Equestria Noir Case 13 "Blue Moon"

by Jacoboby1

Chapter 6 "Face Thy Darkness"

Chapter 6

“Face thy Darkness”

I managed to persuade the Lunar stallions to give me a lift to Ponyville. They landed on the town’s outskirts, and I jumped out of the sky carriage they provided. I looked at the pair of yellow eyed guards. “Go and tell Twilight Sparkle what happened, I will find Luna.”

“One of us should go with you,” one of them suggested.

“I appreciate your offer, but I’m better off alone. I’ll attract less attention that way.”

The Lunar Stallion looked ready to object, but his partner put a hoof on his shoulder. “Look Aegis, this guy can handle himself. You go warn Twilight Sparkle, and I’ll summon the guard. That way we both can be doing something.”

“Very well,” Aegis said. “I trust you will fly swift, Stalwart?”

“Like always,” Stalwart replied, with a smirk.

The two Lunar stallions flew off, and I walked into the Everfree Forest. I didn’t know what dangers awaited me in this dark place, but I knew I had to find Luna, and put a stop to this evil.

I enter of my own free will, Nocturne.
My flashlight illuminated the path ahead of me. I had no idea where I was going, or what I was looking for. I knew Luna ventured into the forest alone. The question is, where did she land?

I thought I heard a sound and turned, but nopony was there. I walked a little ways and my eyes fell on a piece of paper on a tree. Upon closer inspection, I saw it bore an odd message.

Why do ponies fear the dark?

I wonder what it means? Another sound, I turned around quickly. I thought I saw something disappear behind a tree. Why do ponies fear the dark? What is that supposed to mean? Is it a fear of the unknown? Is it because it distorts what we want to see? We fear what we can't see, what we see but don’t want to see. I really should write some of this down for a book.

As I held up my flashlight, I heard a voice behind me,

“Now you will see why Ponies fear the dark!”

I screamed in terror and turned around. I fell on my back, breathing heavily. I saw a tall, imposing figure, clad in a black suit, standing over me. He was pony shaped, with long slender legs and a blank face.

Wait, slender legs?

“Slender?” I asked, looking up at the figure.

“Private Eye?” I heard his voice ask, even though he had no mouth. He backed up giving me space to stand. “I apologize; I thought you were the pony with the flashlight.”

“You’re still looking for him?” I asked, climbing to my hooves. “You scared the crap out of me.”

“Again, I apologize,” Slender said, rather politely. “I simply cannot tolerate thieves.”

` “What’s with the paper?” I raised an eyebrow, pointing at the paper hanging on the wall.

“It’s a question I ask my… victims,” Slender answered.

“You’re a killer?” I asked, narrowing my eyes; my horn at the ready to pull out my gun, should this creature try anything.

“Not a killer, I do not kill my victims” Slender replied, raising a hoof. “I merely scare them off."

“Just because they steal pieces of paper?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

“It’s more than that,” Slender explained, slowly. “The ponies who come to Everfree do not understand the danger within it. I try to scare off ponies from entering it, to protect them. Unfortunately, many do not understand my warnings. So, after a few centuries of doing this, I began asking the question on the paper.”

“So, why do Ponies fear the dark?” I asked him.

“The strongest fear in your race, and many others, is fear of the unknown,” Slender replied. “True fear comes, not from simply facing the unknown, but of being helpless to face it when it comes. It’s the inevitability of the darkness that causes us to fear it. Sure we can light the way but in the end, a flashlight will always run out of batteries.”

“You must’ve been doing this a long time” I said, in understanding.

“Five thousand years,” Slender replied, looking up as if he was reminiscing. “For five millennia I’ve lived in this forest, trying to persuade ponies to stay away. Many do not listen, and they suffer insanity upon seeing my face.”

“Well, I’m not going insane,” I pointed out, “and I’m looking right at you. Why is that?”

“That is because you do not fear the unknown,” Slender said, sagely. “You instead run towards it with reckless abandon. You are unusual in that aspect.”

“So that’s why I’m not going insane,” I concluded.

“That, and I’m not trying to scare you,” Slender explained. “Now, what has brought you a second time to this place?”

“I’m looking for Princess Luna,” I replied. “She should’ve flown by here about ten minutes ago.”

“I know of the one you speak,” Slender said, turning around, “but the way is dangerous, even for one such as myself. She ventures to the ancient palace of the Princesses; it was destroyed ages ago, and was the hideout for Nightmare Moon. I will lead the way, but know that it is dangerous. I fear for your safety.

“You said it yourself, I hunt the unknown with reckless abandon,” I said, with steely grey eyes. “I must stop this evil, if I don’t then many ponies could get hurt.”

I heard a soft laugh escape Slender. “You are bold; I hope you may keep your bravery when you face darkness.”

We ventured on side by side, deeper into the darkness.
As we walked farther into the forest I talked to Slender. “So, you said something about a monster rock concert you were trying to get together?”

“Yes,” Slender replied, looking at me. “Every Nightmare Night I try and convince the other monsters in Everfree to do a little get together. Most are mindless beasts who would probably eat more inhabitants than the food provided. Some, however, have enough intelligence to have a good time,”

“Sounds like quite the party,” I said, with a grin.

Slender gave a soft, rather creepy sounding chuckle. “Yes, although the shape shifters are always trouble.”

“I too have trouble with shape shifters,” I said, rolling my eyes. Swarm’s little prank still held in my memories.

“You want to know an easy trick to tell if somepony is imitating another pony?” Slender asked.

“I would like that very much,” I said with a smile.

“Smell,” Slender replied, simply.

“Smell?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Indeed, smell. Most shape shifters don’t think to mask their scent when they change forms. Once you know that, you can spot a disguise any day of the week.”

We stopped when we came to an old rope bridge leading to a fog covered castle. I looked at the bridge. “There’s no way we’re getting across that while it’s in this condition.”

“Shall we turn back?” Slender asked.

“No” I said, looking at the bridge. “I’m not going to let this stop me from getting to Luna.”

“Good” Slender said. “I will assist you in your endeavor then.”

I looked over at Slender, my eyes growing wide as black tentacles came out of his back. They twisted and writhed as if they were alive. The tentacles stretched along the bridge latching onto key points where the bridge seemed the weakest.

“That’s amazing!” I exclaimed, looking at the tentacles. “How do you do that?”

“Sometimes the unknown needs to reach for you,” Slender replied, cryptically. “Now go, I don’t know how long I can hold it steady.”

I moved quickly across the bridge and looked back at Slender. “Thank you! I hope to repay the debt I owe you one day!”

“Stay alive,” Slender said, his blank face facing me. “Just stay alive to tell me of how you faced the unknown.”

I smiled at him and ventured towards the fog covered castle. The ruins were made of stone and the gate was wide open. Somepony was here…
I walked into the main room and saw the Altar of Harmony. The Elements once were kept here in their dormant state before Twilight activated them. The stones that once held them were long gone, but the altar itself was relatively intact.

I heard an odd voice speak…

Tenacity has entered.

“Who said that?” I asked, looking around.

Nopony answered, and that definitely wasn’t the regular voice. It sounded too deep, like it belonged to a dragon.

I ignored it, and ventured deeper into the castle ruins. The halls twisted and turned until I came to a large chamber with a strange altar in it. On the altar stood a single coffin. I walked to it and removed the lid.

There was Nocturne, as he looked before. Looking younger, cheeks fuller, body bloated, and on his lips, blood. Fresh blood trickled from the corners of his mouth.

“Private!” I turned around and saw Luna looking at me, concerned. “We waited for you. We found out where Nocturne was hiding!”

“Why is he here?” I asked, looking at Nocturne in bewilderment. “He should be dead.”

“He lied about not drinking blood!” Luna answered, slowly. “We remember the activities that he performed for the cult! He is immortal! He is a drinker of blood!”

He’s a Vampony…

I looked down at Nocturne; it did indeed look like him. He looked asleep, almost content, but something was wrong…

“Private! Use that!” Luna ordered, pointing to a strange sword resting on a stand.

I looked at the blade; it was a long sword, an ancient weapon. Its leg and hilt was black. The hilt bore an image of a strange eye, resembling the one on a Lunar Stallion’s medallion. “What is it?”

“It’s a Blade of Night,” Luna explained. “An ancient weapon of war used to kill Lunar Stallions. Using it on him shall slay him forever!”

I used my magic to lift the weapon off its stand. It felt light in my magic; I barely needed any concentration to levitate it at all. I walked to Nocturne and looked down as a cruel smile came to his face.

How could he do this? Lie to Luna! Betray her love! Hurt ponies and smile like it’s all a game to him!

I held the blade up high to stab him. I was going to remove his foul stench-


Indeed smell. Most shape shifters don’t think to mask their scents when they change forms.


I began sniffing Nocturne.

“Why are you not using the blade on him?” Luna shouted “After all he has done!”

“Don’t you mean after all she has done?” I asked, with a small smile.

“What do you mean?

“Your glamor spell isn’t working. I don’t smell blood on Nocturne, but exotic perfume. One I remember Luna was wearing when we were together. Only you wouldn’t think to mask a scent, as you didn’t think I would consider smelling it. This isn’t Nocturne! This is Luna! You are an impostor!”

Luna suddenly broke into a maniacal laugh, most unbecoming of her. The glamor spell broke and the coffin vanished, replaced by Luna lying on the ground with the blue mist swirling around her.

I looked up as Pseudo Luna was replaced by the dark coat of…

“Nightwind” I exclaimed.

The ancient Lunar stallion smirked at me with his piranha like teeth. His eyes were not yellow, but instead blood red. “You are a clever pony. You truly are Nocturne’s descendent.”

“I’m Nocturne’s descendent?” I asked, taken aback.

“Did you think that diary would speak to just anypony?” Nightwind asked, looking at me “It wouldn’t so eagerly reveal its secrets to just some common fool. You are Nocturne’s descendent, and I lured you here.”

“For what purpose?” I asked raising the Blade of Night and pointing it at the Lunar Stallion “What possible purpose could you have to lead me here?"

“A trap,” Nightwind said, smoothly. “I pretended to be Nocturne so your curiosity would lead you to find the diary. Once you discovered Nocturne’s name, I knew you would go to Princess Luna to seek answers. Then you would use the diary to try and find out about him. All to lead you and Luna here.”

“Again, for what reason?” I shouted.

“So that you may unlock the seal on Luna’s blood,” he said, licking his fangs.


“Before Nocturne died he put a seal on his diary. Should it be destroyed by a powerful artifact, the barrier keeping the miasma from entering Luna would be destroyed.”

I looked back at Luna; she was sound asleep clutching the diary in her forelegs, right where I would’ve stabbed…

“The problem is only Nocturne’s descendants can destroy the diary. That's why I needed you.”

Suddenly, I felt my entire body fall under a powerful spell. Nightwind’s horn was glowing blood red and I felt my whole body move on its own. “I was hoping you would do it of your own free will; but it looks like we will have to do things the hard way.”

“The cult leader,” I said, while I struggled against his spell. “It was you, wasn’t it?”

“Indeed.” Nightwind sneered evilly. “I was the true master of the cult. Nocturne never had a role, but I made sure history remembered him as such.”

“You lied to Luna!” I yelled, as I was forced to walk towards the diary .

“Of course I did,” Nightwind said, lining the tip of the Blade of Night up with the diary. “I had to keep my mistress from falling prey to useless emotions.”

“You’re mad!” I growled. “The miasma has turned you into a monster!”

“The miasma has granted me the power to gain whatever I want," he retorted “It has granted me power beyond imagining! You were just too weak to give into its power!”

He was insane! He was going to put that stuff in Luna!

Try as I might I couldn’t stop him from controlling my hooves, and forcing me to plunge the blade deep into the diary. Ink spurted out of it like blood, and the miasma left my body and entered Luna.

The mist swirled around her, blowing me several feet back. Nightwind looked on with insane red eyes. “Welcome back, my mistress!”

The mist stopped swirling and standing before me was Nightmare Moon, in the flesh…

“Oh, if it isn’t my precious little betrayer, come back to play?”