Somewhere He Belongs

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 49: Race for the Sparky Plush (Edited)

After telling Twilight and the others what they had done, Sam and co were grounded for two weeks, only really allowed out if a monster attacks. Nick was sent to the hospital to get the dart removed and if he had sustained any other injuries. Elena was sent back to Fluttershy’s cottage where she received one of Fluttershy’s talents, the Stare. Sam and Gwen were locked in their rooms for the whole two weeks of being grounded, only getting food by Twilight, Spike or Sunset.

Rainbow, meanwhile, had raised enough money by the end of the first week to go in for her surgery; she was out cold for a while, but woke up a few hours later, with a cybernetic limb actuator. She returned home the next day and showed it off to her friends, Rainbow decided to test it out, and although she could still fly pretty fast, her new cybernetic wing limited how fast she could go. But thanks to the chat she had with Arrow Point, she wouldn’t give up on her dreams, she would train until she could go as fast as she could to join the Wonderbolts. She had grown a little close to Arrow Point after their first encounter, and they would continue to meet up and hang out, Arrow Point even help Rainbow train in getting back up to speed.

Towards the end of the second week, the girls minus Fluttershy all gathered together in the throne room, with Aria and Sonata coming in last.

 “Ugh, finally!” retorted Rainbow impatiently.

“Could you close the door, please?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, close the door,” Sonata remarked to Aria.

“Just sit down!” Aria shouted, shoving Sonata in the backside, and closing the door before taking a seat herself.

“Right, as you girls may or may not know, it's Fluttershy's birthday tomorrow,” Twilight told them, as she flipped the page on easel, “I was planning on getting her something nice from the arts and crafts fair last Saturday, but, nothing really stood out. Has anybody gotten her anything yet?” The whole room went quiet for a solid few seconds. 

“No,” responded Trixie.

“Why am I not surprised?” Twilight sighed as she pulled the cap off her marker, “Ideas? Anybody?”

“How about a gym membership?” Rainbow suggested.

“That's actually not a bad idea,” Twilight commented, “but Fluttershy has been making sure not to over-exhaust herself. Doctor's orders. What else?”

“How about we get her some new gardening tools?” Applejack put forward.

“Well, maybe,” Twilight said, “It's just, she gets new gardening tools all the time.”

“What about some knitting lessons?” Pinkie proposed.

“Please tell me you're joking,” Twilight stated.

“Well, no,” Pinkie replied, “Isn't she into that?”

 “Don't you remember?” Twilight said, “That's the exact same gift we got her last year.”

“Psht,” Rainbow scoffed.

“Don't ‘psht’ me,” Pinkie said, “I don't hear you coming up with anything.”

“Yeah, but at least I didn't say the same thing that we got her last year,” Rainbow remarked.

Suddenly, there came a knock from the door followed by a voice, “Hello?” it was Fluttershy, “May I please enter?”

“Just a second!” Twilight called back as she used her magic to teleport the easel away, “Okay. You can come in now.”

“Oh! What's everypony doing in here?” Fluttershy asked as she entered the room.

“Oh, hey Fluttershy,” Twilight greeted her, “We were just, uh... chatting.”

“No!” Aria spoke up before turning to Fluttershy, “We were talking about how no one knows what to get you for your birthday.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy commented.

“Aria, what are you doing?!” Twilight shouted.

“I'm saying what's on my mind, dude,” Aria replied as she leaned back in her throne, “I'm just real like that.”

“You want to know what to get me for my birthday? Well, that's quite simple,” Fluttershy stated.

“What is it, Fluttershy?” Sunset asked.

“The rare Sparky the Dog Plush from Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in Manehattan,” Fluttershy told them.

“Sparky the Dog Plush?” Rainbow questioned.

“From Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza?” quizzed Rarity.

“Yes! The Plushies are just so cute and soft! You might know this about me, but I am a bit of a collector when it comes to the Freddy Fazbear plushies,” Fluttershy replied, before her face fell, “But sadly, the only way to get them is to win a million tickets. I'm afraid I'm not very good at throwing Skeeze Ballz.” With that sad note, Fluttershy turned and walked away.

“Well, Sparky Plush it is,” Twilight declared.

“Yeah, but I'm not going to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza,” Rainbow stated.

“Yeah, me neither,” Applejack agreed, “I can't stand that place. All those nasty kids...”

“Yeah, and talk about sub-standard pizza,” Rarity chimed in.

“And what about that creepy animatronic band?” Pinkie stated, everyone agreed with her on that matter.

“Alright, alright. Look, I don't like Freddy Fazbear’s any more than you do,” Twilight said, “But if Fluttershy wants Sparky Plush, then we're going to get her that Sparky Plush!”

As so it was arranged, Twilight, Spike, Sunset, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity headed to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in Manehattan, while Adagio, Sonata, Aria and Trixie stayed home and looked after the kids. Upon arriving, Twilight told Spike to wait outside, and as they entered the pizzeria the girls looked around the musky, greasy restaurant. They saw the pizza, the colts and fillies laughing and playing arcade machines, two colts slapping a filly with pizza while atop a go-cart statue, and two other colts were passed out on top of an ice cream stand.

Then there’s the animatronics themselves. Up on stage, there was Freddy Fazbear, a brown bear wearing a black top hat and a bowtie, he was the lead singer of the band. Standing next to him was Bonnie the Bunny, a purple rabbit wearing a red bowtie, he was playing guitar. On the other side of Freddy, there was Chica the chicken, a yellow chicken, with a bib that said, ‘Let’s Eat!!!’ She was the backup singer, and held a cupcake animatronic. On a different smaller stage, there was Foxy the Pirate Fox, a red fox, with a hook on his right arm, an eyepatch and orange shorts; he also seemed to be a bit torn up. 

Accompanying Foxy in his ‘pirate’s cove’ was a coyote animatronic named Cody, who wore a red bandana on his head, and had a pegleg on his right. In a room called the ‘arts and crafts room’, was a lamb named Lillie, who wore an apron saying, ‘Let’s Paint!’ And in another room, was an owl animatronic named Owen the Owl, who held a book, and would read stories to the kids.

“Let's get this over with,” Twilight groaned as the group entered inside. But before they could even get into the main party room, they were stopped by a female employee named Golden Hazel at the entrance.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me!” Golden Hazel cried, “Where do you think you're going?”

“We're just here to get a rare plush,” Sunset told her.

“I'm sorry, but you must accompany at least one child to enter,” Golden Hazel responded.

“Aw, come on!” Sunset complained, “We'll just buy the dice and leave.”

“Oh, I can't bend the rules for you, ma’am,” Golden Hazel told them, “Because it just wouldn't be ‘Fazbear’s Pizza’ without Fazbear’s rules.” Annoyed, the girls walked back outside.

“Man, how are we supposed to get this stupid plush now?” Rainbow grumbled.

“I think I have an idea,” Applejack told them as she turned and smirked at Spike.

After a little while, the girls tried to get in again, but Golden Hazel tried to stop them again.

“Hey, I already told you that you need a kid to get in!” she retorted, the girls stepped aside to reveal Spike dressed in a backward-facing hat, sweatshirt, pouch, and trainers. There is silence for a few seconds, before Twilight kicks Spike in the back.

“What's up, ma’am?” Spike responded, as he repeatedly zipped and unzipped his pouch, while saying "LOL!" in sync with the zipping.

Golden Hazel was suspicious at first, but then perked up again, “Okay! Go on in, folks!” she said as she unhooked the velvet rope, “Have a great time!”

As they walked in the girls got a better look around the place, and in a matter of seconds or entering the main party room, Rarity stepped on a slice of pizza.

“EW!” she squealed as a couple of colts ran passed and shoved her, “Hey!”

“Let's just find the dice and get out of here,” Applejack told her, as the girls made their way to the prize corner, ran by, to everyone’s shock, Maud, Pinkie’s sister.

“Maud!” Pinkie exclaimed, running up and leaning over the counter to hug her sister.

“Hey Pinkie, she replied in her monotone voice.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I work here on weekends,” Maud replied.

“Oh,” Twilight remarked.

“You really sound like you’re enjoying yourself here,” Rainbow joked.

“Trust me I’m not,” Maud stated, her face barely changed, “Anyway, May I help you?”

“Yeah, actually,” Twilight said, “We'd like that super rare Sparky the Dog Plush, please.”

“That'll be one million tickets,” Maud replied.

Twilight let out a sarcastic laugh, “No,” she said as she pulled out her purse, “We're actually going to be paying with bits. How much is that going to be? Ten, fifteen bits?”

“One million tickets, your Highness,” Maud said, “If you like, all of our price listings for our items are on the wall.” Twilight blushed a bit at Maud calling her ‘your Highness’.

“Well, can we just buy the tickets?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Tickets are a penny each,” Maud answered. A chorus of groans flowed over the girls.

“Nice, what's that, like, ten bucks?” Spike asked.

“Spike, it's not ten bucks,” Sunset replied, “It's ten thousand dollars.”

“Wow, really?” Spike quired, sounding shocked.

“Alright, bad news, everybody,” Twilight announced as she turned around to face the girls, “We're going to have to win some tickets if we're going to get that plush.”

“Uh, yeah, we were right here the whole time.” Applejack remarked.

“It's go time!” Rainbow shouted, as they all high-hooved each other.

What follows next is a montage of the girls playing the games. First, Spike played air hockey. He beat three colts: one furred, one green furred, and another in braces, the last of which cried when he lost as Spike danced while the tickets came out the slot. Next, Sunset and Rarity are playing Skeeze Ballz. Both unicorns were using all four lanes as they used their magic to bowl the balls and get the highest scores. Then, we see Applejack playing a Wack-a-Bon-Bon. Applejack smashed the Bon-Bon with a mallet every time one came up, eventually having to use two mallets to smash not only Bon-Bon but a pink version named Bonnet that was worth more points. Then, we see Twilight and Pinkie play Dance, Dance Revolution. When the game started, the two ponies danced, they played through many different songs to earn the most tickets. As the girls played the games and earned the tickets, the animatronics on stage sang their songs and played their instruments, but none of the girls noticed that they were being watched from afar. After the montage, the girls sat at one of the tables and counted the tickets, so far, they had earned 980,000 tickets.

“Alright, girls, I got some bad news,” Twilight told them, “We're 20,000 tickets short of that super rare plushie. And what's worse, is that we only have one token left. But I've noticed one game that gives out more tickets than all the others.” Twilight led the girls to the game in question. “Skeeze Ballz. This will have to be a team effort. The faster we go, the more chances to throw the balls we get. So I want everypony to line up, and when the balls drop…" Rainbow, Pinkie and Spike couldn’t help but laugh at the sexual innuendo. Twilight sighs and facepalms and their childish behaviour. “Ugh... when the game starts, you throw, and get back in line. Now let's roll!”

Twilight inserted the final token, the balls dropped, the timer started, and the game began. She threw the ball up the ramp, followed by Spike, Sunset, and Rainbow, who scored 3,000, 5,000 and 5,000, respectively, but poor Spike had missed. Applejack then throws her ball, followed by Pinkie and Rarity, who all scored higher scores of 10,000 and 15,000. Five seconds left on the timer, as Spike stood holding the bowl.

“Hurry!” Twilight cried sweat running down her head. Spike took his next go, but he missed again, and the ball bounced away. There's three seconds left on the timer, and 990,000 points have been scored.

“Come on, Sunset, sink it!” Twilight cried.

Sunset rolled the ball up the ramp with two seconds left on the clock. The ball dangled on a 10,000 hole as the others gasped. The ball then fell in the 10,000 hole, totalling their score up to one million, with no time to spare. The ponies and Spike all celebrated as the tickets started printing. Twenty minutes later, the tickets were still printing as the girls looked on, bored, Rainbow and Spike were so bored that they fell asleep, even the energic Pinkie was bored. When the tickets stopped printing, everyone in the pizzeria had gone, Twilight, Sunset, and Rarity levitated them all to the prize corner. Even Maud showed a little shock when she saw them all.

“One Million Tickets!” Twilight announced as she dumped the tickets on the counter.

“What would you like?” Maud asked.

“We'll take the Sparky the Dog Plush,” Twilight said, the girls all cheered as Maud grabbed a pole with a hook, “For Fluttershy.” Maud removed the lid with the hook, and grabbed the plush. Then, handed it to Twilight, “Yeah! We did it! Now, we can give these to Fluttershy.”

Suddenly, robotic arms reached out and grabbed the plushie from Twilight’s magical hold.

“I’m terribly sorry, but you’re not giving these to anyone,” said a voice. The animatronic it belonged to was Owen the Owl, and he was accompanied by Lillie the Lamb and Cody the Coyote.

The girls were shocked to see the animatronics acting on their own free will. Suddenly, Owen pulled out a remote, extended the antenna and pressed a button, causing three go-karts to burst out from under the stage.

“Aw, what?!” Sunset questioned, as the animatronics got into the karts, and drove through the wall of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, “Let's get them!”

Girls ran back inside, and seconds later drove out the pizzeria and into the street, with their own double go-karts they had found. As they drove off, Maud stepped out and looked at the hole in the wall.

“I don’t get paid enough for this,” she remarked.

Sunset drove a red one with a M on the front called the Red Fire with Twilight holding on behind, Rarity drove a pink one with a small heart on the grill called the Heart Coach with Applejack hanging on behind her, Pinkie drove green one with a dinosaur head on the front called Turbo Dino with Rainbow holding on to the bars on the back, she would of flew but she didn’t want to risk it with her new cybernetic wing. Even Spike was driving a kart, he drove a blue one with a mushroom on the front called a Toad Kart.

The animatronics continue to drive on, cutting in front of ponies in carts and running red lights. Owen looked over his shoulder, to see the girls driving go-karts and catching up with them. The chase continues onto a bridge as Cody looks back at the karts chasing them, then picks up a red turtle shell from somewhere and throws it backwards at the girls. They all dodge it as the shell hits a light pole and explodes.

“Give us back the plush!” Sunset cried as she rammed the side of her kart into Owen's kart twice.

“Give us...the...Plush!” Rainbow cried as she jumped off the back of the kart, and grabbed onto Owen's kart. Owen punched Rainbow Dash in the jaw, to get her off him. Weakly, Rainbow tried to reach for the plush, but then Lillie rammed her kart into the side of Owen’s.

“Back off, horse!” Lillie shouted, Owen lifted up his arm, Rainbow was holding on to, leaving her dangling inches above the road. She cried for help as a stallion galloping at high speed approached the racing vehicles. Just as she was about to hit him, Twilight used her magic to yank her off Owen’s arm and back onto Pinkie’s kart, letting the stallion pass between the animatronics’ karts and the girls karts, as the girls swerved left to avoid the stallion, they ended up on the sidewalk and nearly crashed into a light pole and each other. Back in the animatronic karts, Owen laughed looking at the plush to his side, as they headed to the docks.

“They're getting away!” Twilight called out, Sunset shifts gears and floors the execrator. Followed by the others, they resume chasing the animatronics.

“Through there!” Spike cried from the back of the pack, as the four karts drove down to the private docks.

On the dock, the animatronics continued their getaway. But as they drove down the road, all their brakes suddenly stopped working.

“Owen, my breaks are busted!” cried Cody.

“Same for me!” Lillie shouted.

“My as well!” Owen yelled.

Looking ahead, Owen saw a pile of barrels in the way. The animatronics avoided the pile, Owen rammed into a light pole, followed by Lillie who bumped into the back of Owen and Cody who jerked into the back of Lillie. To make matters worse, all three karts burst into flames. They fell unconscious for a moment, when they came to, Cody had his right eye missing. Owen grabbed the plush as the animatronics got out their karts.

“Go, go, go!” cried Owen, as the three of them waddled away from the burning kart, but seconds later, they exploded. The girls saw the explosion, and raced over to it.

“What was that?” Pinkie cried, as they continued to drive down to the docks. When they saw the animatronics, they drove in front of them, and all jumped out of their karts.

“Give us back our plush!” Sunset shouted, “We won them fair and square!”

“There's no way you're getting this plush,” Owen told them, as he pointed away, “Now get out of the way before somebody gets hurt!”

“What could you possibly want with a super rare plush?” Twilight questioned.

“Well, ten years ago, we knocked over Big City Jewellers, and made off with millions worth of uncut diamonds,” Cody replied, “Those diamonds are in that plush.”

“Shut up, Cody!” Owen shouted as he slapped the coyote.

“I remember reading about that!” Twilight said, “That was you?”

“Yeah, that's right,” Owen said, “You see, we were high level thugs that robbed a jewellery store in Manehattan, but then one night, we were found out by the Royal Guard, and they shot us for our crimes. Our bodies might have died, but our souls were transferred to these animatronic bodies. We lay low in these suits and every year on our death day, we awake and try to escape from that pizzeria. Our souls were meant to move on once we escaped with these diamonds.”

“Mm-hmm,” Lillie confirmed, “Until you clowns came along and ruined everything!”

“Can't we just have the plush without the diamonds?” Pinkie asked.

“It's too late,” Owen replied, “And you know too much.”

Determined, Rainbow leaped for the plush and yanked it out of Owen's hands.

“Hey, give that back!” Owen growled as Rainbow threw the plush to Applejack, who threw it past the animatronics, and to Spike, who ran to catch them. Once he did, Owen stomped over to him, “Alright! No more games!” he said as he reached for his book and opened it.

“No, don't!” Spike shouted, when suddenly a light shone down onto Owen. Unicorns, Pegasus, and earth pony Royal Guards appeared from all directions.

“This is the Royal Guard. You're surrounded!” cried a unicorn Guardspony, “Get on the ground, now!”

“ Targets are considered hostile, repeat, targets are considered hostile,” radioed a Pegasus to a unicorn who was aiming his horn at them.

“Copy that, Red Leader,” he reported.

“Uh, what do we do, Owen?” Cody asked.

“We do what we were made to do: show these folks a fun time,” Owen replied.

“Hm. Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing,” Lillie stated.

“Well then, I guess it's showtime!” Owen cried as he pulled out a gun from his book.

“Gun!” cried the unicorn Guardspony, shooting Owen twice before he fell to the ground. Spike ran to the safety of his friends while being chased by the bullets of Lillie’s gun.

“Eat lead, sucker!” she cried, the Guardsponys shot Lillie in the chest multiple times, causing her to fall off the dock and into a boat. As Cody tries to fire at the Guard Ponies, not one bullet manages to hit him. Until a unicorn launches a rocket into Cody, the coyote animatronic looks down to see the rocket in his chest.

“Oh shi…” he said before he exploded, cutting off his statement, and leaving a smoking crater in the ground.

As the smoke cleared, an earth pony guard noticed a pole on the ground, as Owen, who had survived getting shot, picked up the pole and let out a war cry as the girls watched in horror. The Unicorns opened fire upon Owen, but he wasn’t giving up. Owen was covered in bullet holes as he stomped forward with the pile in hand. Then a bulkier unicorn appeared and started to rapid fire upon the owl animatronic, this did the trick as the magical bullets finally knocked Owen into a boat. His head knocked the boat in gear, which caused the boat to start up and drive out into the ocean, the searchlight from a Pegasus followed the boat out to sea.

“Smoke ‘em,” the Pegasus radioed an earth pony with a rocket launcher.

The earth pony aimed and fired the rocket at the boat, which destroyed it in one hit. The girls were in shock, then jumped into the air and high-hooved each other in victory.

And so, Twilight and the girls got the super rare Sparky the Dog Plush after the Royal Guard had retrieved the uncut diamonds from it. The whereabouts of the ‘Cameo Crew’ are currently unknown. Though there have been sightings reported all across the lower region of Equestria. Maud quit her job at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza 3 1/2 weeks later and returned to her the rock farm her parents live at, and went into the mining business. Fluttershy received the Sparky plush for her birthday and loved it and added it to her collection of Fazbear Plushies. Sam, Gwen, Nick, and Elena’s punishment lifted that day, and they went all out with drink and food until they vomit from too much. Ace also had some news, but that will have to wait until next time.