//------------------------------// // Flight // Story: The Clockwork Alicorn Book One: Charms // by Clawgerber //------------------------------// CHAPTER TWO: FLIGHT "Honestly, flying is simplicity itself. Well, as long as you have wings, that is. Magic too, if you have the horn for it. Why, even your earth pony strength is available for those who know how to take it," the voice continued in its odd tone. "Where are you? Who are you?!" Clockchime shouted again, looking around, confused. "I'm right under your snout, silly filly. As to who... well, I'm a friend from a long time ago." Clockchime looked down to see a purple glow coming from a pocket in her apron. Reaching a hoof, in she pulled out the pebble she'd picked up earlier, now alive with a purple aura. "You're a rock?" "No, I'm trapped in a rock," it replied. "Then who are you?" "I am - or was - Chief Magister Oakenbrook of queen Celestia's royal sorcerers, militant division." "But Equestria hasn't had a military since the lunar uprising." "Oh, I'm older even then that." "You mean..... From the days when chaos ruled?" "Right you are, and dark days they were. I was a master of enchantment, a now-forbidden form of magic. This brings me back to you, dear Clockchime. I'm touched by your desire to be more then you are." "How would enchantment help me?" she asked, transfixed by the small, luminous sphere. After a second she noticed she had stopped moving, and started home again. "Well, it could fix your 'wingless' dilemma" "Are you saying that I could fly?!" "Why, yes, my dear; fly, and much more." "How?" "Take me to your shop and I'll show you what you can do." At this statement, her suspicion at the voice was overwhelmed by curiosity, and her desire to find out just what he was speaking of. Not wanting to wait any longer, Clockchime set off at a gallop. ~ ~ ~ The door clanged against the wall, rattling several hanging parts and pieces, as Clockchime returned to the shop. Emberglede looked up from his book. "Job's done?" he asked, levitating a quill and starting to jot down notes in one of the gigantic logs in front of him. "Yup, all done. Is Skyshade in?" "She just set out for her last trip of the day." "Horse feathers" she cursed, leaping over the clutter, past him and into the workshop. "What's got you so excited?" Ember asked. "Oh, I've got... A new project," Clockchime quickly lied, deciding to keep the "pony in a rock" to herself. He looked at her in mild suspicion. "Oh, whatever. Just don't blow anything up." She ignored him and trotted to the largest workbench, right next to the great furnace. The bench was covered in a half-assembled clockwork toys, which she briskly brushed aside. Taking out the stone, she placed it on one of the many overhanging shelves, tossing her apron off to the side. "Alright, we're here. What do we need?" Clockchime asked it expectantly. "Ooh, straight to business, are we?" the voice responded. "Very well, you'll need gold, brass, silver, six small rubies..." He went on to list several items, all of which she scrambled around the room collecting. "There... Done," she huffed, examining the pile before her. "Now what?" "Now comes the hard part. Try to keep up." The voice in the rock started giving complex instructions for preparing the metal: heating it in the furnace, only to dunk it in water and back again; shaving brass feathers until they were ridiculously thin; making parts so small they barely fit on her hoof tips, all of which went into the contraption as it gradually took shape. The flat iron panel was fitted into a saddle, the wire frame layered with brass until it resembled wings. It came together in two pieces: a saddle lined with straps and buckles, with two delicate but firm wings; and a golden neckpiece lined with gems, leading to an empty socket in the center. "What goes here?" Clockchime asked, gesturing toward the vacant cavity. "The one thing that has kept just anypony from doing this," the voice answered. "The essence of a Pegasus." "How do we get that?" "Simply by having your lovely friend, Skyshade, assist us." Then as if by summoned, Skyshade dropped from above, softly landing a few feet away. "Hello, Clockchime. Good to see that you're done." "Good to see you too, everything go well?" Clockchime replied guiltily, not looking forward to taking advantage of such a sweet pony. "Yes, all normal. Are you alright?" she asked, instantly picking up on the fact that something was wrong. "Oh yes, everything's fine. You go rest up. I have one last job for you in a minute." Skyshade paused for a moment. "Okay then," she said at last, "I'll be upstairs." She relented, weaving through the clutter with ease and climbing the stairs. Clockchime broke her gaze from her friend, and turned back to the pebble. "What do you mean, with Skyshade's assistance?" she asked accusingly. The rock, in turn, continued to be a rock. "Hello? Oakenbrook?" "Ahem... if you're done playing with your pet rock, I would like today's bits so I can put it in the books." Emberglede had silently entered the room, as he had a habit of doing. In most cases, this ended up scaring the hay out of somepony, this time being no exception. "Ahhhhh! Ember, for the last time, wear a bell or something!" Clockchime exclaimed as she jumped a few feet in the air. Ember held out a hoof expectantly. "Fine..." she dug in her belt pulling out a coin purse and tossing it to him. "Thank you. So, what's that?" he asked, flicking his tail toward the newly made wings. "Oh, um... just a little side project." "Well, make sure you work on that hot tub apparatus. The twins left last week." "Yeah, I will..." "Mmmmhmmm" Ember levitated the bits and went back to his station at the front desk. Clockchime sighed with relief and turned her attention back to the rock. "Now, how exactly were you planning on attaining the essence of a Pegasus from my friend?" The pebble again lit up with its purple hue and responded. "Oh, calm your bridle, my little pony. She'd be fine. You'd just be tapping into her natural potential and making a copy for your own use." "So she wouldn't be affected at all?" "Yes, yes, she'd be perfectly okay." Clockchime grabbed the necklace section and held it in the pseudo-sunlight, examining it more closely. "So, how exactly would I do this?" "Oh, that's simple. Have her wear the necklace and it'll do the rest." "Are you sure?" Clockchime asked. "Weren't you the on who was all hoof and holler a second ago? Do you want this or not?" "Of course I do." "Then go and give her the necklace." Clockchime turned tail and trotted up the stairs, nearly tripping as she went. She found Skyshade in the living and kitchen room, sipping a cup of tea. "Hello, Clockchime. Are you alright?" she asked, noticing that her friend was slightly shaken up. "Huh? Oh I'm fine, I was just bringing up that job I mentioned earlier," Clockchime responded, holding up the golden neckpiece. "Oh, it's lovely! What is it for?" "It's an experiment of mine. I just need you to put it on for a second." "Oh of course, anything for you Clockchime," she said, lowering her neck to let Clockchime place the necklace. She gingerly held out the neck piece and draped it over Skyshade's mane before quickly turning away, expecting some sort of explosion. Skyshade lifted her head and glanced down. "It's really light. What did you make it with?" Clockchime turned back and took a look at the center of the golden collar, inching closer to see if anything had mystically appeared in the socket. "Umm... Clockchime, your a little close." "Huh? Oh, sorry." She backed away, thinking about what to do next. "Oh I don't mind..." Skyshade said with a blush. Clockchime looked again at the necklace. "Hmmm, maybe it reacts to the wearer's abilities..." "Uh, okay, so what do we do?" "Let's go outside and have you fly around a bit." Clockchime whipped around and started leading Skyshade downstairs. Outside, the wind had picked up to a gentle breeze, tousling the grass around the two ponies' hooves as they trotted into an empty field a few blocks from the shop. Skyshade was still wearing the necklace, and Clockchime was now laden with a saddle bag containing the wings. "What do you want me to do?" Skyshade asked, fiddling with the necklace. "I don't know exactly. Try flying around a bit," Clockchime guessed at what would create the essence. Skyshade took to the sky and started doing loops. a rare smile parting her lips; it was the kind she only got in the air, when she was free. Clockchime marveled at her happiness, trying and failing to forget the source of her sorrow. ~ ~ ~ The dark street, only lit by the occasional street light, was fenced on either side by towering buildings. Clockchime trotted briskly past the alleys, trying to avoid anypony else, fearful of those others who roamed with less desirable reasons. She was on here way to her hotel when she heard it; two gruff voices and a sharp crack, emanating from one of the dark alleys to her left. Clockchime paused and, being careful to avoid detection, started moving toward its source, listening in as she went. "You know the deal, Shade. The boss needs to make sure you won't go running off." This was met with only sobs as another crack sounded. Clockchime finally got close enough to see who was there. Two hulking brutes of ponies were standing over a single, crying figure. "Come on, we should go. There are other ponies the boss needs...taken care of," one henchpony said with a raspy chuckle at his own poorly placed joke. "Your not going anywhere!" Clockchime screamed from down the alley. She galloped at full speed toward them, ducking between them, and skidded to a stop between them and the crying pony. "Who are you?" the first brute asked her. "This is non of your business miss, don't go butting in," the second added. Clockchime ignored them and turned to the pony on the ground. "Are you alright?" she asked her. "Run... Don't worry about me" the mare cried out between sobs. "They don't have a problem... with you." Clockchime looked her up and down, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She didn't look like she'd been beaten too much, not bruised or bloody. Then she saw it, the source of the snapping sound. Wrapped up in bandages on her back, as if they'd been that way for a long time, were her wings. They had been bent askew, fresh blood seeping from the newly injured feathers. They were completely and utterly broken. "Did... You... Do... This!?" she screamed, shuddering with anger as she turned toward the two brutes. "Umm... what's it to you?" "Did You Do This!" she yelled again. The two hulking behemoths gave a snide look and shifted from surprised to a cocky stance. "Yeah, we did it. What're ya gonna do about it?" His subsequent laugh caught in his throat as a hoof met the right side of his face. He reeled back, tripping over his own hooves as his partner rushed forward with a high kick. Clockchime took his first hit, but didn't give him a chance for a second. She ducked low, taking his hooves out from under him. The first crony got back up and charged, kicking with his front hooves. Clockchime brought him low with a swift buck; his partner was soon to follow. "Filthy garbage," she cursed, nursing a large bruise forming on her right shoulder. "Are you okay?" she asked the injured mare. She had gotten up and was staring, mouth agape. "You... You saved me." "Of course I did. They had it coming." The grey mare carefully inched closer. She leaned her head on Clockchime's shoulder and started to cry. "Come on, let's get inside and get you some help." ~ ~ ~ Skyshade touched down, bringing Clockchime back to the present. "What's supposed to happen?" she asked, looking down at the necklace. Clockchime struggled a moment for the answer, trying to shake off the memory. "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure we'll know when it happens." No sooner then this left her lips, the necklace burst with a blazing, light blue aura. A bright beam of blinding light radiated from the center socket. Skyshade yelped with surprise, attempting to whip the thing off. She finally succeeded and sent it flying to Clockchime's hooves, where it stopped. The glow began to fade away, revealing a brilliant blue jewel where the empty hole had once been. "Are you okay?" she asked warily, fearful that the voice in the stone had lied and Skyshade was hurt. "I'm okay... just surprised. What did you make!?" She joined Clockchime in staring at the necklace, neither of them daring to touch it. Clockchime turned away for a second, shrugging off her saddle bag and taking out the wings. She nudged at the necklace with a hoof tip. When she figured it was safe, she picked it up and connected it to the wings. They both marveled at the newly completed set. "Are those... I mean, do they work?" Skyshade asked, unable to comprehend what she was looking at. "Only one way to find out." Clockchime nuzzled her head through the neckpiece, almost knocking off her goggles. She quickly strapped the rest of the buckles on. When she had finished, she felt a burning itch just below her shoulder blades as she became aware of her two new appendages. The wings felt as if they were flesh and blood; Clockchime had full control over every feather. She flapped them slightly, kicking up a little air. Looking forward, she moved her goggles over her eyes and started galloping, flapping desperately to gain altitude. She managed to jump only a few feet in the air. "Uhh... Clockchime, that's not how you do it," Skyshade said, bringing her to a halt. "You have to let your wings do the work. Your hooves are used for steering in the air." Clockchime beat her new wing furiously, and ever so slowly began to rise into the air. Skyshade joined her, trying to help her keep steady as she bobbed from side to side. After finally getting her wings under her, Skyshade slowly inched away to let her hover on her own. "This is so cool!" Clockchime squealed with delight, almost knocking off her own balance. "Try leaning forward," Skyshade suggested. Clockchime did so, and was shot forward. After a few more tips, and only two crashes, Clockchime was finally able to fly, albeit shakily. "This is amazing Clockchime! How'd you figure out how to do this?" "Uh... I looked at some older books and took some techniques from them," Clockchime replied. She tested a dive, pulling up as she'd been shown, at the apex of the drop. Skyshade followed closely behind. "Can you touch clouds, too?" she asked excitedly. "Ummm... I don't know. Let's see." Clockchime awkwardly bucked a nearby cloud sending it spinning. "Guess that's a yes." "Great! Lets go to Cloudsdale!" "What? Now?" "Yeah, sure. Why not?" Clockchime relented, allowing Skyshade to lead her toward the glistening white city in the distance. ~ ~ ~ By the time they were in range of Cloudsdale, Clockchime looked less like a flying cart and a bit more like a young foal, unsure of her new wings. The city in the sky was just as Clockchime imagined it to be; glistening white sky marble made every building. She was amazed at the fact that she was finally seeing this up close. "Yeah, it's pretty cool," Skyshade said, chuckling at her friend's obvious awe. Clockchime gently touched down on cloud's surface, wary of falling. The cloud held firm under her hooves. She looked around, fascinated by the strange constructions. Pegasi were all around, going about their business, not paying the two friends any attention. "This is awesome!" she shouted with joy before taking off, galloping through the street. "Wait!" Skyshade yelled, trotting off as she tried to keep up. "Clockchime, stop! You're going to run into somepony!" Clockchime turned back to her. "What?" she let out before colliding full-speed with another mare, sending both sprawling. "Sorry!" Quickly apologizing, Clockchime looked directly into the cross-eyed gaze of Derpy Hooves . "Sorry, Derpy. I wasn't looking where I was going." "That's okay, Clockchime. Neither was I." Derpy said with a smile. "You must be lost too, if you're in Cloudsdale " "Pardon?" "Well, earth ponies can't get into Cloudsdale, so you must be lost." "Oh, I made myself a little loophole for that" Clockchime explained, splaying a wing in front of her as she sat up. "Whoa, that's so cool! Did you make those?" "Yes, I did." Clockchime heard voices nearby, along with a few whistles of approval. Surprised, she looked around. A group of well-meaning pegasi had surrounded them after the crash and were now all admiring her. Clockchime got up from where she had been laying, nervous of the many prying eyes. "An earth pony in Cloudsdale! Amazing!" "Without magic!" "Did she make those wings?" The crowd murmured excitedly, pressing in for a closer look. "Skyshade, let's go!" she shouted, jumping and gliding over the pressing crowd. Skyshade jumped to her side as she sailed over the edge of the cloud, spiraling back toward Ponyville. "That was nuts!" Clockchime sighed, steadying herself in the air. "Why'd you run?" Skyshade asked, confused by her friend's sudden stint of shyness. "Oh, uh... I didn't want them to steal my design." she responded, half-lying, still unsure about the newfound source of invention. Skyshade nodded in response. They flew back to the shop in silence, landing on the small platform in front of the roof door. "It's so weird to be on the other side of this thing," Clockchime mused, hitting the control fob. The door rattled open, allowing them entry. Skyshade hovered and carefully landed on a clear spot in the center of the room. Clockchime came in next, crashing into a pile next to her. She got up, shaking off screws and bolts. "Well that was fun," she exclaimed heading over to the big bench. She unclipped and wriggled out of the wings, feeling a slight ripping sensation as it went. She laid it on top of her leather apron and turned back toward Skyshade. "All done for today. Maybe we'll go flying again tomorrow." "That'd be nice," Skyshade said wistfully, grabbing her saddlebag and walking her way to the front door. Not ten minutes later, Ember followed her out, done for the day. When she was sure that they had gone, and that she was alone, Clockchime went back to the bench and uncovered the rock. "I want you to tell me how to use magic." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phynix05 RyllShados And my editor Prelatez