
by Capwn

Chapter 1

I was bred from Darkness
Yet lived in the Light
Never was I wanted
Not even for my Night
They slept my night through
Yet relished in Her day
I just want to be paid my due
I work like Her
yet no love wlil come

She doen't deserve all the praise
I do work like her
Just the same
Yet I'm ignored
Cast aside
Walked on, as if a floor
I will show them all
How scary the night can be

I will not lower the moon
I will end this castle
and leave it in Ruin

The darkness looms, not only outside
But in my heart too
As I sit on my hillside
I feel a change
Something deep
something deranged
My body transforms
My mind warps
My morale deforms

How I will win this fight
How i will be loved by all
By the end of this
The mighty Sun will fall
Darkness will reign
I will roam free
Ponies, my domain
No mercy.

The Elements of Harmony
Used to be our thing
Now she hoards them
as if they can sing
a siren song only she can hear
They are useless without me
defeat, I do not fear

She found a way
to harness the elements
without me, I will not stay.

She destroyed my defenses
and broke my morale
she used her magic
It hit me like a gale
I was imprisoned
In a sphere of light
Seperated from my eternal night

I was so close
Yet so dar away.
I have been defeated
on this Day.
She lowered my moon
and banished me to it.
How I fear this room,
this ball of rock
that keeps me here.

100 years have passed,
My ego, deflated.
I've turned back to normal.
My mind, as though inebriated
Asks me what I did
to be forgotten here
upon this sphere of my own Id.

500 years have passed.
Still my sister will not see
that I am back to myself
and learned humility

800 years have passed.
I am so lonely
no hooves to hold,
no heart that loves me.
I pass my time praying to Her,
hoping she'll set me free.
Yet no repsonse comes
to bring me relief

900 years passed
and yet here I lay.
I thought of this as a crime of passion,
but now she must pay.
900 years I've waited!
Laid here in the dust!
I will have my revenge, for this I lust.

1000 years have gone by,
tonight is my escape.
The day of her festival
will be a step to my fate.
I have waited too long,
I have pondered and schemed
Now all the world will be in darkness
this is what it seems.

I was bred in darkness,
and in darkness the world shall die