//------------------------------// // Freedom is just a jump away... // Story: The Adventures of Arcane // by Blaze Mane //------------------------------// In the embers of the recently destroyed dark tower stood a lone figure. He was a young man dressed in strange colored robes covered in dark purple and orange streaks. He clutched a dark oak staff carved with arcane runes of power,and a hilt of a longsword that rested at his waist, he looked over the destruction wrought before him and hummed. "Ah,the Arcane Sorcerer there you are." Turning the young man observed a behemoth in metal plate armor come to join him. "How are you paladin?" the Sorcerer asked. "Evil has been vanquished, peace restored and the kingdom is safe." The behemoth laughed heartily, "I'd say it's a grand day." The Sorcerer nodded his agreement and continued to observe around him. "You may as well say it." The Sorcerer huffed. The behemoth nodded sadly, "The king himself and his council wishes to place you on trail, you skills of arcane magic worry them and they believe if they don't keep an eye on you, you may turn out to be like the warlock and another war may follow." The Sorcerer yelled angrily. "I've risked my own life to protect these people, I've nearly given them everything and after all this they wish to throw me into a dungeon to rot for eternity or to execute me." The behemoth waved his hands, "If it was up to me you would receive a medal and be left to your own. Don't shoot the messenger." The Sorcerer clutched the bridge of his nose and sighed." My apologizes, my anger should be directed else where, may I have a few minutes to think to myself?" The behemoth nodded and left the Sorcerer to give him a minute. "I'll wait down at the camp, I wish there was some other way, friend." After the hulking paladin left the Sorcerer extended his mind and searched the tower's remains. If he could find any lingering arcane energy he might be able to transport himself far away...Of course the king's agents would try to search for him so he would have to go far, really far. "There," the Sorcerer breathed. Pushing aside a few fallen stones he found a small whitewash orb humming with energy, the dark warlock has constructed many of these disposable orbs to hold energy for later used, perhaps the Sorcerer could learn to as well, they where certainly useful. When he picked up the orb trials of energy shot up his arm causing him to feel a tingling sensation. He began to draw the energy out of the orb and began to focus it, lightning shot from the orb to the ground and arcane glyphs glowed as a circle began to form around him. The orb leaped from his hand and hovered before him, then the orb began to grow a bright white, the spell was almost complete. "Sorcerer i was thinking,WHAT ARE YOU DOING" The Sorcerer turned to the paladin and tipped his pointed hat, "Give the King my regards." And with that, the Sorcerer was gone. The next thing the Sorcerer knew he was face first on the stone ground. When he got up he was surrounded by, nothing. He looked around only to find the floor he stood on, a wooden door behind him and everything else was complete blackness. Finding nothing else he hesitantly opened the door, after stepping through he was in a hallway, there was doors placed evenly on each side, where the walls and ceiling should be was complete darkness. The floor was an odd smooth stone that ran in each direction for as far as the eye could see. The Sorcerer slowly waved his hand where the wall should be, there was simply nothing. The knowledge of that sent a tingle up his spine. He turned, swearing he felt something watching him. "Hello?" The Sorcerer called out. "Hello." a dark voice returned. "Oh, well hello there, where ever you are."The Sorcerer searched but he could not find the speaker. "Hello"the voice said again. "Do you say anything else?" "Yes." "Where am I?" "Look behind you." Behind him was the same oak door, except for inscribed on it was Lyannic, his home kingdom, in the door was a relief of men, dwarves, elves and so forth. "This is your realm from where you came." The voice lacked emotion and was eerie, "If you wish to travel to another realm open a door, at least that's what most come here to do." "And what is this place?" "A gateway, and little more." "Thank you for your help," The Sorcerer waited but the voice did not reply. The Sorcerer began looking at other doors to see what they held. Many had strange gibberish on them that made little sense and on the doors where reliefs of strange creatures many with multiple arms or covered in spikes and depicted lava or volcanoes. "Doesn't seem like the friendliest of places," the Sorcerer continued and hoped for one that seemed more, friendly. While many doors depicted battles and wars one was completely different. One door was labeled as "Equ-es-tria" or seemed like it, some letters had odd shapes above them and some letters looked completely different from his own alphabet and small horses ran around each other while a sun and moon where aloft about them. "Horses?"The Sorcerer wondered aloud. "Ponies," the voice corrected. "How do you say the realms name? Equstian, Equinstria?..." "Equestria." Deciding this was probably the best he could find on short notice he opened the door and stepped through. In the blank room he entered the only thing noticeable was a circle, with an arcane triangle etched with glyphs cut into the ground. "So how does this work, do i cast some spell or.." "Step in the circle," the voice said. With slow steps the Sorcerer drew nearer to the circle. "So is this a hundred percent safe or?" "It is." the voice said. "Step in the circle." The Sorcerer did slowly and carefully and waited. "Do you wish to enter their realm as a pony?" The Sorcerer blinked a few times, it was certainly an odd question. "Um do i keep my powers or?" The Sorcerer asked hesitantly. "Can i go as i am?" "You will keep your abilities, if you wish to return to your current form all you have to do is think of what you looked like and I will change you there after you speak "Returnus Form". If you wish to return to the gateway say "Returnus Gateway" and I will bring you back. Should you nearly perish do you wish to return.?" "Yes dying would be bad. I guess i can try life as a pony" The Sorcerer laughed nervously. "Very well." The voice replied in its emotionless tone. Apparently it didn't appreciate humor. "Enjoy your journey." The circle flared a brilliant white and the Sorcerer felt himself getting smaller his skin itched as it felt like water was flowing over him, his clothes disappeared and he was instantly covered in fur and was on all fours, the ground dissipated beneath him and he fell through it. At first he was surrounded by darkness, but then a light appeared in front of him. When he tried to walk to it he fell. After picking himself up he slowly shuffled forwards until he nearly reached the light. Stretching one of his new arms he touched the light and was pulled through it. When he arrived at his new destination he was standing precariously on a steep hill. "Uh oh." was all he could say as he fell forwards and tumbled down the hill. After a lot of "oof's" and "ow's" he reached the bottom. "Not the best way to start a new day." The Sorcerer looked about him, beside him was his trusty pointed hat, a little cloak beside it and a pair of bags. As he tried to pick the hat up he was presented with a problem, hooves. After a few minutes of trying to grasping the hat between his front legs he managed to finally get it on his head. As he moved a hoof away he bumped something on his head. "What's this?" On his forehead was a black spiraled horn. The horn came to a point and looked almost menacing the way it jutted from his skull. "I wonder what its for?" the Sorcerer asked himself. "Magic." The Sorcerer searched around him but couldn't find the voice. "Did you follow me?" "No, but i can still speak with you sometimes, i suggest finding a mirror or a pond to look at yourself. Here take these." The cloak and bags began to hover and where placed on the Sorcerer's new body. "Thanks," but as soon as he spoke he felt the presence of the voice leave and he was left alone. Deciding to take the voice's advice the Sorcerer began looking for a lake or a pond, and learned how to walk. "Left, back right, back or was it front, oof!" The Sorcerer fell into the ground, again. "That's 15 times now, why are hooves so hard to walk with? The horses back at camp did it." He mulled over if he should ask the voice to be turned human, but he was interrupted by something approaching. "I think i heard somepony over here here Twilight!" a young boy yelled. Somepony? Seriously, they say that here? "Come on Spike hurry up!" A brash sounding girl yelled. A thicket of bushes burst open as a bright prismatic form flashed passed. And ran into the Sorcerer. "Whoa sorry about that. But did you see how fast i was going!" The Sorcerer looked up to see another pony with their muzzle nearly against his. "I was pretty fast hun? Bet you didn't even see me." "Rainbow Dash, why are you sitting on that stallion?" said a young girl. A small group had followed in their fast paced friend's path, there was a purple pony with a horn like him, a bright pink one and a small scaled... "Dragon!" the Sorcerer yelled as he quickly tried to shuffled back but the one who ran into him got in the way. "Who? Spike? He isn't a bad dragon silly!" The pink one giggled. "And it looked like you where kissing him Rainbow Dash." The pony who ran into him was cyan with a full rainbow of a mane, jumped up quickly and blushed. "I wasn't, I just ran into him was all, sorry about that new pony." she apologized and helped the Sorcerer stand. "Hey new pony have you seen anything suspicious? We saw a bright flare over here." The purple pony asked. "Um no I haven't but I did see the flash earlier." he replied. The pink pony walked right up to him, and stared at him right in the eyes, her blue iris searched his own in a soul seaching manner. She even started to growl at him with an angry glare. "Um, hi there?" "Hi yah!" she squealed, "Yup looks like he was telling the truth, hey you can help us look new pony!" "That would be a great idea," the little dragon agreed. The Sorcerer still tried to distance himself from the scaled beast. "I'm Pinkie Pie! Earth pony holder of the element of laughter!" The pink pony beamed. "Rainbow Dash, fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria!" The cyan pony boasted. "And holder of the element of Loyalty." "And crashing into others," The dragon laughed then puffed his chest, "I'm Spike, Twilight's number 1 assistant." "And I'm Twilight Sparkle, Unicorn holder of the element of magic," she then asked him, "Whats your name?" The Sorcerer felt himself start to sweat, he had to think of a name that would fit in, fast. He looked at his tail which was the dark purple of his robes and was streaked with fiery orange highlights. Assuming his mane was the same color he finished devising a name. "I'm Blaze Mane but I go by Arcane, just your average traveling unicorn," He smiled hoping they would buy it. "Well, I hope you plan on visiting Ponyville, we are going there after we finish looking, want to join us?" Twilight offered. "Sure thing lead on," The Sorcerer smiled. Relieve his silver tongue had saved him yet again. This was sure going to be interesting little adventure.