Dizzy Twister

by specopsfox

2: Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark

Dizzy Twister: A lunchbox and a Cutie Mark (a prequel to Dizzy Twister: The Alicorn)

Written by: Colin Stewart -- Specopsfox

This is a fan made fanfic. It is a clean story appropriate for all ages. Dizzy Twister, Grape Seed and Derpy Hooves (Ditzy Doo) are all background ponies from the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Any other ponies mentioned like Mrs. Chalk are fictional characters created only for this story.

Dizzy Twister grabbed her lunchbox where a meal of a daisy sandwich, some water and two of her mother’s delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies would be found inside later that day. The young little filly cheerfully received a kiss on the head by her mother and went off to school with her father. Because Dizzy was still just a filly still ‘learning to fly’, her parents didn’t want her flying all the way up to Cloudsdale for flight school on her own. This is still so stupid and embarrassing, Dizzy told herself as she climbed on her dads back. She could fly fine, better than most of her class actually, but still her parents insisted, declaring that because they live in Ponyville instead of Cloudsdale, the flight was too long and difficult. Still, there was nothing she could do but keep her teeth clenched around her lunch as her father flew her to class.

Once at Cloudsdale, Dizzy was greeted by the usual snickers and odd looks that one gets from being the only pony in the probably the entire school who doesn’t fly herself to class. She got the embarrassing banter as she lifted off her father into the air, finally free to fly herself.

“Have a good day at school sweetie!” Her father said before leaving to work at the weather factory.

Grape Seed, one of Dizzy’s best friends was waiting outside the front steps for her like always. The two fillies, still both blank flanks, sat together waiting for their other best friend in their trio, Rainbow Dash. Dash was almost always late, but the pair always waited for her until class started. Besides they had told Dash to come early today so they could have their group review of who had the best weekend, and Dash had never missed that!

“Oh hey is that a new lunchbox?” Grape asked admiring the shiny colors and pretty designs.

“Why yes it is! My dad got it for me as a special present! He just got promoted at the weather factory, now he’s making the tornadoes!” Dizzy explained with pride.

“Wow thats really cool! My dad helps make the rainbows, I bet he did the color for your awesome lunchbox!”

“Maybe! You know who is going to think this is totally awesome?”


“Rainbow Dash! Its just like her mane!”

“Yeah you’re right! Hmm speaking of Dash, it looks like she’s going to be late again. She’s never missed weekend review before. Maybe she’s sick. Oh well, come on, we better get to class.” Grape groaned as she headed inside leaving the empty sky behind her.

Dizzy’s mood sank a bit too, the realization that she now had to go learn about flying while inside a small classroom with chairs instead of free form practice.


School today was as boring as ever, and with still no sign of Rainbow Dash the class was exceedingly droll and boring. Well, at least until Mrs. Chalk made an announcement.

“Now class, this week we will be continuing on with our lesson of learning and experiencing possible careers for pegasus ponies!”

Dizzy’s face and spirit lit up at this. Last week they were doing the same thing and they had gone to see how the mail system in equestria worked. They actually got to deliver an actual package with her class. From that day Dizzy knew she was going to be a mail mare. She loved the thought of flying all over equestria on her own, delivering goods to all sorts of ponies in all sorts of places! She knew they wouldn’t be going back to the post office, but wherever they were going to do HAD to be better than here!

“Now,” Mrs. Chalk continued, “Can anypony tell me what very important job that effects all of Equestria can only be done by Pegasus ponies?”

A gray hoof immediately shot up.

Mrs. Chalk called on that know-it-all pegasus, “Yes Ditzy Doo?”

“The making of the weather!” The blond pony said with a big grin.

“Yes, that’s correct Ditzy! Thank you!”

Ditzy’s grin grew even bigger. She was a smarty pants that answered almost every question and always paid attention. Sometimes Dizzy wished Ditzy wasn’t so smart, or such an excellent flier! In fact, Ditzy and Rainbow Dash were the only two fliers in the class who were faster and more agile than Dizzy. Dizzy had some powerful wings, but still that dumb Ditzy was so coordinated, she could be going fast yet make a super sharp turn! Dizzy had to slow down a bit to turn or else she might crash! If Ditzy was as good as she was, Dizzy would be the second best in class! Still, no point in wasting for something that won’t happen Dizzy told herself returning her attention back to the teacher who had kept moving.

“...and just like how Princess Celestia must raise the sun and the moon for all of us ponies, we pegasus ponies must help change the seasons for everypony! They depend on us to live as much as we depend on the Princess for light! Now, can anypony tell me where the largest weather factory in all of Equestria is located?”

Ditzy’s hoof shot up again, but thankfully she wasn’t called on.

“Let’s give some other pony a chance ok Ditzy? I’m sure you know it but lets see if anypony else does too!” Mrs. Chalk surveyed the room for the pony who was trying the hardest to avoid being picked. She found one, the quiet but skilled flier who Mrs. Chalk knew had a lot of potential. The pony sat in the back by the window, her yellow fur and fiery mane brightening the corner as the sun hit her body.

“Spitfire? Do you know where the largest weather factory in all of Equestria is?”

While quiet, Spitfire was not a shy pony. As everyone in the room turned to look at her she didn’t cower or get nervous.

“The largest weather factory is right here in Cloudsdale Mrs. Chalk.” Spitfire carelessly and calmly replied in her cool voice.

Mrs. Chalk smiled, “Very good, thats exactly right! Now, I’m sure all of you know about the Factory here, in fact, more than half of all of the adult pegasus's that live in Cloudsdale work in the factory! Raise your hoof if you have a parent that works in that factory.”

Dizzy put her hoof in the air, as did Grape and most of her other classmates. Ditzy didn’t have her hoof up, she had never actually even been to the weather factory even though literally everybody else had at least visited it by her age. Spitfire didn’t raise her hoof either. Dizzy didn’t know what Spitfire’s parents did, she didn’t care enough to ask, all Dizzy cared about right now was how she had her hoof up and Spitfire didn’t.

“See thats most the class!” Mrs. Chalk chimed in, cheerful her class poll had successfully proven her point. “Now today we have a very special treat for you all…” She paused for dramatic effect and to be sure she had everypony’s attention, “We’re going to go to the weather factory here in Cloudsdale and learn what its like to be a weather making pony!”

The class cheered, they knew it would be fun. Dizzy was especially excited, she would get to surprise her daddy at work! Even though she knew she would be a mail mare and not work in the factory, she was excited to see what her dad does!

Mrs. Chalk was now trying to control the class, “My little ponies! Please calm down and listen for a moment!” She shouted over the roar of excited conversations and shuffling of bags. “Now be sure to bring all your items and your lunches, we will be eating in the factory just like the real workers!”

In a rush of ponies with clamor and excitement, they all struggled out the door and off to the factory.


“Rainbow Dash!” Mrs. Chalk scolded the playful pegasus.

On the way to the factory, the class had run into Rainbow Dash, she had be ditching class and had been spending the whole day hanging out with Gilda the griffon. Dizzy didn’t know what Gilda was at the time, nor did she know her name was Gilda, but so there is no confusion for you the reader, know that it is Gilda.

Upon hearing Mrs. Chalk’s piercing voice, the two fliers bugged out and vanished. Mrs. Chalk, Dizzy, Grape, Rainbow Dash and every other pony in class knew Dash would be spending some time in detention for that.

Trying to recompose herself Mrs. Chalk continued on beckoning to the little fillies. Dizzy moved in close to Grape so they could talk about Dash without Mrs. Chalk hearing.

“Who the heck was that with Dash?” Dizzy whispered into Grape’s ear hoping it she had an answer.

“WHAT the heck was that with Dash?” Grape replied, just a frazzled.

“So what, has Rainbow Dash just ditched us? She knew today was the weekend review!” Dizzy was very upset, more than she thought she would have been.

“I guess so. We’ve been doing weekend review EVERY Monday for 2 years now! How could she have forgotten? She couldn’t have! Not only did she ditch school, she ditched us!”

“Some best friend she is! I can’t believe Rainbow Dash could be such a jerk!”

Grape considered for a second. Like she herself had said, Rainbow couldn’t have forgotten, and it had been a tradition running 2 years! Thats when she figured out the truth, “Maybe its not Rainbow Dash!”

“Huh?” Dizzy was confused, “It was totally Rainbow Dash! Blue fur, rainbow hair, Mrs. Chalk yelling ‘Rainbow Dash!!’, it was totally Dash!”
“No no no, I mean maybe its not Rainbow Dash’s fault! Maybe that thing she was with made her ditch! Rainbow wouldn’t just leave us without reason! I bet that thing is a friends stealing, class ditching meanie pants!”

“Yeah!” Agreed Dizzy.

Just as the two were preparing to banter and insult the griffon, the class arrived at the factory.


“Hi daddy!”

Grape waved to her father who paused to wave back before continuing to stir a pool of rainbows.

“This place is really cool huh Dizzy?”

“Yeah, its pretty cool. I’m still gonna be a mail mare though, I wanna see all of Equestria! I also wanna see my dad!” She looked around some more, slightly discouraged. They had toured most the factory and it was now lunchtime and she hadn’t seen her father yet!

“Alright everypony, pic a table to sit down and eat at!” Mrs. Chalk called out over the roar of machinery mixed with the shrills of the excited kids.

Every pony found some spot near something that they though looked cool, so they could eat while watching stuff happen. The only pony who sat away from the machines was Ditzy Doo. In fact, she was almost afraid of the factory, it wasn’t her type of place. The way Ditzy saw it, this factory was for pegasus ponies who weren’t as smart as she was, still she had to admit it seemed like better work than a mail mare. It paid more to work here, Ditzy knew that much, still she didn’t plan to do either so she just sat and ate in peace.

Dizzy packed up her lunchbox while finishing munching on one of her mother’s homemade cookies. She took the box in her mouth so her father would be able to see her easier in case she didn’t find him.

As the door to the next room opened, the class felt a light but noticeable breeze push out of the room they were entering.

“Feel that wind class? This room is where they make the wind in storms and where they make tornadoes!” Mrs. Chalk said trying to educate the young minds while they were open.

“Now, tornadoes are very powerful and can cause lots of damage, that’s why there is only one tornado wind tunnel! Monitoring the wind tunnel is a very important job! If something goes wrong, they have to be able to instantly fix it or a mini tornado, a twister, could get loose!” Mrs. Chalk explained while also unknowingly but obviously foreshadowing.

“Hey this is were my dad works! He watches the wind tunnel! He has the important job!” Dizzy bounced up and down with joy that her father was so important.

She set down her lunchbox and ran over to where the operator controls were. Right next to them was a huge like tunnel thing with wind spinning around in it extremely fast. As she reached the control station, she felt the wind breeze become more of a gust. When she looked up at the controller she frowned, it wasn’t her father.

“Hey there!” He said in a friendly tone, “Aren’t you a cute little filly! Wondering how the wind tunnel works huh? It is pretty int”

“Wheres my dad?” Dizzy cut him off mid word, she wanted to know where her father was, why he wasn’t here.

“Hey there Diz-ball! What are you doing here?” Came the familiar voice of her father from behind.

“Daddy!” She ran up and hugged him. “Hi daddy! Come here!”

“Uh ok…” He said following his daughter towards the class group.

“Everyone, this is my daddy, he’s the important person that watches the wind tunnel to keep you all safe!” Dizzy was please to be able to gloat about her father, to think, this morning she was embarrassed having him drop her off, but now that everypony knew he was important, she was happy he was her daddy!

After he answered a few questions the fillies settled down a bit. “I have to get back to watching the machine now everypony, enjoy the rest of your tour!”

Dizzy followed him. “So why weren’t you at the controls earlier?”

“I was on my lunch break sweetie! I didn’t realize you would be visiting today! Sorry hun. It sounds like you’re having a lot of fun though!”

“I am! Its so awesome that you watch the wind tunnel!” Dizzy was basically idolizing her father for having such a good impression on her classmates. It was always good to be popular.

“Dizzy you forgot your lunchbox!” It was Ditzy.

Dizzy might not have liked her much, but she was always nice. Ditzy was jogging Dizzy’s lunchbox to her when something terrible happened.

Ditzy tripped. The lunchbox went flying into the wind tunnel!

“Oh no! She’s thrown off the calibration! Get the fillies out of here!” Dizzy’s father yelled to the other worker pegasus ponies.

They quickly cleared the room of all the school ponies except Dizzy and Ditzy. A loud sound of wind gushing and metal banging like a zipper in the washer was heard. Then, a twister came sputtering out of the wind tunnel! Dizzy’s lunchbox was spinning around in it. Ditzy tried getting up, but when she did, she got picked up in the twister.

Dizzy cringed as she saw her lunchbox smash right into Ditzy’s face as the two collided while full force. Dizzy’s father was working on getting the wind tunnel under control before it let another twister out, and the other pegasus didn’t get too close to the twister, even as it slammed Ditzy into a wall head first again.

Poor Ditzy! Nopony deserves this for trying to return a lunchbox! I have to do something. Dizzy told herself. But what could Dizzy do? She was just a filly...but a filly who was the third best flier in her class and who had a strong pair of wings!

Dizzy flew up to face the twister, fighting back its attempts to pull her into the madness.

“Dizzy! Get away from there its not safe! Some pony stop her!” Her father yelled from his control station. Dizzy didn’t hear him over the roar and yells of Ditzy, even if she had she wouldn’t have cared.

Dizzy first started flapping her wings as hard as she could, then let the twister take her.

“NOOOOO! SAVE HER DAMN IT!” Her father yelled, unable to help for it would create another twister.

Dizzy was actually fine in the twister, she had been flapping her wings as hard as she could before she entered, and when she did enter she went with her back facing the way the wind was turning, so she entered with the flow of wind. By doing that, it didn’t throw her off, but once inside the twister she had to act. Dizzy turned around and beat her wings even harder than before in the OPPOSITE direction of the twister. After a few seconds it started to slow down, and within minutes she had stopped it completely.

Workers flew up and got Ditzy before she fell and rushed her the hospital. Dizzy’s father gave the controls back to the pony he had replaced. The colt had returned to check out all the commotion.

Dizzy gracefully and majestically touched the ground one hoof at a time and landed safely. She was immediately greeted with cheers from her classmates who reentered when Ditzy went out, and she was quickly embraced by her father.

“Oh Dizzy you scared me! That was quite reckless of you.” He sternly told her, “But I’m happy you’re safe and so proud of you for stopping the twister and saving your classmate!”

*GASP* “Ditzy! Thats right, how is she? Is she ok?” Dizzy asked in a slur.
“She was just rushed to the hospital, Mrs. Chalk went with her.” Her father gently cooed, still holding his precious gift of life.

“WHATS GOING ON HERE!” Came a booming voice that entered the room.

Dizzy’s father jumped off of her and stood straight. “Boss!”

“I just made you head of the wind tunnel security, don’t tell me you already messed up! You came so highly recommended!” The boss boomed over Dizzy’s father.

“I know sir, we had a slight malfunction when some of the school kids were here, a twister broke out.”

“A TWISTER?!?” The boss looked around, “Well where the hay is it?”

“Its gone sir, I regained control of the wind tunnel while my daughter here bravely stopped the twister all by herself!”

The imposing boss pony considered for a moment, looking Dizzy over. “Well aren’t you a cute little thing!” He turned back to Dizzy’s father, “Well son, good job! Not many have ever been able to contain a loose twister, much less stop it completely and regain control of the tunnel before more got out! When a twister gets out I usually have to tell the idiots to stop the tunnel or else they just try to keep stopping the infinite number of twisters that are produced! Well done! You make quite the team!”

“Thank you sir, it means a lot to me! I’m so proud of my daughter!” He hugged Dizzy again.

The boss spoke again, “Well you had to expect she would be good with twisters.” he said almost in a matter of fact manner.

“What do you mean sir? She’s just a filly, I was afraid she would get hurt!”

“Well what about that there?” Said the boss pointing at Dizzy’s flank.

Dizzy strained her neck around to look at the side of her butt. Sure enough, right there on her flank, a mark she would have for the rest of her life, 3 twisters adorned her rear.

“Yes!” Dizzy screamed jumping into the air and hovering there for a few minutes while staring at her flank and chanting “YAY I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!!!!”


“May I go in?” Dizzy asked the nurse.

The nurse nodded and stepped aside in response.

Dizzy timidly entered the white room made of clouds like the rest of the city. Ditzy lay on a soft fluffed cloud.

“Hey Ditzy, its me, Dizzy.” She softly whispered. Dizzy set down a bouquet of flowers next to Ditzy’s bed. “How do you feel?”

“I’m good! They say I got brain damage but I’m fine, all these funny ponies aren’t smart like me!”

Ditzy turned to Dizzy while speaking, while she smiled, looked happy and sounded happy Dizzy gasped upon the sight.

Ditzy’s eyes were crooked.

“Well, you just get better ok?”

“Okie dokie Dizzie!”

Dizzy was nearly in tears as she walked out of the room.

“Will she be ok?”

“Ditzy will live just fine, however she suffered some heavy brain damage and her vision is permanently changed. She will live but she won’t be quite the same pony you knew.”

Dizzy started sobbing at this. She had never felt so bad in her whole life, it was her fault, she had wished that Ditzy would be dumbed down a little, and it was her fault!

Suddenly she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey there, your friend is going to be ok. She might not be as smart as before, but the brain damage, while terrible, has also allowed her not to care! She is going to live a happy, pleasing life. If it wasn’t for you she might not even have that.

Dizzy sniffed and looked up at the comforting pony. He had black fur and wore a doctors coat. His blue and green hair was strange, but he had made her feel better.

*sniff* “Thanks mister.”

“No problem Dizzy. You did very good. You should go home, you have school tomorrow.” The doctor pony said.

Dizzy nodded her head and looked back up at the kind pony. Just before he walked of Dizzy could have sworn she saw a unicorn horn, but she dismissed this as impossible. They were in the Cloudsdale hospital, unicorns can’t be here, she was just delirious from the traumatizing event was all.

I hope you enjoyed it! If you haven’t yet be sure to read Dizzy Twister: The Alicorn! Be sure to be on the look out for future stories!!!