//------------------------------// // Magic Testing, Whisky, Guard Training, Eye Sight, and Punch. // Story: Source Code // by Nugget27 //------------------------------// So after the most… amazing battle ever, the castle had one more roommate. Snowdrop, the blind pegasus that apparently has super hearing, and Luna’s… well, she’s basically Luna’s adoptive daughter. Despite her supposedly attacking Celly a thousand years ago, in defense of Lulu, the two of them were getting along rather nicely. Celly, Lulu, and Snowdrop were all snuggled up together on their own ‘little’ cushion. Given that all three mares were taller than the average mare by a head or two at a minimum, ‘little’ for them was ‘huge’ for anypony else. The talisman that Snowdrop had initially been wearing when she first woke up, was in Twilight’s possession back down in Ponyville for further study. Me and Button were on our own cushion, my kid was sleeping away, since it was morning, and right around when Celly and Lulu needed to move their respective celestial bodies for the day to begin for the rest of the world. It was decided that my therapy sessions were to be a weekly thing, which ended up giving me an extra hour or everyday to just hangout with everypony. I nuzzled my kid; today I was going to be doing a lot of testing in the magical training room to make sure that my custom, highly customized version of Python, or the original version since the mass-released version came after it, was still of any value to me. So far, DragonFire, Light Shield, and just about any spell exclusive to my magic system were all that I have tested.  For the most part, just in field use, I’ve only really noticed that I have more stamina when it comes to magic rather than outright power. I set my book off to the side, nuzzled Button, and he groaned.  “Just five more minutes, Dad,” he grumbled as he nuzzled deeper into my shoulder. “Didn’t mean to wake you, bud. I was just nuzzling you because you looked cute and needed that daily required ‘nuzzle from Dad’.” “Okay… Five more minutes?” Button asked. “I can groom you.” “I guess I don’t need those five more minutes,” my kid said before raising his head with his eyes still closed. I started to work, running my teeth through his mane after running my tongue through it a few times to make working it easier. “You know that Mom’s supposed to do this, right?” Button asked. “And you should be using your mother’s tail as a blanket and not mine, I know, kiddo. But are you really gonna deny your old man some quality snuggles, or stop him from grooming or pampering you in any way he deems fit?” “No. It feels nice, and you’re better at grooming than Mom is. Plus your tail’s less airy, so it makes for a better blanket.” He nuzzled into me before rolling onto his back so I can access his belly easier. “You know Dad, I’m always the one being groomed, but why won’t you let me groom you every now and then? Sweetie Belle taught me how, and… I want to show you just how much you mean to me.” “Well, it'd be a little weird, but also… I am just happy to have you, Button. If you let me baby you when you come home, even when you’re an adult, that’s enough for me. Being able to take care of my son is a gift I couldn’t begin to take for granted. Though if you catch me off guard and start grooming me, I won’t stop you. However, young stallion, you’re the one being cuddled, snuggled and groomed, so just lay down, relax, and enjoy a healthy dose of prolonged eye contact.” Button giggled, before his eyes snapped open, and we started the prolonged eye contact, while also doing our best not to laugh and wake the other occupants of the room. Cadance and Shining were still in Ponyville, to finish up that sleepover they couldn’t even really begin when Snowdrop showed up, so it was just me, Button, Celly, Lulu, and Snowdrop. “Prolonged eye contact,” we whispered, before I pulled him close to my chest, and laid my head on his chest. I promptly rolled onto my back, and had a colt laying on my lower jaw while we both decided now would be a good time for ‘five more minutes’ which really translated to ‘fifty five more minutes’.  About an hour later, breakfast was had, and we had all been piled into a magic-lab of some sort. I stared at the instruments, before looking down at a textbook I was reading over, the basics of magic.  “So,” I said while reading one of the most basic rules of magic. “It turns out that this may be pointless,” I said while reading over the basics of how a unicorn’s magic works. “Why is that, Source?” Celestia asked as she looked over my shoulder. “Is that not a book you’ve read when you were in Equestria for only a month?” “It is. There was something I’ve overlooked, though. You and Luna have been alive for… how long?” I asked. “Thousands of years,” Luna answered.  “So a unicorn can grow stronger as they age, assuming they use their magic for more than just levitation. Some are simply naturally gifted in their altitude for magic output. You and Celly are already, or were already, talented mages before you ascended, right?” “We were, and we were trained by Starswirl the bearded,” Celly answered. “Oh…” “Yeah, you two use your magic for just a tiny little thing called moving the Sun and Moon. You two are strong, yeah, but most alicorns ain’t gonna be breaching your levels of power. Unless Twilight grows wings in this timeline as well. I don’t know. Anyways, I don’t think becoming an alicorn automatically makes you stronger than the average unicorn. Cadance… god bless her, she is not the best mage ever, but she has more magic to draw from; it's being her pegasus and earth pony that allow her to do what she does.  “I already wasn’t that strong as a unicorn; Python just made me seem a lot stronger than I was.” “You do have a solid magic capacity, Source, you just don’t seem to be able to access it naturally,” Luna pointed out. “When you were fighting the Ursa Minor, you grew wings for a brief moment. You were also incredibly mad at the time, which may be tied to your magic in a way that it isn’t for most ponies...” She hummed and her eyes widened. “Have you accidentally been using dark magic without knowing it?” “I dunno. If I got stronger when pissed off, that’s a thing that dark magic works off of. But humans… we tend to be way better at achieving things when we’re mad. Sports players piss themselves off to be a little better for the big game. One of the most powerful countries on Earth was made because a bunch of people were angry. When people get mad, they can achieve so much. Whether or not it’s a good thing they achieve is up for debate, though. Perhaps that is one of the things that translated over from me being a human? “Magic’s tied to my emotions more than anything, hence why…” I pointed at the machine I was hooked up to that was reading my magic capacity or whatever. “I have so much, but can’t use most of it half the time. Or it could just be Python; I put some countermeasures in it, after watching Celly hurt herself while using Python, to make sure I can’t put too much power into any one spell.” I tucked the book under a wing. “In other words, it’s gonna be a while, a long while before I come anywhere near you or Luna, hell, even Twilight in terms of raw power.’ “I need to point out, had I not used a lot of underhanded tricks while in that fucked up timeline, I would’ve flat out died. No shot in hell am I tanking a full-tilt blast from Celly. Even with these wings; I think if Luna used Levitate on me too hard, I’d die.” My whole body cringed at the idea of fighting Luna, in any way shape or form. “...Of course I forgot about that small detail,” Celestia facehoofed. “Source, you need to stop picking up on small details like this. I was going to use all this as an excuse to feel up your sexy little body, and test your magic!” She whined. She slowly realized that Luna, Button, and Tale were sitting in the room with us. Luckily, Tale moved in a heartbeat and covered my kid’s ears. Celly’s cheeks started pinking up, so I kissed her on the lips, which only resulted in me getting hit with her wings. “Sister,” Luna said with a shit eating grin. “You were going to come up with a bunch of ‘tests’ so you can feel Source’s wings, weren’t you?” “Luna, I will put you back on the moon.” “Oh no. I am trembling,” Luna rolled her eyes. “Though I don’t know how good of an idea that would’ve been to do those ‘tests’ in front of my nephew,” she motioned to Button, who was just looking confused and adorable. He looked up at Tale. “What does ‘feeling up Dad’s sexy body’ mean?” He asked. We all slowly looked at Celly, who was currently trying to make her best ostrich impression. “I’ll tell you when you’re older,” I started rubbing Celestia’s back as she started screaming into a pillow after she just slipped up for the first time in centuries. I walked down into the guard training area. It’s been a solid month since I’ve partook in it, and I’ll be damned if I let myself get out of shape. Most of the guards, when they saw me were kinda shocked; it has been a month since they’ve last seen me. I immediately saw Solar, who looked a lot more grim than usual; a look that belonged nowhere on his face. It was too down for my liking. Sure, I might be a bit mentally fucked up, but I still want to make sure my friend’s doing alright. What kinda friend would I be if I let my bro suffer? “Hey soldier!” I said firmly as I walked up to the stallion. He slowly looked up as he heard my voice. “SOURCE!” He took his helmet off, and none of the guard trainers present even got on my friend for greeting me. I’m assuming everypony heard what happened to me and assumed I was as good as dead, for good reason. I might as well have been dead if it weren’t for Discord. “Hey man!” I laughed as my man slammed into me and started nuzzling and actually kissing me. “Whoa bud, a little touchy, eh?” I asked. “Shut up, Source, I thought you got killed! So what if I wanna be a little cuddly with my bro? I thought my bro was dead.” I laughed. “Man, it is good to be back. How’s guard training going?” “Moral… was down, sir.”  Solar admitted. “With you around, the Princess was so much happier, and it made the guard feel better as a whole. Because if Princess Celestia was genuinely prancing through the castle because she can’t wait to spend her evening with you, or her sister, it makes the rest of us happier. For instance, it’s cute,” he whispered. “And also, she’s the pony we’re supposed to be guarding, aside from you and Luna, and seeing her be so carefree? It makes us guards feel good. “Then you go missing. There is a noticeable lack of spring in the princesses’ steps, yes, both princesses. A lot of the royals in this castle like you, Source. You never really think about it, but you never know your impact on ponies’ lives until you disappear. You made an impact on the princesses’ moods, which then rubs off on us guards,” Solar sat down beside me and wrapped a foreleg around me. “Especially me. You’re one of my buddies, and when I heard you randomly disappeared into a portal, you were as good as dead, dude.” He immediately shivered. He felt my wings rub against his sides. “When… did you get fucking wings!?” He asked. “I got them while in the portal. I uh… kinda fought a bunch of ponies, bad ponies, and got wings while doing it.” “Which… ponies did you fight?” The guard trainer asked. “Uh… four alicorns. Four of whom would be very familiar. Think of the three current princesses, and Twilight, except evil and wanting to prove alicorn supremacy or whatever.” I shivered. “God. Seeing an evil Celly was not fun.” Every guard in the training room stopped what they were doing and surrounded me, respectfully, kept their distance, but they did circle me and Solar. “What?” “You… fought four alicorns at once, and survived?” One of the trainers asked. “Uh… let’s go with that. It’s not a fun memory for me.” I shrugged. ‘Why do you ask?” “...Sir, you just proved how useful your custom, magical system is,” the same trainer said. “You fought alicorns, survived, and only have a burn mark to tell the tale with.” ‘I woulda died if I tried shielding any of evil Luna or Evil Celestia’s attacks, they would’ve plowed through the shield, fried me, and I wouldn't be standing here. I’d be dead if I didn’t go in knowing just how strong these alicorns were, or if I had no pre-existing knowledge of how to fight Celestia.” I settled down. “I would like to get some training for fighting with my wings, and learn how to use my newfound earth pony strength and endurance better, so I came down here. Aside from Celly, who is on vacation right now, this would be one of the best places to learn from.” “With all due respect sir, I don’t know how much you can learn from here if you took down four alicorns. As much as we all would like to believe, we guards are mostly here to evacuate everypony from if Canterlot is threatened so the princesses can go all out without harming anypony. Princess Celestia is a good fighter, and we’ve all watched her spar with Luna at least once; Luna’s a tougher fighter than her sister. The fact that you won against both of them, with Princess Cadance and Twilight Sparkle to boot… it’s impressive sir. It’s far more than any one pony can say they’ve done before.” “...Does it hurt to say that I uh…” I fully cringed at the thought of fighting any alicorns again. “Experienced my first kills during that?” I asked. “You killed four alicorns?!” Solar shouted. “I wasn’t happy about it! They were all familiar faces, and evil versions of ponies I love! I didn’t wanna hurt them!” I shuddered. "God, just coming into contact with evil Celestia, burnt my shoulder within seconds. I blew up Twilight’s fucking head, man. I blew it up and watched it happen point-blank. I watched Luna’s life leave her eyes. I was hoping to at least convince them why they shouldn’t kill everyone, but they were dead set on doing it.” “...Oh.” The trainer nodded. “C’mon, soldiers! The Prince’s seen some stuff you pathetic lot wouldn’t be able to dream of! Solar, you’re his majesty’s friend, stay near him when he stops breathing heavily and holding his head like he is right now. If he wishes to spar with you after, allow him to. If he does not, but simply wishes to spend the day with you, you may be relieved of duty until tomorrow. I know he came here for a reason, and it was probably because of you.” The rest of the guards didn’t even hear the trainer, they just knew I saw some shit and started giving me space, while Solar started rubbing my shoulder like how I would while trying to comfort my younger siblings during a thunderstorm.  “Take all the time you need, bud,” Solar coaxed.  I laid there for a solid minute, letting Solar hold me. It felt… nice, being held like that.  “...What the buck did you see when you went into that portal?” “...Not good things, man. I’ve… never wanted to kill anyone before. I know it was life or death, but I still can’t help but feel horrible about what I’ve done. It’s… one thing to see death in the media, to a death count. It’s another thing to kill another being. In the way I did? I couldn’t even bury them, dude.” “...Those alicorns you fought, from the sounds of it, you coulda died. And… I will admit, I’ve not seen much since I’ve left basic guard training, but I will tell you this. You did what you had to. To… take a life is something that is never easy, but I’d much rather know that you came home safe, rather than seeing your casket because you were too scared to act.” Solar patted my back. “You’re a good stallion, Source. You may have killed, but think, those alicorns, what were they like?” “Horrible people. That… world’s version of Cadance literally learnt how to weaponize love to kill people with a kiss.” “So…” “It’s hard seeing a familiar face, seeing life leave their eyes, my man.” “...I see.” Solar nuzzled my ear. “C’mon, I know how to make you feel better, dude.” Solar had led me to a bar, where Shining Armor had met up with us soon after; he heard of me having a mental breakdown at the training ground. While the two of them were chatting, I was staring down into my cup of whisky. This clear, wondrous liquid helped me enjoy the company of others, to celebrate times of joy. It simply stared back up at me, tempting me to drink it and forget about my troubles for a while. I knew better, though. I was not going to go down that path. “Hey Source, take a shot,” Shining said. “C’mon, it’s your favorite whisky; it’ll make you feel better!” “Aw,” I chuckled humorlessly. “I’ve seen what drinking your sorrows can do to ya, mate. As an Irishman, I’ve been in the pub a few times. I’ve seen that old man in the corner of the pub looking down, feeling down, wasting money away on the elixir that will only temporarily make him feel good. It… I drink for fun, not to hide my problems, my guy.” I began to smile though. “However, I will drink to being able to live another day, eh?” I raised my cup. “And hopefully, hopefully avoid violence from here on out.” I downed my glass, and I was immediately feeling better. I will admit, just spending the day with Shining Armor and Solar did help make me feel good. I only had the one cup, as much as it pained me to not drink the entire jug of potin, but a good ol’ day at the bowling alley did help.  “Woo!” I hit another strike… after hitting the gutter six times. “What the buck, Source?” Shining shook his head. “I swear, it’s that new earth pony strength you’ve got in ya. It takes talent to be that bad at rolling a bowling ball, though.” “Oh shut-oh yeah…” I looked down at my wings. “Heh. I should try and get better with these things; it wouldn’t hurt.” “So, does that mean you’ll be taking a crown, an actual crown soon?” Solar asked. “I mean, every alicorn in existence, even the ones theorized to have been before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, were leaders. It just makes sense; they’ve got the best of every tribe, are usually more powerful, and in the case of the current alicorns, are natural born leaders.” “Eh. I’m not very strong, all things told. Shining Armor could still kick my ass without even blinking…” “...You made a spell that makes you impossible to hit with magic,” Shining pointed out. “I’d have to go in and use my hooves on you. But then you have earth pony strength, so I couldn’t get very far.” “I’m also not much of a leader.” “...When Snowdrop first returned, you took the forefront of the group despite Auntie Tia being there. You were ready to fight at a moment’s notice.” “I wasn’t giving orders out though. I can’t lead, I can barely-” “Okay, be honest,” Solar said. “You just don’t wanna take a crown, do you?” “Nope. I’m a Grand Prince in title alone, save when Celly decides to let me have a say in day court. I’m perfectly content with not leading anyone, anything, anypony through shit. In times of hardship, I can’t talkify like Celly does. I can’t outright defend Equestria through sheer might like Luna can. I’m a horrible tactician if I’m working with a group. I am not much of anything other than a guy who can make spells, and shoot shit with my horn. It’s better to let the smart ponies do their jobs, than trying to insert myself into the picture when there’s no need for it.” “Fair enough,” Shining nodded. “I think with some training, you could be a good leader, but I also know how you feel about having that sort of attention… however,” he handed me a newspaper he got from… somewhere. “There’s already a small group of ponies, who saw your wings, and are basically worshiping you.” “God fucking dammit, dude. I’m gonna label myself the Alicorn of Bread. Tada, you have bread!” I teleported a loaf of bread to me and took two slices before promptly presenting them to both of my friends. We all blinked a couple of times, I took a chug from the cup of whisky I’ve got, and we all started laughing like idiots. “BAGUETTE!” I teleported the aforementioned pastry to me and smacked Shining in the face with it, before clubbing it over Solar’s face too. We kept on laughing harder. I don’t know how I got into this situation. I don’t want to ask how I got into this situation. All I know is that I woke up in what was supposed to be Snowdrop’s room. Well, it was just Luna’s room; the two shared a bed while a room was being built in the castle specifically for her. Anyways, I was laying in Luna’s bed, Celly and Lulu were standing just a few steps away from the bed, giggling and smirking. Laying on top of me, was in fact, Snowdrop. She was just snoozing away with a on the corners of her mouth. The mare was still asleep, well, half asleep.  She was grooming me while her eyes were still closed. “Why am I here?” I asked. I woke up like this by the way. “Snowdrop was hoping for a cuddle buddy, and my sister and I may have told her how much you enjoy cuddles.” Celestia shrugged. “Hey look, she’s waking up.” “Good morning,” Snowdrop almost whispered. God damn, her voice is so much softer now that she isn’t about to take over the world. “Good morning Snowdrop. Do you find my coltfriend to be an acceptable cuddle buddy whenever Luna is not present?” Celly asked. “He is. He and Tale have been rather exceptional..." She let out a jaw splitting yawn before adding on. "Source is especially soft.” “Why am I here? I fell asleep on Celly last night.” Now was a good time to mention that Button was laying in Snowdrop’s mane, happily snoozing away. Luckily, the blind mare was more than aware, and was carefully moving her head. I could feel Snowdrop’s nose running through my mane as she smelled it, a thoughtful hum escaped her lips. “You use Celly’s shampoo. You smell so much like her, down to the soap, down to just smelling like her without it. I can tell just how much you care for that mare just on that alone. “I respect it. Not many stallions in this day and age would be able to approach Auntie Celly, let alone court her and treat her like a normal pony.” She gave me one last groom-lick. “The fact that you’re such a cuddle bug is rather nice, though. Or that you don’t dislike me for being blind.” “I come from a world where, most of the world at least, understands that people with physical problems, such as being blind, deaf, even missing limbs, should be helped and given the means to overcome those issues. To me, it doesn't change the fact that you’re a pretty little lady that just wanted to protect Luna back in the day. I’m assuming most ponies nowadays are more accepting of your problems?” “You are trying so hard not to say disability.” Snowdrop flatly said. “Don’t want to offend you or anything. Besides, you still can hear and smell things at a point where you probably wouldn’t need your eyes even if you had them. Though… there is something I’d like to try on you, if you don’t mind.” “What is it?” Snowdrop asked.  “Has anyone ever tried using a night vision spell on you to see?” Now hear me out, this is a dumb idea, but sometimes the least logical, stupid ideas have the best results... sometimes. Okay, not that often. “No…” “Damn. Wanna see if it’ll work? If it doesn’t, that’ll suck, but if it does, you just won’t be able to see shadows, but you can see the world for a brief period of time, or forever if you manage to cast the spell yourself when you get the talisman back.” “Well… I would like to be able to finally see what I look like in the mirror. Everypony in the castle says I’m beautiful, so I’d like to know what defines me as that.” “Well, let’s go.” I lit my horn and casted the Night Vision spell on Snowdrop. Her eyes started constantly glowing green, which is just a visual side effect. It doesn’t affect how you actually see anything beyond making it so you can see in the dark. Snowdrop gasped. I could feel Button being stuck on the back of my head, while he was sleeping. The sound of Snowdrop’s wings could be heard through the room as she glided off the bed. I watched as she looked around until her eyes landed on Luna. “I can… see.” She was crying. “I can see!” She hugged Luna, gave a shorter, though no less affectionate, before her eyes landed on me. “Did you just now think of this?” “Uh… maybe. I just have these thoughts while laying in bed, waiting to finally get my dumbass out of bed and face the day.” “I… if your foal was not sleeping in your mane, I would’ve pounced-” Celestia smirked as her horn lit up and promptly removed my colt from my head. Button was promptly laid on Luna’s head, who looked visibly more excited about the prospect of having a colt sleeping in her mane. In a heartbeat, I was being smothered with smooches, profuse ‘thank yous’, and happy little squeals. Okay, Snowdrop just had to be fucking adorable; she’s doing a little tippy tappy dance as she tried finding the mirror. When she did, she started looking at herself. “Huh… this is what stallions consider attractive?” She asked. “Yeah. Slender, though somewhat muscular limbs, nice, tall lanky frame… uh, Luna and Celly are a good reference; most stallions only consider them the most attractive ponies in the land.” I was soon found in Snowdrop’s embrace, yet again, the moment I stood up. Nuzzles, kisses, and a long, drawn out hug that would’ve broken my back, neck, and all of my ribs if I were still a unicorn. I just stared ahead, wondering why I have thoughts, even if my dumb thoughts result in me getting a shit load of affection. Snowdrop could only see for about an hour, but I did tell her how to cast the spell, and sent a letter to Twilight to hurry up with studying the talisman so that she could use the spell on herself whenever she liked. Later on, during the night, I casted the spell on her so she and Luna could go stargazing. The next morning, I was in the same position, in that bone crushing hug.  This lady’s so goddamn thankful for everything, and is more than willing to show it through affection… At the cost of my spine. I might try and hook her and Solar up together. I know Solar’s single and could probably benefit from having a marefriend like Snowdrop. Maybe. Meanwhile: What’s up, world? I am Fruit Punch. So I woke up in the grass of what I now know as Canterlot Castle, during the fanciest party during the year. I’ve been trying to get into contact with the Princess, to find myself a way home, but she’s apparently on vacation with her coltfriend or whatever. It doesn’t help that the line for her day court, the only reliable way to get into contact with her, was always long. Luckily, I did have a friend, Rarity. Well, she definitely thought of me as a lover of some sort. “Uh…” I hummed. “Why am I being held captive?” I asked the purple unicorn that was her friend. “You’ve just used the word ‘god’. So far, there is only one pony in existence that I know used that term, and they were not from another world… I just had to go visit Rarity after making enough bits while working at a hayburger. “Listen, I just wanna go home.” I said.  “First, you are going to tell me what ‘god’ is, since the one pony I know, who knows what that is, won’t tell me…”  … I ended up remaining in the treehouse for a good six days. She wanted to know everything so I started bullshitting things together, like how Jesus Christ was a guy with six heads and twelve pieces of ‘equipment’ to help populate the Earth.  That only led to more questions. And another four days in that treehouse. At least I have a funky head penis of some sort… I can’t use it, but Twilight did offer to teach me after realizing she kept me, against my will, in Ponyville, in her home to study me. Rarity was pretty upset with her for hogging ‘her coltfriend’. Whatever that meant. By the way, I lied. I know what’s gonna happen in the future, I’ve lived it before, but then some dumbasses at the mage tower, who were testing portal magic, showed it off in mine and Chryssy’s Hive, since Chryssy commissioned it. I got sucked into it and I just wanna go home. I can use magic, but I need to pretend to just be a bumbling idiot until I can get Princess Celestia to make the mage tower send me home. Apparently she’s got a coltfriend in this timeline, good for her. I miss my Chryssy… But I am also avoiding Canterlot for the next four months. I don’t wanna get fucked up by a shitload of changelings. I could love this Chryssy, and found a drone trying to sneak into the castle, something about capturing this dude named Source Code. I asked them what that meant, got hissed at, and smacked in the face and dumped in a dumpster somewhere. So I don’t think this world’s version of Chrysalis will be as nice, or cuddly.