Home Reversal

by cloudedguardian

Mare in The Moon (Part 3)

Here we go again. Trixie sighed desolately, as a vibrant pink pony stood hyper and bouncing a little too far into her personal space.
“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were you? Huh?”
What… Is wrong with this pony? No-one, absolutely no-one, can be this hyper- Or bouncy. Trixie added as Pinkie literally bounced right over her head with a continuation of her questioning of whether or not Trixie was surprised with several more irritating ‘Huh?’s.
“Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet.” Trixie drawled coldly, her ears flattening against her head in a desperate attempt to escape from the racket.
“Well that’s silly!” Pinkie laughed, once again getting a little too much in Trixie’s face for her liking. “What kinda Welcome Party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, DUH! BOOOOORRIINNGG!”
Maybe if I just walk away she’ll get the hint. Trixie hoped desperately as she walked towards a series of bookshelves that held several of her favorite graphic novels. Unfortunately, her hope was very much in vain, as Pinkie followed her along in a series of bounces and continuous chatter.
“You see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all “Hello!” and I was all “GASP!” Remember?”
Unlike Big Macintosh, Pinkie was being the exact kind of pony that Trixie positively despised. The ones that just talk and talk as if they are in love with the sound of their own voice, and pay no attention to how much they are irritating their conversation partner.
“You see I never saw you before, and if I never say you before, that must mean you’re new! ‘Cause I know every pony, and I mean every pony, in Ponyville! And if you’re new, that meant you hadn’t meant anyone yet, and if you hadn’t met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don’t have any friends, then you must be lonely! And that made me so sad, but then I had an idea! That’s why I went “GASP!” I just had to throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular Welcome Party and invite everyone in Ponyville!” (Note, all punctuation in the spiel above is to notify changes in tone and inflection, not actual pauses.)
Does this pony breathe? Trixie wondered irritably as Pinkie rattled on, Trixie herself trying to figure out where five of her novels had gone.
“See? So now you have lots and lots of friends!” Pinkie finished, and presumably finally taking a breath as well.
There was that “F” word again. Merely hearing it again was like another hammer-blow to her worsening mood and irritation. Finally, Trixie spotted her novels, strewn on the ground, bumped off their shelves by a hovering gray pegasus mare. It was likely of no pony’s deliberate fault, but one of her favorites had landed near the punch table, and was positively soaked in grape soda.
“Get out.” Trixie hissed, much to Pinkie’s confusion.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” She asked cheerfully, sure she had misheard her new ‘friend’.
“All of you. Get out now. Please.” Trixie said very slowly and calmly, just loud enough for everypony to hear, while using all her willpower to keep her tone polite.
“But what about your super-duper extra-special really awesome We-“
Pinkie had broken the last of Trixie’s willpower, and with a deafening shout, and a flash of pastel pink magic, the doors to the library burst open as every pony inside was literally thrown out forcefully with magic. They landed surprisingly gently in a wide scattering across the grass outside, the doors slamming behind them with a deafening thud.
A vibrant blue-haired unicorn mare was the first to get to her hooves, and shake the dust off her pale fur. “Whoa… Okay, Pinks, I’m just taking a shot in the dark here, but, uh… You forgot to ask for permission before using someone’s venue again, didn’t you?”
“Heh heh, uhm… Oopsie?”

Inside the library, Trixie slumped in the middle of the room. Hopefully me tossing everyone out like that offended less ponies than losing my temper and throwing another fit like I did at the farm would have. I’m sure the pink dolt meant well, that much was clear, but I just can’t deal with her today. Now atop of her exhaustion, she had a pounding headache from using such a large spell without proper preparation. With another flash of magic the music was turned off and the foreign speakers gently dropped outside for their owners to fetch. The sudden silence eased her irritation, but the mess before her did not. I guess I better start cleaning this all up. She sighed, getting to her hooves with a weary wobble.
On her way over to a knocked over bookshelf, Trixie caught her reflection, the sight of it causing her to remember that she was still wearing the beautiful vest that Rarity had given her. Seeing it again eased her bad mood, and she quickly decided to take it off and set it aside before beginning her cleaning spree. It had been the first good thing to happen for her today, and she wasn’t about to ruin it.

Three hours later, the library was back to what Trixie imagined was its proper and pristine condition. The books were back on their shelves, and only one book had been damaged beyond repair. There was simply no saving a graphic novel that had been dyed dark purple until its pages stuck together. Yes, it had been her favorite, but it hopefully wouldn’t be too hard to replace.
Trixie set away the cleaning supplies in their appropriate cupboards, before looking up at one of the many clocks that adorned the kitchen. Just past midnight. Trixie sighed yet again, this time in exhaustion, and a tiny part of her laughed at its random guess at how many sighs had passed her lips today. Oh well, I should be able to catch at least a couple hours sleep before having to head out.

A/N Shorter chapter this time- Came about by me planning to make this the longest one, and the last chapter of "Mare in the Moon" and then me realizing that I can't get around this natural break and I should just put the last bit as two seperate much-better-flowing chapters.... I bet you guys don't mind too much, it just means you'll get two updates in relatively quick succession.... Or maybe you're just happy about getting an update at all after all this time. *Derp* Shutting up now- Hope you enjoyed this tidbit of what's to come. ;)