//------------------------------// // Dreams // Story: Through Broken Eyes // by wrasse62123 //------------------------------// Daydream Character and personal force are the only investments that are ever really worth anything -Walt Whitman Polaris's Journal .........Error........Error.....no entries found Equestrian Health Institute: Article 68: Solitary bacteria: section 12: Rare cases Bacteria Species: Lymostrepochacus Common Names: Blackout, The shark sickness, Knockout punch, the Nightmare virus Bacteria Description: Unlike most Bacteria Lymostrepochacus is solitary and doesn't live in groups, they also only rarely attach themselves to ponies, usually preferring other organisms such as rabbits , which do not seem to be affected by their presence, they are often so spread out that most large towns will only get about one to two attacks per year, however that does not make these attacks any less devastating to the victim. they are known to be very painful,at first causing slow strikes of pain and momentary dizzy ness, until they start shutting things down, they even have the ability to completely shut off a unicorn's magic, they do this by putting out a strong neurological toxin. For all of the massive pain and suffering that it causes, it leaves relatively little damage behind, there is no permanent damage done to the body, however it does leave Unicorns completely drained for about a week after the incident, the neuro toxin that it produces is in that same venom category as pit vipers, only the symptoms are much more severe and the real damage is none . Because is so rare there is not any real chance to study it. symptoms; Short fits of pain that slowly increase in magnitude until the victim is incapacitated, it is then when the bacteria starts feeding off the host's energy reserves, since it is so small, the weight difference is unnoticeable, the Bacterial is usually ousted or killed by the immune response. It is unknown on how to prevent this bacteria, and you are just plain unlucky. Chapter 3: Dreams (Polaris POV) Pain...Massive amounts of pain, I felt cotton sheets hug me at my sides, however they were not my cotton sheets, a sudden fear raised up within me, but it was soon replaced by the throbbing feeling in my head, a storm was going on out side I could hear the lightning, the pattering of the rain drops, my body ached like fire, I desperately wanted to cool of in the rain. I tried my my magic, it was out, like a dead light bulb that needed replacing, I tried again, with the same result, I was completely blacked out, I was able to still use my other senses to look around but my magic was the one ace card that I held This place... it smelled of books , many books, where exactly was I? I heard voices downstairs, I tried to listen in on them, then.... It all faded away (Yesterday: Applejack's Pov) This pony was an odd one indeed, I wondered why she wore those darn sunglasses all the time, they really did look odd on anypony, she was picking out the finest apples I had, that girl must have moved from, a farm with her inspection skills, she didn't even seem to be looking at the apples, yet she was getting them right, the girl knew her apples, maybe if she had some time, she could help us at the farm. I still found it amazing that Pinkie hadn't started inviting other ponies to the surprise party that she was most likely planning, In all honesty I haven't seen Pinkie pie for the past two days, She had to be up to something As Polaris got to her seventh apple, she started to stumble a little bit, she tried to keep going, her horn was flickering on and off a bit, a look of extreme pain and suffering was on her face, "Polaris are you okay?" I asked she started to sweat, and looked in a really bad place. Then she started breathing rapidly, she started shaking and sputtering around rapidly, her glasses fell off revealing two pure yellow eyes with no pupils....was she blind? That did not matter she needed me now. Instinct took over, I felt my self rip past the apple stand, apples flying everywhere I knelt by her side and looked at her face "Polaris, You better stay with me!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs Those eyes, those great big yellow eyes showed pain, they were hypnotising, they were as round and bright as the full moon, they were beautiful and they were full of fear, "Polaris!!, Oh Buck, you better stay with me" she mumbled something that I could not understand Her eyes started closing, those beautiful eyes. "Fluttershy get Twilight, she'll know what to do" in response Fluttershy flew off faster than Rainbowdash herself,it is amazing what adrenaline can do to a pony "What do ya want me to do sis?" Applebloom asked, frankly I had forgotten that she was even there "Go home right now sis" I yelled, it was kind of hard to be calm at this point, "But-" she started to argue "GO HOME!" I yelled, a bit too loudly.. She quickly went away, I felt sorry for her for yelling too loudly, however I could always apologize later, right now I had more pressing concerns There Blue-grey pony laid on her chest, she seemed unconscious to what was happening, her yellow eyes were half closed, and she was still breathing rapidly,I was by no means a medical pony and honestly did not know what to do in the situation, She was definitely still breathing, and had a pulse , I just had to go for it, I quickly picked her up and put her on my back, "Looks like you could use some help with that" A colt's voice said behind me, I turned around, the owner of the voice was a pony named Shadow, everypony knew everypony in Ponyville, however all I knew about Shadow, was that he ran some sort of archery team, nothing else besides that. "Two ponies will move faster than one he replied simply" Even though AppleJack was strong one pony was still heavy "Well come on lets get moving" I yelled (Knocked out Polaris Pov)(Dream) I was running there were five ponies after me, I don't exactly know where I was, the alley seemed endless, it was almost as if this was just a dream, then it clicked, this was my single most horrible memory form my childhood, and still the definite most horrible moment in my life, and it was replaying all over again, like a broken CD player. It wasn't possible this had to be fake, this had to be a dream, but how would I wake up, I couldn't relive it again, I just couldn't, I had bottled up all the pain, a long time ago, I had put it in a bottle, that bottle was about to be set on fire, I was a painful fire, a fire that burned out my heart... ...It was my greatest mistake Even worse I knew what was going to happen, I would prevent it this time, this time I would be the one to pay, I deserved it not some other pony, not him I had a concept of darkness, as well as light, darkness was cold quiet and empty, The walls that surrounded me felt dark, and snaked around like the claws of a bird catching a mouse, then it occurred to me there was no way I was faster than these other ponies, they were playing with me like a cat with a mouse. Then just like last time I tripped in a ditch, I felt the gritty dirt surface of the ground, the texture told me that I was downtown, in the slums, I had wandered in the wrong way, then it hit me, If I had gone through this before why did I trip in the exact same place again, I guess somethings are meant to be This is the moment where I am happy that I was blind, The group slowly surrounded me, and the leader came up, he was a pony known as Drover (for those of you who get that reference) I was told he was as skinny as a snake sneaky as a cat and had a giant scar running down his cheek, and I am talking about the one on his face (weird humor) Drover was just another common crook, from the bad side of Canterlot before Celestia brought up some program that threw all of the corrupt leaders and gangs out and got the place running by decent ponies again, from what I knew of him now he was behind bars where he belonged. From another point of view it was quite sad, Drover was a great leader of his little gang, he was a smuggler and thief, but imagine what he could have been had he not been a monster....he could have been so much more of a pony, it was really quite sad indeed now that I think about it. of course since he was about to severely beat me to a pulp, I did not have too much pity for him. "Well well well what have we here" He said in a belligerent snake-like voice that sent shivers down your spine,"looks like a runt stepped into our territory boys, how about we teach her a lesson" I of course did what any young filly would have done in that situation, begged like crazy for mercy, in response to my cries, and pleas the other five ponies just laughed. The worst was yet to come, I remembered this part, the clearest, beads of sweat started to form on my face, tears formed in my eyes, the other ponies mocked me "Aww. does the little filly willy want to cry to her parents, oh wait your parents don't care about you!" at this I broke out in to outright crying, not at the fact that he was about to beat me to a pulp AGAIN, but because he was right about my parents "THAT IS ENOUGH" a loud voice behind us said, all of the gang ponies turned around, and there he was his energy signal was exactly as I had remembered it, the only pony who I had ever called a friend, his name was Silver Fox, he is perhaps the best pony that I have ever met, and now I was about to lose him "Go pick on some pony your own size" he snapped, he was always sort of a protector to me "Aw look the brave hero coming to save his princess" Drover mocked, he voice showed that he was fairly amused that a pony such as young as Fox would challenge him and his little group "Shut up, You're a coward and a chump, Drover" Fox sniped back he always had had this sort of ethos honor code thing, this was basically a few good rules that he lived by, and now those rules were about to get him killed "Come on Fox, we were going to just play around with her for a bit" Drover said, at this his gang laughed behind him ominously "Besides, even if you do try to play hero, what are you going to do against us?" "You like to talk a big game, so here is what doesn't add up, if you're so strong then why do you need them to fight me, or are you worried that you might lose?" I could tell by his tone that Fox currently had what was called a smirk on his face, "nice try but no thanks boys get him" Before the other ponies could react Fox jump tackled Drover into a giant fight, soon everypony was all mixed up in a tangle of hooves, Silver fox looked up out at me from the crowd, he looked calm, even as he was getting beaten to a pulp drover looked directly at him, "I'm going to kill you you little runt!!" then jumped on Silver fox, he was followed by the other ponies, while he was being crushed I made a run for it Tears fell down my face as I ran, rain was falling, it stung my eyes I could hear Silver Fox's echo something "POLARIS! good bye, get out of this town" it was cut off I never saw my friend again.... He was...the best pony that there ever was, and I had been the cause of his death, to make things worse all the memories flowed in my head...all the times he stood up for me...all the times we played together, he was the reason, the entire reason that I moved here, that was his last request and I had failed him. A massive pain gushed in my head, everything that I had been through, ignored, all the pain over the years had been released, and it hurt the vision stopped playing, and I felt a presence in my head, it was darkness, it was soothing, in a way, I had lost all other hope, and now I even screwed up the one last thing that Silver Fox had asked me to do. The darkness enveloped me making a missive barrier around my subconscious, like a box, nothing would be able to get through the mental block that I was creating for myself...nothing, I would just stay here in the dark, and never wake up, this was the only way that every pony would be safe from me, and I from them. Then I felt a light (Yesterday evening) Twilight's house) Twilight's Pov She was preforming a mental block, that's why she was unresponsive! This was bad, it was very very bad, but what would cause he to do that, a mental block by the way happens when a unicorn knowingly locks them self into their own mind, they are almost impossible to get out and are cationic, that has only happened one other time in history with Al Capony when he went crazy. I should really explain the last five minutes, Applejack and another pony had brought that pony that I had bumped into recently, in she was currently sick and had a high fever I did another quick scan on Polaris, she was currently burning up with a fever, but we actually didn't know what was wrong with her, I started up my magic scan, she was in pain, mental as well as physical, massive amounts of emotional pain, that explained the mental lock, she couldn't deal with whatever had happened "Hey Twilight, I found something" Shadow said. This was actually the first time that I had met Shadow, nopony really knew much about him, I guess I could ask Pinkie about him later, she had to know "What is it Shadow" This has to be what Polaris is inflicted with, it would be the only explanation with all these Symptoms" He then gave me the book, that was titled "rare cases" "It's basically a stronger form, of hikers sickness"(I have had hikers sickness before, not fun) "What?" A small part of me was wondering what the hoof was hikers sickness and exactly how did Shadow know about it "Never mind just read" He said thrusting the book at me "That has to be it" I said after reading a couple of pages,the book explained everything that matched Polaris's symptoms She continued blocking her own mind, we had to reach her, "Shadow, help me out,she is preforming a mental block, I need a lot of magic to get in there and help her", he simply gave a nod before powering up his magic, i started powering up mine (Polaris POV) Then I felt a light It was warm, I felt it's heat, it was, a calming heat, like the effect that one experiences in a hot bath, but I had to stay where I was, for the good of everypony, I slowly crept back into my mental, dark prison, the light continued to follow, "What do you want?" I screamed out loud in my mind, of course expecting nothing to answer, I was after all in the confines of my mind, no one else was here. However to my surprise it did "I or I should say we want to help you" as a mental sensory, the light...warmth...thing, what ever you would call it showed up a a sort of a mental ball, kind of how I have seen other ponies describe stars, how every my other senses and scans told me that it was surprisingly magic, the voice....where had I heard that voice before...where was it, it was from yesterday, with the pony at the library...I never forget a voice "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I yelled, or should say mentally yelled, I was a bit concerned at this point, they seemed persistent "I'm Twilight, Polaris's please calm down, why are you doing this" She sounded genuinely worried, but I was beyond reasonable at this point, I could not trust anyone 'Why do you care!" I mentally yelled again, no pony had ever cared before, only Silver Fox, and he was gone now, why should I trust her, she is just like every other pony that I had ever met, why was she even here. "Why wouldn't I?" She asked, again seeming honestly concerned, a small part of me felt like the light, and wanted to stop the darkness, wanted to go with her and settle things out but I quickly pushed it down, that would never happen, it was like a mathematical equation always with the same predictable outcome, I had rested on hope that there were more people like Fox, but he was special. We met when we were fillies, he had been the only one to talk to me on the first day, soon we became friends, he was the only real friend that I ever really did have. He always seemed to have a sort of divine spark inside him, he was very brave, and always believed that ponies, were good at heart.....I am sad to as that this is not true, however it was this kind if thinking that gave me hope, and hope is something that runs out after awhile. I am sorry to say that he was wrong,he was always a dreamer an idealist, a thinker. I was always the realist in his life we completed each other, however he was a special pony, and that special pony is now gone, it was a shame, like it was for Drover, he could have done so much more for everyone, he could have helped so many other ponies, yet he was taken away, and it was my fault, I couldn't bear to do that to anyone else, even if there was another pony out there like him, I did not deserve that pony, I was not worthy of kindness. "Just...leave me alone, GO AWAY!" I yelled, the mental ball of light that was the librarian,was frazzled a bit, but soon regained her composure "Just tell me why your doing this" she replied calmly as in a almost dealing manner, I was actually amazed that she didn't either completely blow up at me, or give up, in my head I could feel he determination, behind determination there had to be hidden goals, i had learned way to many times on how harmful hidden goals could be, she could still be faking it, maybe her magic was affecting my magic somehow. "What do you hope to gain from this?" I accusingly asked at her, there had to be something she wanted, all ponies wanted something, only normal ponies could have relationships,,the only other time that other ponies ever interacted wth me in Canterlot, is when they wanted something, as soon as they received what they needed, they went away...they always did. The darkness slowly started to creep away from me, it seemed scared 'Well...I was hoping, you would be my friend, and maybe I could help you out" I took a moment, to be completely honest, I was completely out of it, of all possible answers, of any excuses, all possible explanations, I had not calculated that one. My vocabulary was a well oiled machine, the word friend seemed to be covered in cobwebs. Turned away from the ball of light, the expression of shame naturally showed on my face "I....I don't think you would like me as a friend" I said this somewhat quietly but it seemed to echo throughout my mind. If she was a good pony, she didn't deserve me nopony did, the darkness crawled back onto me. "Why wouldn't I want you as a friend?" She asked this is such a innocent yet knowing way "I have several friends, I just learned the important thing about friendship, they are your family, always there for you" her answer made me tear up finally (or mentally tear up, what ever you would call it.) "Just answer my question please" she did not say it forcefully, however she did say it in a convincing way, I broke "I'm a nopony, I'm a freak, every where in all my life i have tried to hide form this, but I can't run any longer, I'm different, I'm blind, I'm defective, nopony would want a stupid defective pony like me, my parents didn't, my teachers didn't,, other ponies haven't cared,so why should you!You'll turn on me like every pony else has, I've tried and tried again,I've now given up, there is only one pony who ever truly cared about me and he is gone, and I just want everypony to leave me alone, I can just go away, and be out of everybody's way, that's all I've ever been, a problem to other ponies, I one pony who has ever cared for me is gone and it is my own fault" I finished my rant breathing and sweating rapidly The giant shining ball that was Twilight was quiet for a moment, contemplating it's answer, it was an eerie silence that was my mind, cold and quiet, like a desert "Well I care about you" It said "W...What?" I asked stunned, I had honestly through that the rant would be enough to make them go away "Applejack cares for you, she carried you all the way here" Applejack was the one who saw me foe who I really was, she was the one who saw my eyes..and even when I went down she carried me to Twilight's house? She went through the trouble to get me safe. The light that formed twilight, gradually got larger, while the darkness in which I formed my prison gradually got smaller "Shadow too" She continued Shadow the pony that had helped me out earlier, he came in my time of need "so what you said is false, you do have friends" "Maybe I don't deserve friends" I stated sadly now that i had finally calmed down "I've always failed in that area, i don't want to let ya'll down" I stood sadly as my dark prison started to wrap around me again 'Well what in the hay would give you that Idea?" a southern sounding accent that was Applejack's said sure another ball of light had formed beside Twilight "How.....how are you here?" This was an actually question for the Applejack ball of light, how exactly was she here, I mean Twilight I can understand, how in all of Equestria was Applejack here Twilight seemed to be wondering the same thing 'Uh.... Applejack, not that I doubt you,but how is it possible that you are here? She seemed to be puzzled on how an earth pony ,was able to be able to use the mental spell that allowed other ponies to be transferred as a mental state of mind, into my head, this whole situation was odd to begin with, I wonder who was the crazy person to think up all this stuff. "Shadow and I agreed that ya'll needed back up, and started arguing about who should go in, I won the coin toss (Best two out of three) and thus was the one to help you feel better, you Polaris need some rest, you are very sick at the current moment, and we aren't moving until you do, whether you like it or not" The darkness started creeping back again, there were so many emotions that, I haven't felt in so long, so much pain, being shifted... into.... something.....that I was not entirely sure. It was like there was a spark in my heart again. I was rapidly running out of excuses, they had easily disproved any and every theory that I had learned over the course of my life, all by simply standing up for my well being, it was all so ...selfless, is that the word for it? But my skeptical mind was still there and it was still functioning "But...what...what about my eyes" I asked quietly and prepared to be stamped down like every other pony did when they discovered my condition, they would either react violently, of run away. "What about them?" Applejack said bluntly I was to say the least very surprised at the comment, it seemed that these ponies could look past that, since no other pony had ever really done this to me before, I had trouble comprehending it "What do you mean "What about them" every pony has run away because of them, their horrible, ugly" I said in defiance "How do you know" Twilight said "Do you really care about how you look, or what you're wearing, no, you have a giant hoof upon the rest of those ponies because you can see ponies for who they really are, do you have any idea how fantastic that is, do you know the bad thing about eyes, you can be so judgemental, you can see past all that, as for being with you as a friend, "(Shakespeare quote) those who judge ponies by the group are foolish, you should tke ponies one at a time, for each pony if different" what is important is that you can look past the looks and into what is really important, which is their heart." The darkness shrunk back until it was only holding onto my legs "We have a saying in the Apple family, take ponies for WHO they are not WHAT they look like" Applejack said bluntly That had it, all calculations all theories, and studies and trials, started, I felt the spark in me, they had returned it to me, my friends had returned it. Then it all whited out (Polaris Present) I slept, for I was very tired, and for once in a very long time... I Dreamed THE END Polaris Description Gender: Girl Physical features: She is a Blue-grey pony, her snout and the tips of her hooves are slightly darker than the rest of her body. He mane is Dark green, well kept, slightly waved and fairly short, her tail is the same color and reaches about half-way down her back legs, her horn is the standard unicorn horn. Her most shocking of her features are her eyes which are a light yellow, with no pupil. Personality: as you read the story, you can find this out for your self (please do tell me, what you think the personality is like)