How's Life Been Treating You?

by nitelight

The Fourth

My dearest Twilight,
I must say that Luna and I very much enjoyed the festivities in Canterlot in the first days of summer. It was nice to explore the city as regular tourists and see how the area has changed. Even in these past few months, I fear that I do not recognize the city I called home for over a millennium, any more. It has grown just as you have.
Even though you were very busy, you made time to spend with my sister and I. And I know that I have already thanked you, but I will continue to do so anyway. If anyone would know how busy things can get ruling a kingdom, it is me. Do not be afraid to take breaks as you need. As much as you love your work, your tendency to get caught up in it may just be your downfall. And we wouldn't want you Twilighting your way through an important meeting. (Your friends were very enthusiastic to share the term with me).
As for what we have been up to, we have decided to finally settle down in Silver Shoals for a bit to simply relax. After all, we do have years left ahead of us to catch up on the things that we want to do. And we learned from that short vacation we took during the Royal Swanifying that trying to do every such thing in a short amount of time only led to chaos. I am almost surprised Discord did not catch wind of it and dig his claws into our personal business, as I am sure you know he likes to do.
Luna, for one, very much enjoys getting to spend her days slowly and doing the things that she enjoys on her own time. Though I am starting to think she will rival your record of "most books read in a day" at this rate. But is it a bad thing that I don't think that I will ever get tired of her storming around the house, ranting to me about what is happening with the characters in her stories? Like many things she does, she puts her whole heart into such activities.
As for my relaxation, the beach is where I spend most of my days. We have a private area and clean view of the sea from almost every window, and it is hard to stay inside with the ocean calling out to me like that. The flowing water almost reminds me of the waterfalls in Canterlot. It is nice to just enjoy the light of the sun against my coat.
Luna is the same way with the moon. If ever, she goes out to the beach at night, wading in the shallow water. It must be from her connection to the tides, as I never understood why she had always loved the water so much. Another reason, perhaps, is because of the awful sunburn she always gets. She told me of the time she got burnt horribly because she did not know sunscreen was a thing, and even now, with sunscreen readily available, she refuses to stay out too long during the day unless it is cloudy enough to not see even the corona of the sun.
Among that, nothing else much is to be mentioned. It has only been a few weeks since we last caught up, though, and I am sure that we will have plenty to share with you later. Though, I will admit that I did very much enjoy your expression to my shorter mane. As Luna had said, I was quite excited to show you the change I had made. It has been so long since it has been short. Since I was a filly, I think. I had been putting it off for so long, but having a younger sister being your motivator means that a lot of things get done without much complaining. She always gives me a look when I start.
Speaking of Luna motivating me to do things that I otherwise would have put off for years, I do know that she mentioned to you about my ideas of expanding our family. I have no intention of seeking a husband, as I am perfectly content with the love I have for Luna and do not need one of a romantic partner. We have come to the conclusion of adopting. Details of the issue are still being worked on, such as the gender, or even species of the child. Such as how you raised a dragon, Spike, the idea of adopting a child that is not a pony crossed our minds. Perhaps a hippogriff? Either way, it is my decision in finality.
Luna, while working with children almost nightly, never had the urge to parent one of her own. She will help me raise them, of course, as she is supportive in my plans, but ultimately I will be its mother. I never even considered calling myself such, and even doing so on paper feels strange.
Which reminded me; however brief it was, do not let your title as monarch scare you so. You seemed almost frightened when ponies would address you as such during the festival. Trust me, no matter how many times you repeat yourself, they will never stop doing so. Even now, I have ponies calling me "your majesty" when I am out and about. Luckily, most of the time Luna and I are left alone in public, but there is always that one who insists upon making a conversation. That is another reason why we love Silver Shoals so much. While there are parts of the islands that are for tourists, most of the residents are of the elderly and retired, much like ourselves, and understand that in our daily lives, we wish to have our peace and quiet.
If your duties ever become too stressful, remember that our doors are always open to welcome you. Luna also knows a spell to help you sleep like a log. Take my word for it, it's amazing after a stressful day.
We hope to see you again soon.
