The Best Nights Ever

by kleec13

The Best Nights Ever

I sat at the bar top as my hoof traced around the rim of my almost empty mojito glass. Suddenly, I heard hoofsteps beside me, getting me out of my tipsy trance.
“Rarity! Hello!” a cheerful voice said. “Hope you don’t mind if I join you.”
I looked up and saw my purple alicorn friend taking a seat next to me at the bar.
“Oh, hi Twilight. No, not all. I appreciate the company.”
Twilight eyed my glass.
“Want another, on me?” she asked.
My cheeks turned pinker than the alcohol had already made them.
“No, thanks. This was my third,” I said.
“Alright, then. Just a sauvignon blanc for me please, bartender.”
“Coming right up, Princess.”
Twilight then turned to me.
“So, three drinks? Sitting here by yourself? That's not like you. Rough day?”
I almost wanted to make up the reason I had found myself at a bar with three mojitos. But for whatever reason, I decided to tell the truth.
“I had a mixer in Canterlot last night to talk about my summer collection,” I explained. “Applejack came with me… and she was miserable.”
The bartender then came with Twilight’s wine and she took a sip before she spoke.
“What makes you think that she was miserable? Did she outright say it?”
“Well, no,” I admitted. “But why would she? Sure, she’s not at all afraid to speak her mind, but she knows how important these things are to me. And I know her. This is the third time she’s attended an event with me since we’ve been together and all three times, she barely talked to anypony. She just stood around eating her hors d'oeuvres.”
Twilight cocked her head and took another sip of wine.
“Not to sound harsh, but it seems like you’re jumping to conclusions a bit to think she was miserable just because of that. But I wasn’t there,” she said.
Maybe I was jumping to conclusions. From the very beginning, I wanted so badly for Applejack to feel comfortable among my Canterlot friends. Any inkling that she wasn’t could have made paranoia set in.
“No matter if she was miserable or not, I was reminded of what different social circles we travel in,” I told Twilight. “I love her so much. And I’m not saying it could never work. But I guess I’m not sure what our future looks like now.”
“Maybe she was acting that way for another reason,” Twilight said. “One that you might not have expected. As I’ve said to you both, even those who have known each other a long time need to work on communication.”
I looked slyly at Twilight. Why did I think she could guess the reason and wasn’t telling me so I could learn a lesson? But that didn’t matter.
“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” I said.
“Hey, you told me,” Twilight noted. “Good practice for telling Applejack.”
I glanced at the glass before me.
“I suppose that would be healthier than drinking my feelings in three mojitos, huh?”
“How about a virgin one so we can chat while I finish my wine? Then I can help you home,” Twilight suggested with a laugh.
“Thanks, Twilight. I’d like that very much.”

Fortunately, the consequences of my three mojitos the next day were minimal. Minimal enough that I asked Applejack to come see me as I was closing my shop so we could talk about what was on my mind.
“Hey Rarity. I got your letter,” she said as she came in.
“Hello, my dear. Let’s talk upstairs.”
I locked the door and I led her to my room.
“So, what’s up?” Applejack asked as we found places to sit.
“You don’t need to keep attending events with me if you don’t want to,” I started.
“What makes you think I don’t want to go to events with ya? I mean, I appreciate you telling me that, but I’m just curious.”
“I don’t want to speak for you,” I said. “But it didn’t seem like you were happy at the events we’ve been to.”
“Why, Rarity. I had a fine time!” Applejack assured me.
That stupid paranoia still wouldn’t let me completely believe her.
“I hope you’re not just saying that…”
“I ain’t!” Applejack insisted. “Well, alright. It’s not like I want to attend EVERY fancy event with you. Those things are definitely out of my comfort zone, as we both know, and it was awkward sometimes not knowing anypony there besides you. But I don’t mind supportin’ you every once in a while. Dare I say, I even enjoyed getting gussied up, ‘specially by you. I felt mighty pretty.”
My ears perked up at my mare friend's compliment. She was beautiful and deserved to feel that way. Hearing her say that made me so happy, I almost forgot the situation at hoof. But my mind stayed on track.
“But you just seemed so… lonely,” I said. “You kept to yourself as if you just wanted to get through the evening.”
“And that’s exactly how I wanted it!” Applejack insisted again. “I was perfectly fine just hanging out, taking in the scenery, and having some good snacks. That was your time to socialize, Rares. Good thing, too. I love the Apple Family Reunions, but I want to crawl in bed with a good book for a week after one. And I'm among my own family there.”
I paused as two and two were put together in my mind.
“So you weren’t lonely, you were just… alone?”
“Yeah,” Applejack said with a nod. “That’s a good way to put it.”
“And you weren’t quiet because you were uncomfortable among my friends. But because you wanted to be quiet?”
Applejack nodded again. I felt a bit embarrassed as I perhaps should have had this realization a while ago. But being alone yet not lonely wasn’t something I experienced often. I sometimes forgot it wasn’t that way for everypony. I also had to laugh because I was probably right last night at the bar. Twilight likely knew why Applejack acted the way she did. I could imagine her acting in a similar way if she were in Applejack’s shoes.
“Did I just blow your socialite brain?” Applejack teased.
“Maybe a little,” I said, laughing along. “But I love that we make each other see the world differently. It’s part of what makes us a good couple.”