//------------------------------// // Chapter 48: The Altas Tiger (Edited) // Story: Somewhere He Belongs // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// Rainbow slowly started to come around, as she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was in a hospital room. Her head hurt and could only see out one eye, she couldn’t remember what happened. “Wha… Where am I?” she questioned, “what happened?” Her questions were soon going to be answered, as a Doctor walked into the room. “Oh good to see you awake, miss Dash,” he remarked, “You’ve been out for quite a while.” “How long was I out?” Rainbow asked. “About a day and a half,” the doctor replied. “What!” Rainbow shouted. “Place calm down Miss Dash,” the doctor told her, “this is a hospital.” “Sorry Doc,” Rainbow replied. “Right, do you remember what happened to you?” he asked. “No, I can’t remember,” Rainbow replied. “Well, a powerful storm struck Ponyville, your friends were saying it was called the Storm of Orochi or something,” the doctor explained, “and your house was unfortunately destroyed in the carnage the storm brought. You threw your adoptive son out the window before the house collapsed on top of you.” “Sweet Celestia,” Rainbow remarked, “is Nick ok?” “Oh he’s fine, somehow,” the doctor replied, “a bit battered and bruised, but he’s fine. The worst he suffered is a twisted ankle.” “Oh, that’s a relief,” Rainbow sighed. “Now, I have some good news and some bad news, about your condition,” The doctor said, “the good news is that despite having a house collapsed on top of you, you have minimal injuries.” “The pro to having a house made out of clouds,” Rainbow smirked. “Unfortunately, the bad news is that despite these minimal injuries, your left wing was terribly busted,” the doctor said, his face falling. Rainbow looked at her wing, and saw it sticking out of the bed and being supported by a sling. It didn’t look great. “Your wing was crushed by rubble, and is beyond healable,” the doctor replied, “I’m afraid, you won’t be able to fly ever again. Rainbow’s world crumbled around her, she could no longer fly. Her dreams of being part of the Wonderbolts were shattered. Her expressionless face said it all. “But there is a way you can be able to fly again,” the doctor said, Rainbow perked up immediately, “you can go into surgery, and get your wing replaced with a prosthetic. But it is very expensive.” Rainbow didn’t know what to do, it was to go through an expensive surgery to get a prosthetic wing, or not be able to fly again. Does she stick to her dreams or deal with reality? The Doctor knew she was thinking about this. “I understand, it’s a hard decision to make,” the doctor said, “I’ll give you some time to think it over.” “Thank you doc,” Rainbow responded, the doctor smiled and left the room. Although the Doctor had left, Rainbow wasn’t alone. A stallion was also in the room, laying in the bed next to Rainbow. The stallion was a dark grey colour Pegasus, with a red and blue mane and tail, blue eyes, and an bow and arrow for a cutie mark. “Hey, I’m sorry for listening to your conversation,” he called out to Rainbow, “but did that really happen to you?” “Yeah, I remember it all now,” Rainbow replied as she turned to look at the stallion, “I threw my adoptive son out the house so that he wouldn’t get hurt, but no sooner did I do so, my house collapsed on top of me.” “Damn girl, you're lucky that you’ve survived,” the stallion remarked, his responses made Rainbow chuckle a little. “So what are you in for?” Rainbow asked. “I got distracted by something and wasn’t looking where I was going and tripped down a well,” the stallion replied, “bashed my head on the wall, and sprained my leg.” “Oh, so nothing as worse as a completely broken wing,” Rainbow retorted. “Sadly no,” the stallion said, feeling bad for Rainbow, “so what are you gonna do about it?” “I don’t know,” Rainbow sighed, “do I go in for the surgery and still chase after my goals, or face the facts and give up on my dreams.” “Don’t think so negatively,” the stallion told her, “If you give up on your dreams, you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life. I will gladly donate some bits so you can go in for surgery and chase after your dreams. Don’t give up.” “Hah, thanks dude,” Rainbow said, “by the way, what’s your name? I’m Rainbow Dash.” “My name is Arrow Point,” he replied, “nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash.” “Nice to meet you too, Arrow Point,” Rainbow replied. Rainbow stayed in the hospital for a few days, recovering as much as she could. While she was there, her friends came to visit her, reassuring her with words of encouragement to go in for the surgery. Even the Princesses visited her and told her that  they would pay for the surgery themselves if they had to. While Rainbow was recovering, Nicholas stayed with Sam and Gwen in the Castle of Friendship. And on this particular night, Sam, Gwen, Nick, and Elena are having their Movie Night, in the castle’s movie cinema. “Movie Night!” cried Sam as Gwen emptied their box of VHS tapes. “Let's see what we've got,” Gwen said as she grabbed a tape, “Hey! Singing in the Rain.” “Eegh! A romantic comedy? VETOED!” Sam remarked as he snatched the tape from Gwen’s hand and tossed it away. “Oooh, what about this one?” Elena said while holding up a tape titled ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’, “It looks creepy!” “Nightmare on Elm Street?” Sam questioned, “Nah, no scary stuff, Gwen can't handle it.” “What?!” Gwen exclaimed. “Remember the time we saw Tremors?” Sam stated, “You wouldn't eat gummy worms for a week!” “Shut up!” Gwen snapped. “Oh no! The piece of candy is gonna get me!” Sam mocked, as himself, Nick and Elena all laughed. “You're the piece of candy,” Gwen huffed. “Don't you guys have anything to do with adventure?” Elena asked. “Uhhh, let's see,” Sam replied as he looked through the tapes. “Forget movies! We should go on a REAL adventure!” Nick stated. “Huh?” the three questioned him. “Yeah! To the old, abandoned zoo!” Nick told them. “Come on, guys it's movie night!” Sam remarked, “We should stay inside, and veg out on these cinema seats.” “Hm, hm. Sam is just afraid we will run into Izac,” Nick retorted. “Izac?” the two girls questioned. “You guys have never heard of Izac?” Nick asked. “No,” Elena replied. “Well, gather around!” Nick told them as Sam gave off a heavy grunt, “The tale of Izac, is a tale that's as old as fifteen to twenty years ago. He was a rare species of tiger known as an Atlas Tiger that lived in the zoo, who was evil to the core! One day, he was mutated into a monster, and he attacked and killed his trainer! The zoo was forced to close down. But Izac wouldn't leave, so he still roams the old, abandoned zoo, getting more evil over the years, only to be able to survive by breaking into pony's homes, eating all of their food, and then eating THEM!” “Whoa!” the two girls responded. “Pfft. Lame. Izac is a dumb old urban legend. Come on, Storytime is over. Let's get this movie started. Right? Yeah,” Sam remarked, as he picked up a bowl of popcorn from one of the seats next to him, and sniffs it while sitting down in one of the seats, “Mm, semi-burnt popcorn! Saved you a seat right here, Elena.” Sam patted the seat next to him. “Yeah, see, I told you!” Nick said, “Scared of Izac!” “What?! Izac isn't even REAL!” Sam tried to rebut, “You know I'm not scared, right Elena?” “Sam, it's alright,” Elena assured him, “If you don't want to go, I mean, it does sound pretty scary.” “What?! No! It's just that it is supposed to be movie night,” Sam replied, “and come on, you guys know I don’t like sudden changes.” “Excuses, excuses dude!” Nick spoke up, “Look, if you are not scared of Izac, then I dare you to take a picture inside Izac's cage!” “Ooooooooh!” Elena and Gwen went. “No dude, that's just dumb,” Sam retorted. “Come on! It will be an exciting adventure!” Elena said. “Yeah, and all desolate, and spooky,” Gwen chimed in. “Gwen, we are trying to make him NOT scared,” Elena joked. “I'M NOT SCARED!” shouted Sam, Nick, Elena, and Gwen then all start to murmur to each other, Sam lets out a deep sigh, “Okay, fine. We'll go to the abandoned zoo and take a picture in a dumb tiger cage.” “Yeah, alright!” cheered Elena. “This is going to be fun!” Gwen praised. “I'll get the camera!” Gwen then ran out the home cinema to find a camera. “We'll watch a movie another night, I promise,” Elena told Sam sweetly. “We better,” Sam remarked. “Such a pouter!” Elena giggled while punching Sam in the shoulder. “Found it!” Gwen called out as entered the home cinema holding a camera. “Yes, Izac! Here we come!” Nick cried out. The four of them were soon walking through the dead of night, through the forest under the mountain Canterlot stood on, until they came to an opening where there stood the entrance to the old, abandoned zoo. “There it is,” Nick pointed out. “Neat!” Gwen said as she put her head into the mouth of a lion statue, “Check it out! I'm a lion tamer! Ahhhhh!” Sam and Nick just stared at her in confusion as Elena tried to get the gate open. “Eugh! The gate's locked,” she told them. “Aww man,” Gwen cried. “No way,” Nick said as he ran over. “Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be,” Sam remarked, “But we still have enough time for movie night, know what I'm saying? Let's go back to…” “Hey! I found a way in!” called Nick, having found a hole in the gate. “Cool,” Elena said. “Way to go, Nick,” stated Gwen. “Wait! But…” Sam called out. “You coming, Sam?” Elena called back to him. “Yeah, Sam, you coming?” Nick said, imitating Elena. “Ehhh, you are enjoying this, aren't you?” Sam stated deadpanned. “Hm, hm!” Nick replied with a smirk, as the two followed the girls into the zoo, they looked around at all the abandoned cages, “Cool!” “It is so weird without any animals,” Gwen remarked. “Yeah, it's like the end of the world, or something!” Elena stated. “You're not afraid, are you?” Sam smirked. “Ha! Yeah right, you're the big chicken here!” Elena responded. “Hey!” Sam smiled. Soon the gang came to a stop in front of a reptile house. “Aw yeah, reptile building!” Gwen cheered, “Think you can handle going in there? Mum told me how scared you looked when you were near that lizard friend of yours.” “Pffft! Step aside!” Sam said, “and Chloe didn’t scare me, she just startled me. You try staring a Komodo Dragon in the face.” “Sure,” Gwen smirked, as the gang entered the reptile house, “Do you think Izac is real?” “Heck yeah he's real!” Nick replied, “He's probably waiting for us on the other side of this building!” “No he's not, dude, there's no one here,” Sam stated when suddenly, a squirrel jumped out of a broken reptile tank, scaring Sam so much that he fell to the ground as Nick laughed hysterically. “Aww, how cute!” Gwen stated. “Maybe I should take the lead,” Nick joked, “there might be more SQUIRRELS up ahead!” Nick and Gwen ran off, leaving Sam and Elena by themselves. Elena walked over to Sam. “You okay?” she asked, reaching out a paw. “Yeah, I’m fine,” Sam replied as he stood up and rubbed his butt. “Are you sure you can handle Izac?” Elena asked as the two exited the reptile house, “That squirrel was pretty scary back there.” “I wasn't scared, I was just surprised,” Sam replied, “There's a difference, you know.” “Oh yeah, sure. You looked pretty scared to me,” Elena grinned, “Boo!” “Ha, ha!” Sam responded sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her, “No seriously though, don’t you remember going so to the zoo on our school trip?” “Oh yeah,” Elena remarked, “I remember, my favourite animals there were the giraffes and red pandas.” “The only thing I didn’t like was the tigers,” Sam remarked. “So you ARE scared of Izac?” Elena laughed. “Well, yeah, when I was little. It was just a regular tiger though,” Sam stated, he then saw something that caught his attention. That something, was a little ride-along train that was abandoned along with the rest of the zoo. “Oh, no way! They had this here too! This was my FAVOURITE part about coming to the zoo! I loved riding the train at that zoo. The conductor would yell ‘All aboard!’, and I would race to get the first seat I could!” Sam ran towards a train carriage, and sat in it. Sam then let out a breath of relaxation. Elena walked over to the train carriage and sat with Sam. “Yeah, I remember you were so excited whenever the train arrived,” she stated, “this is kind of small, don’t you think.” “This was made for foals and fillies,” Sam remarked, “I can get out...” “No, I don't mind,” Elena assured him, “It's cosy. Plus, I like snuggling up next to you.” “Oh. Yeah. Heh,” Sam said nervously, blushing a little. “So, where do you think we’re going?” Elena asked. “Hmmm, Sam thought, then pretended to talk like a man with his wife from the 1920's, “Conductor! Take us somewhere exotic please, and mind the bumps, my lady does not like getting sick! Thank you!” Sam and Elena laughed at Sam’s impression until the point where it started to get a little awkward. Elena had a huge smile on her face as stared at Sam. Then out of nowhere, Nick comes and breaks the tension by yelling out a window of an abandoned complex in the zoo. “Hey guys, over here!” he called out to them, “We found some more train tracks!” Nick leads them to a set of abandoned train tracks, as they walk down them they eventually come across a metal tunnel. “Oh, rad!” Gwen remarked, “Everybody, scream through the tunnel!” Gwen and Nick run through the tunnel while screaming, “After you,” Sam said to Elena. “Oh, what a gentlemen,” Elena replied, as she ran through screaming as well, then started to laugh with Eileen once she came out the other side. But she then realised that Sam wasn’t coming through “Wait, where's Sam?” Elena turned around and shouted up the tunnel, her voice echoing, “Sam? Hello? Sa…?” “Elena!” shouted Sam as he suddenly appeared on her right. Elena screamed in fright as Sam burst into laughter. “Ugh, what are you doing?!” She snapped. “I went around!” Sam told her. “Ugh, don't do that,” Elena said, annoyed as she shoves Sam and storms off. “What?” Sam queried, “it’s funny!” The gang followed the train tracks a little further until they came to a dead end where the tracks had been torn up and bent back. “Aw what?” Nick huffed. “Now which way?” Elena asked. Nick and Gwen looked around, until Gwen found something on the ground. “Whoa, check it out guys!” she pointed out, It turned out to be a footprint from something large. Elena walked over to see it, even putting her fox paw in it to compare the size of the footprint to her own. “That’s a massive footprint,” she remarked. “Nah, it can't be,” Sam remarked as he and Nick came over, “It's just a hole in the dirt.” “No man, it's Izac! This way!” Nick told them. The gang walked over to a tiger cage that has a huge hole in the bars, the same size as the hole in the gate earlier on. “Uhh, I think we found it,” Gwen pointed out. “Yeah, that's definitely it!” Nick exclaimed with excitement. The gang walked through the hole and into the tiger cage. “Okay, well, we're here,” Sam said, “Let's take the picture and go.” “Oh, no! This is just the entrance,” Nick said, “Anybody can take a picture in here. We are going to the real cage, down through there!” He then pointed to a small door at the back of the cage, which was open. “What?!” the girls exclaimed. “No way, dude,” Sam said, “We're not going down there!” “Why not?” Nick said, “I thought you weren't scared!” He then opened the door a little more and stepped inside, letting off a sinister laugh. “Nick! Agh!” groaned Sam. “well?” Gwen questioned the other two. “You coming?” Elena asked Sam. The three went through the door one by one, until they were in a room that led to a seemingly endless aisle of empty tiger cages. “Nick?!” Sam called out. “Whoa, awesome!” Nick remarked as he ran down the aisle of cages. “Agh, Nick!” Sam called out, “Where are you?!” “Hurry up!” Nick cried, his voice echoing. Elena looked inside a cage as they passed by, she saw that it held within it stray bones. This creeped her out a bit. “Feels like we shouldn't be in here,” she remarked. “Nick, come on!” Gwen called out to him. “I'm not stopping 'till I find Izac!” came Nick’s reply. “Dude, quit messing around!” Sam yelled, they heard Nick laughing a long-distance away, “Dude, forget it! We're going back. Come on, guys.” Sam, Elena, and Gwen were just about to turn around and walk back out, only to then hear Nick screaming from back up the aisle. “Nick?!” They all cried in worry as they turned and ran back up the aisle in hopes to save Nick from whatever he was screaming at. “Nick! Nick!!!” Sam yelled out, as they came to the end of the aisle. Just as they came to the end, Nicholas jumped out right in front of the gang jumpscaring them. He scared them so much that Sam and Elena held each other, and all three of them fell down onto the ground. In spite of all of this, Nick burst out laughing hysterically. “Dude?! What the heck?!” Sam snapped. “Oh, man! You should have seen your faces!” Nick laughed, “You really, you really believed!” he couldn’t stop laughing. “Dude! You almost gave us heart attacks,” Gwen frowned. “We thought Izac got you!” Elena retorted, still holding Sam. “Izac’s not real! It's just a myth! You guys totally fell for it!” Nick’s sides were hurt from all the laughter. “Whatever. Can we go back to the castle now?” Sam asked. Sure, sure,” Nick replied through gasps of breath, “But let's take the picture first.” Nick sets up the camera on a rock and sets a timer. The gang lined up for the picture, “Okay, get ready.” “Hey, what's this door for?” Gwen questioned, she was referring to a large metal door that was behind them. “I don't know, I'm not a zookeeper,” Nick answered, the camera captured the moment, took the picture, and printed out the photo. “Sweet! Ha, ha! Man, I got you guys good, you gotta admit it!” “Yeah, yeah,” Sam replied annoyed, he and Elena walk off, leaving Nick and Gwen in front of the metal door. “Well, you got ME good, Nick,” Gwen told him. “Yeah, like Izac's really gonna be living down here,” Nick chuckled, “Uh, hello? Izac? You home?!” he knocked on the metal door. “Yeah, uhhh,” Gwen chuckled as she too knocked on the door, “the pizzas you ordered are here!” “You were holding me pretty tight for someone who is not scared!” Elena joked. “What? No! You were totally holding onto ME! Sam said as the two of them let out a small laugh. “Aw, man! These things take forever to show up,” Nick remarked as he shook the photo to try and make it appear. “Actually, you're not supposed to shake it,” Gwen told him. “Oh, hey, do you know what this piece does?” Nick asked as he pointed to the lens of the camera. “Yeah, you see, you just turn it, like this,” as Gwen turned the lens on the camera, the metal door behind them started to open, very slowly and very eerily. “So, you still wish you were just watching a movie?” Elena asked Sam. “No, this was pretty fun, I mean, I got to hang out with you, so, that's all that matters,” Sam replied. Elena lets off a small laugh, as Sam leaned over, hoping to kiss her. “Uh, Sam?” Elena questioned. “Yeahhhhhh?” Sam replied. Elena pulled his head over to her lips, hoping to kiss Sam but then, she noticed something behind him. “What is that?!” she asked in a panicked tone. “Huh?!” Sam gasped when he turned around to see what she was meaning. From the shadows of the room behind the metal door, stepped out a bipedal tiger monster. It turns out that Izac, the Atlas Tiger Monster did indeed exist. Izac made his presence known (at the worst possible time), creeping through the door, disgruntled, as Nick described him back at the house. Nick and Gwen let out whimpers, as Izac lets out a huge roar, knocking off Nick's orange beanie hat. They both stepped back towards Elena and Sam, as Izac let out another roar, scaring the daylights out of the four of them. The gang turned tail and ran out hoping to lose the beast. “OH MY CELESTIA! IZAC'S REAL!!!” shouted Nick. “Oh man, I'm gonna kill you for this, Nick!” yelled Sam. “I think Izac's going to take care of that!” cried Gwen. “Quit it! Don't say that!” screamed Elena. The gang, still in hot pursuit by Izac, ran through the hole in the cage. Izac fitted through perfectly, and continued to hunt them down. They keep running, through the forest, back to Ponyville and back up to the castle. The gang runs through the door, and Sam slams the door shut, trying to block Izac from coming in. That was unsuccessful, as Izac charged at the door and nearly burst it open. Sam then transformed into Ultraman and charged back at the door and managed to knock Izac back and away from the door as the fight took to the streets of Ponyville. “Gwen, send a message to Princess Luna and ask for her nightguards,” Nick told her. Gwen nodded as she quickly grabbed some paper and wrote a note. Ultraman and Izac squared up with each other, before Izac roared and suddenly dashed towards Ultraman and clotheslined him, tripping him up and falling to the ground. Izac tried to go in for a swipe, but Ultraman blocked it, as he tried to kick the monster, but Izac simply jumped back and dodged it. Ultraman tried to do a jumping kick to Izac’s face, but the monster swiftly dodged it, so Ultraman tried again, and again, and each time Izac avoided it. Ultraman tried to grab Izac by the head, but the monster somehow knew martial arts, and suplexed Ultraman to the ground. Ultraman told backup and tried to perform a sliding kick, but Izac just jumped over the attack, and as Ultraman got back up Izac slashed his claws across Ultraman’s face. Izac continued to brutally attack Ultraman, and not letting the Ultra land a hit, when Ultraman managed to push Izac to the ground, the monster simply shoved the Ultra off and let him roll over him. Ultraman got up and channelled his energy, then he ran forward and managed to land a kick to Izac’s shoulder, causing the monster to fall to the ground. Then he tried to jump on to Izac, but the tiger monster just kicked him off. Izac seemed to be more skilled than Ultraman, kicking and scratching him, throwing him to the floor, But Ultraman wasn’t out yet. When Izac ran towards him, Ultraman grabbed him and suplexed the monster over himself, somehow the two even clotheslined each other. As both Ultra and monster got up from the ground, they both performed some extraordinary jumping skills, striking each other and coming crashing to the ground. Both staggered to their feet, Ultraman was getting tired, but Izac still had strength in him. Ultraman channelled his energy again, to give him more strength, then the two ran towards each other, and grappled with one another, until Ultraman managed to lift Izac up and over his shoulder. But suddenly, Izac crawled to Ultraman’s feet at high speeds, and grabbed and pulled his legs causing the Ultra to fall backwards, before climbing onto Ultraman. The two began to tussle and roll around on the ground. Once the two got back to their feet, the fight seemed to go from Izac over powering Ultraman, to the two becoming evenly matched. Izac threw Ultraman to the ground, Ultraman kicked Izac over himself. Izac tossed Ultraman around and to the floor, Ultraman chucked and spun Izac to the earth. Izac would dodge an attack from Ultraman, the Ultra would respond by tripping the tiger to the terrain. The fight continued until Luna’s Lunar Guards arrived. “It’s Izac! Take him down!” cried the General. The Lunar Guards fired tranquilliser darts from their horns at Izac, most made contact with the monster, while others missed. One dart shot right passed Izac, and towards Ultraman, the Ultra swiftly deflected it but then it struck Nick in the arm. “Whattttt thhhhe heck, mannnnnnnn?!” Nick exclaimed, his voice sounding like it was in slow motion. “Sorry!” retorted Ultraman. Izac wasn’t finished, using his tail, he swiped the guards way, and charged forward towards Ultraman. Izac roared as Ultraman powered up his Specium Beam, and just as the monster was about to strike, Ultraman fired the beam striking Izac in the chest. The monster cried out in pain, as Ultraman stopped firing, Izac’s body stumbled forward, and collapsed to the ground. The beam had hurt and weakened Izac enough that the tranquilliser in his system took effect and knocked him out. Ultraman painted and returned to Sam as Gwen and Elena ran over to see if he was ok. The next morning, the gang were outside, watching the Lunar Guards, airlifted the unconscious Izac to an animal sanctuary, where hopefully, he would get treated and returned back to a normal tiger. “Poor Izac,” Gwen remarked, feeling sorry for the beast. “Don't worry about him. He'll be fine,” Sam assured her, “those animal sanctuaries are like five-star hotels.” “Hey, thanks for saving all of our lives,” Elena said to Sam, “that was really brave of you.” “To be honest, I was pretty scared,” Sam replied, “I was scared if I didn’t defeat him, I would lose you.” “Yeah, but that's what made you brave,” Elena remarked, as she gave Sam a hug. “You weren't exactly brave, Nick, but you are pretty cool,” Gwen told him. “Thannnnks, you tooooooo!” Nick replied slowly, due to the dart still in his arm. “Hey, so how did that picture turn out?” Elena asked. Nick took out the picture to show them all, but the picture showed that it had taken a picture of their feet. “Aw, what?” complained Sam. “Nick!” all three shouted. “And just where did you take that photo?” came a stern voice. The four nervously turned around to see Twilight and Sunset, with grim expressions on their muzzles. “Oh we are so busted,” Sam replied, as he facepalmed. “You so are Mr,” Twilight said as she used her magic to drag Sam by the collar of his jacket and dragged him inside, where he and the others would receive one of the biggest scoldings of their lives.