The Princess and The Peasant

by DapperLilArts

The Fall Produce Festival



Another rainy day. This one, with a soft drizzle that begun at night and kept throughout the morning to the afternoon. The three of them walked through the muddy roads; The Princess once again rode on the Peasant’s back, to keep her hooves from getting soggy and dirty. She did, however, enjoy feeling the rain in her mane.

The soft sound of rain on leaves that were losing their color, barely any wind, and the occasional bird coming out to sing despite the rain, it was one of those relaxing autumn days.

Pinkie would sometimes start humming, and the others would join in, and maybe attempt to clumsily sing songs together, with gaps on who knew which, which just led to them enjoying themselves even more, laughing together.

In one of the quieter moments, Rarity took it upon herself to fidget with Applejack’s braid. At first, there wasn’t much of a reaction from the Farmer, except for her ears occasionally twitching, even as she kept her eyes on the road.

The Peasant’s curiosity got the better of her. “Sugarcube? Whatcha doin back there?”

Rarity had a hoof on her lips, pondering. “Applejack, darling, when is the last time you brushed your mane?”

The Farmer kept her eyes on the road. Her mane had never been a strong source of thought. “Eh. I dunno. I rarely ever had time. My hair’s always been a mess, anyways. My mom used to do it for me, then it was my granny, and then I just didn’t feel the need for it, really. I keep it in a braid and that’s that!”

Rarity’s insatiable creative mind had already thought of a hundred things she could do to Applejack’s mane, but she decided to refrain from bombarding the poor peasant with suggestions. Instead…

“...Applejack, Dear. May I brush your mane for you?” The idea tantalized her, as she had brushed her own mane an infinite amount of times, and had more than once considered tending to her Knight’s.

The Peasant’s head tilted nigh imperceptibly. “I suppose… Ain’t that gonna hurt, though?” She spoke from previous experiences.

The princess couldn’t help but smile at how Applejack lacked certain experiences she herself had plenty, and vice versa. She also considered in amusement how Applejack had shrugged off any pain of being stung by arrows, clawed by a manticore, and plenty of other visceral impacts, but was apprehensive at the pain of brushing her mane. “Oh, darling, I have my way. besides, magic, remember?”

A quick period of silence from the Farmer, as if this was something she was taking into significant consideration. “...Alright. I trust ya.”

Rarity contained a squeal of excitement, which came out as a suppressed giggle instead. She summoned her brush, and with her magic, unmade Applejack’s braid.

She took a moment to shift angles, even move the Peasant’s head, just to see how she looked with loose hair, and in this case, wet, too. “Umm.. Rares, watcha lookin at?”

“Hihi… I’ve just never seen you this way. Don’t worry, you’re in good hooves, darling.” She removed the Farmer’s hat, and wore it herself, something that Applejack tried getting a glimpse off, but Rarity did not allow, pushing her head forward. “Eyes on the road, darling.”

And so, she began her work.

She had ample experience, but certainly never with a mane like this. Even with the dampness and the magic, it was still a challenge. It was coarse and quite tangled, and plenty dehydrated. Rarity decided it wasn’t worth it to go all out, so she only summoned a small bottle of conditioner to help her.

The Farmer involuntarily chuckled at the Princess smearing her with hair product. “That tickles! This ain’t a shower, ya know? It’s a rain shower!”

“Shh. All part of the process, darling.” She skillfully floated the brush and the bottle and even aided them with her hooves.

The Princess took great joy in the gentleness of which she caressed her Knight’s mane. And Applejack did too, keeping the commentary to a minimum. It was clear this would not be a one-day solution, but she was determined to make progress.

She would keep the same braid look, but with the newfound smoothness that Applejack was not used to. She used her magic to ensure the hair was never pulled at the scalp, as she brushed it diligently.

The Princess finished her work, and brandished a mirror ahead of the farmer with her magic. Applejack was a bit startled at first, seeing her mane significantly more smooth and silky than before. She almost stopped walking to look at it better.

She gazed at herself and turned her head a tad to look better. Once again Applejack saw her reflection, not recognizing herself, as if she had adorned another new skin.

Her hair indeed looked a bit more well cared for. It wasn’t a miracle by any means, but the braid looked a lot more well adjusted, and she didn’t look like she had wrestled a manticore recently.

“I look ridiculous…” She mumbled, even if she had a slight smile on her face.

“I, for one, think you look rather fabulous, dear.” Pinkie agreed enthusiastically, and Rarity noticed the smile on the Farmers face. “But, I suppose I have no need for doing it again, if you did not like it.” She gleefully teased.

Applejack looked back with a smile. “Well, I didn't say that.”

Rarity could notice that Applejack’s demeanor changed, as they approached the town of the summer produce festival.

There was a gleeful anticipation, as her ears twitched, and her tail waved, with them being greeted by a bright but not too warm day, one perfect for festivities.

It was a small and quaint western looking town, with many of the houses having more than one floor, but none too big. All structures were made primarily of wood, and they could already hear the sound of music and cheering before they even entered the village.

The place was positively bustling with Earth Ponies from all sorts, dancing, singing, or simply joyfully conversing.

There were stands all over selling different sorts of produce and products, there was more than one stage being set up for presentations, (with one that housed a quite familiar carriage that belonged to two magician unicorns they had met before!)  most bars and buildings were fully open, with hearty laughs coming from inside, and there was even an open space that seemed to be reserved for dancing in the square, with plenty of Ponies joyfully passing by.

The village was quite lovely, with lots of trees breaking the paces of the homes, with lively decorations, banners hanging from windows, and various lights hanging in between buildings and trees, aloft over the streets, not yet turned on.

Applejack’s grin was from ear to ear. She missed this. Pinkie showed similar excitement, bouncing and skipping even higher than usual. Rarity was definitely not used to this sort of gatherings, but she couldn’t help but smile seeing her two friends so happy.

“Darlings, if you wouldn’t mind, first stop, I need a new outfit, I simply look dreadfully apart, in this town! I would like to blend in.” She wasn’t wrong, more often than not a pony would turn their head seeing her pass by, one even crashing into a stand of cabbages at one point; Her dress was much too complicated and fashion forward, compared to Earth Ponies’s normal manner of dressing.

The Peasant’s first instinctual thought was that a mare so beautiful could never blend in. She silenced that thought, and cheerfully aided the Princess on finding a shop or stand that would sell clothes.

Pinkie joyfully did a cartwheel, before announcing; “You two go have fun! I’m gonna introduce myself to every band in this town!!! I wanna play with ALL of them at least ONCE!! Lets fucking GOOOOOOOOO!!!” And then she skedaddled pinkiely, knowingly leaving the two alone with a smile. Neither of them minded.

"Looks like it's just you and me, sugarcube!"

"Heheh. Indeed it is."

Rarity found and bought multiple different outfits, luckily fairly cheap, all while Applejack followed her, with nonstop happy glances in various directions, taking in the beautiful joyful scenery. More than once, the Princess was complimented in her style and beauty.
They could not find a changing room, so they simply found an alleyway. “Stand guard, will you dear? I have to fashion myself a fitting style.”

Applejack diligently kept anyone from glancing, as she took in the familiarity of this town. It aided in increasing her homesickness, but it also brought her tremendous joy.

In mere moments, the Princess was done. “You can look now!”

The Peasant turned, and her eyes widened immediately. Rarity had quickly mixed and matched multiple simple Earth Pony dresses and with some cuts and refittings, had made them into a single dress with a gradient of desaturated colors that complemented her color lovingly. And on top of that, a lovely hat with flowers atop it, as well as styling her mane with a loose braid.. “How do I look?”

Applejack’s face got red, as her jaw slacked. “Wh– You– Ya did all this in?? Five minutes?? I thought ya didn’t want to stand out?!”

Rarity walked closer, helping her pick her jaw back up.“It’s called fast fashion, darling. I did not want to call attention to myself, but I still wanted something that was my style.”

The Farmer smiled dumbly. “I think yer gonna call attention to yerself either way, Rares…”

“Oh really? Why is that?” Rarity waved her mane and batted her eyelashes.

“‘C-cause ya look as stunnin’ as ever.” Applejack looked away, embarrassed, as if the Unicorn could turn her to stone with a gaze.

The Princess giggled, taking a hoof to her lips. “I just wanted to hear you say it. Shall we be off?” She led the way, and her Knight followed.

First stop, snacks. Caramelized apples, a delicacy for Applejack, a strangely textured sweet to Rarity, but one she enjoyed nonetheless. They ate as they sat together, looking at all the passersby, and pondering on where to go after they had their snacks. More than once, somepony would compliment Rarity on her outfit and look, which she would respond with appropriate kindness.
Once or twice, a stallion attempted to flirt with her, which she swiftly and efficiently dismissed, not interested in the slightest, something Applejack took notice of, but didn’t comment on. A Peasant and a Princess romantically involved was indeed a ridiculous notion, something these flirters only attempted due to not knowing fair Rarity was a Princess at all. Naturally, a lot of the ones shooting their shot simply were too dumb to not realize how out of their league the Princess was.

In the distance, occasionally, they could hear one of the bands playing at an overexcited pace, and they presumed this was their bard doing her thing. At least Pinkie was also getting her fun.

Two familiar Unicorns met them in the crowd, Starlight and Trixie passed by as they enjoyed the festivities, actually recognizing the Princess and the Peasant. “Oh look, Trix; it’s the muscle bound Peasant and the budget Princess.” Starlight smirked, delighted.

Rarity bit back. “Oh look, dear. It’s the great and powerful football and her bossy uncouth assistant.”

Starlight was going to bite back harder, but Trixie diffused the situation, joyfully. “I, for one, am happy to see you two again, and in good spirits! Perhaps you would enjoy being assistants of the Great and Powerful Trixie and her lovely assistant once more?”

Applejack snickered. “Don’t get me wrong Trixie, it was fun, but I ain’t interested in wrestling no varmint today. Me and Rares are gonna spend our day having a good time here!” The Princess rested her head on the Farmer’s shoulder while taking a bite out of her caramel apple. “I second that.”

Starlight gave a smug smile.“Fine by me. Autograph signings are after the show, if you two are interested. C’mon, Trix.” As she walked away after antagonizing them slightly. Trixie whipped her with her tail, as if to say ‘play nice!’ and Starlight whipped back, which led to a whip fight as they walked away.

“Weird duo, those two.” The Peasant took a bite out of her caramel apple.

“Aren’t we as well?”  The Princess did the same.

The Farmer only chuckled as a response. They finished their snacks, and promptly looked for their next stop, which the Farmer found as her ears perked up upon hearing a “ding!”

She trotted in the direction of the sound, finding exactly what she was looking for, a ‘test your bucking mettle’ game, where the players would buck a target and send a metal pellet up, the strongest bucks being able to ring a bell on top.

Rarity, with a grin, already knew exactly what would happen. “Cover me, will ya sugarcube?” The Princess gave her a knowing nod.

A swift decisive buck from Applejack meant utter destruction. The bell got hit with the pellet with such force it snapped wood and sent it flying. The contraption itself buckled backwards, leaning on the wall of a building; were that building not there, it would have come crashing on the floor. Everyone around looked in awe and cheered, as Rarity picked the bell up with her magic, before it could fall on any of the passerby.

“Heheh, always loved doin that…” The Farmer snickered, knowing that with the Princess there to repair the damage, there was no harm in going all out. She had done this in more than one fair, evidently.

“I expected nothing less, darling.” Rarity was always in joyfull awe at the feats of strength of her knight.

A curious voice shouted from the crowd, running closer. “Wait! Did someone just break the damn bell off?? That can only mean one thing!!”

Applejack’s ears perked up, as a smile crept up her face, recognizing that voice. “Braeburn?!”

“AJ!! Cousin!! I Shoulda known!!” An Earth Pony stallion that dressed much alike her, ran to her with a hug, And she gave him a bear hug that lifted him aloft. “Long time no see, partner!!! How's It been?!” She grinned wildly, in response to seeing family.

He was laid down back on the ground where he exhaled after that powerful embrace. “OOF! You ain’t lost your step, cuz’. I been doin fine! I wasn’t expecting to see ya so far up north, though! Where’s the other apples?”

Applejack scratched her hair with a bit of awkwardness. “Ah, well, it’s just me today.” She looked away, nervous about the complicated reason she was so far from home.

Braeburn smiled with a raised eyebrow, as he nudged her. “Really?? Are ya finally takin’ a well needed vacation, cuz’? I always told ya you work too hard!”

“Uhh, yes, somethin like that…” She nodded, knowing she was a bad liar and couldn’t explain the whole truth in little time.

Rarity drew attention from the crowd, as she used her magic to repair the contraption Applejack had just swiftly destroyed. With a shine from her blue aura, splinters turned to wood, and bell rested at the top. “All done, darling! Who’s this?” She approached her Knight.

The Peasant joyfully pointed at her family. “Thanks, sugarcube! This here’s my cousin! Rarity, Braeburn, Braeburn, Rarity!” 

The Princess, for a moment, had to contain her laughter. Applejack towered over Braeburn, whose physique and stature was average, especially compared to her Knight’s incredible musculature and height. Just from that alone, they did not seem to be even distantly related, and she couldn’t help but find that incredibly amusing.

With a smile of someone strongly containing her laughter, she shook his hoof. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, darling!”

The cousin removed his hat like a gentleman and looked at the fine Unicorn up and down, and attempted to flirt. “Now what's a fine lil thing like you doin on a place like this? Maybe you and me–”

Rarity once again had to suppress laughter, interrupting him. “Not interested, darling! I'm taken.” She waved her hoof dismissively, even with a smile.

Applejack could not suppress her chuckle at her cousin’s embarrassment. She was well aware Rarity was entirely out of his league, not even just as one being a Princess and the other a Peasant, but even seeing that display was ample reason for laughter.

“Oh well, had to try.” He exhaled, staving off disappointment, putting his hat back on. “Oh yeah! Cherry’s here too, cuz! Let me go get her!” Braeburn ran off, with a smile on his face.

The Peasant turned to her Princess, with a mischievous smile. “Well aren’t you a heartbreaker today!” reveling on how funny it was to see Rarity be constantly staving off suitors.

“I am a heartbreaker everyday, darling. Oh, if you only knew…!” She giggled, reminiscing on how much this was a common occurrence to her at gatherings, and how many relationships were simply not enough for her.

“I’m kinda embarrassed he even tried.” Applejack gave a half smile, half cringe, looking at her cousin running in the crowd.

Rarity waved her lovely loose braid around, in her usual fashionable style. “He had to shoot his shot, as meek as it was.”

They both snickered together, as the crowd moved by them.

Suddenly they could hear Braeburn calling for them, and went to join him together, under the shade of a large sturdy tree, and alongside him was a lovely mare with a well tended flowing red mane and a beautiful flowery summer dress. Upon approaching them, she joyfully leapt forward.

“Applejack!!! It’s been too long, handsome!!” Cherry Jubilee jumped on the Peasant’s arms, rubbing herself along her neck giddily. “Still as sturdy as ever, I see!!”

Rarity’s eye twitched.

“Hey, Cherry! I been good. Hope y’all been hanging on alright as well!” Applejack gave them both a warm smile. The lovely mare whipped the Peasant with her tail, winking at her. “Better now that yer here, good lookin’.”

The Princess, instinctively, blew air from her nostrils. Some suppressed rageful instinct from within her was unearthed upon seeing another fine mare flirting with her Knight. She used her magic to pull Applejack away from Cherry and closer to her, enough for them to be rubbing flanks. “Hellooo! I’m Rarity. Applejack here has been my lovely travel companion these past weeks.” She said, gritting her teeth with a forced smile, while she rubbed her head on her Knight’s neck, much to the Farmer’s fluster.

Cherry squinted, with an analytical and mischievous smile, having noticed what just happened. “Oh, scuse me, any friend of Applejack’s is a friend of ours. It’s lovely to meetcha! I’m Cherry Jubilee.” She offered a hoof to shake, which the Princess took, suppressing her flash of anger poorly. “Really? Applejack never mentioned you!”

Cherry ignored that comment, setting her eyes on the farmer. “Ain’t like you to be so far from home, Applejack. What takes ya so far north? And so far from yer family, too?”

The Farmer averted eye contact, unsure of what to say, as bad as a liar as ever. “W-well, I’m on a job, ya see. This one had to be solo…”

Both Cherry and Braeburn tilted their heads, curious. 

The Princess once again kept no distance between her and her knight, rubbing herself along her flank, as she joyfully proclaimed; “She is my bodyguard! And she’s escorting me around many of the loveliest places in Equestria. She has been fiercely loyal, efficient, and quite committed.”

The Peasant had to look away, her face getting even redder. She did not pick up on why Rarity was acting this way, but she couldn’t help but like it.

Braeburn tipped his hat, smiling proudly. “That’s our Applejack. Strongest there is, always glad to lend a hoof!” His cousin shied away from compliments, always modest.

Cherry bit her lips, gazing at Applejack from top to bottom. “Sure is.”

A moment of silence. If Rarity’s gaze could kill, Cherry Jubilee would have been incinerated on the spot.

Braeburn’s ears shot up and his tail whipped with excitement in realization. “AJ! I gotta introduce ya to the other guys!! C’mon, they’d love to meet the strongest pony I know! You ladies can talk and gossip all ya like!”

The Farmer looked at him, then at her Princess, hesitating. Rarity gestured to her, with a smile, that it was okay for her to go.

“Stay in eyeshot, ya hear?”


“That wasn’t flirtin’ back there, by the way.” Cherry jubilee gave the Unicorn a sympathetic smile as they sat together on a balcony, watching the festival from above. The Princess made sure to keep herself visible to her Knight, who was enjoying the festivities on the square surrounded by newfound friends. If nothing else, it was pretty hard to lose sight of someone like Rarity.

They shared drinks, nothing particularly fancy or special, of which they absentmindedly sometimes took sips of, mostly focussed on the festivities outside.

Rarity shot the mare with an accusatory look, with a raised eyebrow. “Oh really? I think I know flirting when I see it, darling.”

Cherry responded with a frown and a smirk. “Oh really? So do I, dearie. The way you threw yourself between me and Applejack was… Amusin’.”

The Princesses face got a bit redder, as she looked away onto the square at a certain someone, who often gazed back to check on her. “Hmpf. Call it what you like. I admit to nothing.”

The Earth Mare sighed, leaning on the railing. “Fine. Maybe I was flirtin’. Call it a moment of weakness on my part. I really am over Applejack, though... Sorta.”

Rarity tilted her head in curiosity. “Over her?”

Cherry rolled her eyes. “Oh please, if you spent any time tryin’ to court her you’d surely know all about her situation.”

Narrowing her eyes, the Princess dug a bit deeper. “I’m not quite sure I know what you mean…?”

The Earth Mare gazed at the burly Farmer down there, who was playing some sort of tug of war with stallions, where they competed by pulling the rope with their mouths or standing their grounds. Applejack was single handedly holding her own against ten or so stallions, while some foals attempted to help her, some just giddily riding on her back.

The Earth Mare exhaled. “That Applejack is married to her work, Rarity. She’s dedicated every ounce of her very ample strength to providin’ for her family. She doesn’t have time for any distractions like us.” Cherry sighed, as if this realization had already been made ages ago, but reliving it was still an annoyance.

The Princess started fidgeting with her own mane, looking down, seeing her knight wave giddily as she pulled ten stallions with one fierce tug. “You mean… She has never been in love before?”

Cherry looked down to Applejack with pity. “Nope. Not once. She has spent all her life providin’ for her family, never even noticin’ my advances, or anyone else's, for that matter. Though I imagine she hasn’t had many contenders... She’s never been in love, and given her lifestyle, I doubt she’ll ever get to.”

“...There’s a first time for everything.” The Princess spoke softly, lost in thought.

“Hohoo… Do I sense a hint of affection for our fellow burly farmer?” Cherry raised an eyebrow, with a smirk.

Rarity closed her eyes with her face getting a tinge of red. “I am… Undecided. I enjoy her company. And it is complicated. But what you have stated does pique my curiosity, darling. And I could take it as a… Challenge.”

An eyebrow was raised. “Complicated huh?”

A decisive nod. “Yes. Complicated.”

A lean on the table, instigating more. “I got time.”

The Princess exhaled, turning to her, wondering how much she should share. “I am… betrothed. To a Prince. Applejack is escorting me across Equestria to marry him, where a life of lavishness and fortune awaits me. She will be paid a hefty reward in doing so, and then we will likely never see eachother again…”

Cherry chuckled, smirking. “You sly fox… You want a piece outta the AJ stake before you get hitched? Scandalous! Tough luck.”

Rarity fussed, waving her hooves dismissively. “Oh, please, it would be unbecoming of a woman of my status to be with a Peasant, even on our current standing; Lady and Bodyguard.”

The Earth Mare took a smiling sip of her drink while gazing at the gun show down there. “Yeah, but that Peasant is Applejack, though.”

Rarity sighed. “Ough. she sure is.”

Cherry fidgeted with her mane. “I wouldn’t mind her guardin’ my body, if ya catch my grift.”

Rarity fidgeted with her mane also, resting her head on the railing. “Oof. I do. I’d Take a bite outta her apple....”

Cherry bit her lips. “Has a body that puts every stallion I ever met to shame.”

Rarity almost started biting on the wooden railing. “Ough, she does, doesn’t she…? How did she get to be so strong??”

The Earth Mare exhaled, attempting to center herself, averting the eyes from the gun show. “Ahem. Dunno. Whenever I asked, she only ever answered with hard work and–”

“...Determination?” Rarity finished the sentence, leading them both to chuckling over it. They both attempted to stop fawning, trying to keep the conversation more light.

“There is more to her than meets the eye…And it’s sad, always seein’ her live only one way, doin’ one thing. I wish I knew what made her tick.” Cherry sighed, having abandoned that pursuit a while ago. Rarity, on the other hand…

“I bet I can find out.” The Princess gave her a mischievous smile.

“Really? You wanna take this challenge after all? You wanna ram your pretty little face onto that brick wall?” Yes, she did, in more ways than one.

Rarity giggled mischievously. “Give me a couple days, darling. I’ll have her eating out of my hooves. I’ve had extensive experience on this matter.”

Cherry raised an eyebrow, this time judgementaly. “And what happens when you reach your Prince? You break her heart? Will this just be a challenge to ya? Yer one cold mare, Rarity.”

The Princess stopped, realizing what she was saying. “I… Am not quite sure, actually. She has been an invaluable friend, and a… Really efficient protector. If I reach the Prince, she gets her reward, so… There’s no harm in fooling around in between, right?”

“Maybe to you.” Cherry stated, and they sat in silence, for a moment, staring at their unfinished drinks.

Rarity looked at Applejack, who was doing lasso tricks on the square with a couple other ponies, impressing a bunch of foals.

A realization came to her. “I’ve never seen her this happy… She really belongs, doesn’t she?”

Cherry nodded. “Yep. She must be very homesick, too.”

A moment of silence.

The Princess was lost in thought. “I’ve always loved fairy tales. The idea of ‘true love’ tantalized me. It was naive, of course, but it kept me going through poverty. The idea that I could be swept up by a lovely handsome knight, and my problems would be over… And that even if we did not have fortune or luck, our love would keep us warm…”

Cherry stirred her drink, aloofly. “Wouldn’t that be somethin’... Love conquers all sounds nice, but dang... Nowadays money’s what solves our problems.”

“Yes. Compared to a life of lavishness and fortune, how could true love compare? It is an easy choice to make.” She said those words, but they were filled with uncertainty.

She was looking directly at Applejack who was laughing with plenty of ponies and foals, who seemed to be cracking jokes. They looked like they were drawing something on the dirt of the square, making patterns together.

Rarity was utterly focussed as she spoke. “I’ve always been fond of things that shine. Rare things… The Rarer it is, the more I covet it. Applejack’s heart. Such a strong mare, so kind, so honest… Her heart would be a coveted gem to have for my own. And I bet you I could have it. If I wanted it…”

Cherry just looked at her, tilting her head, analytically.

“Well… This journey has been… incredibly special to me. In no small order because of her. I find myself not thinking very much about what I'll do when it’s over… Just focusing on the now, with her… My dear Knight Applejack.”

“Is that what you want?” Cherry egged her on, curiously.

Rarity took a sip of her drink, gaze focussed down, as if she was looking at a prismatic gemstone. “I know I want to be a Princess. And I can't have it all. But regarding Applejack… I’m not sure that I love her. But if nothing else, out of curiosity... I think I might want her. All to myself. Heart and body.”

Cherry shuddered, with a slight smile. “Oh yeah. That body...” And the Princess fawned too.

As both of them embarrassed themselves with swooning, Pinkie barged on the balcony they were on. It was pretty easy for her to locate Rarity; just look at Applejack, and check where Applejack is looking at. “Hey Rarity!!! I’m with this band that’s about to play; but they don’t have a singer!! I told them you had a beautiful singing voice!! Would you wanna join us and sing for the square?”

The Princess smiled, seeing the chance of being the center of attention once again, but more importantly, being in the center of vision of her Knight. She hopped off her seat, eager. “If you’ll excuse us, miss Jubilee, we are off to entertain. It was lovely meeting you!”

Cherry smirked, as she remained on the balcony. “Good luck on getting what ya want, Rarity.”

The Princess turned only her head as she moved out, with a wink and a smirk. To her, winning someone’s heart was as easy as breathing. She was happy to have this challenge.

A mic check, a clear of the throat, a test of the instruments and a shuffle.

A small crowd gathered. Applejack was on it, unsure of what would happen next.

Rarity and Pinkie shared a nod, and the Princess spoke.

“This one is very special and dear to me. I hope you all like it as much as I like her.”

It wasn’t just the singing, and of course, she had an absolutely lovely singing voice; It was absolutely transfixing, the kind of voice you felt through your ears and in your bones. The Princess gently shook herself and the mic stand as she sang, eyes closed, but a deep smile on her face, feeling the music.

Lately ive been losing sleep
I simply don't know what to do
As i stare into that horizon
All i can think of is you

It was also magic. The Princess's blue aura flowed out of her horn, and in the light of a lower sun, it glowed peculiarly. Her aura spread through the air above the band and crowd, and it moved with the noise; reverberating and pulsating with the sound of her voice and with the shake of the instruments, as if it breathed with her; A breathing aurora.

Oh, how i wish you were near
I simply don't know what to do
I pray for the day, my dear,
Where your heart belongs to me in full

It took form. The Peasant’s eyes were fixated on her, but all around her gawked, as the blue aura gave birth to doves that soared around them and faded, gently and without a fuss, accentuating the melody. Applejack had seen powerful displays of magic from her, but she didn’t know the extent of her capabilities… And it was beautiful, much like her.

Oh how i miss touching you
Winding you up and watching you go
I once more stare into that horizon
Waiting for you to return, my hero

It is true, the Princess adored to be the center of attention, and she knew how to do so well. But as she sang sweetly into the microphone, she rejoiced on the pleasure of making a show that was meant for a single pony in that crowd. And the Farmer could see. She could see that the Princess was looking right at her.

My heart's been pierced by a cupid
How I yearn to be in your embrace
There is nothing that can console me
When I search for you and find no trace

Like a siren, she sang, plucking pieces of her Knight’s heart little by little. The Peasant’s breathing was unsteady as she processed what she felt, hooves firm on the ground, feeling the allure of the singing as if the Princess was going to drown her. Were she a siren, could Applejack resist her?

my heart's been pierced by a cupid
i disdain all glitter and gold
there is nothing that can console me
except for you, my hero bold

Eyes widened with the final effect. A glowing alicorn that looked quite familiar to the Farmer gently walked above the crowd, with a sway in her step and a bounce on her mane, eyes set on her. Applejack stood, eyes widened, as the magical hologram batted her eyelashes and rose her wings, getting closer and closer, until–

A commotion, the sound of crashing, and a couple shouts all on the street besides them.

Eyes were drawn to the noise, as the music and the singing stopped and the magic vanished. A huge exhale from the Peasant, as she saw the very familiar glowing Alicorn vanish; She felt as if she had forgotten to breathe for a moment.

“Bandit attack!!!” a scream rang out, as a couple of people shuddered not knowing if this was a false alarm or real trouble. A couple more screams of fear and confusion, including a distant “Trixie hates the safety bubble!!”

A familiar looking minotaur accompanied by a posse of bandits had walked into the edge of the square, brandishing a mace with a confident grin on his face, despite missing a horn from the last tussle he was in. “Everybody stay where they are! The Iron Will gang doesn’t want any trouble, we just want any of your stuff we like. Don’t stirr nothin and we’ll be gone soon… Enough! Bahaha!”

A couple of ponies panicked, and others stood their ground. Some even tried talking to the Minotaur, attempting to convince him to leave, which fell on deaf ears.

The Farmer stood, analyzing the situation, unsure of what path to take as she assessed the bandit posse, still gathering what remained of her heart from the incident mere moments before. Her eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the stage, to her Princess.

Rarity only had one thing to say, as she smiled confidently, speaking into the microphone sweetly. “Go get ‘em, handsome.”

Applejack’s ears twitched, and she immediately sprung to action, shoving the crowd aside, so she could stand right in front of the Minotaur.

His confident demeanor faded as he spotted the Earth Pony that had taken one of his horns previously, and her madly confident grin didn’t help his nerves. “N-no!! Not you again!! What are you DOING here?!”

The Peasant faced him without fear, with joy, even. “Isn’t it obvious, varmint? I’m here for yer other horn.”

Round 2 was even easier for her. This time, not only the townsfolk were helping, but most of the bandits ran scared as soon as they saw her. There was a certain catharsis to it, being able to blow off steam by breaking his other horn.

That poor minotaur ran scared, and he would not be coming back.

There is something to being a folk hero; Many would be lost in the praise, maybe bask in the glory. And truthfully, it could be seen that Applejack was doing the same, as she presented a newly broken horn to the town as a gift, and a celebration of the festival, surrounded by a cheering crowd.

But as Rarity beckoned her to come near the stage, Applejack found that she did not care about any of the surrounding noise, as loving as it was.

When her Princess cradled her cheeks and planted a slow, loving kiss on her forehead as a thank you for not only keeping her safe, but everyone else also, she found that nothing else mattered, except that moment.

Had she the capability to gather exactly what she felt, she would have already realized she was in love, way before then.

“Hoooo-WEE!! Last round of dancin comin up, I’m lovin it! How about you two!?” Applejack left the square, with plenty of ponies greeting and complimenting her after the heroic display. She had danced several rounds, feeling herself over-energetic. The sun was just about setting, as she met with her two friends, the Princess and the Bard outside the square.

Both of them quite tuckered out after the festivities, were sitting together having a chat. It had been a pretty long day of festivities, even for someone like Pinkie. “Hey AJ! We’re pretty dang tired. We were just talking about going back to the inn and getting a room for the night!”

Applejack was still too fired up. “Awww c’mon! Last round of dancin’s comin up! Y’all don’t wanna have some fun still? How bout you, Princess? May I have a dance?”

Rarity exhaled, already spent for the day, waving her hooves dismissively. “Oh please darling, even if I could, this sort of dancing isn’t my style. It’s positively ragged. A tad too uncouth for my taste.”

The Peasant had an idea. A memory; of days that felt like they were an eternity ago, a conversation with the Bard about this very subject. “Hah, see Pinkie? I told ya, Princesses can’t dance. Why, it’s beneath them! Uncouth!” She said, with a slight tone of mockery.

Pinkie caught on. “Oh well! I guess Rarity just can’t do it, what a shame!” She fibbed.

Rarity fussed, waving her mane. “Oh please, darlings. I could dance circles around Applejack, even if it is this Earth Pony jig.”

“Prove it.” The Peasant got closer, smirking.

The Princess raised an eyebrow, and gave an sly smile, catching on to the little scheme. She poked her Knight’s fuzzy chest with her hoof. “Oh, I'll prove it. But on one condition…”

“Name it.”

“I get to teach you how to dance like me, Applejack. Surely a fancy waltz wouldn’t be too much for you?” She tilted her head, defiantly.

It was a win-win scenario. “I accept those terms! Let’s go, sugarcube! We got dancin to do.”

The Bard watched giddily as her two friends walked together into the square, where many pairs were gathering. Pinkie Pie was usually not one for analyzing or examining things below the surface. But having spent enough time with the Princess and the Peasant, and taken extensive notes, it had already become pretty apparent to her how good of a pair they made. She wondered if this was all for the best, if everything was going to be okay.

Her worries faded quickly, as they always did. As she once more took note of her two friends and how they acted.

The folk dance was highly energetic. It was about constantly switching pairs, trotting in place, spinning wildly and even jumping on two legs, and lots of clapping. Instruments accentuated it with high pace as the pairs spun around and waved their manes with glee, and the pace kept ramping up.

Pinkie could see it, clear as day. The Princess and the Peasant, even as they switched pairs and ran around the square dancing, still only had eyes for each other, waiting for the chance to dance together, with dumb smiles on their faces. The Princess, despite her fussing, was enjoying herself quite a lot.

The music reached its peak, the pairs spun around, and the two of them saw their chance, leaping towards each other in the center of the square.

And then the music ended triumphantly. A brief moment of silence, as they could only hear their ragged breaths, having met chest to chest, muzzle to muzzle, in the center of the quare. No music meant no dancing, so for a mere moment, they stood still, incredibly close to each other, faces tinged with red and sweat, feeling each other's breaths.

The lights that hung around the town finally flickered on, as the sun had set. Fireworks lit the sky and every pony in the square cheered at the end of the dance, throwing their hats in the air joyfully, the fall produce festival had ended, and everyone was happy.

The Princess and the Peasant both stood frozen in the middle of the square, incredibly close.

“Ahem. Soooooo…” The Bard was going to egg her on once more, but this time the Peasant was prepared, knowing full well what she was going to go on about.

“No, Pinkie, I ain’t in love.” She lied, rehearsedly.

“But AJ–”

“If you’ve noticed me flusterin, or acting weird and bent outta sorts near the Princess, that is just a normal effect of interacting with the most beautiful Unicorn in Equestria, it’s nothin personal, it’s a natural occurrence to her! It’d happen to anybody!” She stated, robotically.

“Why does that response feel rehearsed?” Because it was.

The Farmer couldn’t help it as her face was getting a tad red. “Look Pinkie, can ya drop it?! A Princess and a Peasant don’t fall in love. Period. We both got our own lives to get to, we’re just friends, end of conversation, no legend about it!! Let it go.”

Pinkie quietly raised an eyebrow. Even she wasn’t gullible enough to fall for this one. “You’re a bad liar, AJ.”

Applejack blew air from her nostrils and turned away, containing her embarrassment. “Whatever.”

They sat together below a tree, on the edge of the town of the festival that had been so lively earlier that day. But now, with the accentuation of crickets and owls, and with the bathing of the pale moonlight, it was a beautiful night.

There were few sounds of party still, just a couple bars still open enjoying their time, and the lights of the small town reflected in the trees and hills around them beautifully. The stars gleamed and the moon shined.

Pinkie did not let it go. “So there’s a Princess currently prettying herself up just to come up here, in these lovely hills, in the middle of the night, so she can dance with you. And that's a ‘natural occurrence’?”

Applejack’s voice was low and reserved. “We had a deal. She’s teachin me how to dance her way, it’s only fair.”

She glanced at the window of the inn they’d sleep in that night, and she could see a reflection of Rarity, using a vanity mirror, trying out dresses, tidying herself up with a joyful grin on her face.

Pinkie blew raspberries. “Nothing about this is a natural occurrence, Applejack. Love has come knocking on your door.”

The Farmer sighed, fearing she couldn’t escape the subject. “Here you go again with that nonsense, Pinkie…”

“Fine! Be in denial about it! But I'm telling you! No Princess acts the way she does towards a Peasant like you!!! That girl might be down bad, just like you!” The Bard Fussed.

Applejack once again tried her best to not be distracted, thinking of other things. “Sure, Pinkie.”

Another moment of silence, as the two of them ruminated.

“How long till we get to Prince Blueblood? “ Pinkie murmured.

“Even at our slow pace… A few days, Not even a week.” Applejack exhaled, and shuddered slightly.

“And that’s it, then. Job done? You get your reward, go home, forget all this ever happened?”


“And that’s enough for you?”

“It has to be.”

Another moment of silence.

“Yooohoo, darlings! I’m coming down!” The Peasant’s ears twitched as she heard her Princess shout to them through the window. She instinctively got up, waiting eagerly. The Bard, of course, took notice of the Farmer’s demeanor changing completely upon hearing Rarity’s voice. Always.

Pinkie felt a bit bitter. A Bard’s job is never easy, but having heroes openly avoid the call to adventure, or worse, the call to love, was simply infuriating. She swallowed her annoyance, and exhaled, believing that love would find its way, and it was coming down to them now.

Rarity arrived, with a flowy white dress that looked like it had been fashioned out of the drapes of the inn, and despite that, was absolutely beautiful.

She waved her mane, as she approached her knight, with a look of joyful anticipation. The Peasant’s heart skipped a beat, seeing her beautiful mane reflected in the pale moon light.

“How do I look, dear?” The Princess posed, wanting to hear her knight say it.

“Beautiful as ever...” As if the air was drained off her lungs as she said it.

“Hihihi… Ready to dance, my Knight?”

“...For you? Yeah.”

Pinkie took out her harp, and gave them a slow rhythm to follow.

For a few hours, they ignored the need to sleep and pranced slowly together. The Princess took great joy in being so close, teaching her knight every sway and bow with great affection.

The farmer was completely infatuated, a feeling that was only staved off by her fear of accidentally stepping on the Princess's toes.

And so, bathed in moonlight and stars, they danced.

“...And that’s how me n Applebloom lost a pie eatin’ competition. Gotta be honest? Good riddance, I had a stomach ache for days. But she was happy, so… It was worth it.” Applejack fed to her own homesickness, reminiscing.

“Aww, how sweet, you two really support each other! I can’t imagine me or Sweetiebelle ever doing something so dreadful…!” Rarity shuddered, imagining having to overeat.

Pinkie giggled, joyfully skipping about. “Oh, me and my sisters are ride or die. I once got caved in with my sister Maud? We survived for a week by eating salt lick. And when we finally escaped we agreed we’d totes explore caves again sometime!”

The Princess and the Peasant looked at eachother, and then at the bard, then back at each other, then broke out in giggles. Yep. That explained a lot about Pinkie.

It was a lovely sunny day, as they walked through a prairie, protected by the shade of the occasional tree. Although the cicadas sang and hummed, clouds flowed in the sky providing more than enough shade for the day to be comfortable, and often they would see formations of birds migrating in the sky.

“That’s a shame, though, you and your sis don’t get along?” The Farmer tilted her head, with a tinge of pity.

Rarity let out a sigh, but still smiled, reminiscing of familial memories. “Well, not exactly. I love my little sister, you know? But our tastes diverge rather harshly… She doesn’t appreciate the finer things like I do. In a way, maybe, she enjoys the benefits of the high life, but even still, she is quite clumsy and often gets herself into trouble. And my parents are quite absent-minded, I suppose the royal life wouldn’t fit them… Bah.” She fussed, as if she had more to say.

Her two friends quietly waited for her to continue, and she did. “Even despite Sweetiebelle’s constant clumsiness and misdeeds, I miss her dearly… She had an innocence and a spirit that often motivated me. When I first started as a seamstress, I did it so I could provide for my family… Those years were tough, but my little sister supported me…”

Applejack smiled warmly. “That’s what sisters do. Applebloom often encourages me, even when it is about gettin’ into trouble. And to think! She actually wanted to come with me on this journey, no way, no hay! I ain’t lettin anyone on my family put themselves in danger like this!”

The Princess beheld her with pity. “...You miss them, don’t you darling?”

The Peasant exhaled, not sure how to explain. But she didn’t have to, because the trio had to pause, as a pegasus landed ahead of them with skill.

Rainbow dash landed ahead of them, with a smile on her face of a job well done.

“Hoooowsit going, guys? Awesomest mail delivery girl Rainbow dash, at your service!” The Rogue flapped her wings joyfully as she gave them a warm smile. She looked in top form, sporting a braid on her hair and the bag she carried seemed to be a bit stuffed.

The three of them were shocked; they had never expected to see her again.

“You guys wouldn't BELIEEEVE how hard it was to find you. I thought you’d be much further along! Slowpokes!!” Rainbow trotted over to them, teasing them with a smile.

“Um, sorry partner, we had a small detour.” The Farmer scratched her head, still surprised on seeing the rogue again.

“Whatevs, my dude.” All of the trio looked at her, realizing she was carrying a rather large set of packages.

Rainbow opened her bag and took out a few contents. First, a couple of letters, and then, a big pie box that looked a bit beat up, and finally, a small flat-ish looking package. Applejack’s nose immediately could tell what kind of pie that was, and where it came from.

“One life debt-partial payment, in the form of a couple of letters and a package... Man, we are not square.” The Pegasus blew raspberries, seeming genuinely disappointed that more wasn't asked of her. The three friends gathered around her curiously.

“Okay, first of all, Princess, Sweetiebelle sent you a letter, and your parents sent this package too. I didn’t ask, talkin’ to them was a snoozefest. Here ya go!”

Rarity first opened the package, which made her squeal. It was a gorgeous Blue and Lavender dress, that sported multiple sapphires and amethyst jewels on it. “OH!! They remembered which dress I made was my favorite!!! Yes yes YES!!! I missed jewels so much!!!!” She hugged the dress as if it was family, adoring it, then looked upon the jewels as if she was checking her own reflection out.

“Alright, your turn, big guy. We got letters from Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom. Oh, and they made me bring pie, of course.” She handed the contents to the Farmer, whose eyes gleamed with anticipation.

She opened the box, finding a pie that looked like it had been flown around for days, and had several pieces of it taken out of.

“What? It was a long way here and I was feeling snacky, okay?? Granny’s pies were SO good.”

Applejack didn’t care. Even as the pie was lukewarm, a day or two old, and a bit messed up, seeing it, smelling it, made her get emotional. She took a huge bite, and felt for a brief moment like she was back home.

“You okay, Applejack?” Pinkie could tell the farmer was affected. Applejack nodded quickly as she chewed, suppressing tears.

She opened the first letter, that belonged to Granny Smith.

Dear Applejack, firstly, we are all really relieved that you made it there and are making it back safely. We figured that if any of us apples could fight a dragon, it’d be you, but it was still a big relief when your rainbow friend showed up and brought us comforting news!

Secondly, what the hell were you thinkin, young lady?! You better make it back in one piece, or else imma chew you up spit you out and bake you into a pie!! And when ya get here ya betcha yer pulling double duty!! We were all VERY distraught of getting a letter from you instead of you sayin goodbye!!!
Well, I guess you knew we’d try to stop ya…

Applebloom tried running away to go find you a couple times, but don’t worry, big mac caught her every time. We’re holdin down the fort as best we can. Hopefully when yer back our troubles will be behind us.

We miss you. Please come home safely.

- Granny Smith

Applejack felt like she had something on her eye. With the taste of that pie, and having a letter from home, she was close to tears. Rarity and Pinkie were reading over her shoulder.

“Oh, they’re so worried about you, dear… I am glad they also know how tough you are.” Rarity couldn’t help but smile, seeing her knight so emotional.

Rainbow nodded. “Oh yeah. They were suuuuper worried. Me visiting probably shook them up good, cause granny baked me like three pies. They insisted I stayed the night, too!! Your family is good people, Applejack!”

“..Yeah… Yeah they are…” The Peasant missed them dearly.

She then offered pie to everyone else, who dug in happily. Pinkie feasted savagely, loving every bite, while Rarity floated a small bit to take a taste of.

“Oh wow! Darling, this pie is wonderful! Even if it is a bit dry and cold, it still tastes delicious!” Rarity was genuinely impressed, not expecting this home cooked delicacy to impress, in its current state.

“Yep, apple pie, that’s her speciality. Ours, really. Gosh, it tastes like home…” The farmer had another bite, looking into the horizon.

She opened the next letter.

Hey sis.

I hope the Princess isn’t giving you too much trouble. Stay strong out there.

- Mac

She let out a hearty chuckle. Rainbow giggled, too. “Your bro is a guy of few words. I can respect that.”

“Eeyup.” The Farmer smiled, and opened the last letter.

It was less words, and more drawing. It was a crude scrawling of Applejack lassoing a dragon skillfully and besting it in combat. Applebloom’s handwriting was clumsy, and she ran out of space in the page before finishing it, and writing in it.

You best come tell me how this went!!! Coolest sis ever

- Applebloom

Then, and only then, Applejack started crying. She quickly grabbed everyone, and put them on a fierce hug. Only a few clumsy tears ran down her cheeks as breathed deeply, with Pinkie and Rainbow in headlocks, and the Princess safely squished in the middle, quite enjoying herself smushed against her knight’s chest.

“It’s okay, dear. You will see them again soon…” She comforted the Peasant speaking softly, the other two friends, however, were choking.

Applejack finally let them go with an exhale, with the few tears she had spilled receding, but the Princess remained in her embrace. “Sorry, y’all, i just… I miss em… SO. MUCH.”

“It's fine, broski. They’re really damn nice, I feel you!”
“It’s okay applejack!! We’re almost there!”

Applejack looked down, face reddened, realizing the Princess was still resting on her chest. “Um. Sugarcube…?”

“Oop. Sorry, dear...” Rarity moved away.

They stayed resting a bit longer, sharing pie together until it was finished. Rarity read Sweetiebelle’s letter, much to her joy.

“It seems Sweetiebelle and my parents will travel to the castle of Prince Blueblood to meet us there…! Oh, she has missed me so…” Rarity was all smiles, seeing her little sister’s handwriting improved.

Rainbow nodded in agreement. “Oh yeah. Sweetiebelle was really damn cute! She actually braided my hair! Unprompted! And I have no idea how to unbraid it…”

The Princess smiled, tilting her head. “Would you like me to unbraid it?”

Rainbow recoiled with an awkward smile. “N-no that’s okay! It’s kinda cool…”

Applejack stomped her hooves. “Alright. Rainbow! I’m gonna write a letter to my family, and yer gonna deliver it. Rares, ya got anythin’ to write with?”

“You bet, darling!”

Applejack used the back of Big Mac’s unnecessarily empty piece of paper and started writing with Rarity’s pencil, biting into it with her mouth. “Dear… Family… I… Miss… You… So… Much”

The Princess, realizing how long this would take to write, took the pencil and paper from the Farmer, and began writing for her, using her magic.

Dearest Apple family, This is Princess Rarity. Applejack was taking too long with writing, so I decided to relay her message for her. She misses you all dearly, and cannot wait to be home. She won’t let anything get between you, no challenge will be too great; I have seen it with my own eyes.
I would also like to relay that she has been an absolute darling, and that we’re getting along great. I couldn’t have asked for a better, kinder, more honest, and more capable bodyguard! She has been very chivalrous, and protected me diligently. I am very, very grateful that you would allow her to be here for me.

I hope I get to meet you all someday, and know what she is in good hooves.

- Princess Rarity.

“How’s that?” The Unicorn looked back at her knight, with a smile.

“It’s perfect. Thanks, sugarcube… I mean it.” Applejack felt indebted once more to the Princess.

Rainbow took the letter, putting it on her backpack. “Awesome! Another delivery. Well, I have a long road ahead of me, so I better get goin’, looootsa tasty pies await me. Maybe this time I'll take Flutters with me!”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “Ya BETTER be paying for those pies, Rainbow Dash. Don’t go abusin’ my family’s hospitality!!”

Pinkie blew air from her nostrils. “And you BETTER bring me a milkshake next time!!!”

The Pegasus scoffed. “I would never betray the hospitality and kindness of a sweet family, ESPECIALLY if I owe them a life debt! You offend me, AJ!!”

The Peasant simply narrowed her eyes further.

Rainbow was a bit embarrassed, or intimidated. “A-ahem, anyways, I gotta get going. I still owe you, so we’ll see eachother again! Good luck on your travels, all of you! And enjoy the pie!” With a smile, and perhaps with a bit of a rush, afraid of the Farmer, she took off, leaving a rainbow trail in the sky.

The three friends rested in the shade of a tree and finished the pie before continuing their journey.

Applejack felt guilty.

She felt guilty for being distracted. For wasting time.

For allowing the Princess to slow her down.

But that guilt wasn’t strong enough for her to take action.

After all, she was really, really enjoying herself.

Which only made her feel more guilty.

Pinkie Pie had a question to ask to Rarity. One that had been ruminating on her head for a while.

The question was a game changer, but it had to be asked carefully. Away from Applejack, and with decorum. Not the Bard’s strong suit, but still, she bidded her time for the chance to ask it.

“That cave there looks like a good place to rest for the night! C’mon, you two!” The farmer pointed forward, as the sun had already set, and their last vestiges of light dimmed.

Pinkie ran forward, and Rarity followed. 

“Yipee!! My dogs are barking!!”
“I’ll get started on the furnishing, darling!”

There was a flow they had already met, a natural ebony flow of finding a place to rest and setting themselves up efficiently; making a small fire, setting their sleeping bags, organizing their meals, they were already practically experts at it.

This time, however…

“Bear!! BEAR!!! RARITY, RUN!!!” Pinkie skedaddled out of the cave, with the Princess close behind. They both crossed the Farmer, who was already preparing herself for a tussle.

Hearing an angry roar of a disturbed animal, who was fast approaching, they got some distance from the cave, as the Peasant stood her ground.

“All yours, darling!!”

Pinkie and Rarity watched as Applejack wrestled with the grizzly bear. As she suplexed it, the Princess couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “They ain’t snacks, ya hear?!!!” her knight yelled in the distance.

Pinkie saw her chance. She and Rarity were alone, and Applejack was distracted. It was time to ask the Unicorn a very important question.



“You’re not actually afraid of flying, are you?”

No response, except a smile appeared on the Princesses lips, as she watched her knight scare off an apex predator. “That’s right, ya varmint, GIT! Ya can get yer cave back tomorrow!!”

Rarity let out a light chuckle, as Pinkie tilted her head in anticipation.

“What do you think, darling?” She said, with a smile.

Pinkie didn’t respond, just smiled along with her, knowingly. This response was all she needed.

The Bear was sent packing, whimpering, as Applejack stomped her hooves. She then looked at her flank and saw the claw marks of a fresh wound. “Oh, darn it, not again.”

Rarity ran to her, with a sway on her step, and a bounce on her mane, and an eager smile. “Oh, Applejaaaack! Let me take care of that for yooooou!”

Pinkie wasn’t sure about how this journey would end, she wasn’t sure if everything was going to be okay.

But as she watched the Unicorn tend to the wounds of her Knight, she was sure of one thing.

Those two were a love story in the making.

“Eyes on me, darling.”