//------------------------------// // Reassurance // Story: Dangerous Elements // by Poison_Joke //------------------------------// Chapter 3 - Reassurance Nighttime in Canterlot Castle was vastly different in comparison to the day. The long, spacious hallways featured amazing feats of artistic talent, from tapestries created by artists long past, to statues carved delicately and masterfully from the smoothest stone. During the night however, to the untrained it was a confusing labyrinth of twisting halls and strange, sometimes barely audible noises. Torches along the wall didn't reach to the deepest corners where the dark seemed to shy away. They simply cast flickers of light and caused shadows to dance amongst the statues that now seemed eerily lifelike. It would play with your mind, walking alone down these halls. You'd think that the statues watched as you trotted by, simply waiting for you to turn your back... Although none of this affected the princess of the night, who walked along merrily, high in spirit and energy after a delightful rest during the day. She couldn't help but notice a statue of her and her sister, rearing up to hold aloft a sun and moon. It was certainly flattering in it's design. Especially she thought, for her sister. The lines in the stone were cut exquisitely to show off a graceful but powerful figure in the both of them, with solidified manes flowing out and down to one side. They even added the jewelry she had grown accustomed to wearing since her return from the moon, her small tiara, crystal shoes and a black breast plate adorned with the crescent moon she sported on her flank. But, flattering as they were to her, they were all in a light grey, with only the sun and moon containing any colour at all in the form of gold lining for Celestia's sun, and a glimmering, decisively better (in her opinion) silver, lining the edges of her moon. Luna looked over her shoulder at her own figure. While smaller than her sister, she still walked with the same grace and composure expected from one of the Royal Sisters. She agreed that her time in banishment had not been bad at all on her and whilst not quite the approbative manner of the statue, she thought that her body, notably her flanks, were in impeccable condition. Unlike Celestia's that had only continued to grow larger over time due to a lot of sitting around on her throne and the over-zealous comfort eating of cake. The statues certainly didn't show that. Had the artist chose to include it, they may very well have been banished from Equestria, or thrown in a dungeon. Maybe banished from Equestria and then thrown in a dungeon in the place they were banished too. Luna giggled inwardly at her thoughts as she continued down the corridor. She does love her cake. The approach to Celestia's chambers was one of her favourite parts of the castle. The hallway was open on one side, instead brandishing tall white marble pillars that surrounded a garden, blooming with flowers of blue, purple, red and yellow. At the centre stood a small white tree, it's bark a pale white meant to portray the surface of the moon. Beneath it, cast in the shadow of the branches was a plaque that read: 'Planted upon her return. Forever the Guardian of the Night, Princess Luna' This also made her chuckle. It wasn't that she wasn't greatful for the thought, but she didn't like the fact that it made her sound heroic. She wasn't the 'guardian' of the night. She didn't actually stand and watch, making sure that all of her and her sisters little ponies were sleeping well. She was the night. She was the weaver of dreams and beautiful starry skies. It fell to her to make sure that her night came and passed, just as her sister did for the day. The passing day and night was in perfect harmony once more and it was one that she was glad to have regained her place in. It was now when she felt at her best, full of vigour, surrounded by all this darkness and being able to bask in her moon's splendid light. Luna wasn't alone in the castle corridor though. The slitted eyes of two magically enhanced Royal Nightguard watched her approach closely, donned in their purple armour. They flared their bat-like wings and bowed low as the princess passed them, acknowledging their gesture with a kind smile and a graceful nod. The entrance to Celestia's tower was a heavy oak double door, emblazoned with a large golden sun, the same as Celestia's magnificent ('though still less eloquent than her own', Luna thought) cutie mark. Surrounded by a glowing blue aura, the door easily pushed open, revealing a wide staircase, enough for the two sisters to walk up side by side. Well, maybe not with Celestia's flanks... They hadn't been walked in a while, as usually they would both simply fly up to Celestia's balcony. It was far more convenient. This time however, Luna had noticed something troubling her sister when she returned from visiting her protégé, Twilight Sparkle, and did not want to simply fly in unexpectedly if she didn't really feel like company. Luna reached another, smaller door at the top of the stairwell, knocking gently with her hoof. "Come in." The door nudged open, revealing Celestia's cosy study, largely covered by a scarlet rug and scatterings of comfy pillows. A closed glass door led out onto her usual entrance, and a darker room off to the right housed her sleeping chambers. Celestia herself sat atop one of the cushions beside a crackling fireplace, looking slightly downcast as she read over scrolls floating in front of her in a shimmering yellow aura. "Sister, pardon the intrusion, I simply wanted to check if you were alright. You looked a little upset when you returned." Luna stood at the end of the rug, unsure of whether her company would be appreciated right now. "Lulu please, you don't have to be so formal. Come sit with me." Celestia motioned towards an opposite cushion with her hoof, folding away the scroll she was reading and placing it beside her amongst others. Luna sat down, shifting as she got comfortable. "You were reading..?" "Friendship reports from Twilight. I like to look back on her progress, let's me know just how far she's come from her secluded life here. Now I receive them from all of her friends when they learn something new of the magic of friendship." Luna noticed the sadness in her sister's voice as she spoke of her student. "Celly, I know you better than anyone else. What's troubling you? Has something happened?" Celestia sighed as she shifted on the cushion, tucking her forelegs beneath her. "I went to see Twilight today, in the hospital. She had been attacked." The shock on Luna's face was clearly visible, even with half covered by shadow as the fire burned brightly to one side of her. "What happened? Is she alright!?" "She's fine physically. Mentally? She's very upset. She wasn't alone when she was ambushed. Spike, her assistant, was with her. We've not seen him since the attack." Again, Luna could sense that something was wrong. Her sister looked worried as she spoke, glancing to the side, or staring at the fire. "What happened, Celly? You look concerned." Celestia turned to look her sister in the eyes before looking away again, down at the scarlet rug between them. "She... had an outburst when she awoke. I had just arrived to see nurses trying to hold her down as she thrashed around in her bed, but then she screamed. Her eyes grew to a burning white and dark arcs of magic burst off of her and seared the walls. When she spoke, it wasn't her voice. The last time I witnessed such a powerful outburst was when-" Celestia stopped suddenly, eyes growing wide in shock as she turned to her sister sitting just across from her, her blue coat reflecting the orange glow from the fire. "It's alright. I don't mind us talking about that. It's in the past now and I'm glad to be rid of it. Please, continue." Celestia physically relaxed. Her banishment been a sensitive subject with her sister after a misunderstanding on this year's Nightmare Night, where residents of Ponyville still believed she was the harbinger of the eternal night. Hearing her sister say she was okay with it lifted a weight off of Celestia's shoulders. "I hadn't seen that much power since the night of your transformation. I was scared, Lulu. I knew Twilight was a powerful wielder of her magic and the corresponding element, but this was uncontrolled. I fear she may have seriously hurt others had I not intervened." "That is cause for concern. What of her assistant? Do we have any trace of him at all?" "I've dispatched some of my best guards to scour the area they were attacked, they should arrive there shortly. Other than that, currently we have no idea of his whereabouts." Luna closed her eyes for a moment in thought. "Then I propose we tackle this one problem at a time. Allow me to watch over Twilight, to ensure that no one else comes to harm whilst the search for Spike is ongoing. You can continue to deal with the nobles and the citizens in your court." Luna said that last part with a small smile. "You'll have to find her first." Luna looked confused by this statement. "Find her? She's no longer in the hospital? If the outburst was as severe as you say, then she should remain there for several days at least to regain her strength." "I said the same thing to her not too long ago. But she was distant. She was thinking of ways to rescue Spike, even as I told her to stay put. I'm not angry with her, I could see she was distant, but said nothing. Once she sets herself a goal, she is single mindedly determined to see that goal through to best of her ability, I don't recall ever seeing her level of academic drive in another pony." Luna stood, making her way towards the door and away from the comforting warmth of the fire, casting her figure into darkness. Her starry mane stood out much more clearly. Celestia struggled to see where it ended and her sister's body began in the black backdrop. "Then I'll return to the site of her attack. I believe that's where she'll go first. I'll just watch her from afar when I find her. I'll make sure she's on the right track and that no one will come to harm in her path. For now, Celly, please get some rest. Even your mane is looking tired, and these things never stop billowing." Celestia giggled and sighed contently. "I will Lulu, I just have one more scroll to finish. Goodnight, dearest sister and I wish you a safe journey." "Goodnight Celly, sleep well." The door shut quiet behind the princess of the night. Celestia turned and gazed into the fire, her eyes taking in the soft glow before turning to a nearby scroll and lifting it with her magic. Unfurling it in front of her, she began to read. Dear Princess Celestia... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The darkness of Spike's cage was no longer oppressive, it was a small haven of shadow, a place he could hide his emotions in for no one else to see. His eyes were no longer streaming tears, but the stinging remained. The small purple dragon sat in the corner, his head resting upon his arms and grasping his knees. His thoughts veered towards his friends and his life back home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was a Tuesday, he thought, so his day would have been spent as a much appreciated moving pin-cushion under the complete enthralment of the most magnificently beautiful pony to have ever graced Equestria, Rarity. After his heart slowed down and he recovered from being love-struck, he could head to Sugarcube corner with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and play Applebloom at 'Who can eat 5 cupcakes the fastest' and he would win. Again. It was much to the dislike of his stomach, but that was usually future Spike's problem. Then, after a long day of pointed objects and a lot of cake, he would make his way back to his home at the library. He would sleepily drag himself up the stairs, giving a small 'goodnight' as he past the studious unicorn and climbed into his basket. But before he dozed off, a purple aura would tuck his blanket around him, and a small kiss would be planted on his head, before Twilight turned and trotted back to her reading. Goodnight, number one assistant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twilight... The bitter sting strengthened. Spike rocked gently in the darkened corner of his cage, threatening to break down again. But this time he was interrupted by the sound of somebody else's tears. Spike stood up and moved towards his small gap, his claws reaching and pulling his small form up. "Hello?" The crying stopped, and Spike could hear shuffling not too far away from him, but he couldn't see the source. So he called again, not knowing if he was simply imagining the sounds after however long he'd spent in confinement. Despite his doubts, a timid filly's voice answered back. "H-hello..? Who's there?" "I'm Spike, what's your name?" There was a moment of pause before the voice spoke again. "I-I'm Snowdrop. Snowy." More whimpers emerged from the source of Snowy's voice, Spike knew all too well what she was going through. "Hey Snowy, please don't cry! You're gonna make me cry again and I've got to try and be manly now I know somebody else is here!" This drew a small giggle from Snowy, but it was still covered beneath sadness. "Where are you from, Snowy?" "Cirrus H-Heights. It's near the border with the Gryphon Aeries." Snowy wiped away sniffles from her nose. "How about you?" "Me? I'm from a lovely little town called Ponyville. It's close to Canterlot, but lacks the same kind of awesomeness-ness. Still, it's home. I make do." This earned him another laugh, noticeably not covered by tears this time. "Haha, Ponyville? That's a funny name." "Yeah I know, not very original. Nothing I can do about it. I mean, if I was gonna name it, I'd probably name it something like Spikesville, add a little spice to it." There was no response this time to his attempts at comedy. Trying to pull himself up closer to the gap to see out. Another cage lay across from his, but the gap was facing away. "Are you okay Snowy?" The sounds of sniffles returned. "I wanna go home, Spike. I miss my parents. I just wanna go home..." Sensing the coming heartbreak, Spike quickly changed the subject. "Tell me about your parents, Snow." The shuffling of hooves and a dejected sigh followed, before she continued again. "My dads name is Whirlwind, he helps to manage the weather and stuff". Talking about her parents a little seemed to raise her spirits, he voice chirped up over the eerie silence that otherwise filled wherever they were. "My mom's called Chill Breeze and she's the prettiest pony ever! She's really good at cooking and stuff, she even has a resta... A restorro... Um, she serves food to ponies and they pay her for it." Her confusion made Spike smile a little to himself. "What about your parents?" "--" The young dragon deflated a little at her question. Pulling away from the gap of his cage, returning to the cold floor of the cage. He leaned his head backwards and stared at the ceiling of his cage. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Um... I don't know my real parents. I can't remember ever being told about them. No one knows who they are." "I'm sorry Spike, I... I didn't know I..." "It's okay, real jerks right? I wouldn't trade who I got instead for anything in the world ever. Her names Twilight, and she's the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" Spike stood again, placing a clenched fist on his chest and posing with pride. "What makes her so magical?" Spike staggered back a little at that remark, clearly hurt by the lack of belief. "You ever heard of an Ursa Minor?" "Yea! They're big and scary and have huge teeth and they're big and I think they look like big blue bears or something!" "Yea well, she drove one out of Ponyville singlehoofedly. Well actually, she lulled it to sleep and carried it in her magic all the way back to it's cave after these two idiots I know made it mad and it followed them into town." "No way! Those things are really big and scary! There's no way anybody could carry that thing! Not even the princesses!" "Haha, it's all true, I swear! Carried all the way to its cave and brushed it off like it was nothing. She's totally super magical! She... she um... she gave me a mustache! I didn't need to be any more awesome and attractive but she did it anyway! And a top hat! And a cane! I looked so awesome..." "Wow, a mustache? That does sound pretty magical." "--" "I miss her..." The both of them sat in silence for a little while. The realization of their situation hit home a little more, but there were no tears. Not this time. Now they both had the beginnings of a friendship, and that was all they really needed. "Thanks Spike, for talking to me. Can we be friends?" "Sure Snowy, I'd love to be your friend." "Awesome..." Their newly blossoming friendship moment was cut short by the approaching sound of hooves and talking. "Be careful with that one, that thing on the bosses side looked pretty deep." "Don't worry Fix, I'll be able to handle one kid. Just make sure he doesn't try and run. That other one shouldn't be a problem." The click of a lock and the removal of heavy chains vibrated across the top of his box, before the front with the gap started to lift away. Spike backed into the corner, watching as the encroaching light crept up his body until it reached his eyes. Assaulted by the sudden bright light, spike hid behind his arms before dropping them slowly and allowing his sensitive sight to adjust. A cold metal clamp tightened around his neck. He was dragged out into the brutal light, the scales on his knees scraping along the base of the box to face two large earth ponies, clad in the same black from the night he was taken. Spike looked down at the collar around his neck, a metal clamp attached to two prongs and held by one of the gruff ponies. Spike tried to pull it away with his claws, scratching away at the metallic surface. "Now don't do anything stupid, or..." The clamps grasp tightened around Spike's neck, making him to gasp as his breath was stolen from him. "...else." The other pony was opening Snowy's box. He stomped his hoof hard on the floor and told her to move. Out stepped a small pegasus filly with her eyes closed, wings tucked tightly to her sides and a pristine white coat, one that would give Celestia a run for her money. Pale blue and grey hair was tied back over her shoulder in a braid, the two colours interlacing and complimenting each other perfectly in a matching, flowing tail. She was yet to earn a cutie mark. Then she opened her eyes. Her eyes flaunted an icy blue that ironically, when she glanced Spike's way, caused the young dragon to melt. "You... You're a dragon!?" "You're..." Spike was lost for words. He stared at the filly for a few moments, mouth pretty obviously agape. "No talking! Move!" Spike was pulled away by the collar again, heading towards an opening in the small room they had emerged into. 'Smooth, Spike. Real smooth.' The opening in the wall led into a larger room. The walls and ceiling were made of a light brown rock with a couple stalactites hanging down precariously. Torches, scattered at various places along the walls illuminated the room rather poorly. Large double doors stood at the far end, flanked by two guards; one either side. Also in the room stood a number of other fillies and colts in two separate lines and all surrounded by guards who looked down their noses at the children, batons in their teeth. Spike was released and joined the back of his line, glaring daggers at the stallion who temporarily made him into his unruly pet. Snow Drop shuffled over to the back of her own. A flood of noise entered the room, followed by a tall, slender earth pony. The guards parted as he approached the group of children. He was dressed in a well fitting suit jacket, stretching down to his foreleg fetlocks. A crimson coat was groomed and shining as he walked closer, accompanied by jade coloured eyes and a black and white mane, combed and pushed back to flair behind his ears. He adjusted a small green bowtie around his neck before he cleared his throat. "Ahehehehehem! Fillies, gentlecolts, welcome to your new home for as long as I see fit! These are the Pits! I'm Roulette, gambling aficionado and the boss of this loooovely establishment!" he leaned towards a small red filly at the front of her line, winking. "Hey, how you doin'? Love the coat, great colour." The small filly drew back, visibly shaken by the apparent compliment. "Anywho... I'm the boss, so what I say, goes. Failure to comply with my wishes might upset me and when you upset me, there may be-" He was interrupted by the doors behind him bursting open, again flooding the room with the drunken cheers and jeers of ponies on the other side. The squeaky wheels of a movable table were rushed past the group. Upon it lay a blue unicorn colt, eyes wide but unmoving. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his face. A much bigger one ran down the side of his body and dripped to the floor next to the lines. "...dire, consequences." Roulette turned to circle the group, the surrounding guards pressing backwards to give him room. A large, recently stitched slice was clearly visible along the side of his body, almost reaching his roulette table cutie mark. He turned away, punching a guard in the shoulder playfully. "Haha! Wasn't that great! I didn't even plan for that! But somepony will have to clean that up." "Yes sir, fantastic." the guard answered back, clearly a rehearsed response. The children didn't share his enthusiasm. Most simply looked away, shivering and holding back tears. Snowy on the other hand, allowed hers to flow freely. Roulette zeroed in on her immediately, walking slowly towards her. "Hey! Stop crying! I hate it when kids cry!" "Please, I-I just wanna..." Roulette reached her, gently placing a hoof beneath her chin. "Hey hey hey hey now..." he said softly, bringing her head up to face his, he smiled compassionately to her. "What did I just say?" His expression suddenly changed to one of anger. He dropped his hoof from her chin to bring up another, driving it into the side of her delicate white face. "STOP. CRYING!" "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Spike dove between Snowy and Roulette, arms stretched wide and fangs glaring. His reptilian eyes had shrunken to acute slits and his brow arched furiously. If looks could make people explode, Roulette would have exploded. Twice. "Ahhh, the little dragon! Don't I have you to thank for my trip to Bonesaw? I do, don't I! Ohhhohoho! I've already got my eye on you little guy. You don't want me to take any more notice of you." Roulette glared back down at the white filly's guardian, his own eyes narrowing in anger. Two guards appeared at Spike's sides, pressing his arms together and forcing him back into line. "Get this lot to their new 'accommodation'. Oh and please make sure that those two stay together for now, wouldn't wanna be the one who has to break up the lovely couple." Roulette grinned slyly at Spike before making his way back through the double doors. Once back at the line, Spike turned to look at Snowy, struggling to return to her feet with the help of two other fillies. A small cut adorned the side of her head and her face was sodden with tears. With lips still trembling, she returned the look. Thank you.