//------------------------------// // Day 1: The afternoon and Rainbow's thoughts // Story: Wings of Grace // by JustAnotherBadSonicOC //------------------------------// When Rainbow walked into the Golden Oaks Library, she told Spike this " Spike, I have a gift for you if you finish all your chores like Twilight said to do". " Okay!" Spike said back, Rainbow's heart got fluttery again. "Okay, what is up with my heart?" Rainbow began to question herself. She began to wander on and on in her mind but soon she felt somepony or somedragon poke her in her side. With a suprising " Eep!" from the cyan pegasus, spike jumped in suprise. He said after recovering from his shock. " Rainbow, are you okay? You don't look so good". "Who me? Haha! I feel fine Spike!" " Are you done with your chores yet?" she immeaditely asked him as her voice got serious like that pony named rika something from one of twilight's murder mystery books. It actually scared him when he read it by mistake once. "No... But i saw you just standing here staring at that wall like you were mesmerized in it's pattern and you looked pale." Rainbow felt her whole face heat up after he said that and her heart began to beat rapidly and she didn't know why but she was starting to feel really dizzy... "Spike..." " Yeah Rainbow??" " I-i-i Don't-t feel s-s-o well a-after all" " Oh! want me to get you a cup of warm broth?" " Sure that will do ju....." but before she could finish, she felt her face heat up and she passed out a moment later. " Rainbow!" Spike shouted as he ran over to his fallen friend. She was sick alright. Spike was lucky that there was a doctors kit over by the refridgeator and he grabbed it and first got out the thermometer and stuck it in her mouth. When it was done it read, 108 degrees. Holy Celestia and Luna! She has a really high fever. end of chapter 2