Eddie Riggs goes to Equestria

by Geneircnamehere

The power of rock part 2

Ya know I would have had this chapter up sooner but my internet went out for a while so for once you can not blame me, I know I just broke your heart but such is life.

Eddie stared blankly at the ungodly creation before him, with his jaw nearly hitting the floor. The giant blue pony seemed to size up Eddie, she finally took in a breath of air and said...

"Art thou ok?"

"mmnhkhnkh" Eddie mumbled out, still confused as to why this pony was so tall, and why it was speaking like it was in medival times.

"We are Luna." The pony said in a cautious tone "We raise the moon and art alicorns." Upon hearing this Eddie threw his hands in the air and shouted...


One explantion later

"So let me get this straight." Eddie said " You and your sister are immortal godesess who raise the sun and moon."

"Yes thou have it as you say 'straight' now." Replied Luna. Eddie gave a blank stare and said..

"I am just going to have to deal that."

"So now that we are aquainted." Twilight began "How about we talk about what your world was like?"

"Uhhh." Eddie said just before his stomach gave such a menacing growl that even the immortal goddess of the moon backed away in horror.

"When was the last time you ate something?" Applejack questioned feircely

"About half a month ago." Eddie repiled nochalantly

"WHAT!?" All the ponies shouted in usion

"Come on." Eddie explained "I live on the road in my world; I really don't have much time to eat."

"Well you can explain how's living on the road in your world over breakfast." Twilight said

"Go suck off a catus Twilight." Eddie mumbled darkly under his breath

"What was that?" Twilight asked

"Uhh nothing, nothing. So any of you ponies want to lead the way to the dinning room?"

"Follow our personal guard Nightshade." Luna said "He is directly out side of this room, just tell him to lead the way and that its an order from us."

"Cool." Eddie responded, he got up out of the bed and motioned for the other ponies to follow. He opened the door to see something that made him stop dead in his tracks. Luna seeing Eddie frozen at the sight of her guard, quickly said..

"Do not fret, our guard will not harm thou." Her statement fell on deaf ears as Eddie rushed forward and gripped the demonic pony in a bear hug of epic porportions. He turned around with tears openly falling down his face and yelled..

"I Knew there was hope for this world!"

The walk through the castle was uneventfull, although one could very easily get lost in here, though if Eddie did get lost he could just summon 'The Druid Plow' and smash through all of the walls.

"Here we are." Said Nightshade, interuptting Eddie from his thoughts; he gave Eddie a nervous look, turned tail and walked away, or rather 'trotted' away. Eddie looked to the giant set of double doors and walked through them without a second thought, with the six ponies trailng behind him. The room was amazingly huge with a table, to put in Eddie's terms "Pretty fucking huge". Eddie walked up to it and sat down, when the other ponies had found thier respective seats, almost as if on cue, the doors opend with about five ponies with silver platters on their backs walked in followed by Luna, and what Eddie could only assume as her sister 'Celestia'. The servent ponies put the platters on the table and walked away, while they were doing that the two goddess ponies sat down on opposite ends of Eddie.

"Alright Eddie." Twilight began "Now tell us about your world." Eddie's mind was a whilrwind as he thought of ways to get out of explaining his world, finally he came up with the perfect plan. His left hand reached down to his waist and he flicked on his 'Mouth of Metal'. Superbeast by Rob Zombie came up and Eddie yelled over the music...

"What!? I can't hear you I'm to busy listining to Rob Zombie!" Twilight looked frustrated but Luna looked interested. She used her magic to turn off his 'Mouth of Metal' and asked...

"What was that music, it was the best thing we have ever heard?"

"Its called Heavy Metal, and it is the most kickass thing to ever have been created!" Eddie said before Twilight could intervene "You wanna hear another song?"

"Yes we would love to hear another song." Luna replied eagerly

"Alright how about this song, and when ever I listen to this I always feel like I know the singer." Eddie said as he turned on the 'Mouth of Metal' to play... The Metal by Tenacious D. The fourth wall gave a small sigh and prepared for the firce beating it was about to recive.