Equestria Noir Case 13 "Blue Moon"

by Jacoboby1


Case 13


Spike paced back and forth in his knight costume as Twilight and I got dressed for Nightmare Night. He looked impatiently towards the spare room where I was changing. “Come on Private, we’re going to be late for the festival!”

I emerged from the room clad in a set of dark armor and helmet. My eyes were snake like and yellow and my teeth had piranha like fangs on them. Spike let out a yelp at my appearance “Dude that’s creepy, is that you, Private?”

I tapped the eye on my chest and I turned back to regular Private wearing the armor. “The Lunar stallions felt bad for offering me up to Luna, so they let me borrow their armor for tonight.”

“Cool!” Spike said, striking a heroic pose in his Knight armor. “What do you think? Do I strike fear into the heart of enemies everywhere?”

I smiled a little and transformed back into my Lunar Stallion form “Foul knight! You shall fall before the might of Lord Nocturne!”

Spike caught on to what I was doing and held up a foam sword “Back, beast of the night! I, Sir Spike, shall slay thee in the name of Princess Rarity!”

“No! Not the foam sword of epicness!” I cried, in mock fear. “My one weakness!”

“That’s right, beast!” Spike said, swinging the sword at me. “Now thou shalt taste my blade!”

He leapt on top of me and we wrestled with each other. Spike managed to get on top of me and, plunged his foam sword to the left of me. I made a fake gasp of pain and held the sword fake protruding out of me. “I have been slain! I, the mighty Lord Nocturne, have been slain by Sir Spike!”

Spike stood on my belly, and struck another heroic pose. “Now your evil shall never harm anypony! I Sir Spike hast saved the Princess from thee”

“Impressive, Spikey Wikey,” I heard a voice say, causing Spike to tense.

He slowly turned and saw Rarity smiling at him; she was clad in her old gala dress and giggled at Spike’s blush.

She spoke in her most princess like voice, “Thank you Sir Spike, We knew you would save us from that wretched monster!”

“I prefer the term intimidating!” I said, from my position on the floor.

“You’re supposed to be dead remember!” Spike said, looking down at me.

“Oh right” I replied with a nod, flopping back limply. “Ack! I’m dead…”

Spike looked back at Rarity who was simply smiling at him. “Nothing could stop me, M'lady.”

“Oh, my hero” Rarity said, before planting a kiss on Spike’s cheek. Spike turned as red as a tomato, and fell over on the ground in sheer embarrassment. I pulled the foam sword from my side and looked over at Rarity “I see you’re joining the celebration this time.”

“I don’t usually go to Nightmare Night because of the rather garish activities,” Rarity sniffed, as her magic picked up unconscious Spike and put him on her back, “but I thought I’d give you and Twilight some time tonight, and I’d watch Spike.”

“You take good care of him, M'lady," I said, with a deep bow.

“I shall, Lord Nocturne,” she said, with a mock curtsy before leaving the library. Rarity had volunteered to watch Spike during the festivities, so Twilight and I could spend Nightmare Night together. It was good for our relationship, although Twilight was a little reluctant to let the little dragon go.

I looked back and saw… me?

No, Twilight dressed in my trench coat and fedora!

“Where’d you get that stuff?" I asked, incredulously.

“Well, my Starswirl the Bearded costume got a hole in it, and I couldn’t fix it in time,” Twilight explained. “So, I decided to go as somepony I equally admire.”

I blushed a little. “You flatter me, but you could’ve asked me to use my clothes.”

“I know,” Twilight said, apologetically, “but they were right there, and I just sort of wondered if they fit,”

“If it’s any consolation,” I said smiling, “You look good in them.”

Twilight smiled, and imitated my voice, “Detective Private Eye, solving crimes in the blink of an eye!”

I facehoofed as she used the horrible slogan we still haven’t gotten rid of. Then I heard a knock on the door. “Looks like we got trick or treaters.”

I opened the door and was greeted by Tailspin dressed as a Wonderbolt, Dinky dressed as a ballerina, and Pipsqueak dressed as a mask less Mare-do-Well. They sang together “Nightmare Night, What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!”

I laughed as Twilight came with the bowl of candy. I smiled at the trio, “You three look ready for Nightmare Night”

Tailspin smiled. “Ponyville Nightmare Night is the best! Everypony has their houses all decorated and stuff!”

“It’s a great place to have a Nightmare Night,” Pipsqueak said, excitedly, “especially a second Nightmare Night ever!"

Dinky held out her bag. “Would you please give us some candy Mr. Eye?”

“All right,” I said, as Twilight and I levitated candy into their bags. “Who’s watching you kids tonight?”

Tailspin was ready to explain, “Well she’s also participate-“

Suddenly Pinkie Pie, dressed in what appeared to be a chicken suit appeared out of nowhere and glared at the trio. “Enough chit-chat! Time is candy!”

I raised an eyebrow at Pinkie. “Aren’t you a little old to be trick or treating?”

“Too old for free candy?” Pinkie gasped, her blue eyes growing wide in shock “NEVER!!!”

I rolled my eyes and tossed a few treats into Pinkie’s bag. “So, where’s Swarm?”

“I’m over here,” the changeling replied, appeared alongside Pinkie Pie. “I decided to go as myself this Nightmare Night”

“I guess I can’t-“ I was cut off when Swarm suddenly transformed into Pinkie Pie.

“Perhaps this form is more suitable,” Pinkie 2 said, with a mischievous grin. Pinkie 1 just laughed.

I rolled my eyes. “You guys can’t use that shape shifting trick on me anymore, I know how to beat it.”

“Oh really?” both Pinkies asked at the same time. They suddenly swapped positions at lightning speed until they were standing right beside each other smiling at me.

Challenge accepted…

I sniffed both of them, only one of them smelled of baked goods. “This Pinkie,” I said, pointing to the Pinkie on my right, “is the real one!”

“Wrong!” left Pinkie exclaimed, smiling. “I’m the real Pinkie Pie.”

“But how?” I asked, my jaw dropping.

Swarm changed back into his changeling self. “We figured you would try that smelling trick so Pinkie sprayed me with scent of baked goods.”

I let out an exasperated sigh as the couple laughed.

The group moved on to the next house engaged in excited conversation. I looked at Twilight who was trying desperately not to laugh out loud. “I guess even the world’s greatest Detective has trouble with Pinkie Pie.”

I just rolled my eyes at Twilight. I closed the door to the library, and we walked to the party.
“So what’s so great about Starswirl the Bearded, anyway?” I asked, as Twilight and I strolled into the celebration. Everywhere I looked ponies were celebrating Nightmare Night. Ponies were dancing, bobbing for apples, trying out the pumpkin catapults, and playing all sorts of fun games.

Twilight went into full scholar mode. “He created over 200 spells and has a section dedicated to him at the Canterlot Library.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Sadly, my attempts to teach some ponies about history haven’t gone well.”

“So he created 200 spells by himself?” I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“In his prime mostly,” Twilight explained. “Later in his life, however, he did some odd habits. He was on the search of some seventh element or whatever.” She shrugged. “I still haven’t figured it out yet, it might have something to do with that Chanting you keep talking about.”

So far I hadn't given much thought to the Chanting since Manehattan. It hadn’t happened in a while, so maybe it was just a fluke. On the other hoof, maybe this Starswirl guy knows about what it could possi-


I leapt ten feet into the air grabbing onto a nearby store sign. I looked up, and sure enough Raiden and Rainbow Dash were sitting on their storm cloud, laughing their tails off. I frowned at them. “Having fun with your new toy?”

Rainbow, dressed in an odd purple and black flight suit with a skull on her flank, chuckled. “Lighten up, Private! Nightmare Night is the greatest night for scares!”

Raiden, who was dressed as a heavy metal rock star, laughed as well. “You should’ve seen the look on your face! Priceless!”

The couple kept laughing as I slowly started to smile.

Raiden raised an eyebrow, “Private? Why are you smiling?”

“Look behind you.”

Slowly the couple turned to gaze upon…

“It’s not nice to scare ponies like that,” Slender said, in his creepiest voice.

Raiden and Rainbow screamed in shock and flew off before Slender could chase them. Slender suddenly teleported away leaving behind a creepy laugh, and I climbed down from my perch.

“Who was that?” Twilight asked, as I came down.

“Somepony with an incredible costume,” I replied, as we walked away.
“I’m sorry but that rainbow wig just kills it," I said, as I watched the Mayor give her speech for the Nightmare Night festival. She was clad once again in a clown costume. Look I know clowns are scary as hell but rainbow wigs aren't scary.

She didn’t get the memo.

“Citizens of Ponyville, I am pleased to welcome you to the Nightmare Night festival. Tonight shall be a night of true scares!”

Twilight nodded. “Yup, rainbow wig kills it.”

“Now will all the ponies who wish to-“She was cut off when the wind suddenly grew strong.

Clouds of green smoke formed on the stage and Zecora appeared from that smoke. She was clad as a witch with spiders in her hair. How she managed to get her hair that long is beyond me, probably a wig of some sorts.

She smiled at the crowd. “Fillies and Colts of every age, would you like to hear something strange? Sit back and see a sight, this show shown on Nightmare Night!”

Everypony cheered and although the Mayor looked a little ticked at her speech being interrupted, she just smiled and walked off. Zecora blew a strange green powder “This is Nightmare Night, Ponies scream with sheer fright” The powder swished and swirled in the wind and made various shapes some of the images flew over the crowd and took on spider and snake forms.

Some screamed at the sight and all three of the flower girls fainted. Honestly those three freak out at everything!

Ponies began to sing along to this rhyming:

This is Nightmare Night!

Everypony make a sight!

Trick or treat!

Slender appeared behind Colgate and whispered, "Tiill the neighbors gonna die of fright…'''

Colgate screamed and Slender disappeared again. Geez, that guy was good!

The crowd continued:

This our town! Everypony scream!

On this night where moonlight gleams.

Pinkie suddenly appeared from behind Lyra and Bon Bon.

I am the pony hiding under you bed,

Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red!

Swarm appeared behind Big Mac and was about ready to scare him, before Big Mac countered the changeling:

Ah am the one hidden' under yer stairs!

Leg’s like snakes and spiders in mah hair!

Swarm crossed his forelegs together and literally buzzed off.

The crowd kept singing:

This is Nightmare Night! This is Nightmare Night!

Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!!

Raiden, who was providing the accompaniment, played a few notes on the piano.

Vinyl smirked from her position next to the sound board and spoke creepily into the mike.

In this town, we call home

Everypony hail to the pumpkin song!

Mayor smiled and sang as well.

In this town! Don’t we love it now?

Everypony’s waiting for the next surprise!

I looked around wondering where the next voice was coming from.

Round that corner, guy hiding in the trash can

Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll….


I leapt up again and saw Rainbow on her storm cloud again laughing like mad.

Scream! This is Nightmare Night!

What a sight!

Rainbow turned to a the flower girls who recovered from their embarrassing faint.

Aren’t you scared?

All three crossed their legs at the same time.

Well, that’s just fine!

We all continued the lyrics.

Say it once! Say it Twice!

Ride with the moon in the dead of night!

Fluttershy who appeared out of nowhere flew as fast as she could, away from all of the singing.
Everypony scream! Everypony scream!

Big Mac chuckled and walked to where Fluttershy was flying. We all continued the chorus:
This is Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!!

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sang together, Sweetie Belle in particular seemed to be holding the group together musically.

Tender lumplings everywhere!

Life’s no fun without a good scare!

I added to the chorus:

That's our job

Twilight smiled.

But we’re all right,

The rest of the town continued.

In our town on Nightmare Night

Mayor continued

In this town, don’t we love it now?

Everypony’s waiting for the next surprise!

Zecora’s dust transformed into Nightmare Moon herself and the conjuration seemed to sing the next chorus as it perched on top of the stage.

Nightmare Moon might catch you in the swoon,

And scream like a banshee,

Make you jump out of your skin.

This is Nightmare Night, everypony give a fright!

Won't ya please make way for a very special pony?

The clouds above parted and Luna’s chariot descended to thunderous stomps from the crowd. I guess everypony wanted to welcome her this time because she was caught in the spirit of her own holiday.

Our gal Luna is Princess of the Night you see!

Everypony hail to the ruler of the night now!

This is Nightmare Night! This is Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!

In this town we call home! Everypony hail to the Princess song!

The song ended and everypony laughed and cheered as Luna descended from her carriage and landed on the stage. Luna looked on as everypony was not fearing her, but enjoying that she was here. She smiled at them and opened her mouth, I really should’ve covered my ears.

"CITZENS OF PONYVILLE, WE HAVE RETURNED ONTHIS NIGHT OF-" She realized she retreated into Royal Canterlot Voice and flushed in embarrassment. “We mean, thank you everypony for coming to this celebration,” she said, in a much gentler voice.

Luna looked on at the crowd as they hushed to listen to what she had to say “We have never formally apologized for what occurred last year. We come not to terrify and scare, but to join in this glorious celebration of night. For my night is not simply for myself, it is a gift to everypony here.” She looked at them, and continued, “Which is why, I too shall join in.”

Slowly the stage lights dimmed and Raiden got up from his place at the piano and went behind the stage. I heard Organ music come from nowhere and then a howl from a distant wolf, and then… Raiden appeared on the stage no longer clad in his flight suit outfit but in a red jacket.

Several ponies, particularly mares, cheered at the sight of Raiden on stage. Raiden spread his wings and began to sing as the music took on a more pop number:

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark

Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it

You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes

You're paralyzed!

He flew along the crowd and kept singing as he twirled in the air as if dancing on air.

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike

You know it's thriller, thriller night

You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

Luna herself appeared from the fog this time as her Nightmare Moon form. Some ponies screamed at the sight of her but Luna simply smiled. This was all part of the fun. She sang to the crowd alongside Raiden.

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run

You feel the cold hoof and wonder if you'll ever see the sun

You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl!

But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind

You're out of time

Raiden and Luna flew into the air and sang together

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl

Everypony cheered at the duet between these two. Who knew Luna could hold her own alongside Raiden? I guess when you spent a thousand years on the moon you had to have something to do.

Thriller, thriller night

You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

Raiden flew upside down over the crowd as he sang the next lyrics.

Night creatures calling, the dead start to walk in their masquerade

There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time

Luna smiled as Nightmare Moon and sung the next part:

They're open wide

This is the end of your life

Lightning crashed overhead and Luna appeared suddenly between me and Twilight. She looked over at me and bared her fangs at me

They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side

Suddenly she turned into a mist and my body moved on it’s own. I walked towards Twilight and planted my lips onto hers. My face turned beat red as some of the crowd cheered at my apparent bold move. Twilight’s face also flushed in embarrassment as Luna reappeared.

They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial

Raiden appeared and flew back to back with the Princess and sang the next part with her.

Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together, yeah

All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen

I'll make you see

this is thriller, thriller night

'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try

Thriller, thriller night

So let me hold you tight and share a

Killer, diller, chiller, thriller here tonight

Raiden and Luna circled each other in the air as the song became more intense. I looked around at the crowd and I saw Rainbow looking on Raiden with eyes filled with awe. I chuckled a little, Raiden did have that effect on ponies.

Cause this is thriller, thriller night

Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try

Thriller, thriller night

So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, ow!

Then Luna perched herself on the stage and spoke in a deep and fearsome voice.

Darkness falls across thy land

The midnight hour ist close at hand

Creatures crawl in search of blood

To terrorize thine neighborhood

Raiden sang as Luna narrated her dark tale

I'm gonna thrill ya tonight, ooh baby

I'm gonna thrill ya tonight, oh darlin'

Thriller night, baby, ooh!

Luna continued drawing her most fearsome smile she could, the crowd was loving it.

The foulest stench is in the air

The funk of one thousand years

And grizzly ghouls from every tomb

Are closing in to seal your doom

She flew spread her wings out wide and spoke in an even more evil tone

And though you fight to stay alive…

Your body starts to shiver…

For no mere mortal can resist…

The evil of…the thriller!!!

She laughed manically as the stage darkened and the show ended. Everypony cheered at Luna’s display and stomped so hard I feared the stage was going to break. Luna and Raiden appeared one last time to bow before the crowd. Luna’s eyes were tear filled as she looked upon her subjects.
“We did not think it would work,” Luna said, as I ran into her after the celebration died down, “but everypony seemed to enjoy our display.”

“All you had to do was loosen up a little, Princess” Twilight said with a smile “Have some fun once in a while”

Luna gave a playful smile “Now we understand what you mean when you say fun”

Twilight laughed at the inside joke. I looked at Luna. “It was an honor working along side you, Princess.”

She shook her blue head and smiled at me. “You have made us realize just how much everypony does enjoy our night. Now we can live, knowing that our subjects do indeed like us.”

Luna flew off to join the crowd, and Twilight looked at me. “She’s not really bad once you get to know her.”

I looked on and saw Slender sitting on a roof nearby. I couldn’t tell, but he seemed to be watching the town in the night. I wonder what he hopes to accomplish now?

Some mysteries should remain mysteries I guess…

Otherwise they wouldn’t be very much fun to be scared by…

Maybe that is why ponies fear the dark…