He Who Loves Nightmares

by xCrossx

The Lover

The Lover

My name is Dage. I was the Knightmare Dage during the feudal era. I didn't care for the endless wars between nobles and their knights. Instead, I escorted caravans through the worst routes. My prowess preceded me; everypony, good and bad, knew the Knightmare in his evil armor and blue glows. It made my job mostly uneventful, but I don't like violence itself, so it worked out.

Because of my lack of care for wars, I didn't learn of the war between the Princesses until it was too late. I have had to stay up a lot to ensure my escorts remain safe, leaving me to watch the night sky. I saw it for the beauty and peace it is. Others just see it as the absence of day, a time to sleep, or to abuse the sleep-time of others. No one but I respect the night and it's Princess.

As I guided a caravan to its final destination, I caught the guards talking about the Princess of the Night. I swiveled my ears to listen in. "The final battle between the Princesses is about to take place just northwest of the Everfree Forest." Battle? Between the Princess? I took to the sky and realize the night has lasted for the last month; I barely pay attention when we are on the move.

After getting my pay, I spin around, leave the town and rush to the battlefield. My internal clock tells me the month has ended as the sun starts to rise. I glance around at the wreckage, not able to tell who won from the dead bodies. I wandered over the mess, looking for a sign of life somewhere.

It took the rising of the sun for me to find the camp of its Princess' forces. After asking for the Princess, I am lead to the massive center tent. I am admitted inside to see Celestia in her grand battle armor. She turns to me, a grim look beset on her face.

I demanded for her to tell me what happened. She sighed, telling me first of the Elements of Harmony, then of their role in banishing Luna to the moon. But, she said, Luna was lost in jealous, having become the evil Nightmare Moon. She made the night last a month, bringing the crop-killing chills. Celestia had no choice. I asked how long her banishment is. She said forever.

Cold rage filled me, pulling random thoughts together into words, driving intense magic behind the words I spoke next. "On the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!" Unless someone returns her to the mare she was. The prophecy of myth, the one that still haunts Celestia. I left after that, having plans on how to get my Luna back.