//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Scootaloo's Quest for a Coltfriend // by TopHat_like_a_boss //------------------------------// Scootaloo’s Quest for a Coltfriend “It’s cool, I’ll be fine.” Scootaloo faked a smile to her friends, hoping they wouldn’t see through her false cheerfulness. “Are you sure?” Apple Bloom asked, trying to contain her excitement so she wouldn’t make her friend jealous. “Really, it’s okay.” Scootaloo answered the question this time asked by Apple Bloom in the same tone as when she answered Sweetie Bell’s answer. “Great!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell ran off to their coltfriends. Scootaloo watched them in envy and sadness as they disappeared down the path. She took a deep breath and let her head hang for the first time, allowing herself to give up. She tried so hard to contain her want for a coltfriend and always brushed off be friend zoned to her friends, that it weighted down on her eyes now. Tiny tears made it to the edges of her eyes and ran down her cheek. Her three greatest friendships with colts had ended a short while ago, never fully reaching the point before she had confessed her feelings to them, well except for one, but that was a different story. The one colt she told that she liked never rejected her and just went along like things were normal. Then High school started and he turned into a total jerk. The other two made things awkward and didn’t really hangout with her anymore. Scootaloo allowed these thoughts of past friendships run through her head, causing her tears to pour down faster. When she heard footsteps, she quickly shook her head and wiped her tears. She put on a fake smile and turned around to see it was Rainbow Dash, her sister. “Is everything okay, Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash asked hoping Scootaloo would tell the truth. “Oh um… everything is great! Why do you ask?” Scootaloo’s voice was a little higher than normal. Rainbow sighed and stepped sideways to stop blocking the moon light. When she stepped out of the way, the moon light hit Scootaloo’s face revealing her red eyes. Scootaloo knew she couldn’t hide or hold in the sadness and hugged Rainbow Dash. “So what’s really the problem?” Rainbow Dash looked down at her sister “I know I’m only fourteen, but I really want a coltfriend. I know that I shouldn’t be worried about it, but I want one now. And all my friends have coltfriends and I don’t. And I’m always friend zoned. And my friends who were colts, that I ended up liking, made things awkward and don’t hang out with me anymore.” Scootaloo bawled “It’s okay Scootaloo. I know how you feel.” Rainbow soothed “How?! You’re going out with Soarin, a Wonder Bolt!” Scootaloo interrupted her sister “When I was younger, I was a lot like you; sporty, funny, not afraid to get dirty. So it can feel like you’re one of the colts at moments to colts. It can be hard to get the message across. But other times, you really have been friend zoned, and that sucks, but you have to move on.” Rainbow said “I have, I don’t like them anymore! I just got really sad tonight when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell left me to go on a double date with their coltfriends.” Scootaloo confessed “Ohh. Don’t worry Scoots, you’ll find a coltfriend. I know it sucks but you’ll find a special somepony.” Rainbow Dashed soothed her sister again. Rainbow Dash’s words didn’t comfort Scootaloo at all, just made her want to go home. So Scootaloo did her best to fake a smile to get the conversation to end so they could go home. Luckily Rainbow couldn’t tell her smile wasn’t genuine. So they walked home, even though Scootaloo wasn’t feeling any better. Scootaloo flew off the cloud balcony quietly so she wouldn’t disturb Rainbow Dash. She flew quickly, when she was a few feet away, towards Carrousel Boutique. Scootaloo knew that Rarity would be up early and Sweetie Bell would be snoring away while her sister worked early in the morning. Scootaloo landed softly on the ground and knocked quietly on Rarity’s door. The door was consumed in a blue magic bubble and opened. Scootaloo walked in to see Rarity concentrating on sewing some fabric together. “Hello darling, Sweetie Bell isn’t up yet.” Rarity said finishing her sewing. “I know, I came to see you.” Scootaloo stated “Oh. What do you need dear?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Why would Scootaloo need to see me? She thought to her self “I… I sort of want a makeover…” Scootaloo said wincing at the word makeover. Rarity smiled and eyes lit up. “Like a full makeover or just something small?” “Umm…something small. Maybe like my hair curled a little, I heard you’re really good at hair and stuff even though you’re a fashion designer.” Scootaloo blushed a little, she wasn’t use to herself saying or talking about girly stuff. “A true lady should know how to style her hair.” Rarity said in a proper, higher class voice as she walked me over to her mirror. Scootaloo sat down in the chair in front of the mirror, as Rarity took out her curler and brush. She brushed out Scootaloo’s long hair that looked short because she always spiked it up. She brushed it to look like Rainbow Dash’s mane cut, and then curled it. It looks great and…hot. - Scootaloo thought to herself. Scootaloo and Rarity smiled at Scootaloo’s reflection in the mirror. “So what do you think?” Rarity asked admiring her hair styling skills “It’s perfect!” Scootaloo exclaimed. Scootaloo glanced at the clock. It was almost time for school and usually when Sweetie Bell woke up, (Sweetie Bell was late often because she slept in all the time.) Scootaloo popped off the chair and thanked Rarity a bunch. “May I go get Sweetie Bell?” Scootaloo asked Rarity “Of course! If she keeps this up she’ll get detention!” Rarity said Scootaloo trotted up the stairs to Sweetie Bells room. She opened the door slowly and snuck up to Sweetie’s bed. She grabbed a corner of the comforter and whipped it up in the air. Sweetie Bell screamed a little and Scootaloo jaw dropped. Big Red, Sweetie Bell’s coltfriend fell off the bed. Sweetie Bell raced to the door and closed it so her there was less chance her sister would see Big Red. “What are you doing here? And what happened to your hair!?” Sweetie Bell whispered yelled “Rarity styled it for me and I came to wake you up for school! What is he doing here?!” Scootaloo whispered yelled back at Sweetie. “He umm…I’ll tell you later, just… help me get him out of here!” Sweetie pleaded. “Fine.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. Big Red walked quietly over to them. Scootaloo trotted over to a window and motioned Big Red to come to her. She pointed at a tree. “I don’t think I can get over there…” Big Red said Scootaloo rolled her eyes and flew above Big Red. “I’ll do my best to hold you up, but you’re gonna have to jump!” Scootaloo whispered Big Red gulped and shook his head agreeing to Scootaloo’s plan. Scootaloo wrapped her hooves around Big Red. He took a deep breath and jumped out the window. Scootaloo flapped her wings furiously and was able to hold Big Red up long enough so he could grab the tree. “Wow you’re strong…thanks.” Big Red said looking Scootaloo up and down. Scootaloo glanced at him and flew back into Sweetie Bell’s room. “You ready to go?” Scootaloo asked Sweetie Bell nodded her head and they bolted down the stairs and out the door to Ponyville High. Sweetie Bell walked inside the school first followed by Scootaloo. Sweetie Bell walked normally, like nothing ever changed but Scootaloo walked differently. She walked with a new confidence, not that she didn’t have any before her new haircut. She walked with a flirty pop in her step. She became even more confident as she felt colts checking her out and mares staring at her in hatred and enviously. She knew she looked hot. She felt great. She was no longer the tomboy, but the hot sporty mare. And she embraced it and loved it! Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell went to their lockers and were greeted by Apple Bloom. “So it’s true!” Apple Bloom exclaimed “What’s true?” Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo asked at the same time “Everyone’s talking about you, Scoots! I heard colts say you were hot and heard mare say…I’m not even gonna say what the mares are saying, but they are JEALOUS!” Apple Bloomed explained that Scootaloo was the talk of the school. They happily trotted off to class together, with Scootaloo leading them. It was like she was the new head cheerleader. Scootaloo walked out of the gym locker room onto the football field with Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom. “So what do ya’ll want to do today?” Apple Bloom asked her friends “How about football!?” Scootaloo asked hoping they would agree to it. Apple Bloom instantly agreed to it, but Sweetie Bell was a little hesitant. Sweetie Bell wasn’t as willing to get her hooves dirty like Apple Bloom or Scootaloo. She was becoming like her sister at moments, but not as the same level as Rarity. “Please?” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo pleaded “Okay.” Sweetie Bell giggled Scootaloo raced off to the ball bucket to get a football. Some jocks were hanging out on the bleachers nearby and called her over. “What’s up?” Scootaloo asked them “You looked fine today, Scootzy.” The head jock, Rip Tide said. “Mhmm.” Scootaloo leaned on the railing enticingly. “I was wondering if you would go to Big Red’s party with me tonight…” Rip Tide said nonchalantly “Hmm…I don’t know…” Scootaloo teased him “Oh come on Scootzy, don’t tease me…” Rip Tide smiled “Sure, Rip Tide. I’ll go with you.” Scootaloo answered. “Great, I see you at your house at eight.” Rip Tide winking “See you then.” Scootaloo said turning away She grabbed a football and flew casually over to her friends. “What was that about?!” Apple Bloom leaned in close to Scootaloo, awaiting a response “Oh nothing… I’m just going to Big Red’s party with Rip Tide.” Scootaloo said coolly “OMIGOSH! That’s great!” Apple Bloom hugged her friend. Sweetie Bell, on the other hand, (or hoof) didn’t respond the same way. “What’s wrong Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked “Don’t trust Rip Tide, Big Red said he’s a player.” Sweetie said with concern. Scootaloo pawed the ground. “I know. I don’t think I’ll let him get anywhere.” Scootaloo waited on her cloud porch for Rip Tide. She kept checking her watch; he was half an hour late. Scootaloo eventually decided to just go without him; she didn’t really like Rip Tide anyway. She didn’t even know why she said yes. Scootaloo flew off to Big Red’s house. You could hear the music a mile away. When she landed out front of Big Red’s house, she could smell the alcohol. Bad memories of her mother flooded her mind for a moment, but were interrupted by Big Red calling her in. She trotted happily into his house. Ponies were making out, getting drunk, and mingling. Apple Bloom hadn’t arrived and Scootaloo would’ve been surprised if she did. Apple Blooms sister, Apple Jack was overly protective of Apple Bloom. She probably didn’t even know that Apple Bloom had a coltfriend. What surprised Scootaloo was that Sweetie Bell was nowhere in sight. “Where’s Sweetie Bell?” Scootaloo asked Big Red while scanning the room for her. “She won’t be here till ten.” He answered. Scootaloo could smell the alcohol on his breath. “Well I’m gonna go get something to eat.” Scootaloo said so she could get away from Big Red’s breathe “Why don’t you hang with me for a while?” Big Red said put his arm around Scootaloo’s neck Scootaloo was surprised by Big Red and hoped that it was just him trying to get to know me because he was going out with my best friend. “Umm okay…” Scootaloo answered knowing there was no way out of it It was about an hour after Scootaloo had arrived. She had stayed near Big Red most the time, mostly because he wouldn’t leave her alone. He kept offering her drinks, but she kept refusing. Scootaloo was perfectly fine with her soda; she wasn’t the drinking pony type, especially because of her mother. “Oh come on Scoot Scoot!” Big Red slurred. “No. I don’t want it.” Scootaloo said sternly. What did Sweetie Bell see in this guy?- Scootaloo thought to herself. “Well fine then!” Big Red said tossing the beer at her hooves angrily and drunk “Hey! What the hay?!” Scootaloo yelled and dodged out of the way “I’m done with trying to get you drunk!” Big Red yelled and lunged for Scootaloo. Big Red tackled Scootaloo to the ground and tried to kiss her. Scootaloo struggled and kicked, but couldn’t get the big football player off of her. But she was able to dodge his kisses. Everything was suddenly quiet. Big Red paused and stared at something, drunkenly. Scootaloo followed Big Red’s line of sight and saw Sweetie Bell, who saw her coltfriend trying to kiss her best friend.