//------------------------------// // The part where things happen (This is that part) // Story: Friends have benefits // by Killbles //------------------------------// Friends have benefits            Chapter nine: The part where things happen (This is that part).   Soarin sat down in the pub, a steaming hot cup of coffee in his hoof. While he usually hated the vile, bitter drink, Soarin felt he needed the caffeine hit more than he hated the taste. After Rainbow Dash’s sudden appearance in the early hours of the morning, Soarin had carefully carried her to his bed and tucked her in. He had checked her over but other than a bit of black discolouration around her right eye and a couple of scrapes and bruises she looked fine. He briefly wondered how she had gotten the multitude of injures and immediately dismissed the possibility of Thunderlane assaulting her; She was too tough for that and although Thunderlane may have been a bit of an idiot in Soarin’s eyes, he wasn’t a monster. Nethertheless, being around Rainbow Dash when she was drunk normally ended badly for Soarin and not wishing to try his luck, he decided that sleeping on the couch was the wiser option. Even so, he had lain awake for several hours, partly out of confusion and partly out of concern for his boss. Checking up on her quickly before heading off for the regular morning meeting, Soarin had decided the sleeping mare was in no condition to work and left her where she was. “Rough night?” Doc asked sliding into the seat opposite him. “That would be an understatement.” Soarin muttered, resting his head on the cool table. “Want to talk about it?” Soarin cracked an eye open and stared at Doc. “I assume this is more than just sleep deprivation.” Doc said wryly. “Yeah, it’s Rainbow Dash.” Doc nodded as if Soarin had simply confirmed his suspicions. “She kinda… dropped in this morning.” “Oh?” “She was wasted, totally out of it. She swore at me and then passed out.” “That’s nice.” “Yeah…” Soarin muttered, letting the word hang for a moment. “How is she?” “Fine I guess. Still sleeping it off when I left this morning.” “You didn’t..?” Doc asked. “She was unconscious.” Soarin said. “So no.” Doc said. It was more of a statement and less of a question. “Yeah.” “I see.” Doc said taking a piece of toast from a small pile and biting into it with vigour. “How about you? How did your ‘thing’ go” Soarin asked, closing his eye again. “Fine, fine.” Doc said, brushing the question off as easily as Soarin would devour a stack of pancakes. Not having the energy to push the matter further Soarin took another tentative sip of coffee, sighing as the warmth of the drink spread to his extremities. He was shaken out of his stupor by a hoof poking him in the ribs and sliding him across the chair gently, he cracked open his eye to see Cloud Chaser pushing him along. Flitter sat next to Doc, a distracted look on her face. “Hey” Soarin rumbled, closing his eye again. “What’s up big blue?” Cloud Chaser asked, grabbing a piece of fruit and munching slowly. “Stuff.” “Anything in particular?” Soarin had no wish to tell Cloud Chaser or Flitter what had occurred last night so he shook his head slowly. “Cool.” She said shortly, lapsing into silence again. Nopony seemed particularly eager to start the conversation again. “Where’s Thunderlane? Or Rainbow Dash? They should be here by now.” Flitter asked, cutting through the silence like a knife. “I don’t know where Thunderlane is, but Soarin can help on the Rainbow Dash side.” Doc said. “If he wants to of course.” He added quickly as Soarin opened an eye and glared at him. Soarin cursed under his breath and reluctantly told the twins what had happened last night. Flitter looked shocked but her sister’s face was one of barely concealed anger. “Sounds just like Thunderlane, he gets something good and he ruins it. I should know.” “We don’t know Thunderlane did anything.” Doc said pointedly. “It could have been something else.” “It was him.” She snarled. “Trust me on that. I hope she kicked his flank in.” “Enough.” Soarin barked. “Let’s not jump to conclusions or anything… Let’s just… get our work done and I’ll talk to her about it later.” Cloud Chaser grunted in annoyance but closed her mouth. “Thank you…” Soarin muttered. “Now, here’s what we’re going to do…”   Down two veteran team members, the team struggled to get things done on time. Clouds were left unpacked or uncleared and snow fell on areas meant to remain clear. By the end of the day, they were all exhausted. Despite the fierce chill that dusk had bought, Soarin found himself sweating. Landing tiredly outside his home, Soarin cautiously entered. He wasn’t expecting Rainbow Dash to still be here but he never knew what she might have done in his absence. Seeing no sign of the prismatic mare on the bottom floor, Soarin crept up to his bedroom and poked his head around the door. He was quite surprised to see Rainbow Dash still sleeping. Trotting in silently, he sat on the bed next to her. He felt strange... creepy almost just sitting next to her and watching her sleep but he wasn't sure how he could wake her up without receiving permanent damage. Maybe the simple way would be best. “Hey.” He said quietly. A rose eye cracked open. “Hey.” She said with a loud groan.  “Uhhh… My head…” Soarin repressed a slight grin. “Where am I?” She asked, not lifting her head. “My place.” Soarin replied softly. “Why am I here? We didn’t..?” She croaked. “No.” Soarin said simply. “Wait here, I’ll grab you some water.” “Thanks.” Rainbow muttered, falling back into the bed. Soarin trotted downstairs and fetched a jug of water along with a few scraps of food he found. He returned as quickly as he could without seeming like he was hurrying. As somepony once told him, 'Fly casual' “How do you feel?” he asked as she tentatively sipped on a glass of water. “Terrible.” Rainbow muttered. “How long have I been out?” Soarin glanced at the clock. “About sixteen hours.” “Great.” She groaned. Soarin nodded silently. An inexorable silence drew out, interrupted only by the occasional sound from the town below. After what felt like hours, Soarin opened his mouth again. “What happened?” “What...? What happened with what?” “This morning.” “Nothing.” She grumped, rolling over so he couldn’t see her face. “You call showing up on my front door-step drunk at two in the morning nothing?” Soarin said, gently probing for information. “I said it was nothing.” She said her voice oddly choked. It took Soarin a moment to figure out what was wrong about her voice. She was crying. “Dash, what’s wrong?” He asked. "Please, tell me." She remained silent, her petite form racked by occasional sobs silhouetted in the dying daylight. Soarin laid a comforting hoof on her shoulder; she flinched at the contact but didn’t move away. “Thunderlane.” She said softly. ‘Kind of guessed that already.’ Soarin thought in frustration. “What about him?” he asked, trying to keep his voice level. “I broke up with him.” She said, rolling over to look at Soarin. Her face was streaked with a few tears but no more fell from her eyes. Soarin’s heart did a little backflip but he didn’t let his brief moment of celebration show. “Tell me what happened.” he said simply. Dash sighed and shuffled next to Soarin. She sat like a cat, coiled up and ready to pounce.  “We were out at this bar last night. Nice place, fantastic mood and the drinks come with little umbrellas.” She said with a small smile which quickly vanished. “Anyway, it’s going okay when suddenly this mare comes up. You wouldn’t know her, I think her name is Cloud Kicker or something though. So anyway, she comes up and demands to know what I’m doing with her boyfriend. Thunderlane is looking pretty nervous by this point and Whats-her-name is getting pretty antsy when I tell her she’s got the wrong guy. I may or may not have called her a lying bitch…” She trailed off a moment and gingerly touched her black eye. “That’s how I got this. The fight got broken up pretty quickly which is a pity cause I would have kicked her arse to the Griffon Nation and back.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “This just gets better and better” Soarin mumbled, ruffling his wings. They brushed up against Rainbow but she didn’t shy away like she had before. “I storm out, pretty angry with Thunderlane and pretty angry with this other bitch. Thunderlane tries to call me back but I tell him to go bend over and screw himself up the arse. I then fly around for a bit. Try to calm down you know? Flying does that for me.” “I know what you mean.” Soarin said back. “Anyway, I get this great idea that I may have over-reacted a bit and that I should go apologise to Thunderlane… Or more so I can get an explanation out of him.” Her voice cracked slightly as she trailed off. “So I go to... to his place… but he’d already moved on.” “Oh no…” Soarin said, eyes widening. “That was fast.” “That’s what I said to the bitch with her legs wrapped around his neck.” Rainbow said her voice cracking as she broke down into a fresh wave of tears. Soarin visibly winced; collecting the winnings from Doc when he saw him next didn’t seem quite so appealing now. Unsure of what to do, Soarin again placed his hoof reassuringly on her back. “There, there.” He said. “You don’t have to cry. Everything’s alright.” It dawned on Soarin that he was absolute rubbish when it came to offering emotional support.  “No it’s not, I thought I could trust that jerk and he runs off and cheats on me.” Rainbow snapped. “I thought he had changed, I hoped he had. I was willing to give him another chance. I don’t think I’m going to give anypony that luxury again.” She growled, “And I’m not crying… I’ve just got… got something in my eye, that’s all." Soarin briefly wondered if that sentiment applied to him but quickly pushed the thought out of his mind. “So you actually liked him?” “I was willing to give him another chance and I’m here telling you about why it hurts… So yeah, I guess I liked him a little. He’s not such a bad pony… he just makes bad choices.” A new thought emerged in Soarin’s mind. “Why come to me? Surely you have many other ponies who you are better friends with that would be much better at talking with you about... stuff. What about that sparkly vampire one?” “Twilight? Bah, she’d know nothing about this. Besides, I was drunk, it was late and I wasn’t thinking with my head.” Soarin nodded slowly. “Fair enough. Another thing I’d like to know, ‘You rat bastard’... care to explain?” “Again. Drunk, not thinking clearly. Had this fantastic idea in my head that it was your fault. Wanted to give you a piece of my mind.” “My fault?!” Soarin asked. “It’s ridiculous; you’d lose brain cells hearing it.” She said, burying her head in a pillow for a moment. ”I just… feel so… stupid.” She said inched a little closer to Soarin. “To be tricked like that again… I just wish something would work out for me just for once. I guess I’ll just have to be my own special somepony… again. Maybe I’m made out to be a loner.” Soarin shifted uncomfortably. Despite the poor light Soarin could see her eyes had gained an unfocused, glazed appearance. The sobering thought was clearly having a profound effect on the mare. “I mean, I haven’t ever had luck with a relationship… I mean… not a serious relationship at least… I could just never find the right guy for me. They’d always be in it for what they get could from me or be like Thunderlane and be distracted by the next mare that passed along.” She paused for a second as if coming to a sudden realisation. “You know what Soarin?” “What?” He asked, turning his head to face Rainbow Dash. The light had completely faded now, leaving the room almost pitch black. “I’ve only had one real relationship that worked out well.” She snorted in amusement. “Well, not perfectly as we’re not together anymore. But we ended on good terms at least. I managed to have one period of my life when I didn't fuck up and chase somepony off or... or... have somepony cheat on me. One. Just once. Guess that says a lot about me.” “Really?” Soarin asked, feeling a slight tug on his mind as if he was forgetting something important. "I'm sorry to hear that. What was he like... that one guy I mean." “He was a great guy. Funny, nice, cared about me but still gave me room. Real good looking too. Nothing at all like you, so don't get any funny ideas.” “What happened?” Soarin asked, curious to how this apparently great catch had slipped through the net. “He was already married to his job.” She said sadly. “Ah.” The two ponies lay there in the darkness, silence their only other companion. “I should go.” Rainbow dash said finally, shattering the silence. "Thanks for looking after me." He heard the sound of rustling sheets and a moment later felt her warm body press against him. He hoped that she couldn’t feel his wings shifting uncomfortably. If she did though, she didn’t point it out. Soarin felt her head rub against his chest and was surprised to feel a tear run onto his leg.  “Would you want to stay for dinner? I’ve got a small mountain of pies that need to be eaten.” Soarin blurted out. “I mean you don’t have to but they won’t last forever and it’ll be a waste for-.” A hoof appeared over his mouth, cutting his ramblings off. “That would be nice, thank you.”   Dinner was served with a clatter of plates and the silent munching of pie. Unlike the night before which had been loud and jovial, tonight was more sullen. Dash still hadn’t opened up yet to her usual conversational self and Soarin was unwilling to start conversation lest he touch on an awkward topic. They ate in silence, only the occasional word passing between them. It reminded Soarin uncomfortably of his first date almost two decades ago. “So… How’s life?” He asked awkwardly. “Shit.” She said back curtly with a flicker of a small grin. “Are you alright Soarin? That’s the third time you’ve asked me that.” Soarin mentally kicked himself. “Yeah sorry, just a bit nervous... on edge, if you will.” “Nervous? Why would you be nervous?” “It’s nothing, honest.” He lied. "You sure?" Soarin glanced around the room nervously. He considered telling her how he felt but almost immediately discarded it. She had said herself she wouldn’t be giving anypony a second chance. And he’d already blown his first one. “Nah, it’s nothing.” ‘Another time maybe, when she hasn’t just broken up with her boyfriend and on the verge of BSODing’ He told himself. “Soarin?” “Hmm?” His head snapped up to look at her. “Would it be alright, I mean if it’s not too much of a problem… could I stay the night?” she stuttered. Soarin was momentarily taken aback. “Wha- I mean, are you sure?” “Yeah.” She said scraping her hoof along the cloud underfoot. “Okay, sorry for asking again. But why?” She sighed. “I still feel really shit and I don’t want to fly home hungover.” It was a pathetic excuse and they both knew it, Soarin could have easily carried her home “Okay… I mean sure, if you want to go right ahead. I’m fine with sleeping on the couch again.” “We can share your bed, we’re both adults here.” She said coyly. ‘That’s exactly what I was afraid of…’ Soarin thought, his suspicions confirmed. “I’m fine on the couch.” He said again. “Suit yourself, don’t see why we can’t sleep together.” She muttered. “I mean, not like that… you know, I mean sleep together, not sleep together.” “Because you’re emotional and not thinking straight; I don’t want you to do something you’d end up regretting.” Soarin said bluntly picking his plate up and carrying it to the kitchen. “I didn't think you’d care about that.” Dash said, slightly surprised. “Changed haven’t I?” Soarin said with a small grin. “Yeah… I guess.” She said looking glumly at her own empty plate. Soarin stretched his back, popping a few joints and crawled onto the couch, pulling a blanket over him. “I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. Too much work and not enough sleep. I have you to thank for that.” He noted wryly. “Sorry.” “Don’t sweat it.” Soarin half mumbled. He stared at the floor, trying to clear his mind of Rainbow Dash. It didn’t help when she appeared on the floor in front of him. “Yes?” He asked in a somewhat irritated manner. “Nothing, just thought I’d chill here with you for a bit. Bit cold though.” Soarin sighed and shifted a little so there was room on the couch for her. She muttered quiet thanks and curled up on the couch next to him. Looked like getting sleep was out of the question. “Dash.” Soarin asked, an unanswered question coming to mind. “Yeah?” “Can I ask you something? It’s a bit personal… But I’d like to know.” She hesitated for moment. “Yeah sure, shoot.” “Well, I watched a few tapes when I was in hospital and there was one at some royal wedding of some kind.” “Shining Armour and Princess Cadance. “ Rainbow murmured.  “You were there, I was there.” “Yeah… And?” “Soarin recounted the events of the video, a look of nostalgia appearing on Rainbow Dash’s face as he reached the bit about them. “What happened that night? I mean, between us." Rainbow sat in silence for a moment. “A few things.” She said quietly. “We danced, we talked. We… may have kissed. Can't entirely remember.” She shook her head. “I’m not normally one for the sappy stuff, more of an action girl really, but I have to admit it was a very romantic evening.” Soarin raised an eyebrow. “We started dating after that.” “Dating?” Soarin blurted. “Yeah, I’m a bit of a sucker for a guy in uniform. You looked very sharp that night if I remember correctly.” “I always look sharp.” Soarin corrected her. “That’s a nice ego you have there, I wonder if I’m rubbing off on you. Oh wait, I’m actually awesome enough to have an ego.” She said cheekily. “As if.” Soarin snorted. “Anyway… carry on. “That’s it.” “Really? Nothing else at all?” “Nope.” “Well... we dated. I didn’t know that.” He said slowly. “How long did that last for?” “Two years.” Soarin spun to look at her. “Wha-? Two years? But that would mean we stopped just before my-” She nodded “Yeah. Just before your accident. About a month or two before it actually.” A revelation passed through Soarin. “He was me?” “Who was?” “Your one good relationship… was with me.” Rainbow Dash was silent for a few seconds. “Yeah.” She said simply. “It was.”   Soarin looked her in wonder. Suddenly, much of her behaviour prior to the fiasco in the hospital made sense. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. “You probably wouldn’t have believed me.” She said. “You kind of disliked me. You seemed happy enough without the know-whats so I left it at that.” Soarin felt a pang of sympathy for her. His apparent change of character had hurt her a lot more than he had thought. Soarin nodded. “Point taken.” “You had no idea how happy I was to see you awake again after so long. Even though we had separated a while before I still cared for you.” “We split on good terms then?” “Yeah, as I said earlier, you were too busy with being a Wonderbolt and I was too busy with my practice and weather duties. We hardly had any time together at all. It was… for the better. Besides, with me wanting to join the squad... fraternisation would have become an issue." She took a breath to steady herself. “You have no idea how happy I was to hear you had woken up after so long… When I ran into you that first night, I didn’t know what to think. Hope maybe?” She shook her head, “When I saw you had changed… it hurt. A lot. It was hard enough with the fact you didn’t even know me. I decided that it would be best if you didn’t know… let you live your life how you want to, start whatever new things you wanted to. I was a blast from the past. I dropped whatever vestiges of hope I had of you coming around and moved on. I spent several months while you were unconscious trying to forget you.” She pulled a disgusted face. "Damn, I sound like a school-yard filly talking like this." She shuddered. Soarin grimaced and pulled himself upright. “I’m sorry.” He said, unsure of what he could say to make it better. She waved a hoof dismissively. “It’s behind me.” Soarin ran his eyes over her face. Her rose eyes gleamed in the dim light revealing an immense amount of sadness that seemed to be contained in the glimmering orbs. Soarin guessed had it not been for her immense willpower, she would have been in tears again. Again, a few sounds from the town below reigned supreme. The faint scraping of somepony moving a large metal object along the ground reached Soarin’s ears. Rainbow turned to face him and Soarin realised just how close their muzzles were. Tantalisingly close. “You know… we could…” He said, glancing down then locking eyes with her. “Could what?” She asked. A spark of energy raced down Soarin’s spine as her eyes flickered down to his mouth then back up to his eyes. With mind numbing slowness, they drew together. He could feel her breath on his fur, and another tingling sensation ran up his spine as their mouths drew closer.. Although he had shared a few more intimate moments with Dash before, this one, unlike the other times, felt for a lack of better word… real. He wasn't just doing it for fun anymore. Soarin wanted it. Soarin’s mind went into overdrive as barely a centimetre separated their lips… A loud crash from below followed by the sounds of smashing glass dispelled the moment as easily as Soarin would kick a cloud. A loud flurry of curses not suitable in even heated conversations drifted through the air, waking several animals whose barks and howls added to the cacophony of noise. Hurricane woke at his perch and screeched loudly, causing Dash to jump in fright, her wings jumping to attention at her sides. The moment lost, Soarin withdrew, his confidence evaporating into thin air. Looking rather shaken, Dash didn’t seem eager to repeat the manoeuvre. Realising what had just happened, she backed away quickly and ran a hoof through her slightly frazzled mane. “I should go.” She said finally. “I think I’m fine to fly home actually.” “Yeah, probably a good idea.” Soarin said, echoing her. She stood quickly, throwing a glance over her shoulder back at him. “I’m sorry Soarin, I just don’t think I could do that right now. I... need some time to think." “I understand. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Dash smiled painfully and moved towards the door. “Hey Soarin?” “Yeah?” he asked. “Thanks, for everything. You’re a good friend.” He forced a smile. “No problems.” The particular way she had said ‘friend’ made Soarin’s gut churn. “I’ve umm… also.., I got these tickets…” Dash said sudden timid. Seeing the normally brash and confident mare act so shyly was a rare but pleasurable experience for Soarin. “Tickets?” Soarin enquired. “Yeah, from that weather job we pulled off. I got a pair of VIP tickets to the Las Pegasus air show.” She explained, a hint of excitement entering her voice. “Neat.” Soarin said stunned. The annual Las Pegasus air show was the largest and most prestigious event in the entirety of Equestria. There were flight demonstrations teams from all over the world who performed and competed. During his career he had probably performed several times but like any of his memories from the past, they were vague and fuzzy at best. “I was going to take… Thunderlane… but would you want… want to come instead?” “Sounds great.” Soarin said, his forced smile becoming genuine.