//------------------------------// // The meeting // Story: The Land Before Time XIV:Ponies of Prehistory // by Laci the Hunter //------------------------------// Chapter XI:The meeting Earth Great Valley 65 million years BC The sun began to peek over the great mountains that surround the Great Valley everyone began to wake up and most also began to make there way to Council Rock. In the Secret Caverns everypony, even Rarity, were still asleep and also sleeping well, dispite sleeping on a cave flour. Chomper and Ruby, on the other hand, could barely sleep last night because the baby dragon Spike was snoring louder then an adult T.Rex, even now the two were holding there ears with there hands, but that didn't do much. Spike did warn them that he does have a habit of snoring a lot and loud but they didn't expect him to snore that loud. When the young rex and the oviraptor girl got up and looked at the ponies still asleep they were really surprised; how could they possibly sleep with that loud snore from there friend? They decided to drop that thought and begin to wake the ponies up. Most of them were hard to wake up, Rainbow Dash especially. She even gave a low groan and said: -Ugh, why in the hay do we have to wake up so early? It's still just sunrise.-she said then gave a huge yawn. -Well, if we want to get to Council Rock soon, then we have wake up soon to get to Council Rock soon.-said Ruby in her own same-word-repeating way to the still sleepy Pegasus. RD didn't pay that much to the young oviraptor girls saying and tried to go back to sleep. But then she got shaken again by Ruby and decided to just get up. With everypony starting to get up, in a slow pase, only Spike was left, who was still snoring loud. Chomper decided to wake him up himself. After he shuck him for at least five minutes the little dragon was still asleep. Chomper was then really confused and then decided to ask Spikes 'owner' Twilight Sparkle for a little advice: -Hey Twilight! How come Spike is still sleeping after I shuck him so much?-he asked giving a confuse look and a shrug. -Well he is a heavy sleeper.-said the purple unicorn still trying to get the sleep out of her eyes-And unless you have an alarm clock nearby he probably wont wake up till noon. Chomper didn't even know what an alarm clock was so he decided to wake Spike up in a different way: he decided to bite him at the tail. But after his first attempt the little dragon was still sleeping, as if he didn't even feel a thing.So he decided to bite him again, but this time with all his power (since his initial bite was more of a nip). And when he did not only did Spike jump a few cm-s high from the ground with a funny expretion on his face, but it also caused one of Chompers teeth to fall to the ground. He picked it up calmly, not like the last time when he thought he was going to die thanks to what Threehorn told him, and then Spike asked him: -Mind telling me why did you do that?-he said with and angry expretion, while tending his tail. -Well it was the only way I could wake you up.-Chomper replied calmly-But mind telling why is your tail as hard as a rock? -Well it's not just my tail-Spike began to explain to the little rex-my hole body is hard. We dragons have solid scales. I guess you found out the hard way.-he said looking at Chompers tooth-Sorry about your tooth. You are alright, right? -Oh yeah. Us sharpteeth loose teeth all the time.-said Chomper reashouringly. When they finished there little chat then everypony was awake and ready to go. At the base of the cliff Littlefoot and his gang were already there and ready for the day. Once everyone came down Littlefoot noticed that his friend Chomper was missing a tooth and just had to ask: -Hey Chomper, what happened to your tooth? -Oh, well, I bit Spikes tail to wake him up and it was as hard as a rock and that's why my tooth fell out again.-the young rex explained to his friend. That being said they began there walk to Council Rock. As they were walking they saw multiple dinosaurs starring at them, but the dino gang knew that they were starring at the ponies and dragon. A while later Littlefoot suddenly noticed that Twilight was with her head low and a depressed like expretion was shown on her face. The young Apatosaurus just had to ask her: -Uhm… Twilight? Is there something wrong? -Huh? Oh no I'm just a bit nervous.-she said to her dinosaur friend, but she saw that he knew that she wasn't just a bit nervous-Oh OK I'm really nervous. But it's just because I don't know how will those adults react when they see us. -Listen Twilight, there's nothing to be nervous about.-Littlefoot said, trying to calm his pony friend down-All you have to do is answer some of the questions the grownups will ask you. And don't worry, me and my friends will be right there to support and, if needed, help you guys…er, girls.-at that last part Twilight rose her head and gave a small smile followed by a slight chuckle. When they arrived at Council Rock most of the Great Valley dinosaurs were already there, eager to see the new creatures for themselves. Littlefoot spotted his grandpa and gestured with his front paw to the others to follow him there. As soon as they arrived next to Grandpa Longneck he lowered his neck down to there level to see the pony gang closely. Once he did he then said in a whisper like tone: -So you are the new arrivals here in our valley. Littlefoot told me about you and that you are all friendly. -Uhm…yes sir.-Twilight said in a nervous tone-And I promise we're not a danger to anypony.-the old sauropod didn't understand the last word 'anypony' but he decided to not think about it for now. -Well then you're going to have to tell this to the others-he said to the little ponies-But you're going to have be a bit convincing as well, I fear there might be some who won't believe you at first.-Twilight simply nodded and then Grandpa Longneck raised his head and said to the other dinos: -Listen up everyone!-with that everydino turned to him and there was silence for a moment until Grandpa Longneck spoke again in the same tone as before-Now, as we all know we had some new visitors in our valley and we couldn't figure out what where they exactly. Well now they come forth and reviel to us what they are.-with that said he lowered hi head once more and nodded to the ponies that they can come out now. The six ponies and the little dragon went to the center of the circle and in the mean time the dinosaurs where starring at them, as if they saw seven ghosts. As soon as they reached the center they where all really nervous, neither one of them wanted to speak. Finally Twilight got up some courage, stepped forward and spoke: -Uhm, hello everypony.-at that point everyone gasped and started talk between themselves, mostly wondering how can the newcomers talk, but with a large stomp from Grandpa Longneck everyone silenced and then he nodded to Twilight to continue-Ahem, anyway, my name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike. We come from a land called Equestria and I ashore you we arrived here by accident. -Oh really?-said a large, grey triceratops, who just so happens to be old Threehorn, being sceptical and suspicios again-And how do we know that what you're saying is true? How do we know that you're not some kind of new sharpteeth who snoke into the valley and tell us lies?-at that everyone began to talk amongst them selfs again, mostly agreeing on Threehorns suspicion, while Twilight was thinking of an explanation, realising that to the dinos 'sharptooth' means 'carnivore'. Finally she tried to reason with the triceratops: -Well I ashore you sir that we're not 'sharpteeth'-she tried to explain while being extremely nervous-we're herbivorous like you. We eat grass and hey and maybe even leaves. And you have to believe me when I tell you: we wouldn't hurt anyone. -Oh yeah?-said a somewhat familiar voice right behind them. The ponies turned around and saw the bullie Hyp, along with a larger version of him, abviously his dad, still having those 'battle scars' he got from RD. Then he spoke again: -That's them dad. They're the ones who attacked me and my friends.-then his father stepped closer to the ponies with an angry expretion on his face and said: -If you say you wouldn't hurt anyone then why is my son saying that he and his friends where violanlty attacked by small, colorful, and dangerous creatures which just so happens to be you?! -Becouse he and his friends are a bunch of bullies!-Rainbow Dash exclaimed jumping of the ground and hovered right in front of Hyps father to look him in the eye-He and his friends tried to hurt, not just us,but Littlefoot and his friends to.-at this last statement everyone gasped and then the hypsolofodon father turned to his son and asked him: -Hyp, is this true?-Hyp didn't answer, infact he couldn't even move a mustle from all the fear so his father asked again-Hyp? -Ah'm afraid it's true sir.-Applejack spoke to-So ya see we where just defending ourselves. We would never hurt anypony without a reason. -She absolutely right!-Cera yelled right from the edge of the circle, to everyones surprise that is-Hyp and his friends were trying to hurt us, but didn't get the chance of course. Right then Threehorn looked at Hyps dad with an angry expretion and the adult hypsolofodon looked back to his son with the same look on his face. Hyp felt really embaraced and angry as well (angry at the little dinosaurs and the ponies) and kept his silence still glaring at the ponies. Twilight then had the opportunity to continue: -So you see sir, we would never hurt anypony if not necesery.- Threehorn was just about to say something but was interrupted when Grandpa Longneck spoke up: -Well then I suggest we leave these creatures to stay here in the valley, until they find a way back to their world.-everyone nodded in response, agreeing that the newcomers aren't dangerous and then, slowly everyone began to depart, save for the dino and pony gang.