Dr Sheldon Cooper goes to Equestria

by Lancelot

The Pony Anomaly

The warm orange glow of the setting sun traversed the peaceful, Pasadena streets below. The avenue was almost deserted, with most of the residents fleeing the sweltering outdoor heat, into the cool, refreshing shelter of their air-conditioned homes. A midst the urban jungle, two opportunistic avian stood perched atop a nearby telephone mast.

Their sharp, attentive eyes, scoured the neighboring houses and apartment blocks, analyzing the complex for the all too familiar weakness that came with hot weather: open windows.

They were done with the occasional breadcrumb that littered the sidewalk - they were hunting big game now, and it was the perfect weather for it. Everyone knows the towering, refrigerated vault is where they keep all the tasty stuff.

There was always risk involved, of course. That just made it more thrilling. However, there were boundaries, certain precautions that had to be taken. Apartment 4A for example. A strict no-fly zone, infamously known among feathered fledglings for the nutcase who lives there.

They could hear him right now. Such an obnoxious voice emitting from a living creature was unfathomable, and quite hard to escape. Despite complete lack of language comprehension, they could tell he was an idiot. Other humans avoided him, and those who remained in his company always looked distressed, then relieved once they had finally escaped.

Yet, his window hung wide open, almost mockingly inviting those brave enough to dare enter his realm, and claim his delicious bounty. It was almost certainly a trap, though, an alluring one at that.

Still, maybe they could pull it off. It was a rather extravagant undertaking with no promise of reward. But if they do pull it off, and make it out alive - loot intact - well, they'd be deemed heroes; the uncontested scavenging champions.

The temptation proved too much, and after a momentary squawking debate, the two took flight, surreptitious gliding towards the intimidating entrance of their target's window.

Lo and behold, there he was. Situated in his usual spot on the couch, he waved around his arms hysterically, like a madman. His irksome expression amused them, frantically shaking his head in disagreement of whatever it was he, and his compatriots were discussing.

Unfortunately, time was of the essence. Their position atop the windowsill would be compromised if they lingered any longer, and they only had one shot at this.

It was now or never.

* * *

"Come on, Sheldon. I really don't think it's a big deal."

"Excuuuuuuse me? I think you'll find this is indeed a big deal, in fact, I'd go as far as saying that this is a deal of such gargantuan proportions - that if it were a physical agglomeration of matter, it would have it's own gravitational pull. "

"You're overreacting-"

"Tell me this, Leonard; was the sacking of Rome not a big deal? Was Einstein's theory of Relativity not a big deal? Are you next going to proclaim to me, that perhaps, the invention of the wheel was not a big deal, either?"

"Okay, we get it Sheldon. None of us like Lucas leaving Star Wars but who knows, Disney have a good track record, just look at their recent IPs..."

"Oh my god, I love Disney!" interjected Penny, her eyes glued to her iPhone, the faint sound of Angry Birds emitted from it's built-in speakers. "Has anyone here seen Toy Story 3? That movie is so cute! The ending made me cry, though."

"Well, Penny, as beguilingly captivating as your emotions during a children's film are; I don't recall personally inviting you to participate in our current discussion - which, might I add, is about Star Wars, so unless you have any worthwhile insight - which you don't - then I implore you to please refrain from attempting to contribute."

"Hey!" protested Penny. "Me and my nephew used to play LEGO Star Wars all the time, I beat all the levels and everything. That's gotta be worth some serious nerd cred, right?"

"Nerd cred?" sneered Sheldon, leaning forwards atop his spot on the couch. "If you're seeking recognition from anybody in this room, go and play through Knights of the Old Republic as a Scout, on the hardest difficulty, using nothing except a blaster - and defeat Darth Malak."


"Until that implausible scenario becomes a reality; be aware that mentioning any video game with 'LEGO' in the title will actually diminish peoples' opinion of you - not increase it."

"Yeah, whatever," added Penny, using her mobile's display as a miniature mirror, as she twiddled locks of her hair. "Lemme guess, Dr Wackadoodle - have you lost respect for me?"

"No, of course not," replied Sheldon with almost uncharacteristic optimism. "I've never respected you - as a friend, or a human being - you can't subtract a hypothetical element with a base value of zero, that's basic mathematics."

"Jeez, Sheldon, get off my case already!" snapped Penny, "Just 'cause I'm not some science geek or video game guru, doesn't mean I can't join in; not knowing is part of the fun."

"Not knowing is part of the fun? Really, was that the motto of your Community college?"

"Oh my god, It's a Star Wars game and we're talking about Star Wars!" blurted Penny, "Get over it."

"Yeah, give it a break, Sheldon," said Leonard. "You constantly take everything way too seriously, learn to relax a little."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," replied Sheldon, crossing his arms. "I'm a humorous, down-to-earth, socially outgoing and whimsically inventive prankster. Just ask my mother."

"Whimsically inventive?" repeated Penny. "What does that even mean?"

Bringing his palm to his throat, the physicist let out a preparatory cough.

"Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?"

"I don't—"

"To get to the same side!" he concluded, a complacent smirk plastered across his face.

"Whoa, that's the most whimsically inventive thing I've heard all day!" mocked Penny, throwing her arms up above her head. "But seriously, I don't get it."

"Well, in that case, your sense of humor has my deepest condolences for failing to appreciate high-quality hilarity," said Sheldon, immediately turning to face Leonard. "Remind me, what do you see in this woman, again?"

"Hey!" replied Leonard. "Leave our relationship out of this."

"Hold up, what do you mean 'our relationship'?" interjected Penny. "We're just friends, 'kay?"

"Annnnnd, there's the elephant in the room," said Howard, looking up from the tinted black LED of his PS Vita. "A smokin' hot blonde, sat next to her nerdy ex-boyfriend who's desperately trying to win back her affection. Sounds like prime MTV material."

"Yeah, very funny, Howard," sneered Leonard. "Go back to playing your Japanese high school simulator, and make love with your imaginary schoolgirl waifu."

"It's called 'Persona 4' actually," said Howard, returning his gaze to the screen. "And she is called Chie Satonaka; she gets me on an emotional level."

"Yeah, that's really, really sad, and also kinda creepy," proclaimed Leonard.

"No, what's sad and creepy, is that our relationship is still more authentic than yours."

"What relationship?" asked Penny. "Leonard knows me n' him are over, everyone does. We ended it in this very apartment."

"Now, excuse me, everybody," exclaimed Sheldon, tediously waving his hand. "I can't be the only one who feels uncomfortable and violated by the simple fact that Penny has efficiently derailed our entire prior conversation. Think of all the intelligent discussion that would be currently taking place, were she not present."

"You and Leonard arguing about a nerdy kids' show isn't 'intelligent discussion' sweetie," said Penny.

The physicist offered no response, instead shifting his gaze to the slowly swirling surface of the hot beverage he grasped between his fingers. The smooth, peachy ripple of honeyed tea always got him in a philosophical mood, for reasons he couldn't quite understand. What he most certainly did understand, however, was the drastic deterioration of his quality of life; the genesis of this decline being the moment Leonard invited the insufferable cheesecake waitress next door for dinner, all those years ago.

It was a slippery slope; one that would continue to descend down the pessimistic pit of madness and anarchy; of food thievery and Wi-Fi scrounging; of terrible pop music and reality TV shows.

"Okay, what's he doing now?" asked Penny,

"Who knows," replied Leonard, eyeing his friend with bewildered concern. "He does this thing sometimes, where he'll just stop mid-conversation and start staring at his tea, like, really intensely. Howard's theory is that he's actually a cyborg from the future, and being in social situations depletes his batteries, so occasionally he needs to recharge."

"By staring at tea?"

"It's the most plausible explanation we've come up with," interjected Howard, his ear twitching at the hushed whispers of Raj, whom was silently sitting beside him. "Raj thinks he uses a previously undiscovered variant of photosynthesis, whereby he converts the sweet aroma of tea, into essential carbohydrates and sugars, which he then stores for future social encounters."

"Sure, makes sense," jeered Penny, a monotonous yawn escaping her lips.

"Penny," began Sheldon, finally returning to reality. "Can I ask you something?"

"You don't need permission to ask me a question, sweetie," replied Penny, with a smirk. "But something tells me whether I gave you permission or not, it wouldn't make much of difference, anyway."

"You're correct, it wouldn't," continued Sheldon. "Why do you always hang around my apartment? Despite the barbaric mess, the diabolical disorganization and the ghastly odors, which we can only assume have lingered from previous sessions of coitus; there's nothing fundamentally prohibitive that's stopping you from spending your weekdays there, as opposed to here."

"Woah, hold up. What do you mean your apartment? Don't you mean our apartment–"

"Leonard, hush. We're trying to hold a conversation here," dismissed Sheldon, offering his friend a condemning glance. "We've been through this, if you have any inquiries or complaints regarding the Roommate Agreement, or your position and obligations within the Roommate Agreement, put them on the agenda for the next Monthly Apartment Meeting."

"Wow, Sheldon, you're a real jackass sometimes," added Penny. "And for the record, I only come 'round to hang out with you guys... sometimes to raid the fridge, but whatever. Food's expensive nowadays, and being a start-up Actress ain't easy in California."

"Indeed," replied Sheldon, taking a long slurp of his tea before resting it on the edge of the adjacent glass table. "One can easily perceive the difficulties that arises, when one's goal is to be sought after by talent agencies, yet one possesses little to no actual talent. To them, you're just a tiny electron, obnoxiously gyrating beside the accomplished, highly-desired protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus of Hollywood."

"Screw off, Sheldon! I'm a great Actress," asserted Penny, pointing an accusatory finger at the wordy physicist. "Remember the role I got in that Hemorrhoids commercial, a couple months ago?"

"Ah, yes," recalled Sheldon. "I'm sure the esteemed directors of the Film industry are positively exuberant at the prospective of hiring the new, self-proclaimed 'Face of Hemorrhoids', to star in their latest Romantic comedy."

"Okay, give it a rest, Sheldon," interjected Leonard, massaging his temples with the tips of his fingers. "What's with you today? You're being more of a jerk than usual."

"I know, right?" said Penny, glaring at Sheldon, defiantly. "What's up Dr. Dumbass? D'your train set break?"

"Okay..." sighed Sheldon. "That's strike two."

"Oh no, here we go," said Howard, reaching into his pocket to grab his earphones, which he promptly plugged into his earlobes, as well as the corresponding port on his PS Vita.

"I don't even— what?" sputtered Penny. "What the hell do you mean, 'strike two'?"

"I'm sorry, are you unable to comprehend the rudimentary English dialect?" said Sheldon. "You're on your second strike. A strike which, might I add, you've progressed unto with remarkable clarity."

"But that doesn't explain anything!" argued Penny. "At least tell me what I did."

"You infringed my rules on discrimination or intolerance against trains in this apartment; a crime which — by the way — is punishable by banishment," replied Sheldon, frowning. "Did you even read the memo I handed out last week, regarding the updates and policy changes that'd be taking place within the infrastructure of the Roommate Agreement, and the Friends, Guests and Close Acquaintances Agreement?"

"No sweetie, I didn't," said Penny, offering an unmoved, uncaring stare at the rambling physicist. "I just use that as five-hundred pages of 'emergency toilet paper', in case I run out."

"Wait, so that's what that thick pile of paper beside your shower is?" asked Leonard, slightly amused.


"Well then," began Sheldon. "Looks like someone will be subscribing to the apartment's online blog to get their monthly policy changes and announcements, from now on."

"Hang on— the apartment has a blog?" interjected Leonard, his brows crossing in bewilderment.

"Maintained and updated by yours truly," boasted Sheldon with a smirk. "Every fortnight, I post a series of rather compelling brain teasers, titled 'Cooper's Co-weekly Cognitive Challenge'. I also took the liberty of hacking into all your social media accounts and subscribing to the blog for you, so you don't miss all the fun."

"Huh, well that explains the spam I've been getting in my inbox every couple weeks..."

"You moved me to the spam folder?" gasped Sheldon, frantically shaking his head. "What is this, The Hunger Games? Is that the kind of world we live in? Where friends double-cross friends, and move each other into the spam folder; is that the kind of savage environment you want to be a part of, Leonard?"

"Well, if we were in The Hunger Games, I wouldn't hesitate to empty my quiver of arrows straight at your ugly head, if I ever saw you!" snapped Leonard.

"Boys, play nice," intervened Penny. "And also — backing up a sec — I just realized you skipped a strike. That's pretty embarrassing for a super smart scientist person, huh?"

"June 19th, 2011."

"Uh, what?"

"June 19th, 2011," repeated Sheldon, with a frown. "You violated my rule about forwarding email humor."

"Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about," said Penny, offering a lighthearted shrug.

"The photo of the cat who wants to 'haz cheezburger'," stated Sheldon, briefly abandoning his spot on the couch as he walked over to the polished, chrome doors of the refrigerator. "Would anyone here care to join me, in a glass of basil-sweetened lemon flavored water?"

"You got any alcohol?" asked Penny.

"No," replied Sheldon, reaching inside for the sterilized bottle of his homemade concoction. "I do have a Virgin Cuba Libre, though."

"A Virgin Cuba what?"

"It's a Caribbean brew of rum and coke, except without the rum," said Sheldon, pouring himself a glass of 'Basil infused Sodium hydroxide lemon juice' — according to the over sized label stuck to the bottom of the bottle.

"So... it's just a regular coke, then?"

"Diet coke," stated Sheldon. "So no, it's not a regular coke."

"Sure, whatever..." sighed Penny. "Better than nothing, I guess."

"I assure you, that wasn't my choice of words upon receiving a clogged inbox of unsolicited, outdated internet memes," sneered Sheldon, handing Penny a chilled coke before returning to his spot on the couch.

"Oh, come on, everybody loves LOLcats," said Penny, cracking open her can. "They’re cute and they can’t spell ’cause they’re cats."

"I trusted you with my email address, and you betrayed that trust by sending me Internet banality, strike one."

"But that was ages ago, how the hell do you even remember this stuff?" asked Penny, turning towards Leonard. "How the hell does he remember this stuff?"

"I haven’t forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me," interjected Sheldon, giving a contemplative glare at the ceiling. "It was a drizzly Tuesday— "

"Okay, that's enough," said Leonard. "I think we can live without another 'Historical Tale, from the Infinitely Interesting Past of Sheldon Cooper'."

"Your loss," replied Sheldon, sipping his water.

"Listen, Penny," began Leonard. "If you're so bummed out about the whole strike business, you can just apologize to him. He's more lenient than you'd think."

"Apologize? To that dork?" wailed Penny. "I didn't even do anything wrong!"

"Well, by my standards—"

"By normal people's standards I didn't do anything wrong!" snapped Penny, scowling Sheldon into submission. "So if you think I'm just gonna get down on my knees and beg forgiveness for a stupid comment, then you can shove your train set up your ass!"

"And, that's strike three. Congratulations, Penny; you are hereby banished from the apartment."

"Banished? Banished, are you freakin' kidding me!?"

"I never kid about banishment," replied Sheldon, with a stern expression. "Banishment is serious business."

"Sheldon, I'm not going anywhere; banishment or no banishment."

"Yes you will." replied Sheldon.

"Oh yeah? I already told you, I'm not leaving; whatcha gonna do bout' it Moonpie?" teased Penny.

"You should probably just go," advised Howard. "For your sake, and the rest of ours."

"I'm going to politely ask you to leave," cautioned Sheldon.

"That all you got Shelly Bean?" snickered Penny; "I'm not going anywhere."

"Very well," exclaimed Sheldon. "I didn't want to have to resort to this, but you've left me with no other choice."

Leonard and the rest of the guys clenched their teeth and prepared for the worst. Coming from Sheldon, this can only be bad.

"I'll leave then."

"Yeah, go ahead; do your wors- wait, what?" That was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome.

Sheldon pouted as he marched towards the exit; his laptop wrapped firmly beneath his left arm. The door slammed closed with an underwhelming bang leaving the group to silently contemplate if they had taken the joke too far. Or not far enough, had they known earlier how easy it was annoy Sheldon with Star Wars.

No less than a minute later a string of multiple quiet knocks came from the front door.

"Leonard, *knock*knock*knock* Leonard, *knock*knock*knock* Leon-"

The group shared a knowing glance among themselves before Leonard spoke up. "It's your apartment, Sheldon, you don't need my permission, just open the damn door!"

As if orchestrated beforehand, the door swung open immediately on cue.

"I thought you were leaving?" said Leonard.

"Technically I just did."

"Well that wasn't very long." admitted Leonard, an estranged hint of disappointment evident in his voice.

"Oh I know, I haven't left yet; I've just forgotten the Wi-Fi password for the physics department."

The group exchanged glances.

"e, nine, two, e, e, c, a, two, e," recalled Leonard with a smirk.

"Thank you." acknowledged Sheldon, who remained motionless where he stood, by the apartment door.

"So; weren't you leaving?" questioned Leonard.

"It's nine PM, there aren't any buses running at nine PM."

"So how are you getting to the University then?" Leonard feared he already knew the answer, but he'd take his chances.

"You're driving me."

"Of course," sighed Leonard. He should have seen that one coming a mile away.

* * *

Sheldon and Leonard arrived at the esteemed California Institute of Technology where Sheldon works.

"Listen Sheldon, you know we were just kiddin' around back there, you don't have to spend the night here."

"I know," agreed Sheldon. "The laws of the universe dictate, I don't have to do anything."

"Well come back to the apartment then!" proposed Leonard.

"No, I can't Leonard; not while Penny remains there."

"So, what? You want me to kill her or something?" he scoffed.

"That would be an option."

Leonard gave Sheldon an uneasy, slightly concerned glare.

"What? I said it was an option; I didn't say you should do it." added Sheldon, quickly.

"Fine," Leonard eventually groaned. There was no talking him outta staying here, he might as well give up. "It's a shame," he began. "You'll be missing Halo night, later."

Sheldon's eyes started to twitch, as he gave the cold stone steps leading to the university the most menacing scowl he could conjure up.

Look at what you've reduced me to, Penny. Standing outside in the cold, harsh night; while you're inside my apartment, playing Halo with my friends. Well, maybe not Raj, he was always just sort of there, in the background.

Sheldon gazed up at the sky, the full moon illuminating the car park both Leonard and himself currently resided in.

Darn, I knew I should have brought an umbrella. With skin as fair as mine, moon burn is a real possibility.

Sheldon was seriously contemplating going back. He had never ever missed Halo night in over five years. But if Penny was there, she would just ruin everything; like she always does. It had always annoyed Sheldon how freakishly good Penny was at Halo games. He had only ever managed to beat her once, and that was on Halo Wars, and even still, Penny's controller had disconnected three-quarters through the game, making Sheldon the winner by default. At least, according to him.

"I don't care; Halo: Reach was getting boring anyway," added a rather distressed Sheldon. He was never good at deception, and that was probably the filthiest lie he'd ever conveyed. "The maps are too small and the armor abilities are un-balanced."

"Well then, that's great!" affirmed Leonard. "We're not playing Reach; Halo 4 is getting released tomorrow, and we're all going to the midnight launch, tonight."

Sheldon was dumbstruck. His pupils had dilated and he had violent tremors in his hands. This isn't right, this shouldn't be happening. Penny, was going to play Halo 4 before himself. Sheldon propped himself up against the cold, metal of a parked car and started hyperventilating. If there was a god, now was the time for it to prove itself; and strike Penny down with a lightning bolt of justice.

"Are you okay, Sheldon?" a concerned Leonard queried.

"I'm fine." replied Sheldon, using his arms to propel himself off the side of the car. "I'm surprised you're still here."

"Me too." Leonard agreed. "I have been here awhile; I should probably go."

"Give Penny my regards." Sheldon added, as he slowly made his way up the bulky, stone steps leading to the University's entrance.

"Yeah, I think I won't do that," replied Leonard as he opened his car door and started the engine. "See you tomorrow, Sheldon."

"Oh yeah, about that..." began Sheldon; as he turned around to face Leonard. "I didn't bring any bus money, so you'll have to come pick me up."

Leonard groaned loudly and sighed. He had learned a long time ago to just go along with it, he didn't really have an option. The last time he refused to pick up Sheldon, he had forty-nine missed calls, seventeen emails, nine angry tweets, eleven private messages on World of Warcraft and three calls made to his parents' house phone.
"Yeah, sure. Goodbye Sheldon," Leonard bleated, as he pulled out of the car park and into the road.

Sheldon offered a half-hearted wave as he watched the car disappear into the distance.

* * *

Sheldon navigated his way through the long, dark corridors of the physics department. Apart from the janitor or the occasional over-time student finishing up late work, the building was completely silent. Most people would describe the atmosphere as eerie; but not Sheldon. The university was practically his second home, and he'd always come here when he wanted to be alone.

If I was part of the X-Men, I wonder what my power would be...

Sheldon usually pondered various topics on his way to the office, it was good exercise for the brain. Unfortunately, Sheldon's mental workout came to an abrupt end, as an unexpected bump on the floor, sent him flying to the ground. "I'll say! what are cleaners paid for? Their job is to clean! not research Super-symmetric Quantum Mechanics," he growled, as he turned to face the cause of his recent accident.

Sheldon shrieked in horror at the 2 meter long, 7 ft python stretched out along the sides of the corridor.

"We better get you back to Biology," whispered Sheldon, after regaining his composure. He carefully positioned his arm around the top of the snake and pulled it onto his shoulder, his free arm desperately clutching his Alienware laptop.

After a short walk to the Biology department, Sheldon noticed a bizarre purple glow illuminating from one of the many rooms stretching out down the hallway. "That's an odd light," he pondered. "How come the Biology department gets nice customizable, high quality colored lights and we don't? This is outrageous."

I'm definitely sending a strongly-worded letter to Dr Siebert about this tomorrow. The University's bigoted, one-sided favoritism with the Biology department is biased and unacceptable.

Sheldon made his way to the room and budged the door open. What he saw left his jaw agape. All the animals had been freed from their tanks and cages, and a giant purple vortex was sucking in everything that came remotely close.
What happened next surprised Sheldon even more. The vortex spoke.

"SHELDON COOPER?" The voice was deep and carried a lot of force.

"Dr" Sheldon corrected, slightly annoyed. "Dr Sheldon Cooper."


"Oh goody!" Sheldon remarked, with an excited grin. "Is this me from the future? How many nobel prizes have I received? Did I discover time travel? Is that why you're here? Are you giving me the time travel device, thus eliminating the need for me to invent time travel to begin with?" Sheldon was practically drooling.


"Really, experienced?" Sheldon remarked, sarcastically. "It take a lot more than experience to get to my position in theoretical physics. I'm expanding our knowledge of the universe on a daily basis. And I haven't even begun on String Theory! Once I get the results back from those slow-moving, magnetic monopoles-


"Well, I wasn't going to Halo night tonight anyway." Sheldon thought to himself. "Fine, I accept your implausible request. But these animals better be cleaned up by the time I get back here, or I will report you to the City watch."


Sheldon slowly lowered the snake onto the table next to him, and hesitantly put his left foot inside. His entire body flinched as within a fraction of a second the rest of him, and his laptop, was sucked inside. The purple light began to fade into nothingness, leaving only an empty room filled with smashed glass and a horde of insects and animals rampaging around the building.


* * *

"What do ya'll think it is?"

"I'm not sure AJ, I've read hundreds of books on Equestrian wildlife and even Mythical creatures, and I haven't seen anything like this!"

"Maybe we should poke it? ya know, try and wake it up."

"No Rainbow Dash, we still don't know if it will be hostile yet. What if it wakes up and attacks us?"

"How do you know it'll attack us? I thought you said you've never seen one before?"

"Um girls... I think it's waking up..."