Epsilon's peak

by StoryWeaver

Chapter 1: A Smashing Start

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter One

You have no idea how much it hurts to hit the ground at 50 miles per hour...There's not much that can describe it except that it HURTS LIKE HELL!

Oh, you aren't one of the few who know my story, are you? Well, I'll explain it simply so as to get back to the events at hand. I met a girl, been torn out of my life by said girl AND her wide arrangement of enemies, taken on multiple visages of people I don't know, gained a really kickass power to make anything I want without any effort, saved our asses several times with it, and was now hugging the small crater I had made after being hurled into it by a tentacled black fire monster named Argoron! All in a single week!

God, in all your infinite patience, please forgive me for whatever past sin I committed to earn this punishment. 'Cuz this REALLY hurts!

I was lifted off the ground, my broken and bleeding body giving a pathetic moan as pain wracked my pulverized bone structure. The black fiery thing had it's tentacles on me, and I couldn't focus through the pain to create anything at all.

"Looks like your time is up" My god. Clichés make me gag.

Have no weapon? Fight fire with fire! "Bite me."

"I would love to, but I have much more to worry about than you," That was disturbing on so many levels,"so I'll leave you somewhere else for later torture. Have fun in Equestria!"

"Wha-" then I was gone. I had nothing, no body, no perception, and the odd feeling I had been touched by the bad man. Then I was in the air, about two miles above the ground.

"SONUVABICH!" I yelled, that asshat had even added downward inertia! I hurtled toward the ground at about 200mph. I gave a prayer of goodbye and-


I had somehow punched into some sort of cave, but I really didn't care at the time. If I had any say in gravity ever, This wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Before my thoughts could go anywhere else, my brain activated emergency shutdown.

Sheepies be fun to count, bro!


Around me is a crystal cathedral, translucent pillars of crystal support high vaults of the same. The crystal shows with an inner light, refracting with such beauty that it takes my breath away, as if it has a life of it's own. I walk forward between the crystalline pews, my jaw hanging open at the sheer beauty of this sacred place.

When I look forward I see a crystal pulpit, and resting upon it is an open book, a bible of the religion that built this place. Upon it's face are the words "The four scales". My study of this book is pulled away as a presence calls to me.

On the other side of the stand for this bible is an ornate chest of shining red metal. I walk slowly and reverently towards it. The ornate lock meant to keep the contents within this container away from the unworthy is broken.

I open the chest, and within it's gleaming confines lay two bracelets, each made of four rounded links with a different engraving upon each. When I lay my eyes on it the presence grows almost unbearable, Commanding me to take the holy artifacts and put them on my wrists.

When I do, something shifts inside of me, and pain overwhelms my nervous system. I black out.



Oh god, my head felt like someone had cracked it open with a jackhammer and happily kept going.

"He's awake! Applejack! Go to the hospital and get Nurse Redheart!" said a voice I clearly didn't recognize. Where the hell had that tentacled fucker put me?!

"Alright Twi', but yeh owe me one fer that." said another voice, I then put two and two together and pain once again became my immediate focus when I sat up straight, instantly raising my hoof to my head...wait...HOOF?!

And thus I blacked out.


When I woke up again the pain was much less, well, painful than before. Thankfully so.

"Ah, you're awake again, we had to put you under a lot of serious care to get you back from the brink," the feminine voice paused, to smile I assume, I hadn't opened my eyes to look, "but I think we've done some of our best work yet on you. Consider yourself lucky that those girls found you as quick as they did, or you wouldn't be with us today"

I merely groaned, my hoof going to my head again.

Hoof? Right...

Considering that I had barely any sleep for the past week, was extremely high strung from two near death experiences in a row, AND lucid for the first time after those, I can vouch with absolute certainty that I overreacted when I began screaming my head off and trying to get away from the abomination of a limb now attached to me.

luckily, before I tried gnawing the offending appendage off, the lady stuck a needle in me that put me straight to sleep.

sheepies be fun to count! yo!


"He's awake princess,"

First words to hear in a while? well...

"Thank you, Twilight. You best be off. He and I have several things to discuss," came another voice to my very unhappy ears. I groaned, in what I hope was a manly way.

"Okay princess, should I wait outside?" asked the female I assumed was Twilight.

"Go ahead and go to your friends. They probably want the news,"

"Thank you Princess Celestia. I'll do my best," A door opened. The latch giving a soft click when it shut.

I finally opened my eyes, and they were almost immediately shut again. pain flared up, but it was bearable given what I've been through.

"I see you've finally awoken. So stranger, how did you come to be falling from the sky?" Asked the princess, her voice suddenly going grave.

I tried opening my eyes again, just able to get them to squint. When I looked at said princess my eyes widened, and were shut again by the force of the light. What I saw was the last thing I expected. A tall white horse wearing the regalia of royalty and some trippy wavy hair covering an eye is what I saw! when I opened my eyes again to a somewhat wider squint I immediately revised my earlier thought, this was a Unicorn with wings, and a surprisingly human face.

I was speechless! I also could only reply with a very stupid sounding, "Uh..."

"Well? What is another Alicorn doing falling from the sky?"

My face registered confusion, "Wait, What's an Alicorn?"

Celestia's face sorta became confused, her eye darted upward in thought, her visible eyebrow knit in puzzlement, and her mouth curled downwards into a frown. Then it came right back up into a sort of understanding smile.

"You weren't always an Alicorn were you?" she asked, her eyes seemingly much kinder than before.

"Um, No. Whatever that is. I have no idea, and I thought I was a human?" I replied, My eyebrows now knitting in confusion.

at the same time Celestia's eyes went wide, but only for a split second before reverting to a studious poker face, "Well, then we may have a problem."

"I don't see what you mean...which also reminds me. might I have the opportunity of knowing whom I am speaking to?" My eyebrows arched.

"I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, And you have some explaining to do holder of creation," wait, holder of creation? That's a new title.

Then I remembered the original question she asked, "Um, do you happen to know anyone by the name of Argoron?" Celestia's eyes widened again as her mouth dropped, which stayed that way for several seconds. She spluttered incoherently for a moment before I interrupted her, "So I take it you do know of him. Well, I'll say one thing and it ain't gonna be pretty." Celestia shut her mouth and kept quiet, her eyes still wide as she tried to lean in closer.

I continued, "I was sent here by Argoron. Don't ask me how he got to you, or how long it has been because for me it has been less than a week since he came into my life. When I gained the power to 'create things' I unconsciously brought him into existence, for which I sorely regret,"

Celestia's face registered confusion, and she asked, "What's to say you aren't being mind controlled by him?"

I stared at her, "If I was, would I even mention his name?"

Celestia pondered on this for a moment before nodding for me to continue.

"both I and several friends fought him, I lost and was sent here for who knows what reason." My eyes drifted downwards, already missing the nameless girl.

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Celestia finally smiled, her lips curving up comfortingly.

I sighed, "I wish I could say the same..."

"Is there anything you'd like to ask me?"

I frowned, thinking for a moment, "Only three questions, princess. Where am I in this Equestria? How long have I been here since the day I made the newest crater in town? And why did you call me the Holder of Creation?"

Celestia nodded. "You are in The pony sister's hospital in the capital city of Canterlot, and you were admitted here approximately two months ago, with injuries such as blunt force trauma, fractures within almost every bone we could see, and a very tiny crack in your spine which was threatening to sever the spinal cord," Wow! That's a new record.

"You could call me and Death...close friends," I answered with a shrug.

the princess nodded with a smile, then proceeded to ask, "Can you walk?"

"I might need a bit of practice, I was a biped before this body change, so getting used to this might take a while," I thought for a moment, then added, "That is IF I can even get up off this bed,"

"The Nurse will clear you to leave the hospital tomorrow morning as soon as she runs a final checkup."

and with that, she left using a golden magic unlike any other magic I've seen.

Surprised that I'm not surprised? Remember when I said I gained the power to Create anything? There ya go.

At this point I took the liberty of trying out my new body, and getting a look see at what I had. Four legs, two wings. and a horn atop my skull. A dark blue mane (If that's what it's called) now adorned my head in the style of spiky anime hair. I was covered in almost black purple fur. Not really my style but I would have to get used to it. If only I had a mirror I'd be able to tell-...

So, getting up with four hooves is a much harder task than two feet and a pair of hands, I noticed. My face certainly did. I grunted, but at least I wasn't in pain anywhere else, attesting to the healing skill of these ponies.

I got up, my knees rather wobbly and unsure of themselves. let's try this again. left front hoof forward, left right hoof forward, left back, right back. left front, right front, left back, right back. Hey! this might not be so hard at all!


"mph, mrph thrph florph! bmph mo moon?" roughly translated, "Why, hello there floor! back so soon?"

a soft click was heard as the door closed, "Oh my, are you alright sir?" came forth a familiar female voice.

After a moment of struggling to get back up, which consisted of me flailing the useless stumps attached to my body in a rather frantic manner, she helped me up, This pony was surprisingly short compared to Celestia, she had the same white fur, but with red curly hair, "Thank you very much Nurse...?"

"Blankheart, Nurse Blankheart, and it was my pleasure. I need to check your horn for any damage that fall might have done, as well as administer a few more tests before I clear you to go. Will you please bend your left foreleg forward?" I did so, "Very good, did you feel any pain?" negatory, "good, breath in deeply," no pain, "good" things went on like this for a while, I even had to perform several awkward stretches. What kind of anatomy did I get in this new body to be so flexible? I'll have to check a library sometime.

"Now for your horn, will you please levitate that potted plant and set it back down a foot to the left?" how would I...never mind. If what I do to create stuff works then this should work similarly.

Here is how I usually go about making things. I visualize the desired object, then I sort of force a spike of electricity down my spine, then it is born into existence. If I modify this method then it should-


...not...work, "Um...sorry about imploding your plant?" I felt the blood rush to my face that time. Hopefully this black fur covers my flush.

"Don't worry, it wasn't a live plant. We have a closet full of the things," Blankheart replied. taking my lack of skill in stride. She then frowned at her clip board, "Can I get your name? It isn't anywhere in our files."

takin the time to look back, my split second decision to not reveal my true name was a wise one, another split second got me the really awkward name of "Far Reach"