//------------------------------// // Chapter 62 - Sister's Disgrace // Story: The Poetic Chapters of MLP (Reference) // by Experimenteer //------------------------------// Sister's Disgrace: As she gazed above the wretched light, She was troubled by the lost of her sister's sight. Taken away by deed and order, she relished her decision, To see her sister once more through such pain and action. Succumbed from within, by the darkness take, She must stay up and eternally awake. Wondered by chance if the role was change, To save her sister from the darken mange. Started aware of her sister's disease, Attempted of all, but were decease. Ended the reign of siblings role, Where war was a start and a blossom goal. Ended the state through destruction toll, That hardened her heart and her very soul. Facing the threat through immortal past, To ridicule and bury the scorching wrath. A millennium has rolled and left a mark, To rot and stained her very spark. A thousand times and winters call, That she hear her voice of raging thrall. Unbearable her soul to take such heed, Her mind was steady, but losing the lead. For soon the guilt shall build her heart, Into a coldly stain of regretting start. There was no mercy that left to give, For she cannot stand herself to forgive. Through such pain, of dark and doubt, There was one hope that filled her out. Everyday, every year and every strife, One special soul that bear such life. Memories were attuned, with a warmly vibe, Of symbols bond that kept abide.