Through Broken Eyes

by wrasse62123


The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little, soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment.
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ghosts of the Past, Letters of the future

Dear Polaris,
I have heard about your situation, and do sincerely hope that you get better soon. My Class asks about you just about every day. Please let me or any pony else know if you ever need some assistance
Get well soon,

Dear Polaris,
I am Very sorry to hear that you are sick, I would like to wish you the best and get well soon so I can finally meet you.
Your friend,
Sweetie Bell

Dear Polaris,
We all kind of heard about your sickness, and I would like to see you sometime, you could come and play with us on our adventures,, to get our cutie marks, I know that we could use your help, get well soon,
Your, friend

Dear Polaris,
I have heard about you and would like for you to meet my friends, Im sure that they would like you, we all can't wait to meet you, Get well soon.
Your Friend Scootloo

Dear Polaris
I can't wait to meet you, I am a musician, a DJ to be exact, I can't wait to be rocking on with you, please when you get better come over if you want to play some tunes.
Your Friend,
DJ Pon-3 A.K.A Vinyl Scratch

Dear Polaris,
I am sorry for your current situation, but on the bright side when you get better, I would like to show you my TARDIS, We can travel all of space and time.
To many great adventures to come,
The Doctor

Dear, mysterious sunglasses pony,
We would like like to meet you. We is not ponies, but would like to give you a tour of our home. We would also like to hope you get better. do we end letter?
Write name!
Uh.....Diamond Dogs

Dear Polaris,
Twilight has wrote to us of your current condition. We are sorry for what ever has happened to you and sincerely hope that you will be able to over come future challenges. It is now time to move on to Ponyville and start a better life there, you have also brought to our knowledge that there is some need of social reform that we plan on starting right away. Please do contact us if you would ever need anything.
Your friends,
Princesses, Celestia and Luna

Dear Polaris,
We hope that you will be able to hang out with us soon, We would really like to meet you.
Your Friends,
Lyra, and Bon bon

(Twilight's house: Polaris's POV)

I woke up again, my head was throbbing, however mentally I felt better than I had ever before, I tried my magic, it was still dead, I hoped that it wasn't forever, that would be scary a life truly blind. I had always felt that...I was somehow normal with my improvised sight, it kept me believing that life was still worth living, it helped me rise everyday and be able to face it, even if that day was doomed for all new problems and pains. It also allowed me to see through people, how happy or how hostile they are, there seemed to be a spark on some ponies, while others, were like a smoking candle that had just been extinguished by a cold unforgiving wind.

Another question remained, how long had I been asleep? It had actually felt like a longtime since I had felt the light of day again, the pressure told me that there would be a thunderstorm in around 3 hours, the sunlight that warmed my body told me that it was about 10:00 AM, however I seemed to be slightly off, in Canterlot due to the high buildings, and smog, the sunlight seemed...... different, it was a bit more warm and calming, maybe it was just the altitude difference or something weird like that

And the most important question remained , where exactly was I? At this question, my imagination, started an uprising of fear in the darkest pit of my mind, like a desperate cry to try to go into mental lock again. But I was a different pony now, and plus my rational thinking brain took control again, I had been saved by my....friends and they most likely wouldn't put me into any harm after saving me right? There was of course the feeling that even if they had saved me, i still didn't know much about these ponies, in fact they probably did know quite a bit about me from efficiently shifting through my mind during the mental lock.

The scent of this place seemed familiar, It smelled heavily of all kinds of books, you know that book smell that everyone seems to like. It actually has some interesting authentication qualities, I have been around books enough to know how old of used they are just by their smell, it was quite interesting, this place had all kinds of book smells, old and new, I was obviously at Twilight's house. I never forgot a smell

But exactly why was I here, I mean I thought they would take me back to my home or something, I remembered the sequence of dreams then me putting myself, in a mental lock of no return, then whiting out, and waking up before falling asleep, but during this sequence of events I had had no concept of time, did the sequence of events happen, exactly how long have I been asleep?

I tried my magic again to no avail, It was becoming increasingly obvious that I would be unable to do magic for awhile, I was still on the intent to keep hidden as much as possible, then I felt my face, I had no sunglasses, how would I go around town at all!? I would have to sneak back to my house without magic as is, but how inconspicuous is a pony randomly walking around with tight shut eyes, not that much.

"I felt frantically around on Twilight's desk, looking for my sunglasses, only to almost tip over a lamp. In my frantic movements I fell out of Twilight's bed and on to the floor, Why can't I just get a break? Pain erupted through my head as it had hit something wooden (probably the desk next to the bed) I rubbed the spot hoping that the pain would lessen, fortunately the bump had not cut of split anything.

It was after a few seconds of rubbing the troubled spot that I realized that I was laying on paper, a fairly impressive mound of paper, I hope that I had not crushed anything, I was after all I was a a guest here, these ponies had taken me in and basically, saved me from myself, To be frank I owed them....a lot.

It was always important to be polite to other ponies, if I wasn't polite, then I would be no better than those ponies in Canterlot. I did not want to start on the wrong hoof with these ponies, relationships can always go south so to speak. I had to be very careful, again I was in debt to these ponies

A sweat drop ran down my face I I heard the sound of paper crumple, It gave me a bit of a flash back to a particular lamp that mom liked, I tipped it over by accident, and well.....

......Lets just say it didn't end well, but now that I looked back on it, it was probably the best night of my life

(Flash back)

It was snowing it night, it was just another Hearts Warming Eve, every pony was feasting, telling songs, stories. They were all in their warm homes, with giant smiles on their faces, giving presents with their friends, every pony's place should be with family and friends tonight, with a nice cup of apple cider.

"AND STAY OUT" My mother had grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me out into the snow, the snow actually helped at first, I could feel its numb effect on fresh cuts and bruises, however soon it stung, it had felt like i had awakened a yellow jacket's nest.

"I was young then, a total filly, I could very well freeze to death in that night, the wind chill was bad, and there was ice everywhere, and ice plus a young blind filly with limited magic does not mix. I had no extra clothes to keep me warm with me, and instinct told me to go near our air conditioning unit. It provided me with some warmth, just enough to prevent frost bite.

Our family, if you could call it that, never celebrated hearts warming, even if we did, our hearts just wouldn't be in it. I certainly didn't have any reason at the current time to celebrate,there was no push to be happy, just cold emotions such as sorrow and guilt, those were as slick and cold as the ice, unrelenting in it's terror as I moved.

Then I felt a shift in pressure. I tried my magic (of which I was still perfecting) and it worked, the snow suddenly stopped and for some odd reason I could see everything so clearly, I saw the stars dance, in a spectacular show, I detected a presence, Princess Celestia was up there and she was dancing with the stars, in a fantastic light show, that even I could detect, it was as if the princess's very presence was stimulating me to see (magically speaking) energy swirled within me, and then, I had felt a source calling from my side, I had, just received my cutie mark it was a lone shining star.

Cutie marks have a constant flow of energy going out of them, and for some reason or another this allows me to see them in much better quality with my magic, even I am not sure how it worked

As quickly as it started the Show came to an end, Celestia had gone to spread her art with others, and I was lost and alone again...or so I thought

"Hello there" a voice of a colt that was about my age said behind me. It was the sort of casual friendly hello, that one says out to a friend or family member, I had actually never had the pleasure

I had jumped back in response,no one was ever able to sneak up on me and it was very odd that this young colt could. I would always be able to hear, smell, or just feel a pony coming. Exactly how had he gotten through, and what exactly was he doing out here, my senses were most likely out due to the cold

"You look cold" He said worried "my family lives close by here, would you like to come with me, by the way my names Silver Fox"

"You mean your not afraid or angry?' I asked innocently, I couldn't believe that he was offering for me to stay there for the night

"Why would I?" He asked in the same tone that I have just used, if I was more paranoid back then I would have thought that he was mocking me

"I'm.....different" that was all that I could say to the pony that was offering this great kindness, I walked forward to make sure that he could see my eyes, I was ready to bolt at the first sign of violence, I've had enough beatings for one night, I mentally prepared myself for the moment when he would turn on me

"So... your still a pony" He answered "You still think you, still have feelings, you still dream, and currently you look hungry so your going to my house to eat and meet my family, by the way what is your name"

I walked up to his side " name is Polaris"

And with that we walked into the snow


I had to hold back the tears in my eyes from the memory when i just figured out what I had landed on. It had felt like a mound of papers, and more specifically lots of enclosed papers with an outer paper shell, of to be more simple in wording letters, lots and lots of letters,, but that didn't make sense, why did Twilight have all these letters? She doesn't seem to be the type of pony to get or write this much letters, there had to be another reasonable thing behind this.

I got off the pile to find out that I had not accidentally bent, or ripped any of the letters then I started feeling around, then I felt something very interesting, I had pulled out a big letter from the feel I had the royal Canterlot seal on it, the letters on the address were raised so I could read just by feeling the letters....It was addressed to me.

I quickly opened it up and read the raised letters.

Dear Polaris,
Twilight has wrote to us of your current condition. We are sorry for what ever has happened to you and sincerely hope that you will be able to over come future challenges. It is now time to move on to pony ville and start a better life there, you have also brought to our knowledge that there is some need of social reform in Canterlot society that we plan on starting right away. Please do contact us if you would ever need anything.
Your friends,
Princesses, Celestia and Luna

The puzzle was quickly coming together, these letters were not for Twilight, they were for me, no one had even bothered to write a letter to me before, it was not heard of., several people actually took effort to write out that they truly did care for me,there was a warm feeling from the bottom of my, heart, I had been feeling, this feeling quite a bit ever since I came to Ponyville, was this happiness?

Then along with the happiness a sprout of fear came with me all of these ponies knew about me, They ALL knew about me, I was nervous meeting one single pony that was as nice as Applejack, I didn't have the guts to meet them all, My mental status just couldn't take it

Then came the trouble of how the princesses knew about my current situation, Twilight must have put some pieces together, and most likely went through my mind when I was about to lock my self. I to a degree trusted Twilight however I was knowingly concerned about how much information she, Shadow, and Applejack had accidentally combed through, I really didn't want then to know about Silver Fox and Drover, they probably wouldn't accept me....

Fortunately none of the letters had been crushed, and I carefully removed my weight from them, trying not to make a sound, I was actually surprised that no pony had heard my little fall perhaps Twilight was out, if so that would be confidant, I was going to try and sneak out of here, I didn't need to cause any more trouble.

I started feeling my way around every nook and crack, to find the entrance,from the texture and everything it seemed that this was an oak tree that carved out of, and a large one at that, this thing had to be ancient .I did, after about 5 minutes, find the entrance to the room in which I was in....

...however I did not think of the stairs


The good part was that I landed on a random pillow at the bottom of the stairs, the bad part was that I had just fallen down about12 steps that were made of solid oak, if I had thought the pain was bad in my head before, it was a lot worse now, everywhere was hurting, but it seemed that no vital points had been hit.

I tied to stand up, but quickly started to fall again, fortunately some pony caught me, since I was completely out on the magic, however it smelled of books and, a lack of hair product, which had to mean Twilight, I do not say lack of Hair product as an offensive term, I just don't understand it, sometimes it smells good, but most of the time it is too much, and i really didn't get the 'looking good" part of it, my own hair was naturally wavy and cut fairly short it was simple, I had honestly never asked about the color of my hair nor did I care, color was not a concept that was very known to me, thus I didn't care, and designed not to get caught or hold be back on any measure, while still looking like a normal pony, this was the way that i had always done it.

It was also of course due to the fact that the barbers would refuse to cut my hair and so I had to do so on my own, and just saying do you have any idea how hard that is even with magic. It took me weeks of practice (and of course not to mention some really socially awkaward situations and bad hairstyles, even by my standards) and discipline until I finally got it right.

My theory about the book-smelling pony being Twilight was proved correct when she spoke "Are you alright, your bleeding" She sounded worried. It was at this point that felt a small scratch on the right side of my face, it had a steady flow of blood coming out of it.

The mild bleeding was small but due to the amount of blood vessels that flow through one's face in order to disperse heat and carry it to other parts of the body, this was helpful when the body was trying to maintain homeostasis, however a bit messy when there a small cut on your right cheek (And I do mean the one on my face).

"yes" I said shaking "It is just a scratch" Still she did not let go and walked me to the couch, I sat down then it had just occurred to me that the TV was on,I had never had a TV, nor had i ever particularly wanted one, a radio worked for me, plus it was much more cheaper to have a radio than a television. I heard some ponies got sucked into television, this show was apparently called "The Daily Show With Ventus"

"Spike! get me a bandage" Who is spike? My question was answered by a soft running

'Here they are" Said the voice of a young dragon, most likely her assistant

"Here let me clean that up" She said in kind voice

"You really don't need to" I said in an avoiding manner, I really didn't want to be a bother to anypony

"Yes I do you need all the rest you can get, after that Neuro bacteria" She said fairly casually

"Wait what? Is that why I can't use my magic? Is it temporary?" I ask in a worry some manner, I couldn't live with out my magic

"Don't worry" she said "it will return in about half a week" She said while putting the gauze pad on the side of my face

"Where are Shadow and Applejack?" I tried to say casually, the use was part conversational, part curious, I wanted to know where my friends where, I guess because I cared about them.

"Applejack is working on her farm, while Shadow is" she took a few moments to put in the right words "...Dabbles in things around town" Her tone told me that she actually did not know too much about, which was okay since she was new in town as I was, she was most likely still settling in

She reached to turn off the off the TV But I stopped her, my reasoning being that I was somewhat curious about the show "I've never really had a thing for TV" I said indicating to my eyes, which Twilight had not been disturbed by "But I am curious, what is that show about" pointing where the sound of the TV was coming from.

"Oh that is the Daily Show with Ventus,it is where a fictional being known as a human, his name is Ventus, conducts fake news reports, and interviews ponies" she said

"But does he report news"

"No not really

"I guess that is interesting" I had said it a bit more naturally than expected, which I guess led her to believe that I didn't like it,

"It is really good would you like to watch the rest of it with me " She offered

"No thank you I really do need to get going" I said politely, I really didn't want to bother her, she seemed like the type of pony that was always busy, a workaholic, I would only slow her down, however it seemed as if I was fairly misguided in my theory about going home,

She answered my comment with a bout of silence, and what I eventually guessed as a look of shock on her face not that I would know of course.

She finally gathered her self together and spoke "I don't think you will be leaving here for about a half a week" she said in a commanding yet un threatening way.

"Why not?" I asked innocently "I could just go home myself, I don't want to be a bother, and you seem like a very busy pony" I responded. I always had to survive by myself with no help at all

She seemed to think out her words carefully "You won't be able to use your magic for awhile so....I made preparations for you to stay here for the next half a week"

"Thanks but you really don't have to...."

"You just fell down the stairs, yes I have to" She said sternly, she really wasn't moving on this issue.

"Fine I'll stay..."