

Immense Power

“…So what do you want to do?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Perhaps we could contact Soarin? Or Princess Celestia?”

“…I don’t know.”

“This isn’t something we can keep secret, you know. This is a matter of great importance.”


“Aren’t you going to say something?”

“…It’s just so weird…he’s a pegasus, and so am I. I don’t understand how the two of us could produce an alicorn.”

“Try to mention that as little as possible. I don’t want to be reminded of something as horrible as adultery. It is weird, though.”

“And something else. If it’s an alicorn, why didn’t it have wings when it was born?”

“That’s beyond me. The internet knows plenty about that, so I should go check later.”

“Check now.”

“Why are you so anxious, Rainbow?”

“Alicorns are tied to royalty. None have ever been born outside of the Royal Family. Do you think there’s some importance to this?”

Rainbow Dash and her husband, Thunder Flash, stood in their room. There was an immense disturbance in their balance, because Rainbow had given birth to an alicorn. He was born, seemingly, as a unicorn, but grew wings after a short time.

“Okay. I’ll go check. Are you sure you’re okay?”

After a short period of silence, Rainbow looked away.


Flash sat down in the living room in front of his laptop. He put his hoof on the latch to open it up, and came back with a fresh hoof-full of slobber.

“Ick…I bet that’s the foal’s fault.”

In disgust, Flash shook his hoof a couple times to rid it of the slime. Then he opened his laptop and fired up Google.

He searched up “How to care for an Alicorn”. The screen loaded for a little bit, and a list of results showed up. At the top, it read, “Showing results for: How to care for a Unicorn”

Flash groaned in exasperation. “Are you kidding me? No one on the whole internet knows how to raise a dumb Alicorn?”

However, he knew deep down that an Alicorn hasn’t had to be cared for as a foal for thousands of years. Rainbow Dash’s face could be in the history books for two things now: Performing the very first Sonic Rainboom and being the first mother of an Alicorn in recorded Equestrian history.

On the subject of Sonic Rainbooms, his son, Blazing Sun, would be in the history books for the second Sonic Rainboom. And he’s only nine years old.

Rainbow Dash limped into the room. When their alicorn foal had been born, Rainbow had to get some stitches applied, so that explains the limping.

“How’d it go?”

“Nothing. There is absolutely nothing about raising an alicorn.” Flash sighed.

“Well what do you expect? Our…er…MY foal is the first alicorn born in millennia.”

“Millennia. That’s a pretty big word for you, Dash.” Flash joked.

“…Hey, shut up!”

Flash hesitated. “Well, the first pony we should call is Soarin. He might have some answers.”

Flash started to get up to grab the phone, but Rainbow stopped him.

“I’ll go visit him personally. I bet he’ll enjoy my company.”

Flash shrugged. “I guess that’s a good idea.”

“By the way, where is our-…I’m sorry…MY foal?” Rainbow asked.

Flash looked up at her. “Are you kidding me?”

“I’m sorry! It’s just that I’m so used to-…never mind.”

Flash was still looking at her. “He’s in Blaze’s room. What they’re doing in there is beyond me.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Whatever; I’m going to go visit Soarin.”

“Alright, have fun.” Flash said as Rainbow walked toward the door. “But not too much fun!”

Rainbow scoffed. “Do you honestly think I’ll be able to do THAT again, what with all the stitches I have?”

“I was just joking. See you later!”


Rainbow Dash touched down in front of Soarin’s house, and took a deep breath. After working up some courage, she knocked on the door.

A couple minutes passed, and there was no answer. Rainbow was just about to leave when the door suddenly opened, revealing Soarin.

“Rainbow Dash! I didn’t expect to see you here! How’s the foal?”

Rainbow hesitated. “The foal is what I’m here to ask you about, Soarin.”

Soarin looked surprised. “Well, what is it?”

“Me and Flash found out that it’s an alicorn. For some reason, it didn’t have wings when it was born, and the doctor didn’t pick up on anything strange.”

Soarin was genuinely taken back. “……You do realize alicorns are royal, right?”

“Yeah, I think I noticed that. Why?”

“You need to make sure no one knows about it. Who already knows?”

Rainbow stopped to think for a moment. “Just you, me, Flash, and my kids. That’s all.”

“Good, because if word were to spill out, your-…um…OUR foal would be in great danger.”

Rainbow chuckled.


“Nothing…it’s not important.” She said as she laughed a little more.

“Anyway, there are bad ponies out there who crave power. And your-…I’m sorry…OUR foal is the prime target for such a thing.”

Rainbow burst out laughing.

Soarin started to laugh as well. “S…stop! It’s contagious! What is so funny?”

Rainbow wiped a tear from her eye. “It’s just the whole ‘your-…I mean our’ thing. That’s the fourth time I’ve heard it today.”

“It seems the foals from Flash and the foal from me is getting pretty confusing.” Soarin observed.

“Anyway, why would my-…CRAP! Why would OUR foal be such a prime target?”

“It’s just that alicorns have immense power. That of a pegasus and a unicorn. If someone bad got their hooves on it, they could raise it badly. For evil.”

“I just always thought that our foal was royalty somehow. Haven’t you noticed that the only alicorns in recorded history were part of the royal family? It’s just strange that two average pegasi could-”

“But we’re not average pegasi.” Soarin interrupted. “Think about it. You’re the record-holder of the first Sonic Rainboom. The fastest speeds ever recorded by a living pony. I’m a very famous and talented pegasus from the Wonderbolts. And so are you! How many ponies can you list that don’t know our names?”

Rainbow was silent for a second, processing what Soarin had just said. “What do you mean by this?”

Soarin put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “I think the two of us possess immense power. Enough to create an alicorn.”

Rainbow’s face was blank. Immense power…seriously? What could this mean?

“I should contact Princess Celestia.” Rainbow suggested.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

What’s up everypony? I’m back after such a (short/long) time! Ideas just keep pouring in like ice water on a hot summer afternoon, so updates might be frequent!

By the way, I apologize for the oversized image. Most of them are going to be like that. :l