How's Life Been Treating You?

by nitelight

The First

Dearest Twilight,

It seems that Celestia has finally calmed herself down after her initial "honeymoon" phase, as they say. She's been out constantly ever since she figured out that she has free will and doesn't have to tell anyone where she's headed off to. Of course, this doesn't stop her from telling me anyway. If she can't catch me awake, she'll leave me a whole letter describing her whole planned day. In that regard, you remind me a lot of her.
I am not writing to you simply to rant off about my sister's antics. She is currently taking a very well deserved nap, so I am able to write to you for the first time since we have left Canterlot. I am certain that Celestia has been descriptive in her writings to you and that I do not have to explain everything that has happened in these few weeks.
But I shall anyway.
As you may know, my sister has always been full of energy with such a free spirit that rivals those I see in the realm of dreams. In the first few days, she went about exploring the land on which we now live, telling me of all the sights she has found and bringing back quite the strange findings to show me with enthusiasm. She likes to spend her days on the beach enjoying her sun; an act she never much got the time to do during her rule of the land.
As for myself, I am still having a struggle to change my sleep schedule to be diurnal. I very much dislike sleeping through the night that I hold so dear, but doing so I will be able to experience more things that I have so wished to see since my return.
Though I do have to admit, although it is enjoyable to have this much time to relax, I believe that we are realizing that we have more time on our hands than what initially was presented. I fear we may go through our activities too quickly and get bored with our time. Perhaps we shall start taking the days as they come.
But I shall not get into the small details of our woes. I am sure that you have enough of those on your own. And that is why I must ask; how has life been treating you? I understand that we shortsightedly threw this position onto you without a lot of thought to your mental health. Even with the extra time that you were given, I know that going simply from Celestia's student to ruler of the country in a few years is much to take on.
From personal experience, it took some time getting used to. Although where Celestia and I only had each other in the birth of a new country, you have your friends to help you with any decisions you may have trouble facing. I dare say it is already better than our first model of ruling.
When first starting out, we were undoubtedly just as inexperienced and confused as you may be now. Of course Equestria is much more built up and unified than it was then. I hope you never have to face that kind of unification process in the future.
It has been nearly a month since then, so I do understand that everything is still new to you, and still may take time to fully get accustomed to this way of life. But take my advice as you will, ask for help when you need so. Those who work at the castle are there to do just that, to help with any daily task that you do not have the time to spend on.
I will admit this was especially difficult to wrap my head around at times and was nearly kicked out of the kitchens on multiple occasions for trying to feed myself and not wanting to bother anyone. I swear the cooks would have bitten me if I were not royalty. They are very passionate of their work, so please try to indulge whenever they present you a meal they are proud of.
As always, we are very proud of you, Twilight, and know that you will do many great things for the country as time goes towards the future. To be frank, we're both quite nosey and have been following up with some of the gossip in Canterlot in relations to what your plans are. (If you want unfiltered opinions of the nobles on such political matters, we found a source that we will attach that provides such a resource. As I mentioned, we Celestia is very nosey).
I beg to fear that though we are retired, old habits die hard, and we're likely to continue following up on such events in the future. This is in warning to expect many, possibly confusing, out of the blue letters from my sister or I.
We are much looking forward to the treaties with Equestria's neighboring kingdoms. Even with our rule and balance, we see that your bringing of harmony over the years has spread to lands further than our boarders reach.
I have enjoyed watching you grow throughout the years that I have known you, and I am forever eternally grateful for all that you have done for me. And I thank you, as I have, for looking after my sister in my absence and making sure that she had a companion and did not fall into despair. I hate that I was unable to be there for her all those years, and without you and your friends, I would not be here today. I do wish we had more time to truly talk with one another, but with our respective duties it was never an easy feat. I hope in the future that will change, even if in the form of letters.
Speaking of, I have read some of the letters you sent Celestia over the years about what you have learned through your experiences with your friends. Initially, she thought they would help me to understand how ponies interacted in this new age, and that they did. But they also made me feel like I knew you personally and helped me to loosen out of my old ways.
This type of integration has also helped me connect with Stygian more as well. We have a certain thing in common that brings us close, something that no one lese quite understands. Him, as well as the other pillars, I have helped in some ways to blend in with society as it runs today. Starswirl, of course, still tries to treat us like fillies on occasion. It's refreshing, almost, to not be treated in such a way that I am sure you will come to recognize by your subjects.
Being a regular citizen after so long is like a breath of fresh air, and something that I would wish upon anyone. It feels almost if I have become free of my burdens. Of course, I still have Tia hanging off of me, but she is more positive baggage. Though I suppose I am more "luggage" since she tends to drag me around like a child in a candy store when going off on one of her adventures. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has had to suffer her enthusiasm. She reminds me of your friend Pinkie Pie; and Starswirl when he was a bit younger.
I shall bring this to a close, now. Enough with my ranting on. Please, and I say this with a light heart, feel free to ask us for advice may you need it. We have over a millennium of experience in running a kingdom and getting political with foreign nations. We will do our best to help with any concerns you may have.
And of course, visit us here in Silver Shoals when you have the chance. Celestia and myself would love to see you again once you get settled and want some reprieve from royal life. Politics can be quite draining.

Your Friend,

P.S. Celestia has forbidden me from specifically saying what, but she has a surprise for you the next time you meet face to face. She seems very excited about it and I would hate to ruin it for her.