
by Psyga315


Morning soon came as I woke up. Caramel just happened to be next to me.

“Morning, Screwball,” he said. “You ready for today?” He asked.

“I... I guess.” I said. I didn’t really know for sure. I got up and began to trot to the exit of the house.

Caramel and I soon were walking through Ponyville.

“So, Caramel, tell me about this pony whose supposed to throw me this party. What are his parties like?” I asked him.

Her Parties. And actually, they’re pretty good. Her special talent is throwing parties, so it’s a given that they be good. She usually throws a party for new ponies in town, so I can get a good word in for you.” Caramel said.

“Don’t tell me you’re gonna have that nutcase throw a party for her.” said a mature feminine voice. I looked to a distance and saw an amber grey pony with a dark grey mane. Her purple eyes gave an odd glare.

“Oh, come on, Octavia, we both know Pinkie Pie throws a good party.” Caramel said to her.

“Yeah, when it’s her party.” Octavia said, looking away.

“Oh, come on. This again? When are you gonna let that go?” Caramel asked her.

“Caramel, you know what it meant to me!” Octavia said, stomping her hoof forward. I didn’t know exactly what they were talking about, but I didn’t want them to argue. I cleared my throat. Octavia then looked at me. “Oh... Sorry. Say, Caramel, I have a better idea. I have another gig at Canterlot in about a week. A garden party. If you mind, I wish to take your friend here to it as a sort of guest. Get her to know some sophisticated ponies.” Octavia said. Caramel turned to me.

“Well... It’s up to you. What do you want?” He asked me.

“Well... I guess I wouldn’t mind hanging with Octavia.” I said. In truth, I was a little worried when Octavia called this ‘Pinkie Pie’ a nutcase. I wasn’t exactly sure how it was used in context, but I didn’t want to take a chance.

“Alright then. The train leaves in fifteen minutes so you might want to come with me now.” Octavia said as she trotted forwards. I followed her. “Don’t worry, Caramel, I’ll bring her back by the end of the week.” Octavia said as she left.

Before I knew it, were on the train as it raced to Canterlot. Octavia and I were sitting on two seats. I looked over to Octavia.

“So... What were you and Caramel talking about?” I asked her. Octavia sighed.

“Alright... Since you asked. A few months ago, I was asked to be the cellist at the Grand Galloping Gala.” She said.

“The... What?” I asked her. She looked at me weirdly.

“You... you don’t know the Grand Galloping Gala? It’s the one night where all your dreams come true! How could you not have heard of it?” Octavia asked me.

“... Doctor said I have amnesia.” I told her.

“Wow... Never heard that one before.” Octavia said. She then exhaled. “Well... It was a big break for me. I’d actually get to be in a big event and get my name known to ponies who could launch my career to new heights. It was gonna be the best night ever... Until she showed up.” Octavia said as her face furled.

“She as in Pinkie Pie, right?” I asked her.

“Yes. She showed up and had us do this... odd song. Pony Pokey, I think she called it. I thought that was gonna be it, but soon she started harassing the party-goers, and then tried to make it like one of her parties. She accidently sent a cake flying and that set off a chain of events that led to the ballroom almost being wrecked. In a moment’s notice, my dream was destroyed. I can’t fault her entirely, since after that animals started to burst into the room and ruined what was left of the Gala. It was... disastrous...” Octavia said.

“That must have been harsh.” I told her.

“Yeah. I thought I’d never play in Canterlot again, but it turns out that one of the unicorns at the Gala noticed my performance and asked me to be the cellist at his garden party.” Octavia said

“Sorry, unicorns?” I asked her.

“Ponies with horns on their heads. They are pretty magical and have a good social status. Such social status could get me recognized as a good performer. So... Can you promise me that you won’t screw things up for me?” She asked me.

“... I’m not exactly sure. My name is Screwball for a reason.” I said, having a light giggle.

A little while later, the train stopped at Canterlot, and we headed to a hotel where we stayed for the week.

Soon, a week had passed and the party was about to start. Octavia and I got up and ready to go to the party.

When we arrived, Octavia noticed some other ponies with their instruments.

“Well, I gotta get ready. Stay and mingle with the others.” Octavia said as she went to the others. I looked around for ponies to talk to, but everyone seemed to be already in a conversation. I walked over to two ponies to see if I get noticed, however they just continued talking, not noticing that I was just standing between them. I then saw someone playing croquet, with a crowd of five or so ponies watching. I went over and watched the game in action. I tried to talk with another of the ponies, but they seemed to focused on the game. I eventually snuck away from the game and wandered around. Then a pony with a blue mane and white coat came up to me. He had a small mustache and a horn on his head. A Unicorn. His horn was bigger than all the other unicorns. He was also wearing a tuxedo.

“Hm... I don’t think we’ve met.” He told me.

“Erm... My name is... Screwball...” I told him.

“Hm. Screwball. Interesting name.” He said. He then looked at something. “Ah, Screwball, there’s someone I want you to meet.” He said to me. I turned my head to another white-coated pony with a fancy purple mane. She too had a horn, though of the same size as most of the other unicorns. Like the tux-wearing pony, she too was also dressed. “Screwball, this is Rarity.” He said. I looked at her as she looked at me with a rather nervous look.

“Uh... Hi...” I said to her. I did not know what else to say. However, I decided to ask her something. “So... How are you doing in Canterlot?” I asked her.

“Very good, thank you. Now if you excuse me, I think I left the water running in my suite.” She said before running off. I blinked a bit as I tried to piece together the rushed conversation.

“Erm, I’m quite sorry about that, Screwball. Rarity seems to be excusing herself a lot in this party.” the blue-haired pony said.

“Nah. That’s okay. I’m sure we would have nothing of interest to talk about. I think I’m gonna walk around now.” I told him. I then trotted out of there.

I didn’t exactly know where I was going. All I knew was that I was in the garden. I eventually reached a place with a whole bunch of statues and a large maze in the center. I looked at most of the statues, but soon something caught my eye. I headed to the odd-looking statue and looked at it. It wasn’t a pony like all the other statues, but rather monster-like. It was an odd mishmash of different animals, mixed together to make something completely new. However, what interested me more was the look on its face: Horror. I was intrigued by its expression. What could have scared such a strange creature like this one? There was something... nostalgic about this statue. I tried to get a closer look, but then I heard someone.

“Screwball! There you are!” I knew the voice; it was Octavia. I turned around and saw her coming to me. “The others and I took a small break, and I tried to find you but you were missing. I looked everywhere for you.” Octavia said. I nodded then turned to the statue.

“Octavia, do you know what this is?” I asked her.

“Ah, yeah. That’s a draconequus. It’s meant to represent disharmony...” Octavia said. She then looked at it strangely.

“You okay, Octavia?” I asked her.

“Yeah... It’s just that... I’ve seen this statue when I was little, and I could have sworn the statue was a little more... jolly.” She said. She then noticed something. “We should head back. The break should be over by now.” Octavia said. We then began to walk back to the party. I looked back towards the statue, having that nostalgic feeling again.

We arrived back at the party, though what we saw wasn’t exactly pretty. There was a pony on the branch of a tree gathering a bunch of birds, another pony throwing a mallet, another ripping apart the garden, and one pony was dancing... strangely. I looked at Octavia and saw that her jaw was hung low as her eyes were wide. She began to stammer. I looked again and saw a pink pony shoving her entire face into a cake. Octavia saw this and her face soon changed to the face back when she was retelling her story at the Gala.

“We’re leaving. She’s ruined this party too.” Octavia said coldly. She then walked away from the party. I followed her, looking back at the party as I saw the white unicorn, Rarity, who had that same look of shock. I shook my head and followed Octavia.

Octavia didn’t say a single word during the train ride, and I was hesitant of asking her in fear that she may snap at me. We got off the train as soon as it stopped in Ponyville. We soon went to Caramel’s house and Octavia knocked on the door. Caramel opened it.

“Ah, you’re home early.” Caramel said.

“No thanks to Pinkie Pie.” Octavia grumbled. I walked into the house.

“She was there too? How ironic.” Caramel said.

“Caramel! She was there! Ruining the party! Like before!” Octavia said.

“Now, now, no need to get angry. You’ll get another chance to play at a big event.” Caramel said.

“Well... What if I don’t? And if I do, what will be the chances that the nutcase will show up to crash the party?” She said to him.

“Look, Octavia-“ Caramel said, but he was soon cut off.

STOP! You’re just making yourself a bigger idiot than you already are! Stop being so optimistic!” Octavia then ran off. I thought I heard her sobbing, but I wasn’t quite sure. Caramel looked down.

“...It’s getting dark. Let’s head in...” Caramel said. We headed in to the house and to his room.

As we reached his room, Caramel spoke up.

"I managed to talk with Pinkie Pie sometime in the previous week and she managed to book a time to throw the party. However, she was booked for a while, so the party will happen in about a week or two." Caramel said.

"Hm..." I said. I didn't really feel interested in the party, though I didn't want to tell him flat out that I didn't want to go to her party.

“So, did you meet anyone at Canterlot?” He asked me.

“... No.” I said. “Nopony I met spoke more than a single sentence or two to me save for Octavia.”

“Pretty predictable. Canterlot ponies don’t really think too kindly of Ponyville ponies. I’m still glad you went, though. At least you got to see Pinkie Pie in action.” Caramel said.

“Yeah... Caramel, I don’t really think I should try to fit into pony society yet.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Caramel asked.

“I don’t really seem to have a purpose. Isn’t that more important than knowing a few ponies?” I asked him.

“Well... Yeah. But if you know a few ponies, they will give you purpose.” Caramel said.

“What makes you say that?” I asked him.

“Well...” Caramel then looked at the moon. “Ah! I just forgot!”

“What did you forget?” I asked.

“Nightmare Night is tomorrow!” He said.

“Uh...” I said. It took Caramel a bit to remember that I didn’t know a lot of things.

“Right. Nightmare Night. It’s a night where everypony puts on costumes and foals get treats. I forgot to get my costume from the fashion shop, and the pony running it has been out of town for about a week, so I can’t get my costume. Ugh... Just my luck...” Caramel said.

“Could you try to see if it’s open tomorrow?” I asked him.

“I could try. Hopefully it will be open.” He said with a sigh. He then headed to his bed, as I headed to mine.

“Night, Screwball.” He said.

“Night, Caramel.” I said. I then dozed off to sleep.