A Time to Let Go

by TheExhaustedBrony



Two weeks have passed since Twilight Sparkle, and her friends informed Princess Luna of her sisters' passing. The indigo alicorn reacted in a way that was to be expected. In the beginning, she did not want to believe it, she could not accept the fact that her sister had died. In her sorrow, she flew to the moon. In her absence, they began preparations for the funeral. The week spent preparing felt like an eternity of mourning but soon enough, the day for the funeral arrived.

The funeral took place in the main hall of the castle. Celestia was placed on her throne, which was covered with an elaborate white silk sheet with gold trimmings, which was hoof made by Rarity. Many colorful flowers were placed around her body each was carefully chosen by Fluttershy and her woodland friends. A radiant rainbow arched over the castle, but Rainbow Dash did not find any joy in creating it. Applejack and Pinkie Pie arranged furniture in the main hall and were in charge of decorating the building. To Pinkie Pie, this was not her ideal kind of party. Finally, Twilight prepared a eulogy on behalf of all her friends. Twilight made little to no noise as she approached the podium and glanced over the congregation. Many ponies were sobbing, and others remained silent. Twilight let out a sigh and began to speak.

"When I was a filly, I came to Canterlot to prove my magical talent. This is where I met Princess Celestia, and I admit that I was afraid of her." Ponies chuckled, "I mean, she was much larger than me, and I did not want to screw up. I do not want to brag or anything, but she was impressed by my magic," the crowd chuckled again, "she then took me under her wing as her faithful student. She taught me everything I know about magic and the history of ponies," Twilight paused, "but the most valuable thing that she taught me was the magic of friendship. I was what one would call a shut-in. I rarely left the library because frankly, I was just too busy reading.
Now, Celestia, who was like a mother to me, saw that it was unhealthy for me to be alone all my life. Just like a mother, she kicked me out of the library and told me to make friends under the pretense of looking after preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville, but I knew better. I was afraid to leave the library but then again, if you're stuck in a room with nothing but books and a dragon for your entire life, who would enjoy being anywhere else?" The crowd chuckled, "But it was during this time that, when faced with the return of Nightmare Moon, I learned what friendship was. I found the elements of harmony with the help from my friends, loyal Rainbow Dash, honest Applejack, kind Fluttershy, generous Rarity, and the funny Pinkie Pie and defeated all of the challenges that Nightmare Moon threw at us.
Princess Celestia taught me that friendship is a bond that is shared amongst all living creatures and brings them all together. It is a bond that cannot be broken easily and if strong enough, can overcome any challenge that fate has for us. She was my mentor, no, she was more than that, she was my friend," tears began dropping onto the paper, "and I miss her more than anything in the world." Twilight stepped down from the podium, wiping the tears from her eyes.

With the eulogy finished, thirteen unicorns approached the princess. Eight of them wore armor and were in charge of transporting the princess to her final resting place. The other five wore bright white robes adorned with golden suns, similar to the princess' cutie mark. The horns of the armored ponies began to glow as they used their magic to lift her throne.
The funeral procession took them through the streets of canterlot. The sidewalks were lined with ponies who weren't able to fit inside the castle. Not a single word was said during the procession. The unicorns carried the princess to a lake on the outskirts of the city and placed her body down on the waters edge. The other five unicorns positioned themselves around the throne. They looked at each other to confirm that they were ready to begin. When they were ready, they all bowed their heads and chanted a spell in unison.

When the final word was spoken, their horns shined brighter than anything anypony has ever seen. The light washed over the princess and in a blinding flash of light, she disappeared. The cries of thousands of ponies were carried off into the wind.
Twilight wanted to stay in Canterlot for a the night, she felt closure in the city. Her friends had no objections and decided that they should stay as well. Shining Armor offered them a place to stay in the castle.

"Twilight, it's getting late, we should head back." Spike suggested.

"Spike, go on without me, I'll catch up with you in a little while." Spike didn't say anything else. He knew that Twilight was having a rough time and it'd be best not to make her even more upset. With that in mind, he walked off to the city with the other ponies.
Twilight sat at the waters edge for an hour and cried until she passed out. After what seemed like only a few minutes, a gentle voice called out to her.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight awoke to see a a pony with a deep indigo coat and soft blue eyes, standing over her.

"Princess Luna, how long was I asleep and when did you get here?" Twilight asked, having lost track of time. She only just noticed that the moon and stars were high in the night sky.

"I've been here for about an hour now, I saw you laying on the ground, so I stood by you until you woke up."

"Thank you, listen, I'm sorry about Celestia, I just--"

"Please don't say such things, it's not your fault."

"I know, but I don't know what else to say."

"Well, when you think of something, please tell me.

"I will."

"It's late, you should really head back, you might catch a cold." she smiled softly.
Twilight stood up and smiled. With no more words to be said, she began to walk back to the city accompanied by Princess Luna, the new ruler of Equestria.