//------------------------------// // Chapter 6- Slugs Made of Sea Slugs // Story: Of Arms, Legs, and Hooves // by TheHouseholdWarrior //------------------------------// It's been a week since the explosion. That horse (which we've all decided to call 'pony' due to its overwhelming cuteness) has been staying in Lilly's dorm room ever since I brought it here, and it still hasn't woken up yet. Even right now, i still can't believe how easy it was to smuggle that pony into the school, despite its tight security and the like. Even though the pony was rather big (although not as big when compared with other horses), it is completely weightless. Picking it up felt like picking up a feather. Hell, just for fun, I was even able to throw the pony into the air and catch it back. It was like only 1% gravity affected her body. It was like carrying a beach ball, except lighter and much larger. Smuggling it into the school was easy enough. However, the path to the school itself caused some difficulty, since the pony was big and because carrying it around in plain sight would catch attention, which would definitely make for some great problems in the future (although Lilly simply used the excuse: "Hanako dislikes attention".) In the end, all we came up with was a very crude plan- we would all place a hand to lift the pony up, and we would walk in such a way that all our bodies were stuck tight together so that no traces of bright pink can be seen. Of course, five high school children walking together in a small circle would still attract attention, but it would probably be a different kind than the one you get carrying a pink, lifeless pony over your arm like it was nothing. To my surprise, the plan worked. Strange how well life blesses you at times. And when we reached school, the plan (MY plan) was simple. Emi and Hanako would go inside the school and wait behind the wall we designated, and I would throw the pony over the wall, allowing it to land safely in their hands. Then we would all run to the girl's dorm and into Lilly's room in the same formation we used on the way here. It was a completely hole-ridden plan, but it definitely worked. Surprisingly. Ever since we took the unconscious pony in our care, we've all been taking turns taking care of it (even me, although I tried to get out of it using the excuse: 'I live across from you', but that didn't work one bit). And by taking care, all it means is watching over the bed it was sleeping in and trying to give it food and water, although that failed magnificently. Food. Food was a problem as well. Every morning, before anyone else in the school wakes up, Emi and I have to run down to the tracks and start picking out grass by hand, stockpiling it all inside the shed and bringing a few handfuls to Lilly's room each time. Of course, not only was the pony too dead to eat it, but the headmaster was dead furious about there being huge holes in the otherwise perfect patch of grass around the track. I tried to convince Emi to go a bit further into the nearby hills or something to pick that grass, but she convinced me otherwise, simply saying that it would look weird if we had to walk a long way carrying grass in our hands, not to mention the fact that we have to return and gather even more grass if our hands were too full. Which of course, if just Emi's excuse when she's reluctant to admit she's too lazy to do something. Then again, since when did Emi turn down a chance to move more? Something to think about another time. Trudging back to the boys' dorm after an entire morning of sympthatizing with rice farmers, I once again began to think about the pony, and what implications it brought. Up till now, the explosion is still unexplained. Scientists (forensic scientists, chemists, etc.) from all over the region came into this quiet city and studied it, but to no avail. The explosion still remains a mystery. And that's not all. Because of how sudden and unexpected the explosion was and how relatively large-scale it was, many people started pouring into the city in the hopes of getting a peek at the investigation. All I can say now is that it was good for us to have taken action immediately after seeing the pony, or god knows what those scientists are going to do to it. And with the amount of people in the town, it's getting harder for us to move around so much. Hanako's absolutely refused to go to the little town, and even Lilly's finding it hard to walk ten feet ahead of her without inadvertently crashing into someone. The town's now lost most of the quaint charm that attracted us students there. Sighing, I begin walking up to the stairs to my room, hoping to get a nice rest in and a shower later on. "Hey, man." Bless my luck. "Not now, Kenji." "That's cold, man." said Kenji, frowning. "Real cold. I bet those bitches have finally gotten to you didn't they? I can see it in your eyes." "Please, Kenji..." "You look like a man devoid of all life." said Kenji, ignoring my protests. "I should know, because I'm such a man as well. Maybe I should take back what I said about how two people can't be the last sane people in the world together. 'Cause you now know how I feel, don't you?" "I'm going back to my room." I said as I took out my key and opened the door. "You know, there was this one bitch I knew that-" I slammed the door shut in his face. I didn't mean to be a bad person, but I was too damn tired to listen to any more of Kenji's crazy rants. In fact, I've become so accustomed to his craziness that I actually expect him to rant to me about the feminist conspiracy at least once a day. I don't think I can imagine a whole day without Kenji trying to tell me how feminists can brainwash men with their tiny beams coming from their chests (since men always look that way), and how a feminist's touch can completely freeze anything it touches. But that would definitely be bliss. "Hey, man..." said a muffled voice behind my door. "It's rude to close the door in front of people like that. It sends out a wrong message." No, this is exactly the message I wanted to send you. And don't you always close the door in my face? "I saw you with that track girl outside, you know." said Kenji. What? "I saw her forcing you to pull grass while she sat on your back, laughing like the evil bitch she is." said Kenji. Well, she did trick me into assuming the body posture the stereotypical rice farmer uses and then proceeding to rest on my back, but that's beside the point. Somebody saw us? "I admire you, man." Eh? "Your devotion to the anti-feminist movement was so great that you would even degrade yourself and become a slave to their eyes in order to gain intel." said Kenji. "Even I don't think I could've gone that far." This is bad... Bad, bad, BAD. But then again, this is Kenji we're talking about. Even if we were to simply ignore him and whatever he saw, nothing would probably happen. There's about a 99.999% chance that absolutely nothing would happen. The problem, however, is that 0.001%. If Kenji were to look even deeper into what happened, or if someone he told this to believed him, then then it's most likely that all five of us (and the pony) would be rightly and truly screwed. There would be questions, and threats, and they'd almost definitely take the pony away. And that would mean losing our only lead to Rin. Of course, there's no definite proof that the pony is in any way connected to Rin in the first place. In fact, it's highly unlikely. It seemed rather foolish for us to pin all our hopes up on this pony in the first place, as there's a very small chance that they'd actually find Rin through this pony. But even though it's small... The chance is there. And there's no way in hell that I was gonna pass this chance up. But the only way to keep this chance safe is to turn that 99.999% to a perfect 100%. In other words, I have to make sure Kenji doesn't tell of his findings to anyone. "In any case, man..." said Kenji, still standing outside the door. "I want to join you." Join... me? "I always thought that I'm the type of guy who works best alone, just like that guy from that TV show who works best alone, but seeing your efforts in stopping the damned feminists, I think I can put aside my pride and make us a duo. Whaddaya think?" I leap out of my bed and open my door, looking at a startled Kenji in the face. "Watch it, man!" said Kenji, fixing his glasses. "If you want to join me, then you should know that I'm not alone in this enterprise." I said, feeling a bit guilty for leading him along like this, but knowing that it's for the best. "Others...?" "Females." I said. "Oh, that's fine." "That's... fine?" "Yeah, man." said Kenji, frowning a bit. "I told you I was against feminists, but I'm not at all against women in general. In fact, I have to stand up for the rest of the female non-feminist community, or they'd all be rounded up and raped by the feminists. Hell, you might not believe it, but I even had a girlfriend once!" I choked on my own breath. "WHAT?" "Hey man, that's rude." said Kenji, his frown becoming more prominent. "Anyway, it's true." "Fine, fine..." I said, catching my breath and plastering a smile on my face. "So, you'll join?" "Yeah, sure!" said Kenji, his frown being replaced by a small smile. In any case, this was the perfect scenario. Kenji's not the type to reveal a secret to anybody, nor is he the type of betray anybody (at least, I think so). In order to get Kenji to keep his trap shut, this is probably the best way I can think of. It's something I- no, something everyone would want to avoid, but it's necessary. Plus, we get a free pair of hands for our little team! To paraphrase Yosemite Sam: "If you can't beat 'me, let 'em join you." Now all we have to worry about is how he'll react when he realizes that the rest of the 'group' are two girls from the track team, his class representative, and a shy, 'suspicious' girl. This will probably not end well. Turning on the table lamp, which has now become the only source of light in an otherwise completely dark room, Twilight looked at Rin straight in the eye, her magic holding up a memo pad and a pencil. Twilight, together with Fluttershy, have already classified Rin to be some kind of more developed monkey, capable of very high cognitive processing, speech, and critical thinking. Of course, such a creature has never been seen before in the history of Equestria (she looked), which could mean three things- her entire species except for her are genii (or, as they're more usually called, geniuses) in concealing themselves from the rest of the world, Rin is the first of her kind, or that she had some kind of link with Pinkie Pie, and that her appearance here might be related to where Pinkie Pie went. Hopefully the third is the right answer. "So, Rin..." said Twilight, twiddling with her pencil. "Where did you come from?" "... Earth." said Rin. "Could you elaborate?" asked Twilight, pleased about how she had so easily gotten a direct answer. "What did it look like? How exactly was it shaped?" Rin paused and slowly closed her eyes, as if in silent meditation. Not long after, though, she opened them again. "It was big." Twilight's spirits fell. "Big...?" "Yes." said Rin. "This... big." Puffing her cheeks, Rin spread out both of her tiny arms as far as she could, trying to explain what she meant by 'big'. She failed miserably. "Any other details?" asked Twilight. "Um..." Rin closed her eyes again, this time with increased concentration. "If you look at it from my point of view, it's a huge landscape spreading out everywhere without stopping, but if you look at it from outside, it's really just a big ball of watery, dirt-y, greeny weeny... stuff." said Rin with words full of her sage-like wisdom. Twilight hit herself in the head with the memo pad. Of course this wasn't supposed to be easy. It's Rin, after all. "Okay, let's try another question." said Twilight, drawing a huge line in her memo pad striking through 'Ask where she came from'. "What were you doing when you suddenly found yourself here?" "I was... standing." said Rin, without batting an eyelash. "Standing?" asked Twilight. "Any details?" "I was standing... up." said Rin. At this point, Twilight desperately wanted to scream as loudly as she could and jump off the window. At the moment, death seemed like an easier road than a simple conversation with this crazy creature. However, Twilight knew that in order to get any information about Pinkie, she'd have to remain level-headed. Taking a few deep breaths, she began to speak again. "Where exactly were you standing up?" asked Twilight. Rin took another long pause, as if trying very hard to remember where she was standing exactly three and a half days ago. It was then that Twilight noticed how Rin's eyes never seemed to be able to focus on one exact spot, always shifting its gaze to another spot on the wall, or a brightly colored book, or a little fly that buzzed into the room. It was strangely fascinating. "It was a forest." said Rin. "I think." "A forest?" asked Twilight, getting excited. "Where?" "On Earth." said Rin, causing Twilight to fall to the ground in despair. "Okay, okay." said Twilight. "That's all we need from that point..." Twilight immediately drew a line on the memo pad that struck through 'Ask what she was doing when she appeared in Equestria'. "Next question." said Twilight. "I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but I'll ask to be sure- are you male or female?" "Female." said Rin. "I think. It depends." Twilight was almost going to ask 'depends on what?', but she thought better of it. It's best to leave such things alone, lest she suddenly blow up with all the pent-up frustration boiling inside her at the moment. "Good enough." said Twilight. 'Now, in your world, does everyone look the same like you?" Rin shook her head quickly, her auburn hair swaying left and right. "Okay..." said Twilight. "Are your species the dominant species in your world?" "Dominant...?" asked Rin, looking confused. She began shifting her gaze even more quickly. "Sovereign." said Twilight. "Supreme. Assertive. Prevalent. Transdescent." "Um..." said Rin, opening her mouth a little before shaking her head violently side to side. "Twilight...?" "Yes?" "What's the word you use when you want to say that someone is asking you too many questions that you cannot answer, and would very much like them to stop before your brain explodes?"