//------------------------------// // Answers yet more enigmas // Story: Metal Ringing // by 1000Fights //------------------------------// Aquinas's vision blurred as he opened his eyes. A dimly lit chandelier over the room shined as brilliant as the sun to his still sleepy eyes. He snuggled himself under the warm silk blankets and sheets some more and turned on his side. When he did, another light was shining. A small candle on the only desk in the room. His brother was staring down the history book that Twilight had given them. "Are you still reading that book?" his question was met with a simple nod. It looked like Ignatius was really interested in it. "What have you been able to learn?" "A lot." he said plainly. "It seems when the Princess mentioned 'angels', she was speaking about people with wings. They seemed to derive from the old times from the people blessed by the Pegasus spirit who gave them the gift of flight. They are sometimes referred to as angels but are more commonly known as Pegasus. Magic users derive from the Unicorn spirit and are referred to as Unicorns, big surprise. Both factions are also gifted with longevity." "Where does that leave those not blessed with either?" "They are referred to as ponies. Although, they lack the gifts the unicorns and pegasus possess, they still have a very distinct talent for being able to withstand pain, and have a knack for working themselves into the ground and still being able to take more. These people are blessed by the Earth pony spirit. These people are looked down upon by the more sophisticated people, i.e. unicorns and pegasus, but when it comes time for hard action, ponies are the ones they turn to for help. Their numbers are much greater than both the 'upper' factions combined. I gotta say, these ponies are a force to be reckoned with. All these battles and cities owe it all to them." "Wow." One question lingered in Aquinas' head though. "Which one is, Princess Celestia?" "She is in a whole other category." Ignatius went on. "She is what is known as an Alicorn. She also flies, and does magic. She got the whole package. Impressive." "Indeed." Aquinas said, as he sat up in the bed. "I guess some things in this world aren't so flipped even though they don't completely correspond with what we know them as, but how do we find out which ones we are?" "You're a unicorn." Ignatius said, bluntly. "You can tell from the gems on the back of each hand." Aquinas jumped when he saw that his brother spoke true. Two stones, on each hand, poked out from underneath the skin of the backs of his hands. They seemed to be navy blue in color. 'A perfect match' he thought to himself. "And what about you?" he said, turning the conversation toward his brother. A flash of black feathers erupted out of Ignatius' back. A huge pair of wings graced the man's back. And as quickly as they came, they were gone, folding perfectly into his back and then disappearing. "Normal pegasus folds them onto their backs in a neat kind of fashion that conforms to their bodies like a bird." "What do you mean by 'normal'?" Aquinas asked, his curiosity peaking. "I wear them like magic tattoos. Able to hide them from sight. And when I fly they fly silently, on account of the fact that the feathers are serrated, like an owl's." "You flew!?" his excitement nearly was enough for him to jump out bed. "No." Ignatius' answer put a damper on his brother's ecstatic mood. "But I analyzed the feathers, and from what I've seen, that is the result that I expect." "Do you plan on taking them out for a test drive?" "Later." "What else have you learned?" "Cutie Marks. They rest on the deltoid and can be seen through cloths, but not armor. Some cloth designs that I have seen with long sleeves have cut outs in them at that point to show them off. It seems you and I do not have them. Yet. I also learned why our names don't work." "How did you deduce that?" Ignatius handed his brother a piece of paper, and was told to examine it. "There's nothing on here." he stated. Ignatius nodded. "I was taking a break when I decided to draw a design for a firearm. My design turned into a flintlock pistol. When I finished, I was saw the design disappear before my eyes. I wrote my real name and it disappeared. I tried again for both about five or six times before I gave up. I then sketched a crossbow and a sword on this," he handed Aquinas the paper with the drawings on it. They were there. "It seems that anything from our world will not be crossed over into this world. This includes our names." Aquinas was still confused, and Ignatius saw it. "Our names that we have now are obviously being used, or were used. As for our weaponry, I can only imagine that not only are they incapable of being brought into this world, the materials and machinery to make them does not exist. Yet, it seems indoor plumbing is not a fantasy." "I am very thankful for that." Mark said as he rose from his bed and darted for the door that looked to be the portal to the bathroom. He shut the door behind him, but Ignatius could still hear the moan of relief and the sound of water hitting water. He returned to his book and continued his studying. A minute or two later, the sound of running water foreshadowed his brother's return from the facility. "Feel better?" Ignatius said in an uncharismatic tone. "Yep." Aquinas said with a smile. He looked to his brother who was seemed to be enthralled by the tome that was in front of him. "I think you need a break, dude." "I took a break five minutes before you woke up." Ignatius said quickly. His concentration was set on the book. "I mean a vacation, Matt." Mark said using his real name. "You have always been such an up-tight person. Why don't you just relax for once. If not at home, or with friends, then at least here where there is no danger." Mark's view on the situation was one of genuine excitement and awe. Matthew and he loved My Little Pony, and now they were in the semi-same universe that they could only dream of being in. Mark knew his brother well, not too well, but well enough to know that underneath that cold iron exterior, was a heart that could be only rivaled by that of a Saint. That same heart is the one he looked with when watching the show and it was the same view that gave him a deeper understanding to things. So many people owe their happiness to him; even more owe him their lives. Mark could only remember five of the actual thirty plus times that Ignatius had spoken to people who were on the verge of committing suicide or murder. However, it was that same understanding, saintly heart that left him vulnerable to the cruelties of humanity. That same heart was so fragile that Matthew only found it necessary to open his heart at certain situations. When those situations were over and done with, he would put his heart back inside in the only place safe enough for something so delicate. Inside the wolf's den. A metaphorical cave that was guarded by the proverbial canine that Matthew presented himself as. It bothered Mark greatly that he knew both sides of his brother; the saint and the beast. It also pained him to know why he was the way he was. Aquinas' contemplation on his brother was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Enter." he said. When the guard outside the door heard this, he opened the portal and stepped in. "The Princess wishes for you two to join her for dinner." "Her wish is not our command." Ignatius spat as he snapped his head back far enough to make out the form of gilded armor in his peripheral vision. Aquinas sighed and shook his head. "WE would be happy to have dinner with the princess." He turned to his brother. "Come on, dude. Let's get some food in us." Ignatius just sat there and read his book. Aquinas' mood turned to a dead seriousness. "Sergeant, as an officer of the United States Navy, I am ordering you to eat dinner with Princess." Ignatius tore himself from the book and tore into his brother with his eyes, which have narrowed and became dangerous to look into. "Are you seriously going to play that card?" he asked in threatening tone. "Yes." Aquinas said flatly. "I am issuing this order because I'm not going to have you in pain in the morning because your body is eating itself, for no better reason than because you were too stubborn to acquire sustenance. This is basic shit. I am telling you this for your own good." He knew that his brother was a stubborn man, and after his Marine training, his tolerance for pain was increased almost three fold, this along with his stubbornness. He soon saw his brother rise from his chair after marking the page that he was on. It was only this and one other time that he ever had to use his rank over his brother. The other time was to stop him from killing a man who made the mistake of following them for too long when they strolled down a street one night. "Yes, sir." Ignatius said sharply. Snapping his teeth at his sibling, who didn't even flinch. The guard took that as his cue to lead the pair to the royal dining room. As they walked, Ignatius took note of all the windows. All of them could be easily climbed and broken into. 'So much for security' he thought. The pillars and wall tapestries gave enough cover to be good hiding spots. This palace was just one big pussy, just waiting to get raped by an experienced assassin. Which would be the only type of assassin that would have the balls to try and break into a place like this. And if one was to come, the guards would be useless because of their pattern. 'One big fuck fest' Ignatius mentally scorned Celestia. As Ignatius scanned for defensive flaws, Aquinas took note of the windows too. Not the way that his brother did, but in the way that they were supposed to be looked at. With awe and wonder, he took note of beautifully adorned stain glass art works that each pane had. Depictions of the royal sisters and people of great worth. 'It must have taken months just to draw the designs for such pieces.' he thought to himself. The architecture of the support pillars and the stone carving on them were a marvel within themselves. An ivory white statue graced the hallway every hundred feet or so. Their shape varied from sex and race. Most looked to be great scholars or mages. Only a few had helmets, signifying their military status. However, the latter seemed to be the oldest of the other depictions. Obviously because of the peace that has been a constant in Equestria for who knows how long. The party made it to the dining room in a few minutes. Both brothers' nostrils were assaulted by the aroma of hot food. The smell was so powerful that it hit them before the doors were even open. When the portal swung, the two, make that three, were struck by the marvelous spread of different meats and fruits. Aquinas' and Ignatius' mouths were salivating at the sight. As they both stepped in, the Princess, and the other guests, took note of their arrival. The guard hadn't told them of the other guests that would be sharing the dinner table. To Aquinas, it was a deal of his appearance. He hadn't showered or shaved, and now he was in a room with what appeared to be higher ups. To Ignatius however, this was a safety issue. He was not expecting this. He was expecting a private audience. This set him on edge. Eating is one of the times ,among sleeping and bodily relief, that made him vulnerable. So, having these guests and not having the information before hand made things rather difficult. The brothers took the open seats across from each other in the middle of the table. Aquinas sat next to two men dressed in blue turncoats. Ignatius sat next a man dressed in a green double-breasted gentleman's coat and a woman dressed in a peach colored summer dress with tiny roses weaved into the braids of her auburn mane. As the pair took their seats, the ten or so other posh dressed individuals took note of them. They examined their garb and mannerisms. As soon as Aquinas sat, he placed a napkin in his lap and sat with his arms on the arms of the chair. His posture spoke volumes to the elite that sat around him. Ignatius however, did not care for such pleasantries. He sat down and positioned his feet in a way that would allow him to make quick movements if need be. He relaxed his arms on the chair and took note of the silverware placement. He didn't like that the sharpest of the knives, obviously for meat, was placed so far from him. He would have to correct that later. The brothers were examined in silence by the guests, until Princess Celestia broke the silence. "Everyone, I would like to introduce my two newest guests. Sir Aquinas." he stood up and took a polite bow and took back his seat. "And, Sir Ignatius." he just sat there and nodded. "Both of which I am honored to have here." The congregation clapped softly, a welcoming gesture to the brothers. More welcome to Aquinas, than Ignatius. One of the men in the blue spoke first. "Allow me to be the first to introduce myself." said the man. "Request denied." Aquinas said evenly. The man recoiled a bit, but was met with laughter when a smile betrayed the former. The party was amused by the joke, even the man whom the joke was geared towards. "I speak in jest my friend." Aquinas said while still laughing. "Please, continue." The posh man chuckled again and said. "I am Mister Penny Worth. Owner of Riches A Plenty, the most successful jewelry shop in Canterlot." The boast was met with a knowing smile from Aquinas, and an expressionless face from his brother. "Could anyone that sits here vouch for this man's claim?" His challenge was met with swiftly when about ten or so bobbles and trinkets were presented to him. All of them beautifully ornate and stylish. Not to mention the amount of detail and craftsmanship each displayed. Aquinas sat upright and said. "I consider my challenge met and won. Good show, my friend." The rich man reveled in the praise. "I must say though." said a woman from about three chairs down. "What is it that you and your companion do, sir Aquinas?" "An excellent question, Mrs. Treasure." said Worth. "What is it that you two do?" Aquinas sat comfortably in his chair and said "First of all, we are not companions, we are brothers. Second, we are militants in our native country." No sense lying. Gasps and oh's sounded in the room. "How exciting!" said another person, this one was sitting closer to Celestia. "Princess." he said. "You did not tell us we would be in the presence of warriors." The Princess only shrugged. The woman who sat next to Ignatius looked his way. "Does your brother speak true?" she asked, her tone was melodic and seductive. Ignatius played over her voice in his head a few times to filter out her intentions. The process only took the same amount of time that it took for him to have a sip of the hard apple cider that the servers were now pouring into the gold decorated, crystalline glasses placed before the guests. After he put down the glass, he said, "We are former militants of our country after our contracts expired, so now we serve as Private Military Contractors. We were picked up by Princess Celestia who thought it necessary to have some experience in her guard units." His lie worked so well that even the Princess herself was getting praise for making such a wise decision. The woman sitting next to Ignatius threw him a sly wink and a tiny, yet inviting, smile. He didn't show any sign of noticing, but in fact, her saw it as clear as day. He also saw the flirtatious way her eyes kept fluttering at him as he took sips of his drink. The congregation seemed to have waited long enough. With a word or two, the party dug into the food before them. Even though the party was enjoying their meal, they still found time to chat. Each guest told their tale of their latest economic triumph. Even the woman next to Ignatius, whose name was Imperial Tiara, told of her newest victory over a rival business, using shrewd tactics and underhanded deals that, in Ignatius' book, earned her a couple of points. 'She knows how to get what she wants' he thought to himself. And from the way she was looking at him, he knew what she wanted from him. What she didn't know is that she would have a better chance at trying to fit a camel through the eye of a needle. However, that didn't stop her from trying. Using her flirtatious mannerisms during the dinner made it almost obvious to everyone around them. Aquinas already picked it up and let it go. He knew that she had no shot, but at least he would have an interesting show during his meal. It wouldn't be the first time that a woman hit on his brother, and he scarcely believed that this would be the last. He just hoped that she would not end up like the woman they had the pleasure of meeting a month prior. After the servers cleared the table of the now full and sleepy guests, Princess Celestia suggested that the congregation move to the parlor next door. The parlor was as one could expect. Warm, inviting, and very plush. However , it was rather small. The carpet was rose and that same color was mixed in with peach on the furniture. Those that stayed with the party instead of going back to their rooms took note and openly admired the room's decor. They also noticed that Imperial Tiara's outfit fit in perfectly with it all. Everyone but Ignatius took their seats. He preferred to stand over by the book case and pick out a couple of tomes. Ones that interested him where those on history, etiquette, architecture, and one that surprised him most of all to see in posh castle parlor, was one on blacksmithing. Tiara took her chance to break from the group when she saw the opportunity. Penny Worth asked about a painting that the princess seemed to enjoy and insisted on the latter telling how she got it. A favorite story of hers, one could see. So, when everyone was distracted, she made her way to the opposite side of the room where Ignatius was standing. She swung her hips a little bit more to make it known she was approaching. Though the result she wanted could have been achieved by walking in the shadow that the fire was making as it lit the room from the cherry wood hearth. She closed the book on him. Strike one. Ignatius' temper flared up enough to make him let out a less than silent snort. Tiara ignored it, then placed the book on the stand aside from them and put her arms around his neck. She drew herself in closer. Strike two. Her cyan eyes gazed heavily into his. Her breath was like the warmth you would feel from a lover with whom you shared your bed with and cuddled next to as a display of affection. Ignatius seemed to have stopped breathing, or if he was, he was breathing so quietly and subtly that it could not be registered. "Why don't you and I leave the party and go back to my room." as she spoke, she looked down for half a second to check his pants for a sign that he was agreeing with her proposal. When she looked back up though, she got the most threatening stare that she could receive from another human being. She didn't take it like that though. Her smile didn't fade. "You can stop that now. I'm not going to give up. So why don't you just give in now and save your energy for the fun we are going to have later." She kissed him lightly on the lips, then a second time. The third time was a little more forceful. Ignatius' lips remained stiff. She was taken aback and looked at Ignatius with annoyance. "Why do you resist? Lower that guard of yours already!" Strike three. Ignatius grabbed Imperial Tiara by the throat and hoisted her up with one arm. His forearm ran down her torso, which meant all the weight was on that one point and Ignatius was able to lift her like a workout dumbbell. Because of her smaller stature, she was able to put at eye level with Ignatius and still have her feet dangling in the air. She gasped loudly in protest, and then grunted in pain when she hit the book case on the other side of the room after Ignatius threw her over there. The party saw the display of raw aggression and power. One of the women fainted from the sight. Everyone, including Princess Celestia, took a couple of steps back from the man that now looked as though he would have enough strength and rage to rip the arms off of a bear. Ignatius walked back out of the room and went back to his without so much as a word. When he left the parlor with eerily quiet steps, Aquinas took it as his cue to go and help Imperial Tiara off of the ground, who was now coughing to regain her breathing pattern. The fainted lady rose up after Penny Worth gave her a light tap on the cheek to wake her up. When he helped Tiara off the floor Aquinas asked, "What did you ask him?" Everyone and their mother knew what she asked him. Yet she was hesitant to answer. "I tried to," she thought about her next words carefully "give him a proposal." "You tried to sleep with him." Princess Celestia said rather bluntly. The group looked at her in surprise. "You all know," she looked to Aquinas. "most of you know, that Imperial Tiara is a known temptress. I am not going to be pretend to be surprised he caught onto your game and gave you what for." Aquinas shook his head. "That's not enough to make my brother do what he did." His gaze fell on Tiara. "Did you happen to ask him a question along the lines of, 'Why don't you lower your guard?" She thought it over and said, "It was more a demand." "Oh." Mark said in a that-answers-my-question tone. "That's why you got thrown into the book case." It was more to himself and to Tiara than to the crowd. "Why is your brother so angry?" asked the woman in the purple hat, also known as Czarina Crystal. "Does he have mental anxieties from being so far from home?" Her oddly specific question would have been met with quizzical looks if she wasn't a known psychology clinic owner. Aquinas shook his head. "Anxiety doesn't begin to describe it." he began. "My brother is very complex. So, I would like to drop the conversation on him at this moment to avoid any confusion." "I see." Penny Worth affirmed. "Well, if the excitement has died down now, I believe I will be taking my leave. Come along, my dear." He locked his arm with Crystal's and made his way to their suite. Imperial Tiara and the rest of the guests bowed low to the monarch and followed them out of the parlor. She rubbed her neck and coughed again as she did. "You" Celestia spoke. "spoke those words like this was a common occurrence." Her tone was more accusing than quizzical. "Yeah." Aquinas said rather comfortably. "I'm just glad she didn't end up like the woman in Norfolk." "How did she end up?" she almost regretted asking the question. "In the hospital." "I can't believe he would do that to someone for something so minor as the inquiry of sexual intercourse or the asking for him to lower his guard." "Just to be clear, she tried to get it out of him after he told her 'no' by flashing a knife his way. She ended up having the weapon stuck in her abdomen when it initially started out pointing at his. As for his guard, my brother rarely lowers it. I have never seem him off of it unless he was sleeping. However, I would never know if he was or was not on his guard during the cycle. this all reminds of what happen to the woman in Maryland." Celestia put up and hand and shook her head. "Wait!" she exclaimed. "How many times has this happened?" He tone was very assertive at this point. Aquinas rubbed his chin in thought and said "Four times with women, and once with a man. You can guess what turn that conversation took." The princess shook her head. More for not wanting to think about it than not knowing. Celestia sat down on a chair and rubbed her temples as a splitting headache tortured her. Aquinas stepped behind her and put his hands on her shoulders and rubbed them gently. She grunted when her nerves relaxed at his touch. She sighed heavily. Then she grunted again when Aquinas' thumbs rubbed on opposing sides of the part of her spine that was a few inches below the base of her neck while the other fingers rested on the top of her silk shoulders. "Princess." Aquinas said. "As I have stated before, my brother is not going to be the easiest person to deal with. At the moment, you are going to see the side of him he presents because he would rather hurt other people than let them in and give them the chance to hurt him. One day you will see the side of my brother that I knew when I was younger. The side that I know as my brother instead of the Wolf." "Hmm?" Celestia said. "Wolf?" Aquinas shook his head. "That will be another story for another time." Celestia took a deep breath and let it out. "I hope you know that your brother's supposed lie at the dinner table was actually a thought that had crossed my mind." Aquinas thought about it for a second and then remembered the statement Ignatius had made at the dinner table. "About being military contractors?" "That's right, a little more to the right, please, I would like to keep you both here at the castle. I would like to have experience in my ranks and it would help keep an eye on the both of you. Well," she corrected herself. "I don't think it would be necessary for you. So if you wanted to take up the job it would please me greatly, or if you and your brother have other talents . . ." She let the inquiry hang. "I think I will have to talk it over with my brother." Aquinas looked over to the table across the room and looked at the title. As an idea popped into his head he squeezed the top of Celestia's shoulders and rubbed her trapezoids with the bottom of his palms. "Where did you learn to do all this. You're quite good." Celestia's muscles cried out in joy as he worked his magic. Aquinas chuckled a bit and said. "My brother taught me. He originally gave me the lessons as a gift for my ex-girlfriend." Aquinas winced and scolded himself mentally for bringing that up. He didn't need to. 'You and your fat mouth.' "You had a lady?" she asked, her curiosity peaked. He sighed and said "Well, I did. But when I went off to the Naval Academy, I was so far away from her that our relationship kind of drifted away. We were still good friends after we broke up, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be." "Did you love her?" she asked, and her tone was rather odd while asking the question. Aquinas seemed to ignore it. "I did. However, love is like a glass heart made from two halves, and it takes two people with each half to keep the other from breaking by holding the other up. Kind of like a support. If the two people holding the heart are not close enough to each other or one decides to leave the other half, that unsupported half will fall and break on the ground, leaving that lover to pick up and repair the broken piece. Or you can have what happened to me, that is if the two no longer wish to hold the other's heart up or are too distant to hold it, they can separate and the two can still have their piece in one peace, than having their peace in pieces." "That was beautiful." Celestia said in an amazed tone. "It was so . . . deep." "Ignatius told me that one. It's what kept our relationship going and it's what got me through the break up." Celestia turned to face Aquinas from her seat. Her face was stuck like her mind, in a state of heavy confusion. Aquinas smirked. "I told you that my brother has a good side to him." Celestia turned back around and rubbed her temples again. Her headache was now making her vision blur. She couldn't comprehend the complexity that is Ignatius. Aquinas continued to rub the princess' shoulders. "You don't have to keep going." she stated. "I want to." Aquinas said evenly. "Anything to give you a bit of comfort during this time. My brother is not going to be a cake walk. He is going to strain your brain on more than a dozen occasions by the time winter rolls around. I just want you to understand that before you go insane by trying to figure him out. My advice is to just be direct and blunt. My brother is that way and if you treat him that way, he operates better. He says it tells him that you don't want to waste time, and time for him is precious." "Why?" "I don't even know. All I can tell you is that it holds importance to him." Celestia's headache disappeared when she let her thoughts drift away. She realized that even with more than two millenniums of experience and wisdom under her belt, she still could not figure out every single puzzle that Ignatius had to offer. She would just have to settle for the knowledge she has now and the information Aquinas could provide. Just more questions, not one answer. One thing that Celestia was thankful for though is that she only had to deal with one of the brother being so difficult. She appreciated the kindness that Aquinas was showing her. 'Maybe figuring out Ignatius would be a waste of time.' she mentally noted. 'Aquinas on the other hand, is well worth the effort. I can get used to having him around.'