That's What Little Colts Are Made Of

by Jomm the Dino

Letting It Out

Letting It Out

(WARNING: This Chapter contains a disturbing scene. May change rating if needed. I hope you know I CRIED while writing this chapter. ENJOI!!!!111)

Snails woke up in his room. He felt weird. He felt…light. And his room didn’t look the same. ALL of his furniture was gone, the paint was chipping off of his walls, it had an awful smell, and his bed wasn’t exactly a bed, It was a piece of cardboard with a poorly drawn pillow on it.

“Where am I?” He asked himself.

He tried to get up, but felt this unbearable pain in his head. However, he fought through it. He stumbled to his door and walked downstairs. He saw the Mane Six, The CMCs, Featherweight, Silver Spoon, Pip, Dinky, Ditzy, Twist, and Spike.

“Hey guys. Wh-“ He was interrupted by a hoof to the snout, delivered by Twilight. Snails was fazed by the hit.

“What do you think your doing here, Down syndrome?” She said with hate in each word. Snails couldn’t believe his ears.

“Twi-“ He was interrupted by another hoof to the face, this time delivered by Applejack.

“Yeah, down syndrome.” Applejack laughed.

Snails recovered from the hit. “Wha-….what’s going on? Yo-“

Rainbow Dash bucked him hard. “What’s going on is that we have no use for mentally disfigured wastes of time, like you.” She growled.

He slowly got up. “Guys-“

The rest of the ponies (and dragon; aside from Twist) started to grab random items. They then trotted closely to Snails. Snails could feel his blood rushing to his head.

“Uhh…g-g-guys…what ar-“ He didn’t finish. His friends started to hit him hard. He could feel his bones cracking, and he felt bits of glass enter his body. Soon the adults joined in.

Why are they doing this?

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Shouted a voice that came from a bright light. The ponies back away from him.


The regal mare landed beside him. She had a very venomous look on her face. She open her mouth.

“Save some for me.”

She looked over at the petrified unicorn with the most evil grin on her face.

“Wha…?” Was all his body could speak. He was instantly surrounded by a solid red fire. Her horn glowed red also. The fire gave off this blue gas, in which Snails inhaled. He started to cough. He then felt liquid come from his mouth. The liquid was red.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He screamed.

Celestia chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, this is what I do with all of the rather…. useless ponies of Equestria. It’s my personal way of saying ‘You wasting my time and space. So if you won’t kill yourself then I will.’”

“But, I don’t want to die!”

Celestia smiled. “Hmm? Because last time I checked, you were planning to kill yourself.” She said as the glow intensified. The pain was unbearable.

“AAHHH!! PLEASE SPARE ME!” He screeched.

“No…I don’t think I will.” She sneered. “Besides, don’t you want to be with your parents?”

The gas was building quickly. He felt on his lower jaw. It was almost to the ground. His tongue, throat and teeth were hanging on his left cheek, and it was a bloody mess. He tried to pick it up, but his hooves were gone. All that remained was bone.

“Now time for the family reunion!” Celestia yelled as her horn glowed black.

The ground Snails was standing on was a black void with white, spiked chains on it. Then a pair of black hooves and a pair of white hooves reached from the ground and grabbed him.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! NOOOO! HELP ME!” He screamed. He looked at Twist, who looked at him with hatred.

“I would help you, but I’m busthy at the moment.” She said as she started to kiss Stinger.

“NOOOOOOO!” The hooves dragged him into the ground.

White Flash…

He woke up in a pile of sweat. He felt his face, and sure enough it was in one piece. But he wasn’t in bed; he was in a field, full of flowers, butterflies and rainbows.

“H-h-hello?” He called out, fearing he may get attacked again.


Snails’ eye were pinpoints. He was shocked at the voice he heard. “…….mom?”

My son…..

“DAD?!” He shouted as another voice called out. “WHERE ARE YOU?” He frantically raced everywhere to find the source of the voices.

“Right here, my son.” Said a feminine voice. Snails slowly followed the voice to a tree.

“Look around, Snails.” Said the masculine voice. Snails did as he was told. Behind the tree…. was a pony with a picnic basket, sitting on a red and white picnic blanket. The pony was a turquoise stallion, muscular, and had blue eyes, and had a curly green Afro. He also had a soul patch, green also. His tail was short and rough cut. He had a saltshaker for a cutie mark.

“Hello, my son.” He spoke.

“…” Snails spoke as tears formed in his eyes.

“Awwww… don’t cry sweetie…” Spoke a feminine voice. Snails turned around to find a yellow mare with a long-flowing blue mane and tail. Her eyes, like the stallions, were blue, and she wore big, blue glasses. She also had freckles. Her cutie mark was a blue sun.

“…mom…” Tears were no flowing down Snails’ face. The mare embraced the colt in a warm hug.

“I’ve missed you…” he hiccupped.

“We’ve missed you too.” The stallion came over and joined in the hugged them.

“We will always be with you…..Snails..” the mare said as she let go. The stallion released from the embrace as well.

“Wh-where are you going? Dad? MOM?!” He called out to them. They sat on the picnic blanket.

The picnic blanket was engulfed in flames. Snails was horrified.

“MOM!! DAD!!” He shouted. It was terrible. He could smell the flesh burning, he could see his parents falling apart.

Never forget us…..Snails….we will always be with you….

Snails just watched in pure horror as his parents were burned. Then he looked down, and saw the same black hole with chains. He felt his skin burn. He saw his flesh bubble from the intense heat.

“Oh dear merciful Celestia…..ohnononononononononononononononononononoNO! MOM! DAD! HELP ME!”



… with



He felt his eye falling out. Then he felt hooves grab him and drag him, but before he could be completely dragged, he saw his life flash before his eyes. The deaths of his parents, the beatings, the bullying, all of it was crystal clear.



Snails woke up as he gasped of air. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he had a really bad nosebleed. He looked around, and the first thing he noticed that he was in his bed. He also noticed that it was dawn out. His right leg and left arm were back in casts. Then he heard hoofsteps, his mind went in full defense mode. The first face he saw was Twilight’s then the other Mane 5. Then he saw the CMCs, Featherweight, Silver Spoon, Pip, Dinky, Ditzy, Twist, Banks, and Spike.

“Are you alright?! We heard screaming!” Twilight trotted towards him. She tried sooth him by patting his back, but he quickly backed away.

“STAY AWAY FROM ME!” he shouted as he fell out of the bed, and ran towards the door, limped rather.

Rainbow gently grabbed him. “Woah there take it easy.” Snails went into full-panic mode.

“NO!!!!!!!NONONONONONONO!!!!!” he screamed as he ran towards the door.

“Whoa mate!” Pip said as he was pushed out of the way. Snails hastily limped downstairs and started to raid the drawers. He pulled out the tool he was looking for……a knife.

The other ponies came downstairs and kitchen to find Snails holding the knife to his neck with his magic. Spike was the first to come down, and was terrified at what he found. He backed up with his arms spread to his sides to push the other ponies back. They came down, and shared the same look as Spike.

“Snails…..don’t…..” Snips spoke quietly. Tears threatening to fall out at any moment.

“My baby…please don’t…..” Banks choked.

“Kid, please don’t…” Rainbow Dash spoke up.

The CMC joined in as well. “You have so much to live for….” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah….it doesn’t have to end like this…” Apple Bloom spoke up.

“We’ll work something out…..” Sweetie Belle said gently.

“Mate…..” Pip mumbled.

“Omigosh….” Featherweight was more scared than sad.

“Why shouldn’t I end this?” Snails said with a shaky voice.

Twilight stepped forward. “Because this would be an act of pure selfishness. Think of all of the people you would hurt, Snails.”

Snails felt a chord snap in his brain. Selfish?


Everypony was quiet. They knew he was right. Twilight went up to his room, while everypony else stayed downstairs.

“Snails?” she asked.

“GO AWAY!” she shouted.

“Snails, I just want to talk.” She started. “What made you say all of that?”

Snails froze. He did NOT want to explain the nightmare.

“Things…” he said, tears still running down his eyes.

Twilight nodded. “What kinds of ‘things’? She sat on his bed.

It’s now or never.

Snails sighed and told her everything and every detail about the dream. Twilight…was frankly shocked and disgusted.

“Snails….I…we…would never hurt you….in that extreme…or ever…” Twilight whispered. She wrapped his hooves around him.

“BUT IT WAS SO REAL!!!! I CAN’T UNSEE THEM!!!” He cried hysterically.

“Snails….look at me….look at me sweetie…it was just a nightmare…no one going to harm you…” She assured him.

Snails cried harder. “It’s okay sweetheart, just let it all out. You need this….no one’s going to stop you….”


Sweetie Belle was wrapped in a hug from Scootaloo, in fact, all of the ponies were hugging one another.

“I-I-I just don’t understand.” Sweetie hiccupped. “Why…”

“Shhh…don’t overwork yourself….” Scootaloo also hiccupped.

Twilight came downstairs and sat on the couch.

“How is he?” Banks shot at her.

“He’s fine…he tired himself out, but he’ll be fine.” Twilight answered.

“Why would he go to that extreme?” Twist asked.

Twilight hesitated, then spoke. “…..It’s sort of a long story….”

“We have time.” Rarity explained.

Twilight took a deep breath. She then told the horrifying details of Snails’ nightmare.

Yeah…shorter than usual…….kinda didn’t end on the note I wanted it to….. BTW I’m still looking for a beta-reader! PM ME FPR DETAILS! R&R!

Another thing, instead of flaming, just tell me what I need to fix. Example- I need to stop adding a lot of characters if I can’t give them a role.