Home Reversal

by cloudedguardian

Mare in the Moon (Part 4)

Although the sky had lightened in anticipation for its soon to rise sun, the moon was still, oddly enough, high in the sky as Trixie trotted to City Hall to do her last minute check on preparations. She barely paid it any attention, tired as she was, even as it glimmered eerily in the city’s fountains that she passed along the way.
Trixie blinked as she futilely tried to fight back a yawn that reminded her how much she wanted her bed over duty, as she pushed against City Hall’s great double doors. They swung upon on recently-oiled hinges, revealing everypony’s hard work to her critiquing eye. In the daylight, Rarity’s decorations had brought a majestic air to the celebrations, befitting to a divine Princess like Celestia… But in the moonlight and dimming starlight, they brought a fairytale air to a stage that seemed like it was set for the greatest story of all times. Trixie’s eyes widened, and her face split into a grin as she stepped into the middle of the room. She knew that the banners, now glittering icily like a winter’s night, would glow beautifully in fiery oranges and reds once the sun was up by Celestia’s call. The whole room will change... Oh Rarity, you really are a talent! Trixie beamed, her gaze unwilling to settle in any one area. As it swept over a pale yellow pegasus, it hesitated before turning back to her in mild confusion.
At first, she wondered if the pegasus was one of those early bird ponies that always seemed to show up to these things ridiculously early. Then, she spotted the small multitude birds that were obediently following the butter yellow mare around. Oh. I see the music is right on time… Good, I won’t have to worry about that then… Trixie noted quietly, turning her back to Fluttershy’s assembling choir.
She quickly trotted around the room, mentally noting the amount of floor space to make sure that there would be enough standing room for all the earth ponies and unicorns. She came up a little short, so she quickly re-routed to double check all the balcony staircase to ensure that they were clear and easily accessed. Rarity had seemed to have kept them in mind however, (Unlike the last dolt, Trixie could remember Celestia herself having to clear out the staircases so that the rest of her subjects could come in the building she was in. It was rather sad really.) and they were perfectly decorated as well, with nothing to stumble over, or trip on, with each balcony delicately embellished. Perfect.
Now I just need to check on the food. Hopefully my little, err, outburst didn’t ruin things. The food table in question was thankfully heaped to the top as it should be, but that wasn’t what caught Trixie’s attention as she approached it. Yes, there were all the apple confectionaries that she had seen the day before, but there was also four beautiful platters that were completely free of any trace of apples. Oatmeal cookies, vanilla cupcakes decorated with little suns, blueberry jelly the color of the summer sky, and a chocolate cake that made Trixie’s mouth water at the sight of it. It was quite clear by the differing garnishes on the apple toffee cake and the chocolate one that these sweets had obviously been made by somepony else. Trixie smiled proudly. They called in some extra help, I see. Oh and they made an amazing choice as well. Now, I should have just asked them to do this instead of… Well, throwing a tantrum, but at least everything worked out to the better.
“Uh, Miss Trixie?”
The blue unicorn in question quickly turned around to be face to face with Applejack, who was fidgeting with her hat as if she had something to say.
“Y-yes, can I help you?” She asked quickly, absolutely determined to stay professional this time around.
“Ah just wanted to say thank you for not firing us from catering the Celebration… Faust knows our family needs the business it racks up…”
“Oh… It’s… Quite alright. I didn’t have the right to do so after my behavior yesterday afternoon, so I’d like to apologize for that as well,” Trixie began, before shooting a look over her shoulder at the table. Applejack seemed to be somepony who took pride in her work, so maybe she could make her feel better if she stroked that a little…
“And I see that you called in a little help with the order. I can see that you made a wise choice. The table looks absolutely perfect.”
Applejack looked up at her with a hint of shocked surprise. “Yeah, we asked Sugarcube Corner if they would provide us a few extra platters, and Pinkie gave us those free of charge.”
Pinkie? As in that hyper pink pony? She works at a confectionery? …Well that explains everything. “Oh? Well, you know what they say, good contacts and knowing when to call them in is a sign of a promising business.” Trixie smiled sweetly, and Applejack finally returned it.
She nodded her goodbye and put her hat back on as she walked back to her family, and Trixie breathed a sigh of relief. I think I managed to mend things Princess… Just like how you taught me. She added mentally, and gave one last proud smile before turning and trotting up the staircase that led to the balcony from which Celestia would appear.
She reached it in moments, but something felt very much off. Her lilac eyes searched the balcony, confusion and fear growing in her heart. Where is Celestia? She should be here by now. She always comes early so we can talk about ancient magic before she has to raise the sun… So where is she?
Fluttershy’s birds echoed out the royal song from the podium as Trixie resumed her anxious search, her frazzled mind trying hopelessly to figure out what was going on.
“Fillies and Gentlecolts! As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!”
Trixie’s ears laid flat against her head as the Mayor’s voice called out to the gathered crowd. Celestia still wasn’t here.
“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this; The longest day of the year!” Mayor Mare announced cheerfully. “And now, it is my great honor, to introduce to you, the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon every single day… The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria; Princess Celestia!”
The birds began their song again, drawing nothing but dread from the pale unicorn behind the curtain. Trixie shot behind a pillar as the curtains began to open. Oh no oh no oh no- OH NOOO… She clenched her eyes tightly shut as frantic whispers echoed out from the entire crowd.
“Remain calm, everypony… There must be a reasonable explanation…” Mayor Mare offered gently, although her voice betrayed her own growing panic.
Trixie opened her eyes to look up at Rarity’s anxious expression.
“Trixie, where’s Princess Celestia? What’s going on?”
“I don’t know! She’s always here by now, but she isn’t. I-I…” Trixie trailed off as tears filled her eyes. “I want her to be alright…” She whispered, and she heard Rarity’s quick trot back to the balcony a heart-beat later.
Rarity’s simple reply of “She’s gone.” drew a dramatic gasp from the crowd… A second later though, they grew louder and were coupled with screams as a bubble of strong magic appeared on the balcony, which shattered in a heart-beat to reveal a black Alicorn. Trixie felt as if she could hardly breath as the black Alicorn smiled cruelly at the crowd below as draconic eyes searched their faces.
“Oh my precious subjects… It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious, little, sun-loving faces,” She sneered darkly.
A bold pegasus that Trixie easily recognized as Rainbow Dash interrupted the dark Alicorn before her.
“What did you do with our Princess?!” She yelled, her tone every bit the rude and brash fool that Trixie knew.
To her surprise though, the Alicorn just laughed. “What, am I not royal enough for you?”
Relief was cut short by the Alicorn’s visage twisting slightly in anger. “Don’t you know who I am?!”
“Ooh ooh, more guessing games!” Oh no… Pinkie. For Celestia’s sake, shut up! “Uhm, Hokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No, Black Snooty! Black Snooty-” Going by the muffled noises that ended her ramble, somepony had wisely shut her up.
The Alicorn paid her no attention however, and instead continued her angry tirade. “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” Trixie watched with a hint of horror as the black Alicorn walked up to Rarity. “Did you not recall the legends? Did you not see the signs?”
Trixie breathed a sigh of relief as the Alicorn did nothing but flick Rarity’s nose with her mane before turning back to the crowd. “No? I have been forgotten? Hmph… Fair enough I suppose…”
Thunder began to roll as the Alicorn’s face split into a wide and cruel grin. “For you will soon forget the day, because from this moment forth, the night shall last FOREVER!

Somehow, it was her terrifying and maniacal laughter that brought back Trixie’s courage. Perhaps it was because it was only now that the threat had become wholly real. Perhaps it was because now everypony was in danger and probably only Trixie had the knowledge to stop her… Or perhaps it was simply because she sounded far too much like all those girls that used to mock Trixie so.
Whichever it was, as everypony fled from the building with cries of terror, Trixie was among them, determined to get to the library once more as her mind wheeling to put the pieces together.
Subjects, crown, royal- she’s a Princess. A thousand years imprisoned… The night shall last forever… The thoughts became a mantra as her hooves pounded against the cobblestones. Moonlight shone down on her mockingly as she made her futile charge towards her goal. Princess, a thousand years, everlasting night. Princess, a thousand years, everlasting night, Princess, a thousand years, everlasting night…
Then, a tickle of a memory as the Alicorn’s voice came back to her. “Did you not recall the legends? Did you not see the signs?”
Princess, a thousand years, everlasting night, a legend…
A legend.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…


There were two regal sisters, who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the elder sister used her powers to raise the sun at dawn, the younger brought out the moon to begin the night…

Everlasting night.

But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The little ponies relished and played in the day her sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger alicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn… She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night… For the bitterness in the young ones heart and turned into a wicked mare of darkness-

“The Legend of Nightmare Moon!” Trixie gasped aloud. Determination settled in even stronger as she increased her speed. “I should have known there was a reason why Celestia wanted me to read all those dusty old books!”
The library doors burst open to allow Trixie to skid in.
“C’mon, where is it, Equestrian myths…” Trixie muttered as her magic tore through the bookshelves.
In a minute that felt like an hour, she held the brown and gold book that held the tale. “Here it is… ‘Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponykind, the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently in the moon.’”
“So that’s it! The Elements of Harmony… I think I’ve read about those before…” Trixie dropped the tome to search the bookshelves again. “Wait! Celestia wanted me to read that stupid book, what was it called…” She charged over to her book bag and tossed the items out haphazardly until she found the dark teal volume in question.
“Let’s see… Elements of Harmony… Aha!” Trixie stared at the page hopefully for a second before her face fell. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. ‘See Mare in the Moon.’ GAH!”
The book was tossed aside irritably as Trixie began her search for the old book on Equestrian Myths. Sapphira landed with a gentle squawk on her windowsill as books flew across the room in Trixie’s panicked search.
“You… Have really lousy timing, you know that Sapph?” Trixie muttered as she flipped through three different books before dropping them to the ground as well.
Sapphira gave another small squawk before flying over and tipping over a bright turquoise tome on the top of a bookshelf to splay open a few feet away from her unicorn. Trixie raised an eyebrow before looking down at the book.
“Mare in the Moon… Oh this is it! ‘Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times… A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring night-time eternal.’ Well that explains the “Thousand years” bit… Not a lot of help though… Don’t I have anything on the Elements directly?!
Sapphira gave her an encouraging chirrup and gestured down at the bookshelf she was perched on. Trixie trotted over questioningly before giving in and searching the books below.
It wasn’t long before a brilliant red book caught her eye. “Elements of Harmony, a Reference guide…” Trixie gave a desolate sigh at her own stupidity before pulling it out.
“Let’s see… ‘There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known.’ Don’t need to know the what, just the where… Bla bla bla, aha! ‘It is said that the last known location of the five Elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. It is located in what is now… The Everfree Forest.’”

A/N: Now I could whip off maybe three to five paragraphs and call "Mare in the Moon" done, but somehow i think that you guys would like, and deserve, something better than that, so there will be one more chapter to this before I move onto the second set of chapters.