//------------------------------// // Another Day, Another Problem // Story: Assassin's Tears III: Silent Wind Origins // by MisterGTFO //------------------------------// Chapter Three: Another Day, Another Problem I managed to smash down the door. I managed to see the guard who was also with the Ambassador come at me, trying to kill me. I simple made a swipe to his throat with my right hidden blade and he fell down. I re-sheathed my right hidden blade and walked towards him. He was cowering in the corner, looking at me with horror. He couldn't do anything to me since he was a stupid Ambassador. But, he even attempted to try and resist me but it didn't go well. "S-Stay back! I'll zap you!" He stuttered. I saw his horn glow more and more. But, that didn't stop me, I simply drew one of my blades and I swinged it with all of my might that was enough to cut off his horn. Now, blood was now squirting out of his damn horn and he was crying and babbling in pain. I putted my right hoof up to his mouth to muffle his mouth and I looked at him with total twisted feelings. I dunno why, but I felt like killing that day. But, Shade wasn't even awakened that time so it was a bit odd after I remembered that. Anyways, I chuckled more as his tears of fear were coming out and I raised up my left hoof and took out my hidden blade from my bracers and pointed it under him, which was pointed at his heart. He simply looked down, failing to see it. I think. I was still angered, seeing how that Ambassador was putting everypony close to me in danger, and that including putting my life in danger too. I said a few things to him before I executed him. "You.. are trying to kill me?! My.. life?! Somepony like you.." I growled, shaking my left hoof with my hidden blade that was still pointing at his heart in rage. "...deserves to die like a dog." I then plunged my left hidden blade into his heart, making him gasp for a moment and then his once-risen head fell down. Limp as a ragdoll. Relieved that I was now done, I released his dead body and it fell on the ground. I looked at the big window and saw that it was pointing towards the Everfree Forest. Of course, the Embassy had to be on the edge of Canterlot. But, I mean like.. I'm not trying to say that's bad or anything. Anyways, I looked at his desk and saw a small packet-stapled papers and I quickly flipped it to the page that I thought that it would be suiting to see. I felt like my body was freezing when I saw and read it. It turns out, they were keeping eyes on the Silentblades and guess they had enough of us and made an operation for the complete eradication of the Silentblades. I couldn't believe it. I knew that in my mind, I had to take it back to the Castle as soon as possible. I heard a bunch of hoofsteps and looked at the entrance that was no longer had a door it. I quickly took the papers with my mouth and flew out the window the moment the guards came. I fell down near the sewage drain and felt that the ground was a bit wet. But I didn't care, all that mattered was that the papers would be sent to my brother. I quickly flew back to the Castle in a hurry, wanting to go back to tell them that I did complete my mission and what I also found out. I managed to get back to the Castle, falling down from exhaustion and still having the papers holding with my mouth. I saw my brother run over to me with a worrying look and I smiled since most of the torches were out for the night and he could still see me, wow. Anyways, he ran over to me and the first thing he questioned was the papers in my mouth. "Why do you have a pair of papers holding in your mouth?" He asked me. I stood up shakingly and handed him the papers. I simply nodded at him and walked past him. Wanting to go to bed. "I completed what you wanted.. but, You'd better take a look at those papers. I'm really tired, lets talk about it tomorrow.." I muttered but loud enough so that he could hear me. I looked back and he nodded at me and took the papers with his mouth and walked to the left hallway. I frowned, knowing that he'd be shocked by what he was about to see in those papers. All I remember that night was falling in my bed and going to sleep. That's it. But I do know what had happened over the past two days and trust me, they're the most important part that I'm going to tell you. Since I feel like you should know or whatever. Geez, I am way too cheesy. I woke up, to see the light in my face. I got up and stretched my forelegs to make me feel a bit better. I putted my stuff on and heard a knock on my door. I shook my head since almost every single day, I hear my door be knocked. It's really annoying but when you're in the Silentblades, You gotta live with it. I went to my door and opened it. Once again, it was my brother with a serious face. I felt like I was in serious trouble but believe it or not, I wasn't. He simply turned his serious face turned into a smiling face and he patted my shoulder. At that point, I was completely confused, but I remembered that I turned something in to him. I guess I kind of forgot about it because I was so tired that I had forgot everything that I had done. He locked his look on me and told me something. "Dad wants to see you. Come on." He walked as I followed him. I really did wonder what my Dad wanted to say to me. I mean like all Dad had ever done was either say "Good job" or "You suck, try better." To think of it, he's really not caring and is very lazy-like though I still love 'im, Really! Anyways, I got to the throne room and saw my Dad on the throne. I guess that you can say that my Dad is the substitute leader until I turned 18 so that I could be confirmed to be Mom's heir. Oddly to this day, I don't really know why Mom didn't pick Silent Whisper. Maybe.. she saw potential in me before she died but.. I'm only saying that. I don't truly know. My Dad didn't really smile at me, I guess that was common since he never smiles that much. I saw him stand up and fly down to me. I looked at my brother and he lowered his head down and left both me and Dad. Once my brother was out, I turned my head back to my Dad, he looked at me, still having a bland-straight face. "Look's like last night, y'found something huge. Wind." He said my nickname. I really didn't like it when he said that name. It's just too childish for me to accept it but I just did for some reason. I replied back to him with a smile. "I did, did you see it?" I asked. He nodded at me. I already knew that he saw it because whatever we find, it goes straight to Dad. No questions about it but this one, It looks like he wanted to talk to me about what I gave to my brother. He began to walk out of the throne room and I looked back, frowning. He then said something to me that made my eyes go wide. "You're a good kid. Nice job. It wasn't official so we dodged something huge. Thanks, Kiddo. Today is.. Winter's Rise of the 16th. I gotta go to the altar room to do something. It'll take a while so I'll be in that room for a few hours. 'Till then, You're good for today." He thanked me a lot and with that, he left the throne room to the Altar room. At that age, I knew what he was about to do. During Winter's Rise of the 16th, there was a seal on a coffin inside the room and.. What was in there.. was a entity I had fought.. Deathmoon. Since Deathmoon was sealed many years ago on Winter's Rise of the 16th, It would always weaken on every anniversary so that's why Dad went out to reinforce the seal on the coffin. After having a talk with my Dad, I did a few things I don't like to talk about. I simply sat in my room, looking in the ceiling. I thought about several things that other ponies had told me. The most one I remembered was when Silent Whisper told me about how my life wasn't the life he particularly wanted. But to me, it was okay. Not perfect, but okay. Soon after, I heard a creak from my door and saw a Pony, Lily. I stood up and sat on my bed, wondering what she wanted. She sat on my bed and gave me a small peck and pulled her head back. "You know, You can just spend your time with me. It's a bit boring since you do most of your missions by yourself now and I can see you often.. Trust me, it's a bit boring to do contracts with Roar, Lance and Brute. Are you going to be an Advisor?" She asked. I really couldn't answer her question since I didn't even know. I was either going to be leader or an Advisor. Either way, I didn't care much since being an Advisor would be a bit tiring and being Leader would be even more tiring. I looked down for a moment but my head soon got brought up by Lily's hoof, putting her sight on mines. "I.. don't know.. I'll either be that or Leader. Either way, it really doesn't matter." I answered. She took her hoof off my left cheek and looked down. I was really tired so I couldn't really do anything much with her. I hugged her and broke it off. Simply put it, I gave her a short hug. "Listen, Today.. I didn't get much sleep so.." I yawned. "..I'll see you tommorow.." She nodded. I wanted to think she understood but I couldn't be real sure.. So I questioned her a bit just to be sure that she thought I was acting odd. "I'm really sorry I can't do anything with you. So, don't ha-" My sentence was interrupted by Lily. Who had rammed her lips into mines. At that point, I simply just went with it. She soon broke her kiss and at point, I think she kind of understood. "I understand, Silent. Don't worry, I won't hate you." Lily said, giggling. She kissed me on the cheek and left my room. I laid back down on my bed and slept because I had only had small hours of sleep yesterday and I wanted to make that sleeping time up. Now, I don't want to rush into things but I'm no story-teller, I'm just here to tell you about Me and only about Me and My life as a Silentblade. So, I woke up to hear a large knock on my door. I'm real serious, why do ponies have to always knock on my door every bucking time. It's way too much to have your room door knocked every. Single. Day. Anyways, I woke up and went to my door. There stood my brother, He had face of mixed seriousness and concern. I knew something was wrong and I just didn't know. "There's something wrong with Dad. I'll try to explain what's going on later but for now, come on, Brother." He said quickly. I didn't want to refuse him since he was my brother and I still had all of my clothes and things on me. To me, I thought he was just overexageratting over some cold that Dad got because usually, nothing bad or ominous never happens in home which is the Castle. Unfortunately, I never knew anything at that time.. Because at that moment, It was the beginning of the end.