He Who Loves Nightmares

by xCrossx

The Wait

The Wait

        We arrive at the castle and fly through an absent window, all of them having been transferred to the Canterlot Castle about a thousand years ago. I release the magic and drop with a thunk, creating little craters in the floor. Nightmare Moon follows behind me with more grace and the soft clops of her hooves.

I glance around the ancient throne room. At one end is the double rotten doors, the other is a stone throne with a very faded cutie mark just off center; Celestia had taken her throne to Canterlot with her. In the center is the pedestal with the Elements, which I had only paid attention to on my first visit. I stand next to it while Nightmare Moon, of course, goes to her throne.

I flashback to the days I admired the night sky, marveling at each star glittering, wondered about that big, round moon. I loved the night. Then came its Princess' banishment. And the night just wasn't the same; the stars were there, but bland. And the moon, oh, it /couldn't/ shine like it once had, what, with that giant shadow on it. I remember the days as I mourned what had become of the night and its Princess. And then I moved on to prepare for her return.

I snap back to reality as I hear the Bearer's voices. Finally.