?” Blaze got up from his stool and walked up toward his ancient butler. He grabbed a cup off of the tray and walked into the hallway toward his bathroom. He got halfway there before he remembered what he wanted to do today. He turned around and went back into the room.
“Jenkins, I remembered today you will need to make a large pot of.... what ever drink you make that I like.” Blaze stopped in surprise at what he saw. Jenkins was putting the final touches on Sprocket. Sprocket was Blaze's cat. He found Sprockets metallic husk in a abandoned house outside the husk of Apple Loosa, but that is a story for a another time.
“Sir, I have finished with the task you assigned me with.” Jenkins closed a hatch located on Sprockets head and the steampunk felines eyes lite up in dim golden glow. The sound of turning gears and a gentle squeak was a welcome sound to Blazes ears. Sprocket had been recently been been torn to bits by a group of timber wolfs.
Blaze smiled as Sprocket jumped onto his back and meowed with a screech. Most people would hate this sound but him and Sprocket had been through a lot. “Good to have you back. That is my favorite part of you little guy. You can break and get smashed but all we have to do is rebuild you and find you a new power source.” Blaze cringed as Sprockets blade like claws dug into his back as the cat ran down the hall clanking with every step.
The butler saw a small amount of blood starting to form around the wounds left by the curious over energized cat. He pulled out a small white cloth from his breast pocket and wiped up the blood. “Sir would you like me to get you a bandage?”
“No, I am fine J. But as I was saying, today I need you to take notes. I am going to tell you my life story today for I am going out adventuring again for the first time in years. I am closer than ever before to finding what I want and I finally found a group that I think can handle the journey.” Blaze waved his butler to follow him. The two well dressed ponies walked out into the main room of Blaze's underground home. The fire place in the middle of the room was burning hot and supplied a large amount of the light in the room. Blaze glanced at the fire then chuckled to himself. To think, that has been burning for longer than me or my father, the eternal flame of our family, the symbol of our heritage. Blaze turned to his trusty butler. “Alright J. do you have everything you need?” Blaze asked as he sat down on his throne that was in his houses main room. It had skulls etched in the handles and golden accents.
The butler took out a pen and note pad from his tailed coat and prepared to receive a lot of information. Blaze cleared his throat and settled in. “I guess I should start from.... hold that thought.” Blaze stood up and grabbed an a foggy glass orb from an end table and sat back down. “I guess I can tell AND show you.” Blaze took the orb and raised it above his head then he forced it to the ground with all his might. The orb grew a slight crack and and the glass became clear instead of foggy. It looked as it the cloudiness from the orb flowed around the two stallions. “Well I would like to start from the beginning but me being born is not important... well you can just write down when I was born and then start actually taking notes from when my story actually begins.” Blaze smiled as he watched his amazing butler jot down his date of birth at a speed unseen by Blaze. What can't you do you old stallion, what can't you do.
“Alright, I guess it all started when I was ten.” The smoke around the ponies started to change shape and color and formed into a copy of what Blaze remembered. The butler stood up and walked out of the smoke and Blaze gave him a glare. It was unlike him to disobey orders. Rustling of an assortment of items assaulted Blazes ears. What are you doing old man?
Jenkins walked back into the smoke and handed Blaze a ring. It was one of the first things Blaze brought back to his home, after Jenkins of course. The ring of enhanced memories, or at least that what Blaze called it, would really help. “I see Jenkins, I really shouldn't doubt you.” Blaze slid on the ring and the smoke turned into a photo realistic representation of Blazes memories, almost as if they were both there. “Alright J., just watch the smoke and write down what you see.”