Random Comedic My Little Pony Story of The Week

by dbzponyninja

Story 4 Twilight Sparkle Princess For A Day

Pre Story Note. I am thinking about taking the words Random and Comedic out of the name of this series since not all of them will be random or comedic in anyway shape or form so yeah from now on it will just be known as My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Story of The Week.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Story of The Week Story 4 Twilight Sparkle and Rarity Princesses For A Day by Evan Carlton Written on ‎October ‎09, ‎2012
Throughout all of Equestria not just Ponyville and Canterlot everypony knows that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna co-rule Equestria together but sometimes even a royal alicorn princess needs a break.
Princess Luna could tell that her older sister was working herself to the point of exhaustion and not sleeping for several days so the alicorn princess with a blue sapphire colored fur coat and a long wavey mane and tail that much like her eyes is also blue suggested "sister I thinkest thou art sorry I mean are, sorry i'm still having a little trouble getting used to the modern way of speaking anyway I think you should take a day off."

The older alicorn princess with a white fur coat and a long wavey mane and tail that has shades of blue, green and pink on it told Princess Luna "Luna you must be joking I didn't need a break one thousand years ago when well you know and I don't need a break now."

Princess Luna told her older sister "Celestia you aren't a princess of the night like me even though I prefer to sleep during the day I can handle staying up all day long especially since I slept during the day yesterday and am rested, and I like the fact that we have at least one to two hours of bonding and having fun together before you go to bed shortly after I wake up, look I know you can stay up all the time after all somepony had to raise and lower the moon while I was well you know but look you don't have to do that all the time now, i've been back for nearly three years now.

Princess Celestia yawned before talking again "what did you have in mind my younger sister?"

Princess Luna suggested "you need a day off, a day to relax let someone else rule for a day."

Princess Celestia asked Princess Luna "who did you have in mind, our niece Princess Cadence perhaps?"
Princess Luna told Princess Celestia "no sister I was thinking either your faithful student Twilight Sparkle who wields The Element of Magic or perhaps her friend Rarity who wields The Element of Generosity I think either one of them would be a excellent replacement for a day or as teachers call them a substitute.

Princess Celestia told Princess Luna "very well I shall write a letter to Twilight telling her that she and Rarity must come to Canterlot immediately."

Princess Luna asked her older sister "wait let me handle this one you are still tired and exhausted i'm afraid your hoofwriting will not be so well umm good."

So Princess Luna wrote the letter which just like when Princess Celestia writes letters and sends them to her most faithful student Twilight Sparkle Spike belched it up and read the letter "dear Twilight Sparkle sorry but i am not Princess Celestia i am her younger sister Princess Luna, the reason i am writing you instead of my older sister is because she is working herself to exhaustion and has agreed to take a break for the day, the two of us decided that either you or your friend Rarity would be her replacement for the day as princess of Equestria I need both of you to come to Canterlot immediately Signed,
Princess Luna."
Twilight then went to Carousel Boutique where Rarity both lives and works at and told her unicorn mare friend with a white fur coat and a long purple indigo mane and tail that the two of them are needed in Canterlot immediately after showing her the letter which she read to herself.

The two unicorn friends headed to Canterlot where upon stepping hoof in Canterlot Castle Twilight was hugged by both her older brother and captain of Princess Celestia's Royal Guards Shining Armor and her old foalsitter turned sister in law Princess Cadence who told the unicorn mare with a lavender fur coat and a bluish purple mane and tail that has shades of purple and pink on it "Twilight we haven't seen you since the wedding how are you doing?"

Twilight told them "i'm doing good, how about you two, how have things been since the wedding?"

Shining Armor told Twilight "me and Cadence are doing great Twily, but hey we'll talk to you later the princesses want you and your friend Rarity a.s.a.p."

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity then procedded to the Canterlot Castle Throne Room where Princess Celestia told them "Twilight and Rarity it's always (yawn) nice to see you but as my sister's letter told you i'm (yawn) taking a day off and would like one of you to take my place for the day since i've known you more I probably would pick Twilight but now that I think about it my sister could use a day off too which is why both of you will be co-rulers for the day."
Princess Luna tried to object but she knew it would be futile so she agreed to go along with her older sister's decision.

Except for when it was time for Princess Celestia to lower the sun so Princess Luna could raise the moon Rarity and Twilight Sparkle were in fact in charge for the day and even for a while Princess Celestia decided to be the one to write Twilight a letter telling her what she learned today about the magic of friendship, of course in order to do that do she had to go to Ponyville and hang out with the other four members of The Mane Six.
Even though the day was over with Princess Celestia being the kind, generous ruler that she is Princess Celestia she let her faithful student Twilight Sparkle and friend Rarity sleep in the castle tonight. They then returned to Ponyville tomorrow morning and continued on with their normal everyday lives. The End.