My Mother ( Rewrite)

by Dragonfan101

6: Seeing A Friend

After Spike and Skystar finished up their day yesterday, they went back home to eat and then rest for they're next trip today, they were going to see Nathen and see how he's doing since they last saw him, they were still really grateful for him helping them reunite and it showed Spike that there are kind drakes out there who are willing to help him when he's alone.

While Spike is still worried about how he's gonna tell his mother the truth that he was raised by ponies, surely she'll be able to understand in a good way that it's all good for him, but then again she did show that she may have a grudge against them, and Spike is starting to believe it does tie into his egg being taken before he was born, and he can only wonder when he's gonna be able to find out what really happened, he just hopes it doesn't mean Celestia or anyone else stole him and brought him to Celestia for that experiment Twilight needed, because that would really infuriate his mother if she found out.. and she seems to have huge strength hidden behind her calm and caring appearance, and her fire powers only strengthen that fact.

But after that day, they went back home and went to rest, and after another night of rest, they felt the sun rise within Skystar's cave once again, Skystar groaned and began opening her eyes once more, and like yesterday, Spike was curled up next to her for comfort, and she smiled lovingly whenever he was with her like this, it helped her feel so much more whole compared to what she felt like when he was taken from her. While she wants to sleep some more, she's wanting to see Nathen soon and decided to help wake her son up.
"Wake up son, it's morning now, we've got a big day ahead of us." Skystar said while rubbing his head a bit, this made Spike groan a bit and he finally began opening his eyes too, he yawned a bit and saw Skystar looking down at him with a smile.
"Mom? Is it morning already?" Spike asked while stretching his arms a bit, Skystar chuckled a bit and started getting up herself.
"Yes it is son, but we won't be staying here all day, we're going to be seeing Nathen, remember?" Skystar asked while she helped him up.

Spike took in a moment to regain his focus and remembered what happened yesterday, he met a cool dragon named Smolder, he and his mother explored more of the Dragon Lands yesterday, and they agreed to see Nathen at the end to spend more time with him.
"Yeah, right, It'll be nice seeing Nathen again, you think he'll be alright when we see him?" Spike asked curious while they were both waking up still.
"I think so, I think he'll be a bit more liked then most dragons if they know he helped you find me, so it'll be fine son. I'll go ahead and make breakfast before we go, I'll be done in a bit son." Skystar said as they began going out of her room and through her crystal cave again.

"What should I do? I can help if you'd like?" Spike offered which she smiled at, but she wanted them both to take in some time to themselves.
"I'll handle it myself son, you can look around the cave for a bit so we can think over what we're gonna do when we meet Nathen, okay?" Skystar asked which Spike could understand.
"Alright mom, I'll try waking up fully before we leave." Spike said as they began going into separate rooms to think.
"I'm sure you will, love you my Flamestar." Skystar said with a smile before she went into the kitchen to start cooking.
"Love you too mom.." Spike said with a smile too while he went to think to himself.

Spike walked through the cave for a bit to try and think about all of this, even though he's been glad to spend time with his mother here, he still needs to find a way to tell her the truth, he hated lying to anyone, because lies like this lead into situations that we can't get out of, Spike didn't know how to break it to her or Twilight about what's happening, if they do find out about what's happened.. Spike may have to choose between who he'll be raised by, and Spike doesn't want that to happen, he can have both family's.. right?

Spike took in the time to think about all that's happened, Twilight was the one who hatched and raised him like his own mother, even though she often struggled with things she needed help with, that's just one of the things that made Twilight who she is, and helped her grow, and she had her friends alongside her to go on adventures whenever it happens. But on the other hand, Skystar is Spike's birth mother, and she's suffered with being alone and not having people to talk too because of her depression, and given she fell into this.. Primal Rage after she lost him, Spike fears what will happen if things go bad.

Spike sighed to himself as she went into the room that had all the books Skystar showed him yesterday, he didn't know how to tell them this, and he can't just send a letter to Twilight, because that may have them come to get him back, which could lead to Skystar growing furious and tracking him down.
"Why can't I just tell them this? Why did I have to lie like this?" Spike thought to himself while he looked around the bookshelves, he just didn't know what to do, and was really struggling how to come up with a solution.
"If I told them I was raised by ponies, they may have seen it as them stealing me which would've caused more tension.. but if I didn't.. I never would've found my mother.. and learned all that's happened.. ugh! Why is this so hard?!" Spike thought with frustration as he didn't know what to do.

But his thoughts were soon stopped when he noticed a certain green book that Skystar showed him yesterday, Spike looked interested with it and went up to it himself.
"This book let her learn the ability's to control fire, she said she's only learned a few, but does she know more then what she said?" Spike asked while he carefully picked the book out, he just looked at it's unique cover and design with interest, he's never seen a book like this, and the fact Skystar found it in that strange cave makes it more interesting.
"What kind of book can just help one learn fire spells like this? Is there more to this book then meets the eye?" Spike asked while he flipped through the pages. He took in every ancient drawing he could see, there were so many drawings of a dragon using their fire as a spell or ability, from forging it into their own swords or arrows, making a tornado of fire around them, and using it to absorb strong attacks, but that's when Spike noticed one thing.. the dragons on the pages looked like the same two dragons they saw in those caves, the ones that looked over all those branches.

"Did these dragons.. make this book? If so why did they leave the book here? Was it for my mom to find it? Why?" Spike asked while he took in every page he could find, there were what could be hundreds of different spells in this book, and if Skystar's learned most of these, she may be far stronger then most of the dragons around, even Celestia or Luna may struggle against her if she used these on them..
"Who made this book? Why was it left there.. and why do I feel.. a connection to it?" Spike asked while he rubbed the cover, there was just something about this book that he didn't know yet, and under all these spells there is, something tells Spike there's something far more important then meets the eye..
"Son! Breakfast is ready!" Skystar announced which shook him out of his thoughts, he looked back at the exit and then to the book one more time and knew he had to go.
"Coming mom!" Spike shouted while he quickly put the book back in it's place like nothing happened, he then ran to the kitchen to make sure she wouldn't catch on him looking at that book.

Skystar had put the plates on the table again just as Spike had come in the room, she noticed Spike and smiled seeing him come in here.
"Hey son, did everything go alright for you?" Skystar asked while they sat next to eachother again.
"Yeah mom, everything went fine, did you think of what we could do when we see Nathen today?" Spike asked while they both began eating again, and like yesterday, it was really good, Skystar did know how to cook that's for sure.
"Well, Nathen said that he was near the hotsprings of the Dragon Lands, and that's where we're gonna start, and maybe after spending some time with him, he may be up to go to a special spot in the Everfree Forest I know of, only I know of it, and I think all of us would have a fun time there." Skystar explained which Spike was interested in.
"How did you find that place mom?" Spike asked curiously as the Everfree forest isn't the safest place for most to travel through.
"It was during the time I was.. without you, and when I found it.. it was one of the first places I've seen in a long time that had me feel relaxed, and I'm sure you'll both love it when you see it son." Skystar said softly while flinching a bit during the first part of that sentence.

Spike felt a bit sadder hearing that, it just showed how much she struggled without him during the time he was gone.
"It sounds like a nice place.. you think Nathen will be alright to come with us during that trip?" Spike asked wondering if he would be interested.
"I'm sure he will son, he's a kind drake, and I'm sure he'll be glad to spend time with you. I still can't believe he actually helped you find me.. I can't tell you the joy I felt when I finally had you in my claws again after so long.." Skystar said while she brought him closer to her again.
"Yeah.. he really helped us both so much, and we barely knew him at all, he said he was willing to adopt me if we didn't find you... and if he did end up taking me in.. it makes me wonder if I would've ever found you.." Spike said while he remembered what Nathen did for them.

"I'm sure he'd make a great father if he adopted you, I wouldn't have minded if he did, as long as he took care of you. And I don't think he would've given up on finding me knowing how long you were alone. I think we still would've met up at one point, just not as soon.." Skystar assured while they finished up they're food once again.
"Hard to believe we would've never met up.. I'm just really glad we found eachother thanks to him.." Spike said with a smile as they both really needed moments like this to appreciate eachother.
"I am too son, you ready to go to see him?" Skystar asked while she put the plates away for later, and they both began to leave the kitchen and headed to the exit together.
"Of course mom, let's go see a friend." Spike said eager to go, Skystar smiled at this and gently picked him up again.
"Then let's go to the hotsprings." Skystar said as they went out of the cave together, and Skystar soon took off into the sky's again, and they headed out to see Nathen and hoped he was doing alright.

Spike and Skystar continued to fly across the Dragon Lands again, they headed to the hot spring area that Nathen said he lived around, Spike always liked hot springs with how relaxing they are, dragons also use lava pools to relax because it's mostly the same thing but they just prefer it, even when entering the area, Spike and Skystar could see a lot of steam around the area, looking below them they saw dozens of hot spring pools below, some dragons were relaxing in them, and it looked like this was one of the more popular areas to relax in.
"Wow, to think Nathen lives here, it's really cool to see how dragons adapt and live in environments like this.." Spike said really amazed with what they're seeing right now.

"I agree son, it's showing how us dragons adapt and live in different areas, most species tend to stick to one area or so, because it's the most livable for them, but for us dragons, we like to adapt to surroundings like this, ice cold mountains, or even the sea itself, we all just like to find what's the best place to live for us, like how I like to live within the mountain by our village." Skystar explained while they flew over the place and continued searching for Nathen.
"That's really cool mom, where do you think Nathen is?" Spike asked as they tried searching for him, Skystar looked below some more and looked over all the dragons that were there, but she soon found a certain large blue dragon relaxing in the hot springs near a cave.
"I think that's him." Skystar said as they quickly flew down to him to see if he's doing alright.

Nathen was relaxing in the hot springs like there was no tomorrow, he was laying on his back while floating in the water, and just took slow and calm breaths, he always loved this place, it was one of the places that really helped him relax, but his relaxing was soon stopped when a loud thud landed nearby him which made him open his eyes.
"How long was I in there?" Nathen asked while he tried regaining focus, he got back on his feet again and looked near the edge of the hot springs, but he had a look of surprise when he saw Skystar and Spike were there to see him.
"Hey Nathen, how you doing?" Spike greeted while the two walked up to him.
"Spike! Skystar! It's great to see you here!" Nathen said while he quickly got out of the pool and shook the water off of him.
"It's good to see you too Nathen, how've you been since we last saw you?" Skystar asked while the 3 came near eachother to talk.

"I've been good, just mainly been relaxing, enjoying what I can in life, and doing some training every now and then to keep my strength up." Nathen explained while he was near Skystar, they were about the same height for comparison, but Skystar's huge wings made her a bit larger as a result.
"That's good to hear, we're glad you've been handling it well after we last saw you." Spike said with a smile while the group went into the hotsprings again for relaxing, and talking.
"Thanks kid, so what about you two? You been handling things alright since you reunited?" Nathen asked hoping they were doing good here.
"It's been wonderful Nathen, I haven't felt so much joy with my son by my side in so long, you have no idea how grateful I am for this still, it's just been.. really amazing.." Skystar said softly while staying in between the two.
"Yeah, it's been really great! I learned some more about dragon kind yesterday when we flew around the lands, I didn't think there was so much to our kind, but now that I know this, it makes me just wanna know more!" Spike said eagerly which made them both chuckle a bit.

"Glad to hear you both have been handling it well as mother and son, so what brings you here? Come to relax in the hotsprings as well?" Nathen asked while sinking into the water a bit more.
"We actually came to see if you'd like to spend time with us, we're gonna be heading to a special spot I know later today, and I was hoping you were in for a good time there?" Skystar asked which surprised him for a sec, but he smiled at the offer and already felt like he had to go.
"Of course! I haven't spent time with people in a while, but your alright with that? I don't wanna get in the way of you two spending more time together to make up for what was lost." Nathen asked making sure they were alright with it.
"We don't mind it at all Nathen, it's why we came here, and It'll only make things more fun for us if you come." Spike assured which did relieve him a little.

"Well, as long as your both alright with it.. I'll be glad to come with you both, I've been in this spring a bit too long without going out somewhere else." Nathen said while he stretched out his wings too.
"I'm glad to hear that Nathen, I haven't spent much time with anyone else since I got my son back, and you coming with us will make things better for us." Skystar said with a smile which made him feel proud a bit.
"Thanks Skystar, it's hard to believe you went so long without him, seeing you two together again after so long, it just gives me so much joy." Nathen said with a smile which they both liked to hear too.
"Hey, we wouldn't have reunited if it weren't for you Nathen, I still can't thank you enough, we both can't.." Skystar said gratefully again which made him smile even more.
"Thanks you two, would you like to come in my cave for a bit? It's best we have some time to prepare?" Nathen asked while pointing near a large cave entrance just by the hotsprings.

"I think it's best we rest a bit before we head out, but it'll be a fun day either way." Skystar said as they started getting out of the hotspring.
"Yeah, we'd be glad to take a few to prepare, it'll only give us more time together after all." Spike said while they stretched out they're bodies again.
"Glad to hear it you two, come on, friends are always welcome here." Nathen assured while they started making they're way to the cave.
"So Dragons do friends too?" Spike thought to himself while wondering what they're gonna do, Spike still has a lot of stuff to tell, but he should at least try enjoying what he has right now.

Spike and Skystar followed they're way into the cave with Nathen, looking around the place, Spike could see it's a good place to live, there were different paths that led to other rooms in the cave, there were plenty of gems on the walls and even some furniture for holding items, Spike could see a kitchen to his right, a large bedroom with a horde or gems to the left, and ahead of them was a spare room for anyone who needed some space.
"Wow, this place is really nice Nathen, you live by yourself here?" Spike asked while they looked around the place with interest.
"Yeah, I've had this cave for decades now, I've always stayed here because it's the place I feel the most comfortable with. I don't get any thieves trying to steal my gems, and I always keep the place in shape to keep myself busy." Nathen explained while Skystar looked around for anyone else here.
"This cave seems large enough for multiple dragons, did you ever have anyone else with you when you got this place?" Skystar asked hoping he did, but Nathen's smile soon started to fade being asked that, which meant they hit a sensitive question for him.

"I.. mainly like to live alone here, while I would gladly take in any child who needs a home, I've mainly been.. alone here for a long time.. and it's one of the few places that still helps me relax.." Nathen said while he was looking a bit sad, even though they didn't want to go deeper into this, they needed to help they're friend out with what he's going through.
"Nathen, please tell us why, I know we shouldn't be getting into your space like this, but we both know what it's like being alone, I do, please tell us what's happened.." Skystar asked while coming near his side, he sighed being asked that, he didn't want to have to talk to them about this, at least not for a long time, but now they see he has a problem of his own, and needs to explain it.
"It's.. something that's hard to explain you two.. while I lived alone here for a long time.. it wasn't.. always like this.." Nathen explained while he went over to a shelf, and Spike could see a photo on the thing while Nathen picked it up.

He had a sad look on his face and even had a tear come down, and when Spike and Skystar looked at it too, they saw Nathen was with another dragoness who looked a lot like him, they were in front of the cave and were smiling together, they didn't have an egg on them, but they looked happy together.
"Nathen, who's that?" Spike asked taking a closer look at it.
"That.. is.. was.. my mate.. Sapphire.. she was the best thing that ever came into my life.. and she was what really made my life whole.." Nathen said softly while he started to cry, they could tell something sad happened to him during his time with her.
"What happened Nathen? What happened to her..?" Skystar asked looking at it too.
"She.. passed away from a terrible illness.. she couldn't recover from it.. no matter what I did to find something to help her.. she just.. passed on.. and I was left alone.. I didn't have a child to raise.. and I didn't feel like I was good enough for another dragon after she passed.." Nathen explained which made them feel remorse for him when hearing this.

Skystar looked really sad being told that, and it was so similar to how she lost her former mate, and then lost her son..
"I.. can understand this pain.. I lost my mate too because of something similar, but I feel like you had it easier.. while you didn't have a child to raise.. I did.. and when I lost my Flamestar.. I never felt like I could be a proper mother.." Skystar said with regret while they all took in this moment.
"You two huh? What happened with you after you lost him? For me.. no matter how much I tried to brush it off.. try to relax to take my mind off it.. no matter what I did.. the memory of her passing is something I can't forget.. and I don't think I.. ever will.." Nathen said sadly while he was crying from the thought, he remembered the day he met her, he saved her from a gang of bad dragons who almost attacked her for any gold she had, but he stepped in and saved her life, and since then, they spent so much time together to the point they became mates, and it was the happiest time Nathen ever felt during his life..
"It's hard to describe it.. even after I lost my son and fell into depression.. I couldn't find anything that could help me get better, no matter what gold I collected, the dozens of combat skills and fire spells I've learned, or the support my village gave me, I never truly recovered from it.. even when I have my son with me now.. I'm just.. afraid if something will take him from me again.." Skystar said while looking at her claws, they were shaking a bit, and she could only make a green spark of fire to prove her point.

Spike felt awful hearing what's happened to them both, Spike knows it's hard for someone to accept a loss.. but there are just times when it can't be accepted.
"Mom.. Nathen.. I'm really sorry for what's happened.. to think you went through so much loss.. and especially when mom lost me.. it's hard to properly describe how much regret I feel for this.." Spike said while he gave his mother another hug who began to cry too.
"It's impossible to get over the loss of someone you love son.. losing you is like losing a part of myself.. my Emerald meant so much to me.. and when he died.. I never knew if I could properly raise you if you did hatch.. and even if I have you back.. even I'm struggling to figure out how to plan everything out with you back in my life.. after so many years of you being gone.." Skystar said while hugging him too, Nathen needed the support too, and they all had a group hug to comfort eachother.

"I didn't think there would be someone who's known what I felt.. but hearing that you went through so much like I did.. even worse then me.. I can't truly say how sorry I am for all of it.." Nathen said regretfully while they helped eachother with their loss.
"Me neither Nathen.. but knowing you went through the pain I did.. it only makes what you did with me seeing my son again.. it just makes me see why your mate loved you.. and I'm glad to know even if she died.. she died with a perfect mate.." Skystar said softly while Nathen smiled softly again hearing that, he hadn't heard something like this from anyone in a long while, and hearing this from her made things so much nicer to hear.
"Thank you Skystar.. Spike.. having someone like you here.. it's what I've needed for a long time.." Nathen said gratefully while they all looked at eachother.
"Hey, you did a lot for us even when just meeting us, it shows us how kind you are, and we can't let a friend be in a state like this.." Spike assured as well while Nathen wiped away the tears from hearing that.
"Thank you so much, I didn't want others to feel this same pain.. so knowing you two have eachother again.. it only makes me more glad I met you.." Nathen replied with a smile while Skystar stopped crying too.
"I can't say again how much I appreciate you for this, a kind drake like you doing this for others, it only makes me wish I met you sooner.. so we could help eachother with our loss.." Skystar said while she rubbed his head a bit.
"Yeah, but what's important now is that we're together again, and we have you to thank Nathen. We only wish to help you in return." Spike assured again while smiling too.

"Thank you, both of you. I'm sure over time, the more we spend time with eachother, the closer we'll be." Nathen said gladly as they all stopped crying after this comfort.
"Your welcome Nathen, I think we'll have a great time together too, we'll head out for the spot I know in the Everfree Forest soon, it'll be a great time for us to bond." Skystar said getting a little eager to go.
"That sounds great! With you two here, I think we'll all have a great time together." Spike said with a thumbs up which made Nathen chuckle.
"Whatever makes you both happy, I'll gladly come with you, let's just take in a moment to rest, then we'll head out in a bit alright?" Nathen asked while they started moving to a living room of sorts to relax.
"Sounds good guys.. I can't wait.." Spike said as they went to take in some time together, even with Spike's problem right now, seeing his mom and Nathen bond over a loss like this is really great to him, and he only hopes he'll help them out more in the future.. that is.. until he properly finds out how to explain this to both them, and Twilight and the others..