Assassin's Tears III: Silent Wind Origins

by MisterGTFO

Killing Royalty

Chapter Two: Killing Royalty

We kinda kissed for a while, She soon pulled away, a small trickle of saliva connecting to her tongue and mines. Yeah, we slipped the tongue, which was actually really good. She began to giggle at me as she got up. I got up also, wondering what the hay she was giggling at. I shot her a look, jumping on my bed and sitting on it with my forelegs crossed.

"What's so funny?" I said, almost forgetting what happened.

She merely stopped laughing at me as I said those words, She merely walked towards the door and once she took her box with her, she looked back at me as she was about to leave.

"You're a really good kisser, I'd like to do this, next time, Good night. Wind.." She said in a somewhat-seducing voice as she gave me a quick peck and left my room, sastified.. I just scratched my head, acting and smiling like a total idiot. I mean like, come on.. It's not like everyday, you see your best friend who is a Mare of course, be kissed by you and like it by returning it. But now, lets go a bit more into one year. If I talk about all of what's happened when I was 14, then I'll be telling this story for quite a while and Twilght'll be worried sick that I haven't come home yet. Now, lets get to more important stuff when I became 16.

When I was 16, I was two years away for my dad to confirm me as my Mom's heir. I really wondered why Mom didn't pick Silent Whisper since he was older than me and he was 20 at that time. Now, I remembered a pretty important memory. It was around nighttime and I was about to go to sleep. I putted my robes off of me for tonight and hitted the beds. No, I didn't hit them, It's a meh..meh..metaphor, yeah that's it. Anyways, as I was dozing off to sleep, I heard a knock my door. I wondered who was it since it was like Midnight. I opened the door and saw my brother, Silent Whisper. He looked at me with a serious look. I looked back at him with surprise and spoke at him.

"Hey, bro.. What is it..?" I moaned, showing that I was terribly tired. He simply walked in my room and began to say a few things.

Well, I wanted to talk to you about a private mission. It's real risky and you don't have to take it if you want." He said. I was there, wondering what the hay he wanted me to take and what this private mission was. He took out a small rolled-up scroll out from his robes and threw it on the floor, making it roll till it was flat. I began to read it and I was real surprised what the mission was, It was assassination on the Ambassador of Canterlot. One only but I knew the Ambassador, Tall Fall. Stupid name, right? Even though I've been over an estimation of over 90 missions in just a year, This one was by far, the hardest. I debated if I should do this for some reason and I looked back at my brother once I was done reading the contract, wanting to ask him a few questions.

"Hey, will I be doing this with Roar and Lily?" I asked him. He simply shooked his head, indicating that the mission was a solo-stand alone mission for one Assassin available. It took a while to think it over, but I thought of the praise I'd be given by Dad and everypony who was a Silentblade but I knew it'd only last a day but It'd be worth it. I mean like even though I was Silentblade-blood related, I was still payed bits for doing my missions and the good thing is back then, the Canterlot Guards didn't care to keep track of Silentblade Criminals since there were a lot of us which meant we could go to Canterlot and buy a few things, unnoticed. I gave a nod at my brother and said I'd do it and he putted his left hoof on my right shoulder. My eyes got fixated on his left hoof.

"Alright then, good luck. Little brother." He said. Even though he was the brother I loved, I didn't like it when he called me, 'Little brother'. It was a bit embarrassing to me. Unfortunately, The time of the mission was.. well of course, 1AM. Yeah, Silentblade Assassinations always are bound to happen during the night or at least before the sun comes up.

Anyways, I putted all of my equipment on, My black-leather Bracers, My red-black Silentblade robes that also went with the tight leather sleeves that sticked to my forelegs and of course, My most useful and closest things to me, My hidden blades. Now, I know what you're all thinking about my hidden blades. They're not as long or thin as a needle spike. They're actually big. Same size but half the length of regular Gladius blades. They're a bit heavy though, even today. But now, let's get to the story, I'm slacking way too much from the story. Anyways, I didn't look back, I just speed-walked towards the entrance and made my way out. I looked out and saw that it was still dark. I yawned and flew really fast towards Canterlot, which still had only like three lights lightened up in the distance. I shrugged that off and moved on ahead, with the same, emotionless and bland face as usual.

Once I got to Canterlot, there were a lot of more Guards than usual. I wondered what was going on and putted the pieces together. I think they must've found out on an attempt on the Ambassador's life or whatever. When I found that out, I cursed my brother since he was putting me in a really tight spot. I simply stayed by the buildings shadows, they didn't spot me which was good. I jumped towards one roof to the other since I usually do my Assassination missions that way first. Once I was near the embassy of Canterlot, I saw at least two guards by the entrance, being greeted and looked on by their Superiors and giving them stupid compliments. You know, I don't even know why.. they have an embassy in Canterlot. Seems stupid. I hid under a arching roof and I saw that it was beginning to have thunder in the air. I heard small crashes of Thunder on top of me but didn't look up. After their superiors were gone, out of sight, I stood up where they still couldn't see me and I jumped down at both of them, each one having my hidden blades inside their heads which of course, instantly killed them both. I re-sheathed my hidden blades into my leather bracers and that also released the two Guards, their bodies simply falling to the ground. Seeing that I was clear, I made my way inside. I had to say though, when I went inside, nopony was in the building since there would be noises usually in buildings in Canterlot.

Relieved, I walked up the second floor stairs and soon after, found my way across the main hallway which at the end, lead to the third floor. I had already looked over the inside map of the Embassy and knew that the Ambassador was on the third floor in his office. Doing who knows what. He could've been clopping for all I care. Anyways, I walked forward and I saw one thing that I feared, I saw three Guards in front of the hallway that was leading the third floor stairs then gasped. It only took one look at me to know what I was.

"Assassin! Kill him!" One of the guards sneered. I merely snickered and flew at them, conducting wind. Yes, I mastered to use my natural-born ability to manipulate wind. Strangely these days, It's impossible to conduct wind with Unicorn magic since wind has no form and is just a wind of the bulk movement of the air which my brother told me, that made no sense at all to me. As I passed the two guards who were passing me. They got cutted with the high winds I made in the hallway when I was flying fast at the third guard and luckily, the sharp wind managed to lay a cut on both of their throats. I tackled the third guard and made no hesitation to dive my left hidden blade into his chest, I pierced his heart and the three that I took care of died in seconds. You see? Canterlot Guards were really weak those days. In fact, I don't think they've improved at all and if they did, they'd better thank Shining Armor, that is if they all even improved. Luckily, when one of the guards sneered sharply at me, It wasn't loud enough to alert anypony so, I got lucky there.

I got to the third floor and oh dear, there was way more guards than I thought. I counted and there were six of them. That's right. But luckily it wasn't a simple hallway. It was a big, single room full of crates or whatever and it was like a warehouse. It had lots of stuff in the place. Some stacked and some weren't. Some of the lights were off, which I took to my advantage. I had to make it silent as possible. Once there were no Guards in my sight, I found the closest crate I could get to and opened it's top and hid in there. I soon heard a Canterlot guard sighing and near the crate. I knew he was sitting on the ground, against the crate I was in because the crate I was in nudged when I heard the sigh. I raised the top a little and opened it and covering the guard's mouth with my left hoof and I then gave him a executing blow with my hidden blade, diving into his spine and I took him in the crate as I got out. I knew I had to avoid the parts that had the lights so I looked ahead of me and saw three lights opened. I looked to my right and saw another path made my the stacked crates. I had no idea what they were doing with the crates. I mean like, it's not like an embassy to store crates. My curiousity got to my mind, as I check one of the crates and I couldn't believe what it held. It held weapons. Lances, spells, you name 'em. I know what you're gonna say, but you don't know what else it was holding also. It was holding stacks of papers that I know were going to be putted on the streets. It was bounties on every Silentblade to date, including Me. I held the most bits for killing a lot of people and realized that they were keeping dates on us, on every Silentblade. Other Ambassadors too. The only reason this mission made me feel a lurching feeling within my stomach was because I've never killed Royalty but I had to admit, It was really sastifying. But I'm done with assassinating ponies these days.

When I realized that, that's when I really wanted to kill him. I knew the Ambassador was the one doing this since he does most of the bounties and the Captain does the ordering of who is supposed to be putted with a bounty. I mean, think about it, This is the pony who was putting my Marefriend, My friends, and My brother's lives in danger. I knew that killing him won't do anything, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to eradicate him from the face of Equestria.

So, once I got to the offices, I had to kill only.. four.. Yeah, four of them were around the office rooms. I simply killed them, well in bad ways that I don't really want to talk about. Anyways, after killing them all, I finally got to the Ambassador's and once I putted my left ear on the door and also trying to open the door only to realize that it was locked. I heard two voices. I decided that it was about time to wrap up the mission and end another Ambassador's life by my hooves. Once again. I took a deep breath and pulled back from the door to charge at it, which would force the door to break open. Once I was back enough, I took my wings out, revealing them and I finally charged at the door with full force.