//------------------------------// // Trying to fit in // Story: The Adventures of Arcane // by Blaze Mane //------------------------------// The Sorcerer followed the group as they made their way around the outskirts of Ponyville. He could see it in the distance, the town was similar to towns he had seen in his own world. Only the thatched roofs seemed cleaner, and the town had a pleasant atmosphere that seemed quite inviting. "So what is Ponyville like?" The Sorcerer asked. "It's the supery bestest place ever!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "What Pinkie is trying to say is, Ponyville is a very friendly place. Ponies here are excepting of others and try not to judge, it's a very welcoming place." Twilight smiled."Don't worry Arcane I'm sure you can make lots of friends here, I sure did." "So what do each of you do?" The Sorcerer continued to question. "I'm the local librarian with Spike as my assistant, we work at the library by the center of town, it's a large tree, you can't miss it." Twilight pointed to the town, where the canopy of a tree could be seen over the thatched roof tops. "When I'm not practicing my moves so I can join the Wonderbolts, I take care of the weather." Rainbow Dash puffed her chest in pride. "I'm getting so good I bet next time I meet them they'll ask me to join." Guessing these Wonderbolts where some kind of popular group the young mare was a fan of, the Sorcerer nodded and turned to Pinkie Pie. "What do you do?" "I help the Cakes at Sugarcube Coroner and throw parties!" At her exclamation Pinkie threw brightly color confetti into the air. The Sorcerer stood baffled, she didn't have pockets, where was she carrying that? Spike nudged him. "Get used to it, she does stuff like that all the time." Slowly the Sorcerer was shaken out of his shock and continued to follow them. After the group had circled around, and they passed off the bright flash as a mystery, they started to lead the Sorcerer back to the town. As they entered the town many of the passing by ponies turned to look at the Sorcerer, at first it seemed like they where looking at a newcomer, but a few started whispering to each other. Worried the strange voice hadn't given the Sorcerer a good enough disguise he began to get nervous. "Um, Twilight is there a reason everypony around here is glaring at me." The Sorcerer asked worriedly. "Hmm," Twilight thought for a moment." You look a bit like a mare that passed by town before, her name was Trixie, and your hat and cloak are a bit similar. She did caused quite a bit of trouble in town." Pinkie Pie climbed a nearby stack of crates, and seemly out of nowhere pulled out a strange cone like device and breathed in deeply."HEY EVERYPONY, STOP STARING AT ARCANE, IT MAKES HIM NERVOUS, HES THE COLT WITH THE FUNNY HAT" Afterward she jumped back down and turned to her friends,"That should take care of that." Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike giggled to themselves while the Sorcerer grumbled, "Thanks Pinkie, that helped a lot." She beamed,"your welcome, I try to help my friends when ever I can." The Sorcerer turned to Rainbow Dash."Does she not understand sarcasm?" She shrugged her shoulders and then the group carried on. Pinkie lead them to a building that was nothing like the Sorcerer had ever seen. The building called "Sugarcube Corner" sure lived up to it's name. The roof was constructed out of gingerbread, the accents and trim of the building looked to be covered in icing. The most notable feature was a cupcake with 3 light candles on top of the roof. The building itself looked good enough to eat. The Sorcerer licked his lips wondering what they made inside. "Come on silly, or you'll be late to your own party!" Pinkie waved them in. "Party?" The Sorcerer followed. When they entered, the bright room was covered in decorations, tables overloaded with treats, and ponies waving at them. In the center of the room was a banner was strung saying "Welcome to Ponyville!" "But how? You where with us the whole time." The Sorcerer gawked at Pinkie. "Oh, I set it up this morning, my pinkie sense told me there would be a new pony in town to throw a party for." Pinkie waved to the party goers."Now lets throw this party into high gear!" Small boxy like devices set on tables began to blare loud music, and the party goers began to mingle. Many greeted the Sorcerer with a "Welcome to Ponyville","Good to meet you" or "Hi new pony". The Sorcerer was amazed that they would throw him a party for little reason, let alone by simply walking into town. "So how do you like your party?" Pinkie asked. "It's great Pinkie, thank you very much, I've never had anypony do this for me before." The Sorcerer smiled. Pinkie gasped,"No one ever threw you a party?" The Sorcerer shook his head. "Not even a birthday party?" she tried. "I got a gift or 2." The Sorcerer shrugged. In his realm parties where normally reserved for the rich, birthday parties where small things, yet for the pink mare it seemed her world revolved around them. "Well then," Pinkie held out a hoof, "it will be my mission to throw you as many parties as I can." Her serious tone was broken with a giggle. "We should have parties all the time." The Sorcerer found himself smiling even more, "I'd love that." Spike came over to the Sorcerer and beckoned him to follow, the little dragon lead him to a table with Twilight, Rainbow Dash and 3 other mares sitting around it. Pinkie walked to the table and put a number of sweets down before joining them. "I hope you feel welcome Arcane, these are my friends." Twilight said indicting the mares around her. "You already know Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. These are Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy." Applejack was an orange pony, with straight blond colored hair tied at the end, and wore a hat. Rarity was a dazzling white with vibrant purple curls and had a horn on her head, and the last one, Fluttershy, was cream colored, had wings, and had long pink hair that she hid her face behind. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Blaze Mane or as I like to be called Arcane." The Sorcerer greeted them. "I must say, you choice of attire is, interesting." Rarity looked at him with a critical eye. Before the Sorcerer could reply three high pitched voices cried,"Rarity!" Three tiny ponies walked up to the group oblivious to the fact they where interrupting. "We tried cleaning the boutique to get out clearing cutie mark and it didn't work." one of the ponies, a white one with a swirled pink and purple mane and horn pouted to Rarity. "You said it would work big sis." "I said it may work, still your help." Rarity shudder, "is appreciated." One of the ponies, an orange coated pony with purple hair and tiny wings looked at the Sorcerer then pointed,"Wow look at that cutie mark." "Scootaloo it isn't polite to point." Rarity scolded. "What's your cutie mark story?" The final one asked, she was cream colored,and had red hair that was tied in a bow. It was then the Sorcerer realized something, he passed off the marks on the ponies' flanks as some kind of tribal markings, but now saw that each pony had a unique one but these little fillies. He had no idea how one acquired it. "Perhaps one of you would like to share?" He asked the mares, "I'm not really one to put myself on the spot." "Well partner, when I heard somepony lookin' like Trixie came to town I thought they'd be stirring up mischief, but I reckon your quite more behaved, I don't mind sharing." Applejack then cleared her throat. She told her story about leaving home to go to Manehatten, where she realized she wasn't happy. A rainbow had pointed back to Ponyville where she realized Ponyville was her home, and where she belonged. She then showed her side where 3 red apples where. While it was a touching story it didn't help the Sorcerer out of his dilemma, luckily Rainbow Dash butted in, and told her story. Her story told of her time at summer flight camp where see went so fast it turned into a sonic rainboom which was felt across Equestria. She said her cutie mark showed her serious need for speed and her love of flying. Her cutie mark was a cloud with a rainbow color lightning bolt sticking out of it. The Sorcerer was begin to get an idea of how it worked, Twilight told her story, how a large burst of magic showed her skill for magic which was so great the Princess herself took her on as a personal student, and showed her flank that had a multi-pointed star surrounded by others. That was it, magic! The Sorcerer looked a his flank which had a large arcane magic rune that looked like an A without the center piece, and had a fiery star background. The Sorcerer thought of when he first discovered his talent for the arcane arts, and changed the story a bit to make his "cutie mark" story, the best part was he wouldn't be lying to them, after all its how he discovered his talents. "Well when i was younger," the Sorcerer began, instantly the three tiny ponies where hooked on his every word. "I was in a clearing by my home. I had seen somepony else using magic and wanted to know how to do it. I tried the simplest thing he had done, which was levitate objects. I tried to levitate a rock, I tried with all I could, but it wouldn't budge. I tried for an hour without success and grew hopeless. I picked up a stick and tried to believe it would help me lift it or something. I pointed at the rock and tried again, all of a sudden the rock began to rise, I was so amazed I tried to make it rise higher. Turns out I put so much energy into it the rock burst into flame." The Sorcerer raised his hoof, "it was amazing, but then the stick I was holding burst into fire." The Sorcerer then cringed, "Then the field lit on fire," The Sorcerer then brought the hoof to his chest. "Then I kinda, lit on fire." The little ponies where awestruck listing to him. "Anyways," the Sorcerer coughed. "Morle of the story is, don't try anything crazy without supervision, I wasn't allowed to even think about magic till i had a group of others holding buckets of water nearby." The Sorcerer turned to the mares and the dragon hoping to see a positive response. Instead they where trying their best not to laugh. Rainbow Dash fell out of her chair and clutched her gut as she laughed as hard as she could, her friends followed suit. "Partner i got to say, that is one of the best cutie mark stories I've ever heard." Applejack held her hat over her mouth trying to stop herself from laughing. "Wow, I don't think I've ever managed to set myself on fire with magic," Twilight giggled. The Sorcerer grabbed one of the sweets Pinkie had bought and began to eat one. While his eyes glared at them, his mouth was smiling. They had bought it, hook, line, and sinker. After they had all said goodbye at the conclusion of the party, Twilight, Spike and the Sorcerer where walking together. "So Arcane, where will you be staying tonight?" Twilight asked. "Well I don't really have the funds to stay in a inn," the Sorcerer made a mental note, he didn't have any of these ponies type of money at all! "I'll probably just camp by the outskirts of town." The Sorcerer walked a few more paces till he realized he walked alone. Turning he saw an angry Twilight which frightened him. What did he say wrong? Twilight's horn glowed and The Sorcerer found himself surrounded by a pinkish-purple aura and was lifted into the air. So that's how they use magic. "If you think I'm going to let my new friend sleep in the forest you'd be wrong mister!" Twilight lectured harshly, "If your that desperate you can sleep on the floor at the library." The infuriated mare trotted through town as the sun descended, luckily nopony was around to watch this embarrassing experience. Like she had said earlier, the library was near the center of town, and it library itself was inside the tree. The Sorcerer smiled, "oh magic, is there nothing you can't do." Twilight huffed as she opened the door. That's right, help you save your skin from an angry woman. The Sorcerer thought. When they entered the library Twilight released her hold and placed the Sorcerer on the ground. "I'll go get the guest bed ready, the bathroom is over on the left." She then rubbed her neck, "Guess I snapped a little at you." "Oh it's fine," The Sorcerer smiled, glad she was in a much better mood, then followed her instruction. The bathroom was far different then any he had seem, but the Sorcerer perked up when he saw a mirror hanging on the wall. He slowly walked to mirror to be greeted with his new face. The first thing he noticed was the orange-red eyes that stood out against his black coat. They where incredibly large too, well all the ponies had big eyes. There was a line of dark gray on either side of his muzzle, it ran from his nose to just under his eyes. The Sorcerer lifted off his dark grey, orange streaked "wizards" hat, and moved it away. On his forehead was a black spiraled horn, his mane was dark purple with the fiery orange streaks running through it. His bangs where just above his eyes and ran down his neck a decent length. He looked critically at a hoof, it was all black like his coat but around the very bottom of the hoof it was dark grey, similar to that of his muzzle. If the Sorcerer had to choose one word to describe his new pony body it would be, "cute" Normally he would hate to be described that way, but he was now a little pony. A cute little pony. "I think it is fitting." the voice eerily spoke. "How long have you been here?" The Sorcerer blushed. It stood stark in contrast to his dark complexion. "A few minutes, seems you have a new lady friend, eh?" Great now the creepy voice was cracking jokes. "You seem much more lively, and she's just a friend." The Sorcerer replied hastily. "Yes, the gateway drags me down a bit, when I'm observing my travelers I feel, different." the voice spoke. "Regardless, how fare your travels, do you remember the words to return and such?" "Yes, I remember," The Sorcerer spoke to the mirror continuing to look at himself. "And quite well, it's just, I don't know how anything works here." "Your in a library, learn their language, its similar to yours, then read the books." "No," The Sorcerer said, "Like, I mean, right here." The voice paused before it realized what the Sorcerer meant. "Oh..." After a brief lesson in bathroom etiquette the voice said goodbye and left the Sorcerer alone. After completing his business and washing his hooves in the sink the Sorcerer was quite impressed with the technology of the ponies, perhaps they surpassed even the dwarves! After finishing the Sorcerer did one final thing, he checked to see what was inside the bag. He tried to use magic as Twilight did, but found it very difficult. He tried to "throw" his focus to his horn. It light up in a iridescent dark orange glow, the bag was enveloped in the same glow, but when he tried to move it he suddenly felt a pain. His horn flared then the light died, but in the brief period he had managed to slip it off, and onto the ground. The bag was dark brown and seemed to be made of canvas, it had very enlarged buckles that even hooves could use, and soon the Sorcerer was looking inside. He found a short staff, or maybe "wand" would be the correct term, the wand was basically a miniature version of the staff he carried before. There was a wrapped cloth, inside was his enchanted longsword only now it was a shortsword, the grip was shaped and enlarged it seemed like a pony could carry it in their mouth, but the Sorcerer saw little need for the weapon currently, so he wrapped it back up and placed back in. The last thing was a clasped spellbook. His spellbook, it contained most of his powerful spells and notes. The Sorcerer placed a hoof on the book an enjoyed the charged sensation running through his body, the powerful spells echoed through him. The feeling could become addicting and the Sorcerer didn't have the time to look through its pages, even a quick look so he tucked it back in the bag. He also put in the dark grey cloak with purple runes into the bag as well. The Sorcerer tried again to use magic to lift the hat, but to the same result as before. "Baby steps," the Sorcerer grimaced, he hoped he didn't have to relearn how to use magic. Instead of trying again he picked up the bag, with the hat in his mouth, and went to see if Twilight was done. Twilight had gotten out a spare bed for him in her room and let him put his things beside the bed. After they both said goodnight the Sorcerer layed down in the comfortable bed and drifted of to sleep. Not only had he meet a new race he was now befriended with some, even one that had a connection to the local monarchy, and they all thought he was a regular old pony. The last thought unsettled him a bit, perhaps he could stay this way, or maybe soon he would tell them. Satisfied with that he let slumber over take him, and rested better than he had ever before.