//------------------------------// // Sho..Shocking // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// "I'm sorry what was that?" Twilight asked standing up. I looked back at Celestia before giving off a sigh. "Nothing noting at all." I said before grabbing my new car keys. Yea I got a car again all ready deal with it. This car I determined not to crash, or almost die in same difference. "What was that about?" Twilight asked Celestia. "I wish I could tell you, but I think I'll just wait and see what happens." Celestia told Twilight. "Ok then." Twilight said confused. Celestia just gave off a small chuckle. "Well I'll be waiting to see how this turns out in Canterlot." Celestia sighed out. "You're leaving all ready?" Twilight asked with a bit of sorrow in her voice. "Like your friends I too am very busy." Celestia told Twilight, while giving her student a nuzzle. "I'll miss you." Twilight said. "I'll miss you more." Celestia sighed out, before she vanished. I quickly walked back into the apartment before grabbing something, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Hey roomy what's going on?" Twilight asked. I just passed her before lighting a cigarette, I took a deep inhale letting the smoke enter my lungs. I exhaled a little of it out, before I started walking back into my room and pulled out my wallet. "So are you ready to go play borderlands 2?" Twilight asked. I still ignored her and grabbed a cup of coffee. "You told me we were gonna play it together." Twilight said reminding me. "I know fully well what I told you." I said giving her an angry look. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I quickly pulled it open. "Hey Jake what's up man?" I asked him. Twilight just sat there confused, she wondered what she did to piss me off. "No way you're kidding a couple hundred for only performing for an hour?" I asked with joy in my voice. "Plus I can take two others with me." I said in shock. "Yea I have a few people I can take with me." I said I accidentally put the phone on speaker. "So are you going to take the unicorn with you?" Jake asked me. I looked down at her and laughed. "What unicorn?" I asked Jake. "The one living with you." Jake sighed out. "Oh that one um what's her name?" I asked out loud. "It's Twilight come on Tyler this isn't funny, what did I do?" Twilight asked me. "Oh yea that one, nah I think I'd rather rip up the free passes then give her one." I told Jake. "Ouch that's gotta sting hearing that." Jake said before hanging up on me. I saw Twilight start to cry a bit, I ignored it grabbing my guitar and amp. "Hey Twilight." I said to her. "Yes?" Twilight asked me, her ears perking up. "You wanna get the door for me." I said motioning to it. "Sure thing." Twilight said closing the door, she followed me out to the car. "That was a good joke, not wanting me to go with you." Twilight chuckled. "Oh that was no joke, I meant every word of it." I said throwing the cigarette next to her, I quickly lit up another one and laughed at her. "Although the look on your face is priceless just....when you pretended not to hear what I asked you earlier." I told Twilight. "What are you talking about I woke up, and you were just acting like a child." Twilight told me. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her. "Did you even think to maybe notice, but no I just wake up with a passed out Twilight on me." I started off. "What are you even getting out, besides me laying on top of you?" Twilight asked. "I only you know asked a question I thought would mean a lot to both of us, but hey I guess not I was a fool to ever ask you Twilight Sparkle, by next week your new roommate should be here." I said. "A new roommate what are you talking about?" Twilight asked me. "All I have to do is make a call and I'll be moving, but it depends on how I'm feeling after tonight." I said. " Why are you acting like this please tell me!" Twilight begged as a few tears hit the ground. "Maybe I'll tell you later tonight, but who knows I might not be back for a while. Girls love a guy who can perform, so if you get the drift you'll understand why I might not show up tonight." I said opening the trunk to my new 2013 Viper. I heard footsteps approaching the car, I turned around to see Jay. "Whoa I'm so jealous of you right now." Jay said staring at the car. "Perks of rich grandparents, all I had to do was show em my grades." I chuckled. "So then you playing or being DJ tonight?" Jay asked me. I pointed to the guitar and amp. "Alright have fun, looks like my ride is here...although one day maybe you should give me a ride in the beauty." Jay told me. I just gave him a we'll see look and put the amp and guitar in the trunk. "Well have fun by your self." I said throwing the free passes on the ground. I took off much faster compared to the Mustang. "This is amazing!" I shouted shifting gears. "Hmm two free passes, I think I can have some fun with Katie." Twilight said pulling out her phone. "Can you believe her she just acted like, she had no idea what I said." I said angrily waiting at a red light. "Ok the fact is I'm jealous of your new car, but I mean maybe she has no idea you asked her out." Katie told me trying to calm me down. "I don't know but I'll talk to you later, they needed some one to fill in for guitar." I told Katie opening the door to the car before I hung up. "Come on pick up." Twilight mumbled to her self. "Hey Twilight I just talked to Tyler, so what's up between you two?" Katie asked on the phone. "Well can you pick me up to start if off please?" Twilight asked. She stared at the tickets, at the bar called the Place With No Name. "Um sure I can." Katie told Twilight. Twilight gave a sigh of relief before hanging up. I walked in seeing a rather large crowd in the bar, my adrenaline started to kick in. I walked in and everything seemed to slow down, I heard the people talking some of their conversations were rather interesting. "That your car out there?" I heard someone ask me. "Um yea....why." I said setting down the guitar and amp. "How the hell does a college student afford that?" The man asked me. "Grandparents." I chuckled walking up to the people, they were called the Rugged Bandits. "Interesting name." I said setting my stuff down. "So your the one we heard of, think you can keep up with us?" The lead sing asked. "Sure I've been told you have some pretty good covers." I said. I knelt down and plugged in the amp, I connected everything and took a deep breath. I smelt the strong smell of alcohol, in the brick layout of the bar. The floors were covered with people, and not a surprise ponies. "Good evenings colts, gentlemen, mares, and ladies, put your hooves and hands together for the Rugged Bandits." A pony announcer said. "Hey all you drunks out there, let's get started shall we with some Pain by Three Days Grace." The leader singer announced in the microphone. 'Easy enough.' I thought taking a deep breath. "So why is he acting like a child?" Twilight asked. "You really don't know do you?" Katie asked looking at Twilight. Katie saw the Black Viper and turned her car. I stopped playing guitar in the middle of the song. "I'm sorry but I can't play right now." I said packing my things up and leaving the bar. I sighed my head rushing with thoughts about today. I looked at the pack of cigarettes before throwing them to the ground, I threw the amp and guitar in the car. "Hey kid what was that about?" The unicorn announcer asked. "Girl...er mare problems." I sighed. The announcer just chuckled. "Ha better hope they're not a unicorn...they have some much rather crazier mode swings. You know like being able to use magic on you." The announcer told me. "Well yea it's a unicorn." I said shutting the trunk. "Oh sweet Celestia be strong, but hey maybe the unicorn is not so well with magic. What's the mares name kid?" The announcer asked me. "Twilight Sparkle you heard of her?" I asked. "You mean the element of magic, I can't help you out there kid. Her special talent is freaking magic." The announcer told me. I watched him quickly dart back into the bar. "No I don't really know." Twilight sighed out. "Look he asked you out this morning, and he thought you were just plain out ignoring him." Katie told Twilight. "Wait he asked me out!?" Twilight asked, her eyes went wide with shock. Katie just nodded at Twilight. I picked the pack of cigarettes up, the cold pavement chilled my hand a little bit. "I'm so stupid I should have payed attention, then I could have said yes. But now he probably hates me right now, or maybe he will hate me forever." Twilight said, her imagination starting to get the best of her. "Come on Twilight he'll forgive you I promise." Katie assured Twilight, by grabbing her in the eyes. Twilight calmed down a little bit before giving an nod. I started the car, I looked up and grabbed my Hollywood Undead CD Swan Songs. I smiled before putting it in. I looked to my side and saw Katie's parents truck. I rolled down my window, I was shocked to see Katie roll down her window. "Hey there kiddo." Katie chuckled. "Well this sure is a surprise." I told Katie. "So I thought you were not supposed to be quitting for a while, what happened to that?" Katie asked. "Eh you know the Twilight bullshit, but hey you know it's a Friday. So I think I'll do a few street races, you know maybe win me a couple thousand." I said with a smirk on my face. "You are lucky you can get away with that stuff, you know your life is easy." Katie told me. "Maybe but I think I'm blessed." I said. "Maybe because your step dad is a cop and you have a rich dad and grandparents." Katie giggled. "Yea well I'll see you before I change apartments." I said. I tried to shift my car, but for some reason my hand wouldn't move. I tried to move my legs and saw they were froze, I heard a door in the truck open. I closed my eyes hearing hoof steps on the parking lot. "If your here to kill me, just get it over with quickly...also try not to splatter to much blood on the car." I said keeping my eyes closed. I heard the car door open, I kept my eyes closed in fear of what was going to happen. "Tyler open your eyes, she is not going to kill you." Katie told me. "She?" I asked not really wanting to open my eyes. I felt the fur on the pony on my skin, I quickly opened my eyes and saw Twilight really close to my face. I tried to move my body, but it was still stuck in place. I saw her lean in towards me, I was wondering what the hell was about to happen. I was shocked when I saw her press her lips against mine, at first I was freaked out. But then I felt her pull away from my lips, I just sat there in shock. I heard Twilight giggle. "You know you can move again." Twilight told me. "Ye-yea...I kno-know...I'm still in shock." I stammered out. "By the way the answer to the question you asked, well my answer is yes." Twilight told me with a bit of blush, that was visible through her lavender cheeks. I still sat there in shock at what just happened in less then one minute. "Aww how adorable, but hey kiddos let's get home." Katie said breaking the awkward tension. I snapped back into reality, I nodded and quickly shut my door. I saw Twilight walking to Katie's car, I spoke up not knowing what to say. "Um Katie if you don't mind, I would like it if my girlfriend rode with me." I said seeing Twilight turn around. "It's marefriend by the way coltfriend." Twilight told me. "Um yea I meant marefriend, by the way you call me a boyfriend." I corrected Twilight. 'I really think this couple is going for a huge train wreck, or for a total success.' Katie thought. Twilight opened the door and jumped in the car. "Wow this car is really nice." Twilight said "I know right." I chuckled before taking off.