The Impact of Humans on Ponies

by the koopanater

The Canterlot Battle Pt. 3

This was it. The real threat to Canterlot was revealed, and she was under everyone's noses. With the changeling taking the spotlight, she chuckled.

"Hmph, you really are quite the annoyance." The changeling said. "But as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!" The humans all growled at her, Flint taking action before anyone and raised his pistol at her and fired a few shots at her. Unfortunately, the changeling queen saw this and blocked it with her magic, red dust scattering.

"Yeah, saw that comin'." Alex shrugged, putting his bat onto his shoulder.

"They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!" Cadence announced.

“Oh, I doubt that. Isn’t that right, dear?” The changeling replied, looking over to Shining Armor with a grin and magic glowing.

“Mm-hmm.” Shining nodded with a black stare. The heroes realized that he was under her complete control.

"So that magic Twilight mentioned was a mind control spell!" Jasmine said with worry. Cadence tried to approach, but was cut off.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Queen Chrysalis shook her head with an arrogant smirk on her face. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you." Forced to back down, everyone waited with their guards up. "Ever since I took Cadance’s place, I’ve been feeding off Shining Armor’s love for her. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.”

"Wait, what?!" Xavier dashed over to the windows of the cathedral and raised his holo-scope, eyes shrinking when he saw that massive swarm that was bashing the dome. "She's right, they've got us surrounded."

“He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now.” The changeling taunted, playing with Shining Armor. "And, I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard."

"Not my Shining Armor!"

"Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!"

"No. You won't." A calm yet furious voice rang out from Celestia. "You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects-" Suddenly, Celestia rushed the queen and clashed horns, grappling for a moment before taking to the sky and charging her magic. "-from you!" With a blast of magic from both, each side clashed with their magic, though the changeling looked like she was struggling.

"Gettem Celestia!" Suddenly, the tide between the clash changed as the green beam began to encroach closer to Celestia. It kept going until it connected to her horn, giving her a brief time to panic before an explosion and flash of light rang out. When everyone opened their eyes again, they all had their eyes on the princess, who was on the ground with a smoking horn.

"Princess Celestia!" Panic ensued, realizing their great princess wasn't strong enough to beat the changeling. Even the foe was shocked as the heroes ran to their ally, but that changed quickly.

"Ah! Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought! Consuming it has made me even more powerful than Celestia!"

"What do we do?!" Alex asked worried as he and Flint stood between the bug and the others.

"The Elements of Harmony. You must get to them and use their power to defeat the queen." The princess uttered in a pained tone.

"Elements of what now?" Flint wondered, never taking his gaze off of the enemy.

"No time to explain, we need to go!" Xavier took charge, rallying everyone to battle. After the girls took off their dresses (Rarity was hesitant to do so) they rushed out of the cathedral with Twilight leading. Xavier took a moment to look at his unconscious friend, a look of regret on him. "Don't die on my dude, I can't do this without you."

"You can run, but you can't hide!" The queen announced with laughter, knowing it was only a matter of time before she turned the mountain city into a hive for her and her spawn.


The heroes were on hot pursuit for their goal, a swarm above chipping away at their only protection steadily. The good guys' goal was the elements, but some didn't even know their importance.

"So what exactly are we aiming for?" Huston asked. "Are these elements that strong."

"I mean I don't know the details, but they are these relics that have bearers." Cali began. "I've only seen them once, but they really are incredible."

"And the girls are able to use them." Jasmine added, impressing the guys.

"Huh, well that'll do." Suddenly they heard a cracking from above, realizing what was happening as they looked up. It wasn't before long that the barrier shattered, sending magical shards down like a hail, but that was just the tip of the dangerous iceberg, because the changelings were on the loose. And they took the opportunity, descending like green meteors onto the city.

"Go, go!" Twilight commanded, the order taking hold as everyone ran. As changelings rained onto the city, Cali, Flint, and Jasmine knocked the ones aiming near them out of the sky with their skills while Huston, Xavier, and Alex took the front to knock down any changelings that landed and rushed them. The system did get them distance, but they had to stop when they climbed some stairs and were met with a massive group of changelings.

"Looks like it's my turn to fight!" Rainbow announced, flying in to fight. At least before she ran into herself, literally as one of the changelings transformed into her and bashed her. The rest of the bugs began to change as well, turning into the mane 6 until there were no more black scales.

"“They’re Changelings, remember?” Twilight reminded her.

“They’re Changelings, remember?” A bunch of Twilight clones repeated, giving sinister smiles.

"...And that was incredibly annoying." Cali commented, grabbing her whip.

"Don't get distracted." Xavier glared at the imposters, sword in hand. "We need to get through them. The elements are that way."

"Finally! A scrap!" Alex smirked as everyone prepared themselves. "Time ta really let loose!" Both sides charged at each other, a decisive battle taking place. As Twilight and Rarity blasted changelings with magic, Rainbow, Applejack, Huston, and Alex took the fight straight into the horde, clobbering anyone that got close. Cali and Flint stayed in the back, protecting Fluttershy and Jasmine with their long- and close-range combat, the latter using her own magic to disorient changelings before a crack of the whip or shot to the head sending them away. Xavier however was a whirlwind of steel, his sword taking out anyone who got close, and only those who got close as he and his human friends knew the girls were mixed into the crowd as well. As for Pinkie, well it was easy to spot her as she had her party cannon blasting confetti everywhere. The kept fighting, and because of their willpower they were able to break through the enemy's lines. There was no time to celebrate though as the sound of insect wings grew close, and another swarm came close.

"There's no end to these guys!" Cali shouted, her and everyone booking it to reach the elements. After some more running, they finally made it to the tower that Celestia stored the elements. "Thank the lord. Let's grab those elements and-" Cali took the initiative to open the door, but they were greeted by eyes on them. Lots of bug eyes as the changelings already infested the chamber on all surfaces, and before the heroes could run they were already surrounded by more. "*sigh* of course this had to happen."

The Cathedral

"You won't get away with this!" Cadence shouted at the changeling queen, glued to the alter by green goo on her hooves next to the hypnotized groom in a sick twist of irony. Celestia wasn't doing any better as she was hanging from the ceiling via a cocoon of goo, and Zenix was still unconscious, leaning on the side of the room with goo wrapped around his body and arms. "Twilight and her friends will–" The doors opened to a terrible sight, as coming in was Twilight and her friends captured by the queen's subjects, the humans with green goo on their wrists to tie them behind their backs and their weapons confiscated.

"You were saying?" She mocked, turning to the heroes. "You do realize the reception's been cancelled, don't you? Go! Feed!" She announced, sending any changeling that was still there into the city to attack. "It's funny, really." The queen walked up to the group, using her leg to raise Twilight's head up to her. "Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along. Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct!" Twilight's pony friends all looked down with guilt, knowing that she was right. "I will say though, this creature is interesting to me." The queen's gaze turned to Xavier, a glare on his face. "I never realized that you were so violent."

"You'll be getting a much worse punishment than Shining Armor got when you're delt with, insect."

"That's Queen Chrysalis to you, monkey." She declared. "You and your kind are quite fascinating in perspective. Much keener than these wimpy ponies." She grinned, looking each one over. "I'm a reasonable ruler, so if you were to join my army, I would see to it that you have every last desire you could have when I take over this land."

"Big fat nope from me, creep." Alex growled. The other humans gave their own denials, all of them unwilling and angry.

"Hmm, such a shame. You would have been such good assets." Chrysalis said, walking over to the window of the cathedral. "No matter, everything is going to plan, and nothing will stop us."

This day has been just perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
Everypony I'll soon control
Every stallion, mare, and foal
Who says a girl can't really have it all?

As Chrysalis sung her pleasure out, Xavier observed the room for something to use. His eyes fell on Cadence and he remembered her words.

"After all, I'm afraid too. After all, I could lose the ponies I love. But I'm going to press forward. After all, everyone is counting on us."

His eyes lit up, knowing that he had to make a plan. That's when he felt something, realizing he had one last trick up his sleeve.

"Twilight." Xavier whispered to his friend. "Can you free Cadence?"

"Huh, why?"

"Just answer the question."

"I mean, I guess. But why do you want to know?"

"It's time for bad idea number two." Xavier looked directly at Chrysalis, ready to let his plan go. "Hey, bug! You're not so clever!"

"...What was that?" The queen slowly turned her head at Xavier, interest and irritation in her eyes.

"You heard me. You really think you can take over all of Equestria as a bunch of lowly insects?"

"Grr, you really are getting on my nerves." Chrysalis growled, stepping closer. "Why should I take this from some ape that doesn't realize he's outmatched."

"Because that's just humanity in a nutshell." Xavier explained. "We're stupidly tenacious to the point it's crazy. And the only reason why we fight is because we're like you, greedy and selfish. The difference between you and humanity is that we are smart, decisive, stubborn, and unyielding in their pursuits. You look for a simple answer and trickery to succeed, we fight with sweat, blood and tears. So even if you take Canterlot, you will have enemies who will never let you win."

"Enough!" She screeched, lowering her head so her horn was aimed at his head as she walked towards him. "I'm sick of you and your bragging. Why don't you-" Once she got close enough, she recoiled as a shining swipe struck her right in the left eye. As she staggered back with green blood coming out of the cut, she looked to see that Xavier was holding the balisong he held close to his heart in a backwards grip, giving it one last flourish before he held it forward.

"Like I said, never underestimate humanity's ingenuity." Xavier spoke in a low tone. As the queen raised her hoof to her face, she quickly dodged an aggressive slash aimed at her again.

"Oh you asked for it!" She practically spat venom with that threat, the two dueling it out. As everyone watched, they worried about Xavier, but Twilight knew what he was doing and used the opportunity to sneak by and reach her old foalsitter.

"Quick! Go to him while you still have the chance!" She whispered, sending a quick blast to the goo on her hooves. Freed from confinement, she rushed to finally touch the one she loved with her heart. But seeing him as nothing but a mindless drone to be used was heartbreaking to her, the only thing she could think to do was to embrace him, tears flowing. As a teardrop fell, something happened within Shining Armor, and it was caused by magic within it. And with that magic, he managed to snap out of the spell.

"Wha– where... huh?" He muttered, still loopy as Cadence grasped him harder with tears of joy flowing this time. " the wedding over?"

"Huh, WHAT!?" Chrysalis noticed this, and her fury became even greater. She saw Xavier about to lunge at her, but she knocked him down and stepped onto him. "YOU! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" She began to press harder into him, causing him to feal great pain. "STARTING WITH YOU!"

"Xavier!" Rainbow called out, trying to fly up to her friend. But yet again, an attack was sent her way, this time a green beam of magic.


"Your spell! Perform your spell!" Twilight called with panic to her brother. He reacted by trying, but his magic simply fizzled with lackluster flare.

"No! My power is useless now. I don't have the strength to repel them."

"It's not like it would help." Chrysalis sneered, watching Xavier squirm and try to break free. "My changelings have already overrun the city."

"My love will give you strength." Cadence declared as she got close to the captain.

"What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment." As Chrysalis focused on crushing Xaiver slowly, Shining Armor tried again. This time, Cadence touched her horn to his in a show of support, but a bright light came from that touch. The power was incredible to the point the couple wasn't even expecting it, but they simply embraced it and letting it flourish.

"Hmm? NO!" The changeling queen noticed this too and gave an irritated yet panicked shout as she tried to reach them. Tried to as she was stopped by a hand grabbing her leg.

"Checkmate, insect." With a final flash, a bright, pink wave of magic was sent out of the loving couple's hearts. The magic simply passed over the heroes, but it was another story for the changelings. As it passed them, they were pushed with great force alongside it, any goo and hive they created evaporating as well. Each and every last one were sent flying out of the city and scattered to the wind, with one last scream of rage from their queen. Once the light dimmed and the couple landed, they embraced in loving passion.

"Well, that was somethin'." Alex sighed as he and his fellow humans fell onto their rears.

"And this happens often?" Flint asked.

"Yep." Jasmine and Cali answered with a sigh.

"Zenix!" Everyone turned to Xavier running clumsily towards Zenix who was still unconscious, leaning down to him. "Hey, wake up! C'mon, please..." Xavier gave the merchant a light shake, seeming desperate. "I-I can't lose you..."

"...Nnnnyyyaaaaa...." A groan could be heard, and Xavier lit up as he saw Zenix moving. "Is this hell?"

"ZENIX!!" He was woken up when he was jerked forward for a hug.

"...Well looks like I'm not dead." He gave a light cackle, patting his friend on the back. "So I'm guessing everything is good?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Heh, you did good. Proud of ya."

"Thanks." Pushing himself off, Xavier looked Zenix in the eyes with a calm smile. At least before his eyes began to morph into swirls and a nervous smile, falling over.

"Xavier!" His friends panicked, realizing how much he exerted himself recently. As they were about to run to him...

"*sigh* You've pushed yourself quite a lot, huh?" Zenix simply dusted him off while looking around. "I can only imagine how many bugs you had to cut down. I truly wish I helped more, I have a feeling some bug spray would help." His eyes locked onto Xavier's balisong, and with a slightly unsteady stand up, he walked over and picked up the blade and closed it with care. "Hey Jasmine, mind helping me bring him to his room?"

"Huh? Oh, right!" Jasmine ran over to Xavier, and with Zenix's help, they both held him up with each of them on one side.

"Right, just take it slow." Zenix walked slowly with Jasmine, stopping when he passed the others. "I think we should put the wedding on pause at least until tomorrow. We're all tired after all, and this will need a serious talk after what happened before." Everyone watched as Zenix and Jasmine carried Xavier away, knowing that he was right. What would happen tomorrow would be something that needed discussion.