Temporary ceasefire

by Ion Clockwork

Welcome to debate.

“How dare you!”

“It is my opinion miss Sparkle, I am fully aware of your’ views on this subject.”

“But to say that magic is inefficient! The audacity is almost unthinkable Ion! We live in a world where magic makes up a greater part of our life. And we as unicorns must embrace this responsibillity!”

Ion Clockwork regarded the pony in front of him with his usual calculating stare. The Unicorn mare’s entire muzzle was slowly turned a deep shade of red in constrained anger. In Flanksight, it may have been a badly thought move to start discussing his theories with one of the most magically inclined ponies in the university. A+ student, master of nearly all forms of magic. Twilight Sparkle was probably one of the most gifted unicorns of this age. And here at the academy of experimental magic, she fit like a custom tailored sock.

“We are at the academy of experimental magic Ion, MAGIC. Not the Fillydelphia center for advanced research!”

Ion raised an eyebrow.

“I am here to expand my horizons on the order of my supervisor miss Sparkle. I do not have to enjoy it, but I will do it.”
The young mare looks like she is about to say more when the huge double doors open, revealing princess Celestia stepping out onto the stairs.

“Welcome ponyfolk, to the grand opening of our new academy. You are all here because you have been hoof picked from the best students around equestrian. To further broaden your’ horizons in magic. In a moment, supervisors will start calling out names. When your’ name is called, please step towards the supervisor and file in an orderly line.”

Ion sighed deeply as an assortment of mares and colts started calling out names and concentrated on listening for his own. Out of the corner of his eye. He noticed Twilight had stopped trying to pester him and was now watching eagerly, probably awaiting her name to be called.


A small golden mare with a mint green mane stepped up to the supervisor.

“Ion Clockwork”

Ion snapped to attention and walked smartly over to the supervisor, a tall colt with deep gray hair, on a deep blue body. His cutie mark a bird flying over the stars. Ion fell in line behind a small group of other unicorns. They were nine now, not counting the supervisor. With 150 unicorns being invited and 15 supervisors the plan was obvious.

“Twilight Sparkle”

Ion’s ever present frown deepened into a scowl. The voice that had called ‘her’ name was the same that had called his. With a light hop in her step she fell in behind him. Ion returned his attention to the ever dwindling crowd. And soon the commotion died down as everyone surveyed the groups. Princess Celestia smiled and with a flick of hey horn the doors into the academy flew up. Cheers went up from around the crowd and everypony was ready to take their first steps into the new academy.

“Now my little ponies, you may follow your supervisors. Starworks, you may start!”
With that the supervisor in front of Ion started moving.
“After me now everypony!”

All at once they started walking, Starworks leading them past Celestia, who nodded to each pony as they passed. The hall they entered was grand to say the least, the design archaic. Inspired in part by the Canterlot castle itself. Long corridors, carpeted with remarkable shades of red lined the corridor floors. And Starworks led them down into one of these corridors now.

“You may have seen some aerial views of the academy or looked at the flooring plans, but if you have not, I will give you a little refresher course. The academy is a five story building, built mostly out of brick and mortar. Painstakingly constructed over the course of two years. The entire third floor is classrooms; the first is the commons area and dining hall. The second floor is the dormitories. The fourth floor is the teacher’s commons. And area you will not enter unless you require assistance from a teacher. The fifth floor is our observatory, where we will hold a small number of lessons in the coming months.”

He led them through a series of corridors, until they came to a staircase.

“This staircase leads all the way up to the fourth floor. To get to the observatory, one has to take the staircase in the teacher’s lounge.”

Ion briefly considered the reasoning behind such a position. Before swiftly dismissing it as protecting the valuable equipment the observatory surely holds. Starworks started up the staircase and the group of students followed.

“We will now be heading to the dormitories where I will assign you rooms. The rooms in this academy use a pairing setup, one mare and one colt to each, sharing a small communal room and two private bedrooms.”

They were heading down a bright corridor now; one side was a series of open windows, cut into the side of the academy. The other a series of doors, each bearing a blank plaque. Starworks stopped in front of a seemingly random one.

“We shall commence immediately”

His horn glowed and all down the corridor the plaques started shining in an ethereal blue light. Before a sharp flash flowed across them, carving names into the cold metal.

“Everypony find your’ rooms and get acquainted. You will be awoken tomorrow at eight sharp. When you do, make your way to the entrance hall to receive lesson plans. Good night everypony!”

Ion Clockwork started walking down the corridor, briefly letting his gaze linger on each of the plaques. Then he stopped as his own name swam into his vision. He stood stock still for the entirety of ten seconds.



Heads turned all the way down the corridor as everyone stopped talking and turned to look at him. Twilight walked up to him. Then looked at the plaque herself.

"Do you think we could talk to the teachers about this?"

Ion eyed her warily. While she might be his polar opposite in beliefs, they were both practictioners of practicality. He did not have time to respond however. As Starworks at walked up behind him.

"Is there a problem with the arrangements Ion? Because if you believe so, you are more than welcome to take it up with the princess. She decided on the room pairings."

Gritting his teeth, Ion shock his head.

"No Starworks. Everything is perfectly fine."

Starworks nodded.

"Good, now get your' flank in bed. Tommorow is your first day and you wouldn't want to make a... mistake, quite so early."

Ion shivered, there was something off about Starworks. However this was no time to start another argument. He had already spent most of the ride over arguing with Twilight. With a grudging nod he stepped into the room. Twilight bringing up the rear.

"I am very sorry for Ion's behaviour professor. It will not happen again, you have my word!"

Ion closed his eyes and his frown deepened. He had never met one as annoying as this mare.

"It is good to have such dependable students as you here miss sparkle. I am sure Ion could learn a lot from you. Have a good night."

Ion heard the door click shut and started surveying his surroundings. A small study of sorts, with a table to dine or work on. A fireplace for heating and a pair of comfy looking seats in front of it. Three doors led off to seperate rooms. Two were marked, blank stone plaques empty of any detail. The other was completely unmarked, and upon further investigation. Led to a small bathroom. Both the marked rooms turned out to be sleeping quarters, identically furnished except for the view from the windows. Both contained a chest for personal belongings, a bed and a table.

Back outside Twilight had already walked up to the first room and her horn was glowing. After a second a similar flash to the one Starworks had made engraved her name into the stone plate. Ion decided that this was infact a good idea and turned to his own door. He reached within himself, touching gently upon the part of his body that. Had never seemed like it fit. Magic, it was a part of him yet it was alien. He had never felt this true connection to it that other unicorns did, instead preferring the cold comfort of technology.

Clearing his head of thoughts he send a mental spike, a sharp blow of intagible power. Right into the magic, where it met with a bit of resistance before shattering a barrier. Like a thin membrane constraining it. His horn started glowing, a violently green colour, with occasional green sparks shooting off it. He felt the plaque in his mind, and with a probing touch, hardened his magic. Then scraped it into the plaque, the words of his name becoming apparent as a strong force simply displaced the stone to the sides.

When he was done, the plaque read his name in deep lines. With raised ridges along the edges. He was satisfied and spared twilight one look and two words before going into his room.

"Good night."

"Good night Ion."

Closing the door behind himself he decided that he was in fact tired. And before letting go of his magic, he lifted the blanket up into the air. Hovering as if pinched by an invisible spirit. He let it hang, keeping his focus on it as he lay down onto the bed. He curled up into comfortable position and let the blanket drop. He was asleep before it even landed on him. And he didn't notice the lights dimming in response to his sleep.