//------------------------------// // Talking Horses... Of All the Things! // Story: Coded Arms: Ponygram // by Thunder Hammer //------------------------------// ***10010100*** Everfree Forest Grant just stared at the two life forms in front of him. Two colorful small horses, bug-eyed and everything, was staring back at him with fear... Silence engulfed the three beings. Few minutes after, Fluttershy's hoof moved by a millimeter. "HALT!" At the sudden words, both of Fluttershy's hooves covered her eyes as she whimpered. Twilight showed a hint of annoyance in her eyes, annoyed at that thing when he scared her friend. Twilight stood up and slowly moved forward. "I ORDER YOU TO HALT!" Fluttershy got more scared and Twilight was more annoyed. Twilight started trotting toward him. "I. SAID. HALT!" Grant shot at the sky. The gunshot scared Fluttershy to the point of tears. It also scared Twilight making her stop on her tracks. Grant was quietly huffing. He hated using the commanding voice. Why am I shouting at these harmless looking creatures? Grant thought to himself. Silence, once again, caught up to them. Twilight stared at his soulless red vizor. "What are you?" Twilight asked. Grant holstered his weapon, scratching his helmet in complete and utter confusion. Twilight took the chance and charged at him to try and buck him on the abdomen(or at least what she thought was his abdomen). She was successful and Grant grabbed at his groin, screaming in pain. "That's what you get you monster!" Grant stood up and started jumping, which he thought would help subside the pain. To the two colorful equines, he looked funny. Fluttershy ceased crying and stared at him. Twilight chuckled. "I didn't know I could kick that hard." Grant stopped jumping. Twilight got back to attack stance. Grant was reaching something from his back, virtual pockets, checking for something. By instinct, Fluttershy thought he was reaching for his weapon. Fluttershy suddenly ran up to him and stared at his vizor. Her powerful stare was activated... But it seemed to backfire. What she saw in his eyes were horrors unknown to her world. She saw beings that had the same shape as him, standing on two legs and all that. Only they were wearing regular clothes for average people, covered in red cracks... They were eating one another... Fluttershy gasped and looked away. Inside Grant's helmet, he was wearing his "what?" face. Twilight's face was in awe. Nopony could never resist her terrifying stare! She thought. Silence for the... I lost count, time. Twilight broke the silence. "SERIOUSLY! WHAT ARE YOU!" Grant looked at her for a moment, then returned searching for that something in his virtual pocket... He found what he was looking for. His decoder device, a device used for hacking doors, identifying computerized entities, re-scripting systems, etc., was still with him. He pointed it at the two small horses and pressed the identification button. Numbers was scrambling on his screen. Twilight was curious about the device he was holding. It took the device for a few seconds before the numbers formed the word ERROR. Grant was surprised. I'M NOT IN SOME VIRTUAL WORLD! THIS IS ALL REAL! Grant screamed in his head. Grant sighed as he facepalmed. "This day couldn't get any better." He muttered under his breath. "What was that?" The lavender unicorn piped. "I am a human." "S'cuse me? I didn't quite catch that." "I. Am. A. Human." Grant answered, slightly raising his voice. "Wow. You're the species Lyra always talks about. I guess she's right! Humans are real! I have so much to ask you!" Twilight was getting butterflies, eager to learn about a completely different species that she never even saw before. "Who's Lyra?" "Oh nothing, but that's not important right now! I have some questions to ask you! But... First two." "And that is?" "One, what are you doing here, and tow, what did you do to Fluttershy?" She pointed a hoof at her friend, who had an expressionless face. "I don't know the answer to both questions." "Then can you at least answer why you were making that noise? What was that thing making noise?" "Oh that?" Grant took out his pistol, "This is a gun." "A what now?" Grant facepalmed at that. "A gun." he sighed, "It's a weapon that shoot projectiles that can put holes through anything... Well, almost anything." "And what was it used for?" Twilight asked with suspicion, concern and a hint of fear. "Well, it was mainly used for killing other living things." "KILL?! You kill other things?!" Grant nodded. "BY CELESTIA, WHAT DID YOU KILL BACK THERE?!" "Some wolf made out of wood." And with those words, Fluttershy got out of her trance, looked at the man with anger and screamed. "YOU KILLED A POOR OLD TIMBER WOLF?!" "POOR?! It was attacking me! What else was I supposed to do?!" "You could've just reasoned with it! Timber wolves are intelligent creature." Fluttershy shot back. "Reason?! Intelligent?! ITS INTELLIGENCE DIDN'T KNOW RHYME NOR REASON BECAUSE IT RELENTLESSLY ATTACKED ME! "EVERYPONY STOP!" Both Grant and Fluttershy looked at Twilight. "Would you two foals STOP IT!" She was panting then she sighed. "Let's just take him to Ponyville and let the princess take care of this situation." "Ponyville? Seriously?" "Yes. Any problem?" "Um, nothing." "Good. Let's go. C'mon Fluttershy." Twilight and Fluttershy trotted off to Ponyville's direction, Grant followed... After some minutes of walking, Grant sagged behind a bit and muttered: "Talking horses... Of all the things." [Author's Notes: Sorry for the short chapter. Be thankful that I'm not working on any other fics, so new chapters will come by fast, depending on how much time I have. Please correct any grammar and spelling errors blah blah blah and all that good stuph. Welp, see ya!]