//------------------------------// // Part 7: Instigation // Story: Zugzwang: Two German soldiers in Equestria // by Nokstella //------------------------------// The next morning's rays of golden sunlight gently roused Twilight from her dreams. She took a moment to gaze around at her still-sleeping friends, grateful for the rest they all found. Fluttershy was nestled cozily among blankets and pillows by the window, Pinkie Pie lay spread out across the foot of Rainbow's bed much like a party of one. Applejack's slow steady breath could be heard from where she lay tucked into the papasán beside Twilight's bed. Rarity looked perfectly poised even in slumber, not a hair out of place. Satisfied all were rested, Twilight quietly slid from under the covers so as not to disturb Spike still curled up on the bed. Her thoughts turned to the mysterious book from the night before. She decided to show it to her friends once they awoke, hoping its clues may shed light on the strangers they encountered. First they went to the main area of the inn... The friendly innkeeper greeted them warmly. "I've a hot pie and apple buckwheat waiting if you'd like, on the house for you friends!" The friends happily accepted the meal, sharing friendly conversation and laughter as they ate. Fluttershy in particular appreciated the opportunity to feed some crumbs to the songbirds flitting outside. Just then, a confident knock sounded at the main door of the inn. Twilight opened it to find a stallion clad not in the usual golden armor of the royal guard, but plate of purest white. Bright plumes adorned his horned helmet, and a cloak the color of new fallen snow draped his broad shoulders. An intricate sigil was etched into the breastplate, she recognized it as the insignia of the personal guard of Field Marshal Longpear. "Greetings," he spoke in a surprisingly soft tone. "I am Sir Falcon Crest, Field Marshal Longspear Sicario sends his regards. The Marshal requests your presence back in Ponyville at your earliest convenience, as per to his request." Twilight smiled politely. "Of course, we will prepare to depart shortly. Might I inquire as to the reason of this request." Sir Falcon nodded respectfully to Twilight. "I understand your desire for information, but the Marshal advised discretion given recent events." "Discretion schmiscretion!" Rainbow Dash huffed, landing beside Twilight. "We just risked our tails tracking those thieves and you waltz in being all secretive." Falcon's expression remained calm. "I meant no offense, Miss Dash. My role is simply to deliver messages on the Marshal's behalf." Rarity cleared her throat politely. "Forgive our impatience, sir knight, but curiosity and duty drive us. Might you share just a snippet to ease our worries?" Before Falcon could reply, Applejack chimed in. "Now Rarity, I'm shore the stallion's just followin' orders same as us. Ain't no need to pry." Pinkie bounced over, peering at Falcon's armor. "Ooh, are those real diamonds inlaid in your chest piece? They're almost as bright as your shiny smile!" Fluttershy hovered near Pinkie nervously. "Um, we really should be going soon if we want to make it back quickly..." Rainbow scoffed. "Pssh, speak for yourself Fluttershy. I could fly there with my eyes closed!" She threw a sideways glance at Falcon. "No offense to Mr. Fancypants and his snail-slow marching." Falcon Crest remained composed. "Duty is duty, Miss Dash, however accomplished. Besides... Did you forget the train express? Well, I simply ask you hasten to the Marshal's request with all speed and care, I will tell you that you do not have to visit Captain Grass Yeild, he has been transferred into another hospital," With a polite bow, he took his leave. As the friends found their seats aboard the train, their excited murmurs and questions filled the air. Outside the window, Thistlewood was awash in a sea of polished white plates and gleaming helms. Where once gold and lavender livery dotted the town, now crisp snowy uniforms abounded. Fluttershy pointed out how some guards coordinated their patrol routes to optimize coverage of the streets and squares below. "They seem to work like a well-practiced dance troupe," she observed softly. Rainbow pressed her face to the glass, scrutinizing each new detail as it flashed by. "Their armor sure looks tougher than the old stuff. I'll bet those helms could take a direct hit from one of my lightning-fast kicks!" Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "Field Marshal Sicario clearly prioritizes effective strategies and protection of the town. I wonder what led them to take charge here?" As the scenery blurred into patches of brilliant color, Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped. "Oooh, look! I think I see the new captain lady giving orders!" She pointed an out a white-maned figure directing guards near the station. Rarity dabbed at her eyes delicately. "Such leadership and authority. One can see why the Field Marshal placed them in command." Applejack leaned out the window for a better view. "Reckon Pinkie's right, that sure looks like a mare in charge! Kinda makes a body right curious what all's been brewin' here." As the shrill whistle announced the train's imminent departure, the friends hustled along the platform in search of empty seats. Most carriages appeared nearly full, passengers of all kinds chatting idly. Finally spotting an open compartment nearer the rear, Twilight lifted a hoof to beckon her friends. "In here, everypony, it looks like we'll have the car to ourselves!" One by one they filed in, claiming window seats or tucking themselves into cozy alcoves. Spike nestled into Twilight's saddlebag with a happy sigh. "Aah, nothing like the open rails to lull a little dragon to sleep!" Fluttershy peered out at the bustling platform, "Oh my, it does look rather full today. I hope everypony finds a spot." "Plenty of room in here though!" Pinkie chirped, bouncing from seat to seat testing them. "Ooh, this blue velvet one is super bouncy and soft." As the final whistle sounded and the brakes released with a hiss, Rainbow stretched her legs across two seats. "Ahh yeah, last one here gets the best spot!" Applejack shook her head with a grin, settling in beside the window. "You young'uns have yer fun. Reckon I'll just watch the scenery roll on by." As the train carried them swiftly along, the curious friends began speculating on the developments in Thistlewood and their summons. "It is mighty peculiar for the Field Marshal's troops to take over the town guard all of a sudden," Applejack mused. "Somethin' must've happened to warrant the extra security." Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "And requesting our immediate return to Ponyville suggests urgency to the matter. I wonder if it's related to our discoveries in the forest?" Rarity tapped her chin. "One hopes Equestria isn't facing some ominous new threat. Though I must say, the guards' regalia was impeccably designed." Fluttershy frowned worriedly. "Oh dear, you don't think those strange creatures could be dangerous, do you? I mean, they did seem scared when we saw them..." Rainbow scoffed. "Pssh, I could take 'em no problem! One Wonderbolt Spin-Dash and bam, lights out weirdos." Pinkie gasped dramatically. "Oooh, or maybe it's an alien invasion! And the creatures are just the beginning, soon little green ponies will-" "Now hold on y'all, let's not jump to conclusions," Applejack soothed. "I'm sure the Field Marshal will have answers once we arrive. Reckon we just sit back and enjoy the ride for now." As the green fields and forests rolled by outside, the friends occupied themselves however they could on the train ride to entertain themselves. Twilight had her trusty book bag, though nothing specifically grabbed her interest at the moment. She contented herself with watching the others and gazing out at the passing scenery. Rainbow soared around their cabin, practicing aerial tricks in the confined space when not craning her neck out the windows. "Beat that, Cloudsdale record time!" she whooped after each loop or twirl. Pinkie bounced and giggled, making up impromptu songs and games to entertain herself. She coaxed the occasional laugh from her friend even when met with eye rolls. Rarity took out her embroidery kit, endeavoring to add bejeweled accents to various outfits in her collection. "A finishing touch never hurts, darlings," she tutted to any questions. Applejack and Spike pulled out a deck of cards for a round of Gin Rummy to pass the miles. Their competitive spirits kept things lively despite grumbles of "lucky dragons" or "cheatin' farm ponies." Just as Rainbow dared Pinkie to a hoofstand race down the aisle, the train lurched with a squeal of brakes, throwing everypony off balance. "Whoa nelly, what in tarnation?" Applejack steadied herself against the seatback. Twilight peered out the window, brows furrowed. "We must have stopped at one of Field Marshal Sicario's checkpoints." Sure enough, as the conductor's muffled shouts wafted back, sleek white forms slipped aboard, hoof heads sweeping each car meticulously. Their uniforms lacked armor yet held an air of authority. One such mare approached their compartment with a polite bow. "Apologies for the delay. Field Marshal's orders - we must thoroughly inspect each passenger and hold for suspected spies." Rarity shot Fluttershy a worried look. "Spies? From where, may I ask?" "There are rumors of infiltrators from the Islands and Archipelagoes of the Rising Stars Empire," the guard replied grimly. "Our enemy seeks any advantage over Equestria." As she began scanning their faces and belongings with keen eyes, Applejack assured the others quietly, "Now don't ya'll worry none. We got nothin' ta hide here." Still, tensions simmered beneath calm exteriors as each friend's papers and person were rigorously examined. Only when the guard dipped her head in a satisfied nod did they breathe easier once more. "All seems as it should be. Apologies again, citizens, but these precautions help protect our home. You are free to continue on." And with that, the inspectress departed, duty done. Just as the guard had taken her leave, the friends heard a commotion arise in the next car over. Galloping hooves and raised voices echoed down the aisle, though not in any language familiar to their ears. Suddenly two of the white-clad guards came into view, struggling to subdue a panicked stallion between them. His coat was damp with sweat or tears as he plead desperately, eyes wild with fear. Taking no notice of the onlookers, the guards hauled him roughly past and out of sight into the next car. The stallion shouts as he get drags away, "Anata wa watashi wa ubau koto wa deki mase nichi! Teikoku no tame ni!" All the friends felt a pang of sympathy for the unknown pony, though understood the guards' duty to maintain safety and control. Still, Fluttershy pressed herself to the glass, wings fluttering worriedly. "Oh, I do hope they aren't too harsh with him, whoever he is..." At that moment Applejack glanced at Twilight. "Reckon there's any way you could translate what that fella was hollerin'?" If anypony could glean meaning from unfamiliar tongues, it was Ponyville's studious Princess. But before she could ponder, the commotion died away, and the inspection continued as before. Pinkie shivered slightly. "Yikes, I hope none of my past birthdays ever end up like that party..." she joked, though her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. The unsettling events served to heighten their unease regarding just what broader threats now faced Equestria. Their return to answers in Ponyville couldn't come soon enough. Soon after, another guard poked his head into their compartment with a stern yet courteous nod. "Apologies for the disturbance, citizens. That stallion was suspected of espionage - no identification, carrying coded Rising Star documents." His eyes swept over them casually. "All seems well with you and yours, Princess Twilight. Just keeping the realm secure as ordered, nothing to cause alarm." He made to depart. "Begging your pardon, sir, but..." Fluttershy spoke up softly. "D-do you really think he meant Equestria harm? Perhaps there was just a misunderstanding..." The guard's face remained impassive. "Our duties lie in prevention, miss, not speculation. The Field Marshal knows what's best." I gently placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder reassuringly. "Now now, let's have faith the proper authorities will handle this judiciously. In turbulent times,some oversight maintains peace for all." The guard nodded crisply and left without another word. The train slowly continued its journey. The scene once again rolls. The cart is quiet. As the conductor's whistle pierced the air once more, signifying their journey's resumption, the friends gathered their thoughts regarding Equestria's current state of affairs. "Equestria and the Rising Stars have maintained peace these past years through Princess Celestia's diplomacy," Twilight observed thoughtfully. "But any instability could threaten that." Fluttershy nodded. "Their cultures seem so different too. I just hope any misunderstandings can be resolved kindly." Ever energetic, Pinkie interjected “Ooh, we should throw a big party and invite everypony! Sharing food and fun is a great way to make friends.” Her optimism lightened their troubled expressions. “Sounds like a right fine idea to me,” Applejack agreed. “Ain’t no better remedy for tensions than good old-fashioned hospitality.” Meanwhile Rainbow Dash scoffed loudly. “Puh-lease, you ask me this Field Marshal guy is way too paranoid. Suspending every pony just because? Lame.” Rarity gave her a delicate nudge. “Now now, darling, try seeing it from his perspective. In turbulent times, protecting the kingdom is a heavy responsibility.” Still, unease crept back as the train rolled on, and the friends fell into quiet thoughts about what truly awaited them in the future. Pray order and justice still reigned there... The answers would tell.