The Fade of Rainbow Dash

by Eternal Dream

The Sword

Edited by me and Dopple Ganger

When next I woke up I was alone on the bed. I looked around the room and saw Twilight looking out the window. I slowly got up and walked over to her. She was very pretty in the moonlight. I put my hoof on her shoulder and smiled.

“What are you think about Twi’?” I asked calmly, looking out into the town with her.

“That we have to stop this mysterious evil creature, whatever it is.”

“And how exactly do we do that Twi’?.”

“First we need to know where he hides and lives. ”

“I can do that Twi’.” I offered

“Thank you Dash, I'll be look for a way to bring you back while you do that, ok?”

“Thank you Twi’, but we can't do anything ‘till morning.”

She turned to me, those violet eyes staring at me intently. Her eyes shone like bright violet star's in the moonlight. I hugged her smiling. Before I could pull away she pulled me in and kissed me. I accepted it happily feeling her lovingly embrace around me but eventually I had to pull away to breathe


“Yes Dash?”

“We're still getting married right?”

She gave a loud giggle and kissed me again. I kissed back happily and after a bit pulled away again.

“I'll take that as a yes then?”

“Yes silly” she giggled happily and pushed her hoof gently against my nose.

I smiled and grabbed her hoof leading her to the bed. She giggled and pushed against me making me stumble forward onto the bed. I smiled laughing and watched her as she jumped in after me. I smiled and snuggled against her. When I woke up in the morning she was laying against me breathing silently. I gently moved out of her hooves as I pushed the cover's up ageist her as I walked slowly down the stairs. I pushed open the door hoping to not make any noise then closed it behind me as quietly as I could. When I turned around I saw the black clad Pegasus jumping from building to building. I sighed softly and gave my wings a quick flap testing their strength. I flew up and went after him going as quickly as I could. Once I was right next to him, I landed following his hoofsteps. As we jumped from building to building, I could see that on his hoofs were very sharp claws they looked like they could gut anyone they needed to. I looked him over and saw that his wing's weren’t really wings ether. They were flesh and bone that was it nothing more, nothing less. I looked at him in horror and tried to get a better look at his face. His face was completely concealed by his hood. I sighed angry and followed him to his destitution. After a while we were in almost the middle of nowhere. I looked around for any signs of where we were going. It seemed as if we were headed to apple acres. I frowned as an orange pony came to mind. I followed the evil stallion knowing I couldn’t do much to help this pony he was headed for. I had to do this for Twily though. If she dies I don't know what I can do but sit here for an eternity. I followed the masked stallion till he jumped in a tree. I jumped in after him following him as best I could. Though the leaves and branches we treated to the orange pony's location. As I watched the stallion, he looked as if he could track by his sense of smell. As we jumped down to the orange pony. I looked around and saw a big red stallion working on a tree nearby. The stallion landed a bit loudly causing the orange pony to turn around and regarded the stranger.

“Who in tarnation are you!?” she demanded

He stood silently and slowly looked back as I heard the loud, sharp sound of metal. He then turned around fast and kicked the pony in the face sending her hard against the apple tree. She got up quickly and charged the stallion tackling him down to the ground. I watched in awe as the orange pony didn't plan to give up without a fight. The stallion growled and bucked her off like she was paper. She flew through the air and hitting another apple tree. A little blood sprouted from her forehead and dripped down onto the ground. She got up defiantly and charged him giving him a good hard kick in the face. He stumbled backwards hitting the big red stallion in the chest. The red one grabbed him in his teeth picking him up and tossing him onto a nearby tree as hard as he could ripping off the jacket of this strange stallion in the process. The stallion looked horrid without the jacket, his mouth was barely stitched together as was most of his body. He didn't have a mane or tail, his flesh looked rotten and displaced and his hooves had very sharp spikes at the end of them. He got up tossing his sword to the side and opened his mouth making a loud screeching sound. The orange pony took a step back shaken a little the red stallion grabbed the pale one and throw him as hard as he could on the ground. The stallion got up and charged the red one tackling him to the ground. The pale one raised his clawed hoof to strike down at the red one when the orange one kicked him away from his prey. The red one got up and charged the pale one to the ground holding him down. The pale one lifted the red one up and slammed him on the ground scratching his left eye as blood splattered onto his hoof and face. The orange one picked up his sword and stabbed him in the shoulder. The pale one looked at the orange one and pulled the sword out with his teeth, as he did the orange one kicked him hard against a nearby tree. The pale one got up and charged the orange one to the ground striking with his sword cutting deep into her chest. The red stallion got up quickly and kicked the pale one off the orange one. The orange one coughed up some blood and went unconscious. The red one picked up the pale one and started slamming him on the ground as hard as he possibly could over and over. The pale ones bone's cracked a few time till he started to get into a bloody mess. The red stallion stopped after having dislocated every bone in the pale ones body. Then he grabbed the pale one's sword and stabbed it right through the head. I watched as the red pony who was covered in blood leave the sword in the pale one and pick up his sister and carried her back to their house. I sat there in disbelief as the pale one was dead. I walked over to it and looked it over. It didn't even look like a pony anymore just something that was long dead. I walked away from it slowly. I heard a loud rustling sound. When I looked back the stallion was gone, nothing but the blood it had drawn and given was left, even the sword was still in the ground. I walked over and picked the sword up in my mouth carrying it back to Twi's. When I got back to Twilight’s place I placed the sword right in front of her. She looked at it.

“Where did you get this ?” she asked curiously.

“Its the weapon of the pale one”

“Pale one? Who is that?”

“The one who killed me, Rarity, and the yellow pegasus.”

“Oh! So he’s dead? And by yellow pegasus I take it you mean Fluttershy.” she asked excited and curiously.

“Who? And well I don't think so, something happened after Big Mac killed him.”

“You said he killed Flutters, which is your nickname for her, if I remember correctly.” She pressed on curiously.”What happened to him?”

“When I turned around and started to leave, his body disappeared.”

“Oh, we need to keep an eye on him, we can’t let him roam around unattended.”

“I know Twi’”

I gave her a quick hug and a kiss. I left her alone in the empty library while I walked and flew around town looking for the strange pony. He didn't show up the rest of the day. I flew home to Twilight and walked in slowly moving towards the bed, exhausted from today’s activities. Twilight was laying there, looking tired herself, she looked up at me and smiled. She got up and took my hoof leading me to the bed as we cuddled. Then kissed and went to sleep.