//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Hole in Whitetail Woods. // by CrazyGreenFluff //------------------------------// “Woah!” Scootaloo cried as her scooter slid to a screeching halt. The speed of the stop had caused a cloud of dirt to kick up, making her cough and reel back. She dusted herself off, then glared pointedly at the thing that had caused this mess. There was a perfectly round hole in the ground ahead of her. It had not been there yesterday when she’d rode this route, and so she’d had to swerve around it, or risk falling in. “Hey, where did you come from!?” She asked, stomping up to the hole and pointing a hoof at it. She stayed like that for a moment, before lowering her hoof and peering over the edge. Her eyes widened and she took a few steps back, gasping. The hole was very deep, deeper than any she’d seen before, and was pitch black at the bottom! Scootaloo gulped, then approached it once more. She eyed it with skepticism, scanning every pebble and loose root as she leaned further and further in. Well, there’s no sound or movement, so it must be sa– –Pebbles loosened and dirt fell, sending Scootaloo diving forward and tumbling into the darkness! Her lips parted and a shriek echoed all around her as she spun head over hoof, the air growing cold and moist as she continued to descend. It felt like whole minutes had passed by the time she plunged into cold, rapid water! It encased her so perfectly, entering her maw and nostrils and causing her to jolt in alarm. She flailed briefly, before she was suddenly thrust above the waves! She coughed, then gasped and opened her eyes wide, spinning all around like a top as she scanned her environment. She was in some kind of underground tunnel; cool black rocks made up the walls, barely illuminated by blue luminescent moss. The current pulled her forward, causing her to bob up and down in the cold water, just barely able to keep her head above the surface. The only sounds she heard were that of the rushing water, and her quickened breath. Then a shhh grew steadier and steadier in volume, and Scootaloo gasped when she realized it was a waterfall. She sucked in a big breath and held it, just in time for the world to start rotating rapidly around her again as she tumbled down the great leak of water. It was over in an instant, and soon enough she was plunged into and guided through warm, bright depths. A moment later, her head broke the surface once more, and she sucked in several well needed breaths. She gulped as she realized the current was gentler now, and she took advantage of that to finally flip onto her back, allowing her wings to work with the flow. She sighed thankfully, then her eyes widened at the sight of the brilliant orange sky above. She’d entered a ravine or something, the walls were still black, but around halfway to the top they split open to reveal droopy moss bathed in rays of sunlight. The water here was warmer as well, causing her to shiver, then relax in the soothing waves. The crack in the earth soon ended, Scootaloo arching her head back as far as she could to watch it leave. She didn’t want to be in the dark again, but regardless, she eventually had to turn her gaze forward. At the very least, the gentle current and warm water remained, a huge improvement over the first part of her trip. Scootaloo’s ears twitched, then swiveled toward the sound of birdsong. She developed a perplexed look, but it immediately turned to shock as once again, there was nothing but air beneath her! She gasped, held her breath, then her stomach dropped, and she was embraced by lukewarm liquid once again. She didn't have time to rise before she was quickly plopped into a pond in broad daylight. She breached the surface for hopefully the last time that day, and realized the world was still. She looked all around, finding that she was in Whitetail woods, all the way on the other side of Ponyville from where she’d been! Several ducks were quacking and hovering around her, likely scolding her for dropping in and scaring them like that. “I’m sorry! I came from a cave!” she said, quickly swimming to the edge and crawling out of the pond. She didn’t expect her legs to instantly give out, sending her splayed out on the ground. She groaned, pulled herself up on trembling limbs, then looked back to where she’d come from. The ducks looked at her with pity, before flying away and leaving her alone. Scootaloo looked up and her eyes landed on the beautiful double waterfall pouring into the quaint little pond, a barely noticeable cave high above. She gaped, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. Then… “That was awesome!” she cheered, rearing up. Sure, it had been scary at first –not that she felt fear– but now that she’d had a moment to process what had happened, she’d realized it was fun! I’ll have to come back tomorrow, and the next day, and then I can show my friends! She thought, eagerly galloping off toward Ponyville. Of course, she’d have to retrieve her scooter tomorrow, since it was late. But Whitetail Woods was safe, so it would be fine overnight. Getting back to Ponyville was easy, since she knew almost exactly what part of the forest she was in. She’d explored Whitetail woods frequently these past few years, even before she’d met Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle! She’d even been to that very same pond before, but she’d never noticed how the waterfalls bled from a cave! Who knew that tunnel had been under Ponyville all this time! She thought. The duhduh, duhduh, duhduh of her wet hooves against the soft grass matched the thudding of her heartbeat. A huge grin split her face, her teeth clenched as her wings flapped at her sides, flicking droplets of water everywhere as they just barely propelled her forward. The cool sundown breeze felt great as it blew her wet mane back and dried her damp fur. Scootaloo planned to tell everyone she knew about the epic water ride she’d found today, knowing that being the one to report it would make her the talk of the town! Although, she wasn’t looking forward to the inevitable scolding she’d receive for staying out after dark, and the yelling that would come when the adults learned she’d fallen in. She wouldn’t willingly tell them about that part, but they’d be able to surmise it from how she was soaked, and how she even knew about the tunnel in the first place. But she was confident that, once everyone had a turn on the ride, the hole would become one of Ponyville’s most celebrated attractions! And so, she ran back to town, smiling excitedly all the way.