Being Sick Sucks

by TheDerpyLover

I Hate Being Sick

I laid in bed next to Merry May as she kicked a leg in her sleep, yawning as she did so. Ever since we had started dating, she’d been spending more time here than at her own home it seemed, leaving a tooth brush and a bottle of her shampoo here.

“Lucky bastard,” I muttered as I laid on my side facing the door in case I had to vomit and run for it. Being sick is the worst and I don’t even know why I’m fucking sick, it just happened. I didn’t even have a migraine or anything. “I just wanna sleep man.”

I picked up the water bottle on my side of the bed and started drinking as I draped a hand on my marefriend’s head, absent-mindedly scratching her ears as she sighed happily. Her pink mane or plum as she insisted was matted on one side and sticking all over.

“Oh fuck,” I muttered as I shot to my feet and ran to the bathroom, flipping the lid open, painting the inside a brown color as I groaned. “Urgh.”

I vomited a few more times before flushing, washing my mouth out with water from the sink.

The worst part was it kept getting in my beard everytime, I mused as I stood in the doorway of my bedroom as I groaned, running back to the bathroom and vomiting again.

“James?” I glanced to the doorway for a brief second at Merry rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as I threw up again and her eyes widened. “Oh jeez, are you alright?”


I felt her wing wrapped around my back as she rested a hoof on my hand and I sighed.

“How long have you been throwing up for?” Merry asked as she handed me a glass of water we kept on the bathroom sink and I swished it around my mouth before spitting it out.

“All night. I can’t sleep.”

Oh, if looks could kill I’d be dead. Merry narrowed her eyes at me as I gulped nervously as she kept her wing on my back.

“And you for some reason didn’t think to wake me?” Merry demanded as I shrugged.

“You looked peaceful and I didn’t want to bother you just because I can’t sleep,” I answered as Merry nuzzled my neck. “Thanks.”

“Are all humans this stubborn or is it just you?” Merry asked with a faint smile as I kissed her forehead. “Down boy, vomit breath is not sexy.”

“Sorry,” I muttered and spit into the toilet. “I just wanna sleep man. I’ve prayed to every God imaginable to let me and I’m just over here dying.”

“Don’t be dramatic, you’re not dying,” Merry rolled her eyes. “You’re sick from something. Hang on here, I’ll get some medicine from your cupboard downstairs.”

“Don’t have any,” I answered as she fluttered out the room.

“Yes you do. I brought some over the last time I was sick here and left it behind. I practically live here with how often I’m staying the night.”

I sighed again as I listened to her rummage around my small house. Or well, small to me but big to her and the other ponies. She always was talking about how much space I had, which is slightly funny considering she comes up a little past my knee.

“Here,” Merry trotted back into the room and handed me a bottle that I inspected. “Just drink it, you know I would do nothing to hurt you silly human. It’s a very strong ibuprofen.”

She had me there to be honest. With a shrug, I started drinking and immediately resisted the urge to gag. I was used to some human medicines like Pepto Bismol tasting like shit but it didn’t even compare to how awful this was.

“Awful I know but it’ll help you get better faster,” Merry said and took the now empty bottle. “Come.”

“Feel like a dog when you say it like that,” I grumbled and shakily followed her out of the bathroom where she had placed a bucket next to my side of the bed.

“Since you can’t sleep, we can just watch movies on your fancy home theater thing,” Merry waved a hoof at my TV with a few movies already set out.

“My TV?” I suggested with a tired smile and she nodded enthusiastically as she hopped on the bed and curled into a ball.

“Bed now,” Merry ordered and patted the side I normally slept on.

“Okay mom,” I grumbled as we both stared at the tv turning on. “I never thought pony world would get tvs.”

“Yeah well nor did I imagine I’d be dating a giant tall monkey,” Merry shot back with a smirk as she yawned and covered the two of us. “So both of us got more than what we bargained for.”

“Suppose so,” I muttered as I held the bucket in my lap. “What movie are we watching?”

“Interstellar,” Merry clapped her hooves together excitedly as I bit back a grimace. I absolutely hated that movie but well, she liked it and that’s what matters.

“How did you even know I was missing from bed?” I asked as the opening scene started. Merry was a pretty heavy sleeper like myself and practically nothing woke her up. I’ve seen her sleep through countless monster attacks on Ponyville before.

“I rolled over to hug you and there was a empty warm spot. Naturally, I was wondering where the heck you were and heard something in the bathroom so I stumbled in there and well, there you were and here we are,” Merry explained with a faint blush.

“Oh sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for, you’re sick. You stay there until I say so or you feel better and drink lots of water,” Merry instructed sternly as I gave her a flat look. “Don’t look at me like that young man or you won’t get to do anything extracurricular with me tomorrow if you feel better.”

Well, that was a pretty good motivator.


Merry curled up next to my side and I draped an arm over her, idly scratching her ear as we focused on the movie. While it may be a shitty movie completely, it’s tolerable with Merry.

Most things are with partners after all and I did have the best one in all of Equestria.